HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-09-02, Page 13i-
tact every
news 1 have
ht out* household it seems to
e yuger members who
gotten away for
holidays. Brian spent two
weeks 111314 y:siting with his
cousins in Calgary, going to
the Stampede. Banff Het
Srtngs and other interesting
Maces. Joyoe and Harold
e and Gail of Calgary
spent some time here.
Valerie flew to Calgary►
with Gail when she returned-
home August, 5th. She enjoyed
the Hot Springs and sight-
seeing. Gerry and Valerie
returned on August 19th.
Everyone (6) hi this family
has been in the Banff Hot
Springs and had a plane trip
somewhere. After 5 trips to
the Toronto Airport since
May 2nd, Bill and I think we
have learned a little about
"Stand -4y" flying. The
biggest event of our suinmer
was the Cuyler family being
together for brother David's
The newest member of this
community -- Heather Lobb
should be congratulated on
herr choice of paren
Murray and Roba. The family
recently took a trip to
Colorado travelling through
Independence Pass. Flaming
Gorge Park was the highlight
for Roba. They visited
Yellowstone Park also.
Doug and Gertie Feagan
have been home for a while
after a year of living at
Sterling University in
Scotland. Doug and several
other teachers commuted to.
Glasgow to teach each day.
They seem to have enjoyed
the experience of the past
year and one could spend a lot
of time listening as they
recall the memories. Gertie's
mother has been staying with
them since their return. Son
Carl and his family have been
visiting and Jean's red "bug"
is seen in the yard quite often.
A surprise party was held
for Ross and Betty Feagan on
the occasion of their 30th
wedding anniversary. Ross ,0
and Betty spent a few days PP report
ie • Tebutt.
spent a
Tebbutts. Edith and Irvine
were in St. Catherines while
Gerry and Shirley were
away on a trip.
Don and Karen Watson and
Larry and Anna May Fisher
took a trip to northern
Ontario. They crossed from
Tobermory to Manitoulin
Island on the Chee Chee
Maun; toured the Island and
drove to Sault Ste. Marie.
They then had their first train
ride on the Algoma Central
and Hudson Bay Railway
from Sault Ste. Marie to
Canyon. The trip home took
them through Sudbury and
Parry Sound.
Norene Tebbutt and Gary,
Marilyn Forbes, and Rick
and Brad spent a few days in
Port Huron shopping and
Jack and Norene Tebbutt`
and Gary spent the past
weekend in St. Catharines at
Gerry and Shirley Tebbutt's
Alison Lobb and Robin,
Marlene Forbes and Barb
spent three weeks early in
July driving to the West Coast
and back. They were to
Vancouver Island to see the
Biffchart Gardens. visited
with Lobbs in Chilliwack ; and
drove through Yellowstone
Park on their way home.
Alvin and Linda Jones 'took
a few days off and drove to
Healy Lake.
Another short trip was
taken to Michigan by Herb
andeFaye Oakes.
Don Lobb's house has been
a busy place. Alison and
Robin were West Mr. and
Mrs. Allen have been
visiting; Alf and Marie
Plummer and their family
from Oshawa were up last
The Bill Johnston family
has spent the summer on the
Steve and George Thom-
pson have been busy with the
n1 t.!
ert'y, andd Shut
Wendy and a friend
weekend at Irvine an
to tea in
Stamp de while in Calgary.
went to Vancouver and
managed to get as far south
as Oregon before he returned
home. Peter had time 'off to
go to the C.N.E. with terry
Bruce and Dianne Lobb and
family. spentsome time
touring Tobermory area,
coming home through
Meaford, and Stayner. Last
weekend they had visitors
from Devon England, Fred
and Linda Bolt, and their two
children, Rachel and ,Jeremy.
They would like to take some
of our rain home with them.
Jean Lobb is visiting with
Jeanette and Irvine Martin in
Murray ami Roba Lobb
have taken Steven and David
Lobb with them on a hike up
the Bruce Trail.
The Dave Bartlett family
picked pretty good weather
for their camping holiday.
They found some nice
campsites in the Peter
borough area and there
wasn't too much rain.
Sylvia Forbes spent quite a
WI of her summer at Camp
Menesetung as a counsellor.
Barb spent a week as a
camper. Murray, Marlene,
Sylvia and Barb spent the
past weekend visiting with
relatives at North Bay.
Don and Marilyn Forbes
and Lisa and Lori spent a few
days in Port Huron last week.
The community Clubwill
hold the September meeting
on September 8th at Milena
Lobb's home.
The old school bells will be
ringing again next week and
once again we parents will
move 'furniture around. The
R.E. Thompsons get off the
easiest with George, Liz.
Marion and Jamie all at-
tending Guelph University.
Brenda Forbes is back at
Fanshawe College, also Ernie
Lobb. Harry Thompson is
going to Centralia College,
Gerry Lobb is now at Wilfrid
Laurier University, Waterloo
at football ca=mp.
By 1ilI
' 50th
Lewi Clark of
cele to 0 Sa
e ll w o
latew and y Wit)
rr y w ark of Tuckers i It
lel the, Town p.,
e their son Robert. and Tl#ey were married on
wrife, at :8 Market Street, August 31, 1926, at Hensallby
forth* the Rev. Arthur Sinclair,
%..Clark was the former They , farmed in Tuckersmith
Bona Blackwell. a daughter Township until retiringto
of the late Charles.and Jane tlensall in 1969.
They Were the re!cip.ien
many gilts a
congra uiatorry es l
including rt a fr m Ptri.
Minster Pierre T C'udeau
Huron .MPP Jack Riddell.
B a
r ors
in Clinton & Seaford
wish to announce that there
will be an increase in the price
of haircuts effective Sept. 1,
The Goderich detachment
of the OPP reported a quiet
week with the exception of
two similar accidents oc-
curing on Saturday, August
The police were called to
one accident on Highway 21,
two miles north of Huron
Road 18 to investigate a three
car crash. The accident oc-
cured when three cars deiven
by Cheryl Gale of London,
Doris Steadman of London
and Donald McLeod of
Wiarton struck each other
from behind. Mr. McLeod
suffered minor injuries and
There are two periods when
fishing is good. Before you get
there, and after you leave.
the total estimated damage
was set at 51600. The McLeod
car suffered 5800 damages.
Also on Highway 21. two
miles north of the Stanley -
Hay Township Line a car
driven by John Campbell of
RR 1, Exeter was struck. from
the rear by another vehicle
driven by Thomas Toy of
Sarnia. The Toy vehicle
received $475 in damages and
the Campbell vehicle had $750
in damages. There were no
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Clark of Hansa celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary last Saturday with a reception
at their son's home in Seaforth. (photo by Wilma Oke)
C. .
Witnesses hear speaker
Do you know how to study
God's Word so as to
remember and get the sense
of it? Are you prepared to
follow Jesus' example and
declare the "good news" to
others? Do you show concern
for your neighbours -by using
your Bible to teach them?
x'.11 1,702' Jutrovah's Wit-
nesses and interested persons
that attended the semi-annual
gathering i.h Jehovah's
Witnesses Assembly Hall in
Norval • this past weekend
gave serious thought to these
questions. By means of
discourses, demonstrations
and interviews they were
aided to answer them af-
Hari McNally. of Clinton,
presiding overseer, stated
that all from the local
congregation enthusiastically
welcomed the instruction. He
added: "Such assemblies
help us to recognize our
responsibilities and train us
for the work that must be
done,..now. For example.0 t,jie
program featured Jeab's'
example, preparing for our
evangelizing work, helping
others in the congregation.
how to use our Bible, etc."
The assembly featured the
discourse, 'Keep Seeking
God's Kingdom' delivered on
Sunday by r.dwmr. Roach, the
district supervisor. • He
stated: "People everywhere
long for righteous rulership,
for government that can
really solve their problems."
He added. "People are being
given opportunity now to
show whether they really
Seed Wheat
See us For Prices
Baler Twine
10.000 ft. at
9.50 Bale
want God's rulership that
Jesus taught us to pray for.
Do they truly want, not only
the blessings of God's
kingdom, but also his
righteousness? If so," Roach
then pointed out from the
Bible, "'then we need to keep
on, seeking God's kingdom
by: applying ourselves
diligently to get acquainted
wmtn. Jehovah, the Universal
Sovereign; cultivating love
for his ways: putting these
into application in our lives; .
and advocating - God's
kingdom to others.
A highlight of all assem-
blies of Jehovah's Witnesses
is the baptism ceremony.
This past weekend 12 un-
derwent complete water
immersion as evidence of
their dedication to God's will
THE ,J.:1.'I1,J.;5:M4N
announces that meiinbers of his staff will be available
for private interviews at:
from 9:30 a.m. to 9:000.m.. Wednesday, September 22, 1976
and at
from 10:00 a.m. tol:OO p.m.. Thursday, September 23, 1974
for individuals, groups, organizations anti their representatives who wish to bring
complaints to his attention. These interviews shall be conducted in private, due to
the obligation on the Ombudsman to make no disclosure of any information
It would be appreciated, although not essential, if individuals, groups,
organizations or their representatives, wishing to present briefs or statements, or
lodge complaints, provide copies of such materialprior to the above dates, ad-
dressed to:
The Ombudsman
Sixth Floor
65 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario
Here's why: elf= you think one mineral mix can do
for everything, you're footing yourself and cheating
your livestock Research shows: minerals are.
essential to basic health of livestock and that
animals need specific minerals to go with the kinds
of roughage in their diet.
Shur -Gain makes six mineral mixes to meet
these specific requirements. You won't need them
all. Probably just one, or maybe two but, because
no two feeding programs are the same, you do
need the choices Shur -Gain offers. Feeding the
"right" minerals pays off. Livestock do better in feed.
conversions, fertility, production, general health
and profits for you. So choose "What's right" from
Shur -Gain's six research backed formulations. We
think you'll be surprised at our modest prices too
Shur -Gain Essential Minerals No l for non -
legume feeding To be offered where the
roughage is grass, hay or com
silage to cattle. horses, sheep.
Contains: cobalt 0.005%.
copper 0.02%: manganese 018%.
Max. fluorine 0.2%; salt 20.0; cal-
cium 19.0; phosphorus 9.0; iron
0.5: iodine 0.02; zinc 0.4; Vit A
40,0001,UJIb. Vit. D 15,000111JIb.
Shur -Gain Essential Minerals No. 3
salt free To be offered to cattle, horses,
sheep when salt is not required.
Contains, cobalt 0.005%; copper 0.02%;
manganese 018%. Max fluonne 02:
calcium 24.0; phosphorus
12.0; iron 0.5; iodine 0.02:
zinc Cl 4: Vit A 40.000
I.U./ib; Vit. D 15,000 I.U./Ib.
Shur -Gain Essential Minerals No.5 or Range
Minerals To be offered to cattle in grass areas
where average calcium level in hay and pasture
is high. Use in range or feed lot
Contains. cobalt 0.005%;
copper Q.02%: manganese 0.18%.
Max. fluorine 0:30%: calccium 18.0;
phosphorus 18.0; iron 0.5; iodine
0.02: zinc 0.4: 'Vit. A 40.000
Vit D 15,000 l.liJib.
Shur -Gain Essential Minerals No.2 for legume
feeding Tb balance the high calcium and low
phosphorus of high Legume forage
Contains cobalt 0 005%.
copper 0.02%. manganese 018%.
Max fluonne 0 2, salt 200.
calcium 14.0. phosphorus 14 0.
iron 0 5, iodine 002. zinc 0 4
Vit. A 40,000 I U /Ib. Vit D 15.000
I.0 /Ib For cattle, horses. sheep
Shur -Gain Essential Minerals No.4
calcium and salt free To be offered to
cattle when calcium and salt not required
Contains: cobalt 0 005%. copper 0 02%.
manganese 018%. Max fluonne 0 30.
phosphorus 24 0. iron 0 5.
iodine 002. zinc 04.
Vit A 40:;000 I U,.tlb.
Vit D 15,000 1 U /Ib
Shur -Gain Essential Minerals No.6 contains
magnesium To be fed where lush forage
growth may pre -dispose to grass tetany
Contains magnesium &0%. cobalt 0.005%.
copper 0.02%; manganese 0.18;
Max. fluonne 0.30; salt 16.0.
calcium 12.0; phosphorus 12.0;
iron 0.25; iodine 0.00; zinc 04;
Vit. A 400001 UJIb; Vit. D 15.000
I.U./Ib. For cattle. horses. sheep.
Clinton CommumtyCredit Union Limited
Essential Minerals
horses and sheets'
for can*
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