HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-09-30, Page 12�. Utiver
meditation u
Sxven b
ai:z• cereal
cath . Grangeed lied ver
Mrs. �� in- sampl
trod'uced the guest Speaker, porridge. Anita Hallam
'the gtesitnt Mrs. UleanOr Mrs. P. Pentland
who gave demonstrated how tO Make
for the an inspiring talk , en dogwoods aid
son with the
gan.wlttthe Citizetship•rs. Donald bee?; and Linda Cunningham
►1gl:r' Q4!►°y Stewartwi
hues thanked the speaker shaped them. Allt,et'nbe
anada with
jt end 0 Cand presented her, th a gift.. then sampled them. The
Jackson at Mrs. Haines concluded the
meeting was closed with the
piano. The minutes were service, ice. 4H notto,
braved as read by the Mrs. Jack Armstrong, vice- Memorial ill Board
ecreta.ry Mrs. Donal, president, presided for the Tie Auburn Community
Usines, business portion. The minutes Memorial Hall Board tnet
M. Donald Cartwright were approved as read by the last week with thechairman,
e on the quilt b ck the secretary Mrs. Thomas James Glousher presiding.
gco ill jl
trill Arden, whicix had Jardin. Reports were The minutes of the previous Gerald McDowell and Mrs. nationalHuron South Ploughing Match at the eat
Metric t Fred Armstrong.
ugpd,e 00 00 saleat the received from the treasurer, [nearing were accepted as
Inter -
Lee Homestead. She supply, kitchen and flower read by the.secretary Mrs. Mrs. Albert McFarlane Walkerton this Saturday.
fir +� . visited last week in Lambeth Mr. and Mrs. George
a re ort that there were convenors. Plans were made Donald Haines.
13 g irls in their 4-- sur. Mrs. for a Variety Concert to be It was decided to hold a with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Disney of St. Clair Shores
� HC
'Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. presented in the Auburn dance on November 13 with HDarnl oberd�•sMr. and Mrs. visited
r tedd Nast Thomas noggin
'ThomasJardin were ap- Community Memorial hall Mr. Egbert Jacobs supplying Week-endguestswith Mr. and visited other friends in
pointed delegates to the later this fall. A work meeting the music forsquare dancing, Tand Mrs.. Donald Cartwrigttt,� the village.
Al RallY to be held on was planned for October 27 waltzes and fox trots.Derrickoland Lorie Miss Lorraine Chamney.
Qctixb+�>r �'T,ia_ahurctod. when donated quilt tops will admission to be 55.00 per David,
Mrs. Velma Fraser of the librarian of Auburn
An invitation to attend be quilted and the bale couple and lunch supe Library has announced that
Sask. Mr. Milton b
Belgrave W.1- was accepted packed. 'It was decided to raise the Saskatoon. the craft classes held cast
for r October 19 and Mrs. Permission was granted to price of rent for stag parties Rueger of Calgary, Alberta,
Haggittreported on the Auburn Recreational Com- and plans were started for a Carol oflR�R. 2 Clinton.r and month children�sf successful
Pmittee to use the church New Years party. I she
had attended.
ei de meeting
s e had atteetded. � at St. fridge as requested. The Memorial donations were St. Clair Shores. French Michigan. stitches. finger puppets. sea
Presbyterial date is October 5 received and plans were. Sisited last Sunday with her shell centrepieces and one
Augustine.eto en were made y
sea -
to cater to the banquet at in Nile United Church. Mrs. made to re -do the table tops in sister, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt day made atom -tom and a
October 6 and. the St. Jean thanked the ladies the hall.
and Mr Haggitt. drum. Lorraine is attending
with °qtr. and . Mrs Dun
*►}}}(_kt'p., "edi and Brooke
Mr. Bert Coleman of
ondon visited over the
weekend with his mother
Mrs. Gladys Coleman and
brother Ivan.
Mr. Ian Johnston of Exeter
conducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on
Sunday. Holy Communion
will be celebrated onOctober
$ d at 11:30 with Rev. v.
Jarvis in charge,
At Sheldon of Goderich, left received •a cert cate for a
suit and shirt from Gerd Herman, -atter his nu. • aer was
drawn at the Clinton Raceway last Sunday. (News-
Record photo)
noon an
kitchen convenor will be Mrs. for the warm welcome they
Donald Haines and the had received and asked for
dining rlHm will be convened continued help in getting
by Mrs. Leonard Archam- acquainted and offered to
bault and Mrs. Eleanor help in any way she could.
Bradnock.• Thanks was ex- The meeting was closed
tended to Mr. Donald Haines with the mizpah benediction,
for making the garbage box lunch and a fellowship hour
d 10.00:W_as voted to go for followed.
Hallowe'en party and anyone Anglican Church Women
wishing to help with the The St. Mark's ember Anglican Church
contests endgames.
The card report was given Women was held at the home
by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell of Mrs. Ed Davies last
• .d she read the thank -you Thursday afternoon. There
notes which she had received. was a good attendance in -
• The roll call was answered by eluding a Blyth member.
naming a famous Mother. Mrs.. Davies opened the
The collection was taken by meeting. A chapter from the
Karen Plunkett and Lorie scriptures was read by Mrs.
Armstrong. It was decided to John Daer and Mrs: Ian Clark
invite Londesboro, Blyth and gave a reading - "A day of
Tiger Dunlop to the October Quietude".
to the
Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer there was no Bible study.
presided for the program. Mrs• Robert Slater gave` a
Mrs. Oliver Anderson had a paper on Matthew, the tax
list of articles and if you had collector.
them in your purse you were The business portion of the
° the winner, Mrs. Larry meeting was taken by the
Johnston was the winner. president Mrs. Robert Slater.
Mrs. Ed Davies gave a cake The roll call was answered by
contest and Mrs. Donald reading a Bible verse with the
Haines was the winner. A words "Apostle Matthew" in
sing -song and rounds was led it. The travelling apron
by Mrs. Haines with Mrs. received a penny for each
Catherine Jackson at the letter in "Fair Waved the
piano. Golden Corn". The minutes of
Mrs. Maurice Bean gave a the August meeting were
• reading on Mother Shipton's accepted as read by the
dhn Drier.
in 186 and then secretary
statement was
ea• ch person was to prophesy The financial
what changes there would be given by the treasurer Mrs.
in 10 years time. Mrs. Orval Thomas was annout.
nced that the
Free was the winner with the Fall Deanery, meeting • prophecy. The youngest will be
mother prize went to Mrs. held on November 17. Anyone
Fred Armstrong and the interested in going should
oldest grandmother present contact Mrs. Slater. The
was Mrs. Elva Straughan. meeting was closed and a
Unitedchurch Women lunch served by Mrs. Davies
The general meeting of the assisted by Mrs. Thomas
United Church Women of Lawlor.
Knox United Church was held Auburn 4-11 Club
in. the Sunday school room of The second meeting, of the
the church on Wednesday Auburn 4-H club was held on
evening Septepber 22. Mrs, September 2.0 at 7:00 p.m. at
Donald Haines, Unit 2 leader, the home of Mrs. Donald
was in charge and opened the Cartwright. The president
meeting with the call to Sherry Verbeek opened the
worship and the hymn. c meeting with the 4-H pledge.
Social News
Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Flanshawe College to contirme
Reick of Kitchener spent last McNall of Welland visited her Library course.
Saturday with- Mrs.. William lass Sunday with Mr. and Miss Trudy Machan is
Straughan. Mr. Howard Mrs. Thomas Johnston and attending Fanshawe College
Adams of .Toronto who had Miss Laura Phillips. and is enrolled in the Interior
been visiting here returned Mr. and Mrs. Major Decorating course.
home with his sister, and her Youngblut, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Yvonne Bean is at-
husband. Thomas Johnston, Miss tending Alma College St.
Plans are being finalized Laura Phillips and Mrs.' Elsie Thomas and visited the
for the pot -luck banquet at Scott attended the 40111 week -end with her its
6:30 p.m. for the Auburn wedding anniversary . open Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bt.,
Softball players and their house held for Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs." Ken' `h
families on Thursday October Edgar Howatt at Westfield. Haggitt, Greg, Rich. end
7. Each family is asked to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donald of Bramalea -.vent
bring a dish for main course Jardin. Michael and Daryl of last week -end with his
and a dessert. Meat, rolls, Belgrave visited last Sunday parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
coffee, tea. dishes and silver with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Haggitt and attended the
will be provided. Thomas Jardin. Roebuck -Brown wedding in
Mrs. Ernie Nibiock is home Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goderich. •
after a three weeks' tour in Cartwright and Lorie visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wagner
Europe. ' , last Sunday , with Mr. and of Solon, Ohio returned home
Miss Darlene Coulter was Mrs. William Benson. Denise, last Week after visiting with
guest of honour last week Michelle, Trent and David at his sisters, . Misses Ella,
w ,en Mrs. Jack Armstrong Palmerston. Minnie and Laura Wagner
' ► bridal shower. This Mrs Earl Allison k and otherrelatives.
guests were welcomed by Goderich visited her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Armstrong assisted by Mr. CChartes Beadle and her Gagnor of Toronto and Mr.
Mrs. Gerald McDowell and aunt, Mrs. Elva Straughan and Mrs. James Leonard,
Mrs. ' Fred Armstrong. A last Friday. Keith and Christine of
program of contests were Guests last week one day Markham spent the week -end
enjoyed with winners being with
Mr. and
d Mrs.MisTho to HHamiltoas with n . and Mrs. Ben
Darlene Coultes, Mrs. Gerald Johnston
McDowell and Mrs. Joyce Philips were Robert Young,
Miller as the winners. Mrs. Stratford, Miss Ferne
Gerald McDowell gave two Symington' Miss Hilda -
readings - The kick under the Meyrick of Toronto and Mrs.
table and To the Bride. The Cora Buchanan Goderich.
bride seated in a decorated
chair was presented with a returned back to British
corsage and gifts. Her Columbia after visiting with
mother, Mrs. Ronald Coultes his parents Mr. and Mrs.
assisted Darlene in opening Elmer Trommer and sister E E L t E Y
the gifts. Darlene thanked Miss Connie Trommer. Ger, tvf+riangs
everyone for their gifts and , Mr. Ed Davies, Mr. Court THE MA t. t<
invited all to her trousseau Harold CartBeT and lira Alex
, Mr.
tea. A lunch was served by
Mrs. Armstrong assisted by Boa both of Goderich Wiil
Mrs. William Seers. Mrs, represent Huron North an
Mr, and Mrs. Austin
Wheeler of Detroit were
weekend visitors With Mrs
and Mrs. Edgar. Mum
Mr. and M.
and Carla $eafort
recently with Mrs,
parents Mr. and Mrs
Chiselhurst United Church
celebrated their 116th an-
niversary on Sunday with the
minister. Rev. Dan Beck
conducting the service. His
sermon was on "The
Challenge of God's Harvest".
Mrs. Grace Campbell and
Mrs. Ruth Townsend of the
Seaforth area were guests
and sang two numbers "0
Lord You Made The Rain-
bow" and "Nothing Is
A social hour followed in
the Sabbath School room.
Communion service will be
held next Sunday.
Try Diamonds
Fri Evenings
A member of the Clinton
Kinsmen Club, or a memb.el
of the Clinton Lions will be
knocking on Clintonians'
doors on Tuesday, October 5
or Tuesday October 12 to
canvassfor the Canadian
National Institute for the
The CNIB, a private agency
has developed 80 different
services in -rehabilitation and
preventionof blindness.
They provide mobility
training, recorded reading
materials, new kinds of
employment opportunities,
and senior citizen care.
Special electronic aids are
now becoming available.
These assist the blind person
to keep pace with his sighted
neighbours. Prevention of
blindness services, are also
financed from donor dollars.
A donation to the CNIB will
enable that agency to provide
even better services for the
Queepsway Happenings
Visitors to celebrate Mrs.
Vera Lammie's birthday last
Thursday were Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Dunn, Bob Lammie,
Jean Wright, Greta and Amy
Mrs. Pauline Jeffrey was
visited by Blanche Bechard;
Darlene Stumpf, Mr. and
Mrs. Clemance Jeffrey,
Edmund Jeffrey and Madge
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim McNaughton visited Mrs.
Ada Smillie.
Mrs. Louise Mitchell was
visited by her son Leslie and
Mr. and Mrs. Denroache,
Camp Borden.
Mary Jane Morkin visited
Neil Regan.
Visitors with Adeline
Taylor were Melba and
Brenda Walper; Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Taylor, Kitchener; Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Gibbings,
Summer Hilland gtandsoa
Murray Taylor ; Dianna
Weber and Eve Wilhelm,
Rev. Glenn Wright, Exeter
Friend of ours is such a
steady worker, he's prac-
tically motionless.
382 Oundes St
Woodstock. Ontario
Telephone 539-5601
out of town call collect
For vinyl tops • convertible tops • car upholst*ry
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CALL 5242i36 -
By . Shelby, Jantzen, Terry
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The All-new Chevrolets and oldsmobiles designed and engineered
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at our giant outdoor showroom, Thursday Sept. 38 and
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Arid, well seg Vail at the
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at the Clinton Arena, Friday. Oct. t
7-10 'p.m. Saturday Oct. 2 . 7-e p.m -
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MASTITIS 2- Shur -Gain's Dry
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While we use and recommend
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