HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-09-02, Page 14in Clinton Hospital after Gnderich is ending a feW
ate the suffering from an infection fl in days with her grander.
Y mi r- hearleg. Mrs. Joe Shaddick.
�/�� r'. and Chiu 'clay Mark Allen and Rodney . Watters of '..,fl.roderich
anal e► " had the misfor l Tuesday. August 24
e Li8 Crri h ch visited on
fry` Leat. Usher were tuneta fracture; taps arm. with Mrs. Myrtle Fair-
�►. a Westerhout, Ruthann Mrs. Etntna Elratialoo, ,'service.
and Mrs.. T
eonnd, Tint h±LYtch+��l taq�d Toronto spent fast, lveek Mr• oto Allen,
ender Millar. The choir visiting with her nephew, Mir. spent the weer end in Nor-
r .
number was a solo sung by and Mrs. Jack Smell and ern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs.
Fanny Lear, he a+cconWanied family. rvice u
himself on guitar and his Visiting on Tuesday with David FairseMaureen of 1rvice eud.
bother David played the Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter Ouehec are spending this
ass guitar. The children's er Mr
story was on the quiet of the
arch and junior teachers
were Florence Cartwright,
Douala Bell and Cathy Peel.
Rev. McDonald spoke on
the vine and branches.
Sunday School classes will
resume on September 5.
A number of petite came out
to decorate the graves of their
loved ones at Hope Chapel
Cemetery, but due to the
weather conditions, the
people move. d back to the
Londesboro United Church.
They were ushered to their
seats by Lorne Honking and
Jack Lee and , Delphine
(flunking) Dewar was
organist. Rev. McDonald
spoke on forgetting and
Cheerio Club
The Cheerio Club met on
Wednesday, August 25 at the
home of Tri Duizer with Mary
Robinson as acting president.
The meeting opened with the
Lord's Prayer, and was .
i, followed by a reading by Tri
Duizer and some record
selections. Minutes of the last
meeting were read and the
treasurer's report was given
by Jewel Cowan. Roll call
was answered by nine
members and three visitors,un
Dorothy Brsden, Jessie
Jones and Vi Burns. The draw
donated by Laura Lyon was
won by Tri Duizer. Group 3
will have their next meeting
e4 on September 15 at the home
of Gladys Armstrong's
daughter, Doreen Carter.
For the program Mary
Robinson read, "The garden
party"written by Ethel
Chapman. Tri Duizer
followed with a reading and
then record music was
played. Tri Duizer had a
contest to name Ontario
places ending with the letters
"ton" and was' won by Jewel
Cowan. Mary Robinson Hensall Women's Institute
*headed a name pairs contest will resume their meetings in
with high winner, Myrtle
Fairservice and low winner, the Legion Hall on Wed-
nesday. September 8 at 7 p.m.
Some games of euchre were
Wed -
Ida Townsend.� with a pot -luck supper. The
played which was followed by topic ; is "Highlights of the
a hutch of cake and ice National Convention". All
cream, which was served by women in the area are
Mary Robinson and Tri welcome.
Bail Games _ PersonalsOn August 23, the Blyth Dr. Harold Dilling and wife
ladies' baseball team easily and Ron
M'' downed the Londesboro team Wideman, ofScarborough
by a score of n-17. On August visited " with the former's
25 house league teams, the father Mr. Wilbert Dining one
13th and the 9th played in a day last week. Bruce Dilling
big hitting game for the 13th of Sarnia, grandson of Mr.
with a final score of 43-13. The Dining spent last weekend
Londesboro girls were with his grandfather.
defeated by the Holmesville Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sch-
team on August 26. The final walm, Mrs. Elizabeth
score in that game was a Volland and Mrs. Daisy Ivey
close 10-8. had several visitors again
The girls' team wish to last week, including Mr. and
. thank their coaches, Dorothy Mrs. Robert Schwalm, Nikki
Carter and Barbara Jewitt and Paul of St. Marys, Mrs.
and to all who attended the Pearl Schwalm of Brunner,
games. Mr. and Mrs. Art Coombs of
Personals Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Mrs. Eva Howatt was Johnston of Brucefield, Mrs.
admitted to Clinton Hospital Margaret Hoggarth and
on Friday. Friends hope she Janet of Klppen, and Mrs.
will soon be home again. Lisa May O'Hara. of London.
Bosman returned home on Hensall visitors were Derek
Friday from spending a week Robinson and Mr. and Mrs.
were Mr. and Mrs. Elwin week with his mother, s.
Rutledge of Florid*, Mr. and Myrtle Fairservice.
Mrs. Fred Wagner of Auburn, Myrtle
and Mrs. William
Mr. EIereYtt Taylor of Blyth Hamilton are spending this
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack week with their daughter, Mr.
Armstrong. and Mrs. Bob Thompson.
Mrs. Violet Bean of Miss Lloy Shaddick of Kit-
chener spent the weekend
with her
Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and
niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mrs, Allen Shaddick after
Hully. returning from a trip to the
Jack and Marion Snell east coast. Miss Ruth
along with Bert and Dora Shaddick of Clinton also spent
Shobbrook, attended the the weekend at the same
O.E.S. memorial service at home.
Dashwood on Tuesday, The WI agriculture meeting
August 24 for Frank Huff. will be held on Wednesday,
W.F. of St. Marys chapter. September 8 when we will
Rev. McDonald's mother meet in the hall at 7:30 p.m.
from Atwood is spending "a and will take a tour of a
few days with him at the modern hen barn and then
manse. He and his mother return to the hall.
visited on Sunday with his Miss Cathy Carter, RN
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Bre rimer from• London, spent the
at their cottage in Amberley • weekend with her parents,
Debbie Shaddick of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter.
News of Hensall
By Hilda M. Payne
United Church
United Church Services in
Hensall wet* resumed last
Sunday with Rev. Don Beck
in charge. preaching on, "It's
Time to Serve the Meal" and
dwelt mainly on the need for
Compassion. Mrs. John
Turkheim assisted at the
organ and a male quartet
from James Street United
Church, Exeter, Messers
Carfrey Cann,' Pat Skinner,
Norman Walper and Bob
Russell gave a delightful
rendition of "When the Roll is
Called up Yonder" and
"Seekingth Lost". :. •
WI meets
The Aa
onservati! n UtRO? t
per e e ' ' 76 •prog:
pone by the prays'
governmep,t k is fig
drawing to a close.
were involve, in
ram �e studentswere
divided into two grows. One in
the north, working out of the
Exeter heaidquarters and one
in the..south, working out of
the nature
e in maintenance of
'e narsees. stream'
and parking lot
e udnt c tion
assistested the pertnafmetcent
in the building of a new
aI f.., f end at l?orp
nServation Ares► and
Parkhill.The students and af►ew gatehouse at Rock Glen
the Authority's permanent ConServation Area.
staff were involved . in ail. The Experience ' 76
maintenance and develop- Program also employed five
ment projects carried out this technical students.
year. The menici - l crew, The Parkhill. recreation and
made up entirely
ofstudents. education staff ran a weekend
spent the majority of its time interpretive program at the
on municipal projects,
requested by watershed
municipalities. The following
municipal projects were °
completed this year.
Cemetery cleanup in Arkona.
beach cleanup in Bayfield,
municipal drain cleanup in
Dublin and Hensall dump,
roadside brush clearing in
Lobo, West Williams and
McGillvray Townships,
painting the picnic pavilion in
Stanley Township Park and
river brushing in Tucker-
sm itch Township.
The north student crew
along with the permanent
staff spent the majority of
their summer in northern
park maintenance and,
development. They were
involved in projects such as
painting, step and bridge
construction, grass cutting,
and general maintenance and
repairs in Clinton, Crediton..
Lucan, ° Port Blake Con-
servation Areas and -the
Banockburn Wildlife Area.
The south students and
staff crew maintained and
developed the Parkhill,
Alan, Miller and grand-
daughter Christina Houston,
Mrs. Gladys Cudmore, Mrs.
Irene Finlayson, Mrs. Helen
Toornstra and Mrs.
Genevieve Windover.
• Last week I incorrectly
welcomed Mr. and Mrs.
Miller to their home on High-
way 4. This should have read
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Houston
and Christina. My apologies
to all concerned.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix
Boogemans, Vicky and Scott
visited with the latter's
mother. Mrs. • Pearl
Passmore over the weekend.
p r cLitis..., ue.. Bayer of
Mt. Clemens. Michiganr and
Mr. and Mrs. Glen I#odgins
and boys of Ailsa Craig
visited with the latter's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Desch during the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Alexander of Georgetown and
Mr. and Mrs. William
Alexander of Brampton
visited with Mrs. Albert
Alexander and with Mrs.
John Alexander and family
on Sunday.
Clinton Marching Twiriettes
te be SEPT. 9�:p P.M.
SEPT. 11 ti ::.
Fere: 520. ter first child and
515.• for each additional child
in family.
Ages: 3 to 10 yeah • all are
welt mel
Lessons to be held at Clinton
Public Scheel.
Lori Riggin
Sign in a travel bureau: "Go
also i1
the At
spent the lime on p1
projects. One stud
his time working on a three
dimensional ar iOd." el of the
Rime Property; Mceillvray
Township and revisions to the
Kiane inventory.
The other student com-
pleted the Hay Swamp
Acquisition Study, the
i ad o
the l!"
Ie r author ity
tendent coordinated the
The students greatly
contributed to the completion
of shed many wo�rprojectstbwhite.Theirewaten-
tthuslasm and dedication
toward their summer job was
appreciated by the per-
manent.authority staff and
the Conservation Authority.
we; HPW.
4$2 3441 -:
• 3 channel set
• Meter to check battery and RF _levels
• Automatic gain control insures
steady volume
• Carry case, 10 "AA" cells and
channel 11 crystals included
""7 ,F_ALIStiG
21-133 TRC•35C Waildesta r
• 3 channel
• Battery meter
• Noise limiter cuts interference
• • Squelch control silepces spea,cer
between calls
®®• 8 "AA" cells included, channel 11
crystals and carry strap
EACH 21.11
As an active etmnmbn r of cur
Church Women's league, we
have. like most people.
recently been made keenly
aware of the plight eel
thousands of pass little otr-
phans all over the world. Se
new our church was con
Waring venires together and
ed.pting an Indian or .Eskimo
child. The proem we have Is
that nom of us have any Idea
as to where to begin so can
"IMPACT" pisise tett us haw
can we go about it?
Impact certainly admires
you church ladies' good in-
tentions but unfortunately
neither we or anyone else can
alter the law which states that
THE CHILD Welfare act of
Ontario specifies that no more
than one person can adopt a
child unless the applicants are
hatband and wife. The only
suggestion we alight make is
that perhaps one or. more of
your married couples might"
like to apply on their own. If
so, write us . again and well
put you through the right
Ratepayers of The Town
of Clinton are reminded
that the third instalment
of 1976 Taxes are due
and payable by Sept. 15,
C. Proctor
Town of Clinton
• Easy installation with three
connecting cables
• Operates on *single pottery
• Three 66' cables and a 9 vett
battery included e 29 95
„, .•
Ctiitoo:Com awit•
Crede U*jos
Good Dividends •
Convenient office tours
24 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-7024
tarids school bus
ety regi�
are everyone's
This is what
you c a do
to make sure
they're observed.
Your Ontario Government need - of r help in protecting
our province's school children So we urge you as a
motorist to drive with extra care whenever you see a
school bus in front of you or coming towards you
You will recognize the school bus by its chrome -yellow
colour And whenever it flashes its alternating red signal
lights front and rear. you must stop In fact. all traffic
from both directions must stop
This is true everywhere in Ontario on highways.
country roads, and city, town or village streets. and
regardless of the speed limit The penalty for disobeying
this layv is a fine of up to $100 and 4 demerit points
The only exception is for motorists going in the
opposite direction from the school bus on the other side
of a multi -lane highway divided by a physical barrier.
There is something else you can do. as well
lns Instructleu
your children to follow the school bus safety
at school— to help the bus driver by behaving quietly and
by keeping seated unel it is time to leave the bus.
For more information on school bus safety and the
School Bus Stopping Law. wnte to
Public and Safety Information Branch
Ministry of Transportation and Communications
1201 Wilson Avenue
Downsview. Ontario M3M 1J8-
Minist of Transportation
and Communications
James Snow, William Davis,
Minister Premier
Province of Ontario
'To Ontario
An advertisement said six
foot sofas for 531.50. We
phoned the store and they said
that it was a misprint an the
part of the newspaper, and
that part of the ad should have
read $33130.
Could we have made this
firm sell us the sofa for, 531.50?
NO WAY!! In the law of
contracts. an advertisement
such as this is not an offer
-which you can accept to form
a contract. Rather it is termed
an "invitation to treat". A
valid contract would not be
formed unless the merchant
offered you the sofa at 538.50
with the intent to form . a
contract of sale.
Generally. in a retail
situation, the obligation to sell
at a certain price is only
arrived at in the store when
the, sales slip or order is made
out and signed by the
Usually where the fault is on
the part of the newspaper, a
retraction is later published
by them admitting their
mistake and quoting the true
T. Pryae 'Jr
Disirlet R.prr+esyentatlVS l
10n Denomme!
2319'3 24-
appointments anyt s