Clinton News-Record, 1976-09-30, Page 21BYERS U PR0 ,,'ERY'^ Wit will rebuild, re-cover of re -style Your old furniture. Top qualitY fabrics and woritroar4iP. Coll 48"a-79939, 71 Princess. St, .. Clin+ day: Oct. ....,!warp c.7 the4 E1$of Ari, "t+ u'. Exand the OA `W.. HENSALL. SIDING - siding. soffit, and facia, door and window fames. a 'estroughiag- Fe estimates.. Phone Z62: 3.,---3Stf ONE DAY COLOUR FILM PROCESSING RoM Ivu RNER RE i EATk N i3C ISAAC $11 (-LINTOi y*� E,P R' types#. 0 Ar 1014ther Antique;_ ►. French. Etc. • G+lallsi' oo Chime Clocks Wilt pick up and deliver. Trade work accepted. •T* HOLEIAD ReSi.nce 482.375 + Commercial and Residential Renovations. + Custom -Built Homes For free Estimates. call ERIK CI4RISTENSEN We have been requested by the proprietors Mr. and Mrs. WrayBerger to selr by public auction a 20 year collection of entiq - Held at the home, 140 Trinity St. Stratford on Sat. Oct. 16 at 10:30 a.m. and Sunday. Oct. *Let 1Z:34p.m. Term - Cash No Reserve Proprietors moving to Arizona JANITORIAL SERVICE Offering a complete In- dhstrial, and commi'rciai service backed by 12 years experience. References can be• supplied. CONTACT: MEL STEAD EAVE$TROU HING ERICA or BLOCK CHIMNEYS ci d METAL WORK MOOR 482-9706 MCD—WESTERN PAVING Orivewalys. Parking latss.R*Pairs JACK'S TEXACO & CAR WASH Huron Rd. 524.7744 imagliamiloaaaminsnoilmora CUSTOM KILLING AND PROOFING Rutcharin9 dsfrh--� Tuesday and .. Thu'rsdele TUESDAY—Beef FRIDAY -Blit Onty PICK- UP - SERVICE AVAILABLE Marne* Abattoir 2374314 Dastavood Auctioneers, Liquidators lZ� Clinton452-3120 are aur Business - of Tractor and Householdmites south f 5�r on. 4 Tuckersmith Twp., 1 mile east LAKEVIEW SALES A SERVICE t us mite North, ' •7 mile East of Carlow and 7 mines North East of Goderich. Ontario. Canada. Consignments Weicome Telephone Lakeview Sales A Service 5244451 Terms Cash Pick up can be arranged Lunch Booth on Grounds R.G. Gethke Gordon H. Brindley Richard Laub Auctioneers . Not resPortsibte'°fnr ateidtn1VdaYdIS*tt 1 P.M. ler OrvciI Grfser 'Ford 600 tractor. new in 'S5 - perfect condition; Bissell trail disc; 2 wheel hay wagon 14 ft. with 20 in. tires; 2 wheel trail with stock racks, good:; Troyer 6 it. snowblower; 5 hp. garden tiller. like new; tong ext. ladder; double blocks; quantity 01 used posts and luttlber; 50 steel posts; good stoneboat; emery; electric fencer; 400 bales last year's hay; shop cupboard; small ai tie -ie 'andtoO1$z i `:ate -x te, a tires on 24 in. rims; '56 Dodge 2 door car, good condition as is; '66 Dodge pickup truck as is; BB gun; 200 -new bricks; 115 building Weeks sl< in.; 35 building blocks a in. th blocks; Beach enamel coal and wood cookstove; M. H. 21 ft. freezer; laundry tubs; washing machine, small appliances; chesterfield suite; extension table; 4 ladder back chairs; space saver; kitchen cupboard and buffet, 4 chairs; 9 x 12 rug with 2 runners; wicker rocker. occasional chair! bed and dresser and washstand; small tables, lamps; trunks and quilts; ils is ass sealers, crocks, coal scuttle. copperboiler. Churn, 2 mail boxes, 3 barrels of chestnut coal and a quantity of wood quilting frames and clamps and many small articles. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE -- FARM iS SOLD Not responsible for accidents Farm machinery and tractor will be sold first Hector McNeil- Auctioneer Alvinston - eta -5330 ATHW „ at the location. 1 mile east of Grand Bend on Dry sink;•flat to wall; 2 Cherry Bonnet chests; tables; press back tonstoves; hanging nlaoil n lamps; Edison Ganapphonesand 150 records; large quantity glass and china. Terms - Cash Full Listing Next Week pe1„ty Sold No Reserve Proprietress - Mary Jane Mollard RATHWELL' $ AUCTION SER VICE AUCTIONEERS -LIQUIDATORS To beheld for Elwood Epps Sporting Goods, Clinton an Brucefietd .492-3120 Antiques Sales a Specialty with Rathwelt's ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Household furnitute and appliances and some antiques to `.ibe held at 193 Mary Street. Clinton for the estate of Jessie McKeever SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd Consisting of. all stock, office equipment and guns. 25 COLLECTIBLE GUNS - Approximately 20 new guns. older gun parts, ammunition and military pieces. STUFFED AND MOUNTED - small animals, birds. fish. deer and mooseheads. LARGE INVENTORY INCLUDES - Fishing equipment and supplies; archery equipment; hunting. fishing clothes and sportswear, ammunition; gun accessories, hockey. boating. and baseball equipment and many mere items. OFFICE EQUIPMENT - 2 Oak double pedestal desks; large Mahogany desk; office chairs, filingcabiiket. calculator. 4 fttce supplies; showcases, gun cabinets; portable bar. ECIUIPMENT - North Star twin. duplicating and carving Machine; portable air c0mprois'; 3 hp portable air con- ditioner. /S AUCTION SFRVICE AUCTIONEERS AND L1C1u10xtORs brYtlfte{dr'Ontario 482.31 fill tKQutoxtuONsaRE OUR BUSINESS at 1 P.M. Moffat square. model fridge; small Westinghouse chest freezer; Gilson electric stove; Beatty wringer',Mtnr (Mike new); vibrating recliner chair (nearly nevi); cedar chill, three piece bedroom suite; hospital bed; pressback rocker; antique desk; hall tree; entiqu a chairs; odd tablas: trunks; small fridge; chesta bed; floor and to lamps; old kitchen cabinet; chrome table anouurrl to rs kiicn c table; card table and folding chairs (like )fences; is and pans; coffee and end tables; black and white TV. dishes anda antique pieces; Lawn 4latswarir Including xilm !ley lawn mower; some hand and garden tools .pars a good offering of Many items not listed. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE RICHARD LOBE • AUCTIONEERS R.G. GETHKE CLINTON 1Ti)t: BORNHOLM Auttioneers or estate not responsible for accidents day of tale. HURON PiNES "Construction Service Centre" 482--7101- CLINTON geetricel Wiring Pole Line Construction Genre Contracting . — Excavating Back Hoe and Dozer Services — Trencher Service up to 14" 'eBoring S,eriice nd. Gravel. Topsoil 2ttn tf Need extra copies of letters, dements, etc.? Let the Clinton News -Record 53 ALBERT ST. 482.3443 make them for you. SINGLE COPIES... 2 Sc ea• 10-20 COPIES... 20c ea. OVER 20 COPIES...1 Sc ea. WATER WELL DRI`LiNG W. D. HOPPER SONS FOUR- MODERN ROTARY-RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-08211 JIM: 527-0775 12. AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of 'Household Effects and Antiques for -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnigan and other con- signprtents at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. 21. one mile south of Goderich. Saturday. October 2 at 10:30 a.m. 21', Zenith -.colour television; china cabinet; 3 bookcases; French Provincial chester- field and chair; studio couch; 3 pce. Modern bedroom suite; 49" . be. with bookcase headboard; single bed; roll- attay bed; Victorian dreeller; high -boy chest of drawers; its; dresser; commode; 7 pressed back chairs; corner whatnot; chime mantel dock; hall tree; hall table; small tables; small chrome table; pedestal flower .. standS;° platform rocker; reclining' rocker; arm chairs; rocking chairs 2 Victer$an side chairs; modern floral hanging lamp; swag lamp; 30 table and floor lamps; Kelvinator fridge; electric Stove; humidifier: vacuum cleaners Westinghouse wringer Water; 2 record play • Kenmore deep -fryer; dlshe$1 Irames; totals; sealers; quantrtti of fleWers; flovAr pots, exercise, bike; weightliftingsalt, EAi;•. vrden mors etc. etc. Terlrnt - cast WA* Sall wrinring% BO—,CEN CARPENTRY For + CUSTOM BUILT HOMES + RENOVATIONS + ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN R.R. 2 CLINTON —Phone 5244029 40 hole Wyk* lIfiscB pen. 482-74011 Ovoid Tyndell C$ntO t l5eowar 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GLADYS ETTA GOURLEY. late of the Township of Hallett in the County of Huron. Widow. deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 10th day of August. 1976, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October. 1976. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 8thlay of September. ENZIES, ROSS Clinton. Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 38.39.40. tf CARPENTRY CABINET MAKING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Jay Fisher Enterprises BOX 76 - BAYFIELD 565-2535 tf GARRY BANNON for Painting. Decorating. Paperhanging, • Stripping. Staining and Refinishing. Dry wall. taping etc. Interior and Exterior Free Estimates PHONE 527-1582 Seaforlh after 6 p.m. AS, P MOM �r x177 THE LEGAL A0 OEM WILL 5E LOCATED AT 44 NORTH STRUT GOMEHMH 5244612 IN THE SURROGATE CQ!URT OF THE malty OF HURON IN THE MATTER OF the Guardianship of the intent children of Kenneth William Colquhoun and Jean Colquhoun, both deceased. that an NOTICE is hereby given application will be made to the presiding Judge in Chambers at the Court House. Goderich. Ontario. on Tuesday. the 12th aay of October. 1976. at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the Motion can be heard for Letters of Guar- dianship on behalf of: 1. Mary Jean Beattie for the guardianship of KELLY LYNN COLQUHOUN. 2. Kenneth Laurie Colquhoun for the guardianship of SHELLEY ANN COLQUHOUN. DATED at Clinton. 'Ontario. this 15th day of September. 1976. -MENZI€S. ROSS Barristers. etc.. Clinton. Ontario. 39.40.41 IN THE ESTATE OF HELEN IDA LORENE FAIRBORN, late of the City of London. in the County of Middlesex. Deceased. CREDITORS and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 16th day of October, 1976 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. having regard only to claims that have been received. BATES, AITKEN, 699 Cranbrook Road, London., Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 40,41.42 -LOST - Male German Shepherd 5 miles north of Clinton. vicinity of Baseline Ind. to Auburn. Phone 482-9915. —40x LOST - Two large dogs, one black. one spotted. Anyone who has seen either please phone 482- 9960 after 6 p.m.—40tfnc IN THE ESTATE OF MAR- JORIE MacLEOD, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF Bayfield, in the County of Huron. ALL - persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 19th day of August. 1976. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of November. 1976. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario. this 22nd day of SD. . 1976. GERALD HILTZ. Barrister & Solicitor. 56 Huron Street. C LI NTON . Ontario, Solicitor for the Adm inistratrix 40.41.42 15. PUBLIC NOTICE 1 WILL not be responsible f or any debts incurred by my e Grace Logtenberg after this' date. September 30. 1976. Gerrit Logtenberg. RR 5. Clinton. ---40.41.42 20. TO GIVE AWAY COLLIE puppies. mother pure border collie. to give away to a good home. Phone 482.9122. —40.41 ONE pure bred Scotch collie female. spayed to give away to a good farm home. Four years old. Phone after 6:00. 482-3131. --40 Notice Ali Resting Car Owners Join national group taking legal action to recover losses from Ford, G.M.C. Chrysler - Write Rust Grovp Box 144, Station N. New Toronto 14, Ont. 21. BIRTHS SCOTT - Ken and Laura of Blyth are happy to announce the bath of their daughter. Christie Jean. on Monday. September 20. 1976 at Seaforth Community Hospital. A sister for Billy Jim. —40 . 1RW IN - John and Jan are happy to announce the birth of their son Mark Andrew. on August 25. 1976 at Henderson Hospital, Hamilton. Ontario. First grandson for. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Irwin. Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barker. London. Ont. —40x COLQUHOUN - Chastity is happy to announce the arrival of her baby brother. Kenneth Carter. born Thursday. September 23. 1976 weighing 7 lb. 12 oz. at Clinton Public Hospital. Proud parents are Danny and Vicki. —40 TRICK - William Trick and family are pleased to report the birth of a second son on Sep- tember 20. 1976 at Clinton Public Hospital. The little man weighed in at 11 lb. 2 oz. Thanks mom! --40 WISE - Rob and Cindy are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Jamie Angela. on September 12, 1976 at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. —40 Tie HIM (peaty Board of Edreatiow invites the RATEPAYERS OF TUCKERSMITH IL STANLEY TOWNSHIPS to a Mooting in Nees School so WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 at 8:00 p.m. DJ. COCHRANE DIRECTOR > F E A for the pure of discussing propos schowaf Wender/ chaff N, TI7M4l HE