HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-09-16, Page 2who netato„, salad wa .00 „ 1ff 1111, a v Pat* 0 L the meeting to C ubdivision in S 46,00.4. cantinnedfromp AnOr rest --1 4 ,sIty9nwrsspeP s 01 m. tinsh ip, juc i • andrgAgagejumping. tr FferdS a* former eigb- *rs gathered at tee home of an4 Mrs. I.arry Tones on September 4 to IN and Mrs Malt Edgar et Petrol* on the Occasion of their 25th wedding arilliversarY. + + + Mr. and Mrs. Les Pearson returned on Saturday from dmonton by CP Air after pending an enjoyable two eeks'ovacation with Mr. and rS. Everett Lobb and family. ,The 'plane trip was a tortietlf wedding anniversary gift from their four sons - Terry, Ron, Bob, (and their 'families), and Larry. + + + Dr. Alan Cbchrane of New York City returned recently from two weeks of travel in Africa. While in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, he attended a conference organized by the International Atomic Energy ency Techniques in the •preparation of Parasitic Vaccines. On the return trip to New N. York, he spent a few days in Lagos. Nigeria and in benefitted from another Monrovia, Liberia, on the teenager's honesty this past west coast of Africa. week. Although the identity of Dr. Cochrane, Assistant the bay who returned the Professor of Parasitology at calculator to the CHSS office New York University School is unknown, his honesty is of Medicine, is conducting most appreciated. of a malarial 'vaccinfe.mr and Happenings in and around Hensall research on the development Mrs. Harry Cochrane of Unit 4 of Hensall UCW + + • September in Clint.on synonymous with two events back to seboo tan4 the AMU! Seal VOW Sala *spOn- soFed by the members, of the OrnOn'S ituatilasY. Regarding .the 'latter, the "MOSteit tar your Money" will be on display in Clinton Town Hall commencifig Friday, September 17 from 10 am, Be sure and drop in to place your penny tickets - there are prizes to suit every taste. Drawing scheduled for Sat. Sept. 25 at 3 p.m. 4;0 the.!prcppertY whlch is still owned by. the towship until the " .17 is d the'trattstet 01 ownership takes„ 1he delegates questionedtheClerk and Reeve Arvin Sfllery, chairing the 4004 'meeting in the *absence of' Reeve Elgin ThoinpSOfl as to the legality of issuing .a building permit for property still owned by the public. The honsesareerectedbatnOtCOMPlete4, NO. Gates also challenged the council for selling tbe,property for 1 and offered to give...040001 $4000, fqr the two stret- ches of property. No comment was Made. by cOUncil'Mentbers. to, the last proposal. Mr. Gates said, "X understand thisi$4 very serious, bUSiness, but it should not have been done in, the first, Plane: Someone is caught wt, on bisface; In ”'not, take an + + + Brownies and Guides in Clinton are off to a good•start. There is a need for uniforms. Anyone who has a used - Brownie or Guide uniform told would like to help could , do so by contacting Mrs. Marg Coventry 482-3508 for Brownies Or Mrs. Peggy Menzies 482-9964 for Guides. The committee thanks you in anticipation of your help. + + + There is an advertisement elsewhere in this paper featuring the Wolf Cub salute and asking for volunteer Cub leaders. If you would like to help in this most rewarding of• efforts. please contact 492- 3587. Again thank -you. There is a very grateful teenager in Clinton who attioin:passi meetingtbe c: II to , Devereauxeasaid he 4 attend the next.council meeting On September 21 to answerque$tioflS. Pafurtber wntotnrk004044$ e tbouses oOndoonoe property stilt, partly owned, bY the In other business, council approved the hiring of Beatrice Thomas at a sajary of $5,800 to enable her to work at the Vanastra Daycare Centre which has an enrolment- of 24 children necessitating the hiring of another teacher. Ms. Thomas is presently in- volved in day care work in St, Thomas. She is a graduate- of a two-year com- rnunity college course. ..loofiarti• erich Twp. s two os which were hatch from in incubator in his home 40' week. Mr. Hart gotthe ostrich eggs from the zoo in Grand ftends_Right now his two pets weigh 1% pounds, butby this time -meta year,they should weigh 250 pounds. (News -Record photo) He is the son o . Clinton. • + + + The evangelism committee of the Clinton Reformed ° Church in assqciation with the steering committee.of the Vanastra church and. the Ladies Society entertained about 40 Heather Gardens' residents to an outing at Story Book Gardens in London last Tuesday. A delicious lunch of Kentucky fried chicken and began the fall term with a delicious pot -luck dinner oh September- 9. Mrs. James McAllister chaired the meeting which followed. Mrs. George Armstrong \gave an inspiring devotional on. "Thinking about our friends and what they mean to us". - She read from Luke 10 and mentioned the great love Jesus had for His friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus. She closed with a poem and prayer. CARPET DIRTY Do it yourself and save Rent the pro Mrs. Tom Sherritt and Mrs. church for.September. Hymn id d the 502 was sung and Benediction program %/Nth Was a Sing- given by Mrs. J. McAllister. sting accompanied by Mrs. 4-H It4ititie of Hymns 488:500.‘ Mrs. Janice. Bisback aJ 498. A humorous reading Miss Cheryl Riley are holding was given by Mrs. Bert Riley the first meeting for Hensall 2 on, "Aunt Lily trails the 4-H Club. "The Cereal Shelf" Absentees". Mrs. Mickle on Tuesday evening Sep - contributed a fine piano solo. tember 21 at 7 p.m. at Miss Plans were made to quilt and Riley's apartment on Nelson provide flowers for the Street. VI ra$ianrie Iietreattgoipt, have appointUdez-stadt as ti engineer to do the riaSsesstnent on the . • - iuncil grante4 building permits to; 'red VaclOn, car part* Lot 27, n. cession 3;, TS. Alien, Shed, Lot 11, ,H Con. 11« F. Vail "Steelall4t, required manure pit,: Lot 14, COO- 14 and Wayne Smith, liquid holding tank, Lot It Con, 1. Tenders for the construction of the Westerhout drain will be accepted until 5,, P'CornifinicSi otYeemanbrescr.e2lHSiairalit7. eilteon, glraotnit2e,c1CoanY- cession 12 and Milton Dale part Lot 11, Concession 2. Council urged that a written agreement be made about line fences. Council also granted severance on Lot 1, Concession 4, and Lot 1, Con- cession 9, Hallett Township. John Jewitt and TO m Duizer, mem- bers of Hullett Township Council were appointed by Council as inspectors for OHRP. Council passed a by -law -to impose special annual drainage rates upon 14nds in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act of 1971. Dr. cioats, ••••* Dr: Coats was ac:°atinnaudeiadrifrdaemlePgaggtee 1 to numerous international conferences on statistics. past president of the American Statistical Association. an honourary Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and an honourary member of the Hungarian. Mexican and Italian Statistical Societies. He also was for some time, on the board of governors of Carleton University. He was also an adviser on statistics to the Ontario government and was a statistical consultant to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizations. Dr. Coats was author and co-author of several major books, including "The Labour Movement in Canada ; " "Canada and its Provinces" and "Sir _James Douglas" in the Makers of Canada Series and the "American -born in Canada." in the Carnegie series. Dr. Coats is one 'of very few former Clintonians who appear in the „Canadiana Encylopedia. Mary14wasParke thesonandof, hisRoo.rab et hr te rC °Bail and was registrar for the County of Huron. EIgLn pavilion at th:114:110:070 Cf OOSerVat1011 Were 1 smiles durin dinie officially opened last week. Cold wet weather kept the crowd down. (News -Record 0540) Sistawestem .00100. DAINWLYN• CARPET INSTALLATION Residential -Commercial -Industrial. PHONE 56 5288O ANYTIME P.O. BOX 222 BAYFIELD. ONTARIO KNOW YOUR VEGETABLES Coming on: Sept. 29th at Si. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH HALL An evening with the Clinton Horticultural Society. when Jim Fitzgerald, Mrs. Jean Gladding and Miss Jane Pengelly will be speaking on vegetable growing, preparation and nutrition. You don't have to be a member, so come and taste new ways with vegetables. Very brief business session only. Diarist fhompson, daughter of • Rene and Alice Brochu of Clinton, recently ,graduated from the F ac u It 3r of Education at the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Education Degree. Her first teaching assignment is at the R.J. Lang Junior High School in North York where she teaches grades 7, Sand 9 in family study. r ciscan now on sale! SAVE '20. ON 20 PC. STARTER SET. 25% ON SELECTED FRANCISCAN CO-ORDINATED CASUAL CRYSTAL Designed and crafted in California' and England. Dishwasher proof. oven safe. chip and craze resistant. Choose from the • newest - 8(31 ......TERSCOTCH..... CINNAMON SNOV/DON or any other favorite —PRIMISCAti - pattern. THE ARBOR 4 43 Albert Street Cl inton,Ont. 482-3876 At the wedge. we're celebrating our First Anniversary with a big store -wide Sale. Thursday. Friday. and Saturday save 20 percent on all merchandise in stock. Stretch your clothing budget and save on your new fall wardrobe during our First Anniversary Sale. See our selection of the latest in fail fashion and save 20 percent. 4weaters. Casual Co- ordinates. Dresses. Blouses. Jutirpsuits Loungewear. Knits. An assortment of ac cessories. Created by all the famous makers - Morella. Paul Rogers International, Diamond Tee Gown. Britton's of Paris. Lady Manhattan. Malber loternations.. Our firStanniversary sale. 3 days only. At your taashion boutique . SAVE aro on new hill fashions during our first anniversary sate. thursday, friday, saturdoy, september. 16 18 Y