HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-09-23, Page 16, 1 - he Villager. aining ,some .he Oakland ehlgart, Mistier** at a Little inn t. Later at the ng, in the ibers, the ty, Members he Viliage of ._.Jwith a lovely frarned S4011. This Scroll received by Ed dleif$0a, Reeve of the lase and was preSented by Robert W. Page, County 0tnuniSaion ChairMart, •Oakland co4nty, Bi- centennial Commission. Mr. Pap was introduced by Mrs. Lois Lance of Lancets Antique Shop in Bayfield, who alSo resides in Oakland County Michigan. Mrs. Lance Workectiftogeether with Mrs. Milli** Erickson to arrange this honour for Bayfield. Mr. Page remarked about the _close bond between Canada and the United States. He said his family originated in Canada andl* were French Canadians, they moved to Michigan as many • Canadians have from time to time. He commented on the strong ties between Bayfield and the Oakland County area* ad that the border between aur two _ far better than between any two countries in the world. Benjamin „ Franklin mas IV, Co-ordinator for h -centennial Commission of ikland County presented to each COUncii Mtn, her thelli- Centenni Times" and congratulated them an the excellent Prier from the Clinton News -Record, on the Bayfield Centennial Edition. He also gave the Council a Bookiet signed by the people who live in Oakland County. Michigan but have a summer residence in the Bayfield area. •. Along with Mr. Page and Mr. Thomas were their wives, Donna E. Page, Jacqueline C. Thomas, and Mrs. Lois Lance, and they were each presented with the Bayfield Bugle Centennial Edition and a Centennial pen. Reeve Oddleifson responded with a thank -you to the group and added the desire that this friendship will continue over the years. Milvena Erickson, chairman of the Centennial Committee of Bayfield added her thanks and hoped their Bi -centennial Harvest Special• service old The seldom -used service of Evensong was sung by the Rector, the Rev. IV .1v1. Bennett and Trinity Choir, ux!der the leadership of Mr. Eflc Earl at Trinity Anglican Church last Sunday evening. The occasion was the of ficial visit of the Bishop df Huron, the Rt. Rev. T.D.B. Ragg, B.A., B.D,D.D., to the Parish of Trinity, Bayfield, and St. James, Middleton. The Bishop's staff bearer was Philip -Du Boulay. The first lesson was read by John Deeves. Rector's Warden, St. • James, • Midlleton. The second lesson was read by Harry Baker, People's Warden, Trinity, Bayfield. The Bishop . preached on "Renewal and Rededication" of Christian people. Following the service, a social hour was held in the Parish hall. arranged by • Trinity Guild and assisted by members of Trinity ACW Brig. Morgan Smith presented Bishop Ragg and Mrs. Ragg with. mementoes of Bayfield's Centennial year. lebration in October would be aStamesg. Bayfietd was the only Community to receive this friendship token Following tIUs, oiv Council members held their regular rneeting. One property owner was present to inquire about a road Into his property and was informed it is being taken care of. A letter was read to the effect that all retailers ayfield so MAO accept pop. bottles for easirlad after April lst 1978, only refillable containers will be available for oat drinks. Ontario Hydro asked permission to erect a Hydro le on Fry St. for a new cane being built there. it was granted. A letter was read from the OMB confirming the report received earlier that they found in favour of rezoning „:etter was also read from property owner, about :ending his present water systemeo More than the. present five homes. This was cussedat some length and will be looked into. Financial assistance has been secured from Wintario for the erecting of the new Public Library and plans are being completed for same. cid person Mr. gay Schell visited his the Stewart's honour in the daughter, Mrs. Effie Royal Canadian Legion Hall Freeman In Woodstock, in Kincardine. The bride's another daughter Mrs. Irene brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Jull in Burford and also and Mrs. Glen Sturgeon of 'called in Tillsonburg and Bayfield were also in at- Drumbo last Wednesday. tendance. Some excitement was Mrs., Stewart is the former caused last Wednesday Norma Sturgeon of Bayfield evening at the Senior and the couple were married Citizens' Apartment when a in Trinity Anglian Cbrurch, motor burned out and caused Bayfield on September 22, smoke to go through the 1951. ventilation system and set off Mr. and Mrs. Rob Irwin and the smoke detectors. There Robbie, London, visited was no damage and they were Saturday with his parents and most thankful it wasn't 'family and along with his serious. " Mr. and Mrs. H. Calvert of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Young. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barwick attended London Fair on Sunday. Our deepest sympathy is, extended to Mrs. Nina Haw and family in the loss of a dear husband and father. Mr. Delbert Haw passed away Wednesday morning, the funeral was held from the Ball Funeral Home in Clinton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Erickson were overnight guests Saturday until Sunday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart at RR 2 Ripley ; and -on Saturday 'night attended the 25th Wedding Anniver- sary Dance and Reception in sister Sandra and Bruce . Crump of South Carolina and Vernon and Danny Morrison, who have recently moved here from B.C., all enjoyed a delicious barbecue of Southern foods in the Erickson's back yard. Sandra and Bruce Crump. who have been with her parents and family, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Erickson, Andrew, Luanne and Lydia for the past ten days, returned to South Carolina on Monday. Friends of Mrs. Sadie Murney will be glad to hear that although she is still confined to Hospital, she is improving and expects to be released in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Talbot, Karen and Kathy Spent the weekend in Woodstock with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dunning, 'Sandra and al notes Jeff. Bill Talbot, Ronald Dunning --along with Ken Morrow from Drumlo and some other cousins enjoyed a fishing -trip. Mr. John Bigelow from Collingwood visited his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Cullen in Clinton a few days and attended the Bayfield Baptist Church, Friday night and Sunday. Miss Cecil McLeod of the Bluewater Rest 'Home, Zurich, a former resident of Bayfield, attended some ef the special services at Bayfield Baptist Church. Gentle reminders Members of the Trinity. Anglican Church are reminded that next Sunday is the Harvest Thanksgiving Service and they are asked to bring fruit. vegetables, canned goods, good clean used clothing etc. to be donated to the Goderich Children's. Aid Society. Would you please bring your donations to the Church Saturday morning. Also the Senior Citizens are reminded of their pot luck supper coming up September 30th at 6 p.m. at the Municipal Building. Li -- , U A, , cSaille ere' iitig.,''.64 specI --i-4-04-iii- gown Leman of the Oakland County, Michigan Blcentennlal COMMISsIon, left, presented Reeve. Ed Oddlelfson with A special deelaratlon of the county's affiliation with Bayfield village, which celebrated its Centennial this year. (photo by Janet Talbot) Retreat held at Camp Canby Beautiful Camp Canby. Hayfield, was the scene of much activity last weekend, as the South Huron Youth for Christ sponsored "Preparation '76", a retreat for high school -aged young people. The theme of the weekend centred around Christian living in high- school. The weekend was kicked off Friday night with a concert featuring 'Sweet Spirit' and -The Canadian Galileans"., both top Canadian Gospel Groups. The concert was well attended considering the weather situation. There were about 200 people present. The guest speaker for the weekend was Don Hill from London. Saturday and Sun- day he spoke about "What's going on?", "Who's -in Con- trol?". "What's with me?" and "What's all this anyway?". All the talks were very informative and left the Young People with lots to think about. Other area speakers who conducted workshops during the weekend were Rev. Bruce Pearce, who spoke on Devotions; Pastor Bruce Miller who spoke on Inter- school Fellowship; Ed Martin, who talked on Christian Apologetics, and Bruce Perry who presented a workshop on • Evolution versus Creation. South Huron Youth for Christ hopes that "Preparation *26" will become an annual affair, so prepare now for Preparations '77. "Do you have Christ as your personal Saviour?" This was the theme all through the special•Eva,ngelical Meetings held at Bayfield Baptist Church all last week. Rev. Fred Harrison from Detroit spoke at each service, on such topics as "Always having a Biblical answer when asked why you want to be a Christian, Making Decisions, especially the great decision for God's Salvation in your life. The Storm - stressing the verse - Carest Thou not that we perish? and assuring God cared enough to send His Son for our salvation and finally - Now! Now is the day of • Salvation, now is the time to be saved.' During the week Mrs. Muriel Snider presided at the Piano, with Mrs. Cathi Cullen as organist. Special music for the week was supplied by Mrs. Linda McCready and Mrs. Fay Hacon from Calvary Baptist Church Goderich, a duet. Also from that Church a duet, with guitars accompaniment by Mr. and Mrs. Den Brubacher, sang "I'm so glad to be part of the family of God". Mr. Frank Collar frem Wingliatn sang a solo "So preciOus s Jesus my King." Mrs. Muriel Snider favored with a piano solo "Medley of Hymns." Mrs. Cathi Cullen sang a solo "Through it an" and she and Mrs. Ann Chapman sang the duet "I found the answer.1 IF learned to pray." Each evening -there was a good crowd with over 100 there for the Friday night Service. There were people from Parkhill, Lucknow, W Ingham, Goderich, Clinton. Zurich, Hensall and Exeter Friday evening a fireside was enjoyed with lunch served by the Church women. They are very pleased to 'report the success of these services. and the blessings received by all who attended. There were four" adults who answered the altar call and accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Sunday Services at the Bayfield Baptist Church were well attended, the Pastor, Rev. Brian Harrison, con- tinued with the Salvation theme, taking his message from the 12th Chapter of St. Mark. John Bigelow fromr Collingwood joined his sister Mrs. Cathi Cullen in a lovely duet "I'm so glad I belong to the family of God." • ORDER NOW WHILE SUPPLIES ARE HIGH May we also suggest ANDERSQNSIERTILIZERS • for Higher Pr- ofit Yields GUN SALE WINCHESTER 96 12 GA. SKEET GUNS (101 WITHOUT ENGRAVING) WINCHESTER 101 12 GA. TRAP GUNS (REG. STOCK) REMINGTON 742 SEMI -AUTO, 308, 30-06 280 CAL. REMINGTON 760 PUMP ACTION 243, 308, 30-06.6 M.M. CAL. REMINGTON 1100 SEMI -AUTO 12 ga-2 we -FULL -PLAIN BARREL REMINGTON 1100 SEMI -AUTO 12 ga-23/4" - FULL -VENT RIB REMINGTON 1100 MAGNUM 12 ga-3"-FULL-PLAIN REMINGTON 1100 MAGNUM 12 ga.- - FULL -VENT RIB REMINGTON 870 AP PUMP ACTION 12 ga-30"-FULL-PLAIN ITHACA 300 XL SEMI -AUTO 12 ga-23/4"-IMP-CVL-PLAIN ITHACA 900XL SEMI -AUTO 12 ga-23/4"-FULL-VENT RIB • ITHACA 37 DELUXE (OR STD.) 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(20 ROUNDS) " 7.95 WINCHESTER - HERITAGE- AMMO 308; 30-06, 303 BR. 180 gre(20 ROUNDS) 9.90 REDFIELD& BUSHNELL SCOPES- RETAIL- LESS 20 PERCENT QUICK 330 N SPINNING REELS 59.95 ALGONQUIN BLACK STAG FISHING RODS 26.95 ALL OTHER FISHING EQUIPMENT IN STOCK - RETAIL - !..ESS 33 PERCENT REDDING 00 RELOADE41,1- INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL INCLUDES REDDING NEW - IMPROVED "C" PRESS, RAM AND PRIMER ARM, SHELL HOLDER, 100 PRIMERS, 1 CASE LUBE KIT AND 1 91.17 $59.00 RELOADING DIE SET (RIFLE OR HAND GUN) GOOD SUPPLY OF USED GUNS IN STOCK ALSO. WE SERVICE THE GUNS WE SELL. , 95.00 J.J.K. & L. $375.00 $495.00 S23900 $ 209.00 $245.00 $269.00 s265.00 $285.00 '139.5.5 '195.00 $245.00 '169.00 '499.00 '379.00 '229.00 $395.00 s 1 29.00 '159.00 '119.00 '139.00 '3.95 '59.00 '67.95 s4.95 '5.95 $29.00 '15.95 y - dines *My ono piece to boy. Ws coo son yes Money 1( J. , 0110 0 So. VirtORIAST.., IcINCARDINEDONTARth hiEW-USED-611YSELL-TRAIDE • Everything for the shooter. New Hews OPEN Wirekdayi V A.M. -, RM... Sot * A.M. - 6 P.M. &kik Kirkpatrick Prop. . Above priettopply to orthighl cosh Or swayed cheque and .........- • .1, W.... • f• • 0 •