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Clinton News-Record, 1976-09-30, Page 8
09. AA. tl• • (Custoraground Unto or porches* . not Worst 11 PREPARE- FOR THANKSGIVING EASY TO FREEZE FOR FUTURE USE °IMMO GROWN—FRESH DAILY—ENDIVE—ESCAROLE OR Romaine Lettuce 410,99? N0 1 SMALL—otnAmo—vetiow COOKING Cooking Onions ,o4bbag $EV*At COLOURS FOR. YOUR CHOICE don Violets 4" Pat A' totimtiotot 28.FL.OZ TIN *Es Pie fib ftib 1 A • 64.0.oz plasiie 61I ' VAlkatt.414StANIt t.404vristia SI 6** ettOICE MIXED VECtlAlttti Oft PEAS CAltit0 'S LIBBY ACTIONPAICEtit • 1414100Z VEGETA smne H CHUNKS. CRUSFatt, S IN OWN AIM full 8 inch 74t.oz pto 89' Dole Pineapple WHEAT 6 VARIETIES , pkg ei 5 Itmves, 1,25 Alpo Dog • .0, 1.51Z $111711FORD /11)01.39 Corned Beef ALt imintrbn 21b o1 .19 Robin Hood Flour 741) ba91 otHitit4A CAT kt. TOM gc St lender VttIes50994999 19;11,oz tiro 55je •n,3 for 1.00 12.•oz tits 99 • .19 lint to 1(011 Ktuows Rice Krispies ORANGE recce Salackt Tea Bags IPAOZEli taffies kes irrdt 17 -oz pkg 99F, pkg of 6011.09 woz pkg 9? V5 -*2 0973/ 440z ott19 • • • •