HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-09-30, Page 22ecairdirltt! ve `fit et y
;ale. i been a mosI
4ceF tul , gene.
1penny sale exec
recusof it
lienors.e supporters and''w+1
-very sincere'an+ wei1 It
a y
Irani the Auxii18;7.
els n vies, President
Wb0 was away
uddenly one year' Org ,
his life was earnest, his actions
A gerteneuschand,, and an active
Anxious to please. loath to offend.
A loving brother and faithful
l iway s remembered and sadly
maisscd by sister Lynda, brolther
in -faun Bob and niece Michelle.
WISE - We would like to express
our thsn and appreciation to all
our family 04 frier t'er cards,
flowers and gifts while we were
PatienLondon Cindy. andin St.phs Jaime Wise.
BALI. - I wish to thank my friends
arkd neighbours for remembearing.
.my 92nd birthday, also my family
for the lovely dinner on Sunday.
Norman Ball. —40x,
Bat p
�e F`Is it
Bows, in hes ye emi oy
from work ie Sly= can rem"I be t itf
times working forte •
1'M lier's visit she said It's been .an upset for everybody
and tis are under pressure - the: time cow, (News-
o pl ata)
HAW To our relatives, neigh -
hours, friends also to Rev. 3. and
Mrs. Reddoch, Dr. Shepherd,
members of LUL No. 24, Lions
and Lioness Clubs, UCW of St.
Andrews United Church. Editor
and staff of Clinton News -Record.
Sr. Citizens. • Ever Young
organization, Ball Funeral
Home, we extend our sincerest
thanks for cards. letters, flowers.
memorial donations and all
expressions of sympathy and
comfort during our recent sudden
bereavement. The many acts of
kindness of all will always be
remembered. Nina, Don and
Marilyn. Doug. and Dawna.--4Onc
By Diane Black
School begins
School began on Tuesday
September 7 this year with an
enrolment 01432$ pule=
This years new teachers
include: Miss Bennett, grade
four an'+d music. Mrs. Cooke,
grade five, physical
education, art, health and
guidance, Mr. 'Willson, grade
eight, physical education, and
mathematics, Mr. Gingerich
power learning and Mrs.
Mahn is our new secretary.
Again this year the grade 7
and 8 classes are taking in-
dustrial arts and home
economics in Seaforth.
Home economics which
involves the girls, is taught by
Mrs. I. Mathers. In these
classes, the girls learn
macrame, sewing, em-
broidery and cooking.
Industrial arts, for the boys
is taught by Mr. K. -Snell. In
Please note that the Ann al
General Meeting for
election .of Directors to the
Vanastra Community
Association has been changed
from Friday, October 29th to
Friday, November 5th, 1976.
The reason for this date
change is that the "Vanastra
Organ Fund Committee" is
holding a dance on October
29th to raise funds for an
Organ for the Church. They
approached the Association to
see if they could have the
recreation hall where the
Annual General Meeting was
to be held.
In view of the fact that it is
for such a worthwhile cause,
the Association deferred their
meeting till November 5th,
these classesthe boys learn 1976.
metal, plastic and wood-
working. The lessons are
every Tuesday at Seaforth
Public School.
Pfehe beech.
#ddrcol labels. *rust
It Murphs:
ms's Geroge, $t0 go voucher, Dirs.
Gi ; Efigh Azn lir ram•,
Ora, Mid trimmest, Julie Telt;
BUSIZOISIS Mme. sedan calculator.
Ursa Don. Via,; tertie vu Auto Wreckers.
case of Pepsi. eta. Murray McLeod. 4 cans
subject and anyone Wishing to
obtain more informat ►n or
state their feelings should.
contact Ben Bridges at 482-
Grade $
field trip
On Wednesday Sept. 15 Mr.
„Riley's grade 6 class and Mr.
Gingerich's Power Learning
plass went to London's
Western Fair.
They saw numerous farm
animals as a part of their
science studies and each
pupil had an assignment
sheet to complete.
They also saw the grand-
stand show featuring the
Golden Helmets, the Volanti
Brothers and the Irish
Newcomers and enjoyed
some rides on the midway.
You will be pieasatttiy surprised
with the many changes now in effect
in our newly redecorated dining
room. Won't you loin us this
weekend in
B.B.Q. tickets
There are only a few tickets
remaining for the steak
B.B.Q. to be held Friday, Oct.
lst , at the Vanastra
Recreation Centre.
Anyone who does not have
their ticket as yet should call
Pat Bridges at 482-7910 in
order that you don't miss out
on this great evening.
Membership dues
'«.. Merits
llaYtcr; tot., Me uti.
NW. St pl.
sail -
been. . � ht. Mott;
Crown, �;Tom,t,oy s t� .
Steven Paterson; metes hockey skid(, Bad
Imes; Hem°s Drug Stam. t
Mrs. Murray 14 ; S.S. 4 ConurontitY
Club. teddy a'
b, Kirstia Hit; floral
aw Dorothy Mach; K. O. Cocke
Florist, Japs Ash. Betty Scratch;
Ray's Shoe Stare. cart and c.rbs. Lloyd'
Witch; Honunel's Feed Store. 25 ib. dog
food. Frank McGregor: Korner Recreation.
tape. Banda Richt.
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food will
hold meetings across the province on Monday,
October 4. to receive views on farm income
Interested individuals are invited to participate in
any one of the following meetings:
In order that you may vote
at the Annual General
Meeting on November 5th, The Magic Circle United
membership dues of $10 per
family household must be Church Women met in
paid on , or before Nov, 5th, parlor of the Wesley -
1976. Memberships will be Church Tuesday, Sept. 21, for
granted at the door on the their monthly meeting Murch,
evening of the meeting. Their leader, Mary Mund
Nominations for the chaired the meeting Ba
Directors of the Community opened with. a reading:
Association must be received Stewart and Margaret Their
by midnight, October 5th, were in charge.
1976. devotionals theme was "fault
finding." Billie gave a
- Fire unit training reading called Maturity and
another talk on "fault fin -
The first training session of ding, which stressed how
the fire unit Vas held Thur- w dangerous
tacl� develops -friend-,
sday. Sept. 23rd, 1976, at. theho
Vanastra Recreation Centre. ships. Cole read a Psalm,
A program of courses' has Marg Pn salm,
been set out and will continue led in prayer and a hyla
to be held every Thursday sung. The minutes of the June
evening at 7 pm. at the meeting were read by Helen
Recreation Centre in the Day Davies. After the offering,
Care section. All those in- roll call was answered with a
terested are urged to attend highlight of the summer•
these meetings. Howey 'Treasurer Florence Oliver
Langan is the Training read her report and social
Instructor. convenor Gretta Nediger
reported that two luncheons
had been catered to during
the summer and a wedding
reception would be catered to
in October.
The Thankoffering speaker
Morris Francis
and will be. in the Wesley
Change of school boundaries
Most everyone has received
notice of the upcoming
meeting with respect to the
changing of schools for the
children in Vanastra.
The Vanastra Community
Association has been invited
to give their views on this
The way things are
nowadays. a book on How to
Be Happy Without Money
costs ten dollars.
is to be Rev.
Willis church at 7:30 p.m..
Oct. 17. Visiting convenor,
Adelle Jervis, reported 31
home calls and 25 hospital
calls had been made by the
group. Supply convenor,
Marg Cole, reported a bale of
15 cartons had been sent to
the Good Will in London. Jane
Davidson had been gi
clothing to send to India nd
the group paid the mailing
charge. The Penny Dinner
will be in November.
Useful materials to make
bazaar items are to be left at
the home a Akira Kemp on
King Street. Small items for
the children's corner are
especially needed and con-
venor, Florence Oliver, told
about a delightful puppet
show planned to entertain
children while their parents
Mary Murch.
introduced Mrs. Nancy Wise,
who had attended a leader-
ship training course at Alma
College in August and had
come to share her ex-
periences with the group. She
was thanked by Billie
Stewart. Billie and Marg
served refreshments.
Ridgetown College oi,,
Agricultural Technology,
Livestock Pavilion
Market Annex
Grey Highlands
Secondary School,
Markham Arena Hall
Highways 48 and 7
Ministry of
and Food
Distract High School
Ranney Street
Zion Memorial United
Church Hall.
37 Franklin Street
Kemptville College of
Agricultural Technology.
Engineering Budding
New Liskeard Collage of
Agricultural Techrnology,
Hon Witham G Newman
R G Bennett
Deputy Mhntster
Take advantage of the 1975 price The Lord
Simco:' is matntatneng the price on the 2 ntte special
in the face of rising costs.
Vanastra Park- Clinton, Ontario
When you buy a
bucket or barrel at
the regular price,
you get
16 fl. oz. of
Creamy Cole Slaw
Bratty and try our expanded menu: ,, w...�........
l"riNi"k+liy� I Clip out this cower and bring it
I along tray Sunday. It's worth 25c I
l Casser i discdlt for every adult in your 1
rriir' iRiYl.«.r..W.wM..•sir,.wn+w.►r wa.wwr
• modern guest room for 2 nights
4 dinner one evening at the famous Captain's Table
including a welcoming refreshment
• breakfast each morning
• free ovt*trntght parking (from 6 00 p.m to 8 30 am
only ranch day)
E AS opus As Afe1K:'s1"11 DINNERWANT. 2 644
l xBTC. 'r AL- COiaa 'C
subject to advance registration
and you can stay an extra night
for only $2300 double
See your travel agent or reserve direct.
The Lord $irncoa Hotel, 150 King St. West. Toronto
Tei: ( 416) 362.1848