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The Exeter Times, 1886-9-30, Page 8
INSURANCE. A QR fJ7 Q' ` ��IV ,'i�`%` ELLI , Q - c7 00X- PANT �I 1 a tl. k .'a1 r `?`ktN A SS �. �j �s�l, AN lkll Wla , ,N1 ",?LUZ 1'A13•ii,ai`k`orpnto•nlsuf#Yrtlxel_kT� � i i d ai o •17it , 11wSi3ILA ISCJ G eannati.X,atk,ou r ul erd the. Lino BO XAI, (lAlfAlalAl?. of Alenia BRITISH ''1St;`i.t-11a61 AsenstnelOnt EOM- TANY,of bend n England ,in etablishe can qq nee;4 .Assets over t'r 5,�9 , eees paid, Aver Se0,000,000. „• 004L IVETI se --^lire shall be happy to re - ones sive at all times, from atay part of the duringng tt 1h esse.ent seartst and Clark's, and bounty, items of focal news, scion gas ac 11 c£slents,ar any interesting inoicient tahat I Mr• Jas. Yickard's ohango of aulv's, in ever, front any of our subseribers or. read • iii „nother column. too tad era generally for the purpose of pisblio* A number , people of Exeter' beaforth, 32 by Crliittoii, 11 by" �iughanl, o different remainder scattered amongst other Fuzes. Z ' points last wool:, onRyan ti z lti ra A tAee. >f* v ler ape w z^, Creech replaced the st Q p M yesterday, and the public will no longer have to "yolk the dark streets. ver heavy ,, a Y ^ was hat v Y '1 e eight t. 1• z t Tuesday 1. 1P a g Y frost, de,inagiug considerably the gardens sage. The entlttisiasue which characterized ears gone by, is lashing sales izt 6 auction �' l,,. r^A7ilts, The regular meeting of the Main -et. oc)lilt_set n held ° Pl z 7El t. en toOe t. . til the Sept,i tit i on to d p b L tile church, It is the futon ion tors to have this suecaeg eclipse any fere'. F,aet'Hero Bresec au Oct,5th 15t. ended]. ' 0 1 18 to .1 Qot gt ,till It lSept,. 1 e 1 o t. Of a Hamilton, Baud Hone, nit 1 au o 3az S. I Central Meth. 4 on 1 l o C > 1 4 d. S i.. _... On 1 .e c t� iz •� il� et Wes or > ,� LII r I'izday (welling* br t' of the pronto Northern, eyalkcrton, Oet, atie to 8th, t L t ve p ani r ' anode Belo:eve, Oct, let. 'haws last l Jo tilliNgSe THREE GOOD LINES! Ari THE -- t r )T a,r• A long and very interesting 1 0 e ]asotor,Oct.4tieaud5th GROCERY sag, the Blyth, Oct. 7th and 8tk�, BEE -HIVE CASH will be t 1 up at close in aid of to Aiortts, y b fir p h Perth 1 h prepared.All go A collection Stephen and Usbern , e c seton Hibbert, Staffs, October t i^ r oar. Northern Fair, Ailsa Craig, Oct. 5th sue 6th. The list of convictions for the gLr:trter Sout P tl St Marys Qct otl�a�thGth• � � 1.f' �'}'rQGf3r 1 ]1d � p ed last week, rd lrirktou,Oet, 7t an ► al1C ar IES, a 4th inst,, as published 13a r1b;a , yW a,x'E coding 1 12th and 13t1i: and 1,&SS i +�There arlchtll, Oot. Crockery4� there were dQ cases iso x411, were IO - Parlch111, P Granton, Oot 14th.Orock y convictions by Gederieli magieteetes, 0 by Biddul plc, at r w nam who keeps a ^- ----- , ort tUat o s bout to make a fair e tot a a GROCERIES are all gosh and Carefully Selected, and al nonuse cusp e Our FANCY ,a G 3T tPLI1 wisps She believed the report; and a first class article from us. nor haste Dryer- GLASSWARE oompxisos oy fry ma a h Oar ie r az a � ns been able in e procured - ce ran d ••r iu d ewe eau si s a a) � of P your she has t c J4 B h t ^andsfinest . nuc however ,` to find the hidden intoxicants. Oar LAMP GOODS are the fi Rich and of. All Colors, and if you cannot grasp theor --- .- c we wish to co r convey u ►+IS10�-" minds, invite .oil to look at one windows, P on lav S 1, with Of Pune. even if you do not wish to buy. Give us a call, and it will amply repay yon, 031 with �3'popltosphltes, atto'a _ - --�, vantage of the cheap excursion/It weed the remai -.-.--<^ tit a gees to Hensall, to take Position t a 11 there. His t were foe` drunks All k p D AY SEPT, 1S it Y ^t ea lnagistratea throughout the comity. There Act, `were fie^e for violiations of the Scott Ac., --------^-- - -• _ I the planing nu )ere, i while a majority ss 1B 0th 3 i L Exeter, Exeter c ses went'to Clinton, awving to a reside in laxt.t. . Dx a ll t 1 Th Scott Ac nuts, but the beer magistrate net having as yet been itpoin�ec !all CENtPS lxexliuefor flrsttnsortAou,sur rs is a . m the stead of the late Jno, MPDonell, C NTS Per line for sa th snbseget= an vendors KePea'r to ignore the fact. Beer ,01711 k. edfo Tentless .aproarrnt, ierttouwi7eli c)iarES wagons carbo seen netktly everyday pass- There were $'146 collected in fines. th saolunln 11 '.tie new bell has been placed upon the A gentlemau on the 21st eon., West Wil, LOOM, HAPPENINGS. Cl Banes, owns a hen who "stole her nest" and Churoh of England, The first time to ailing Dame marching out a day or tato ago with no Now goods in all dePartmente, nt Jamie less than than d2 chicks, all lively and PlekAYd'a ins to end fro. Wizard oil -large size, 75ettss,; Smelllsuze, 35ctg„ at the Central drug paz, I1lillinery opening, 4th and 5th. James Pickard'e. Renton Bros. ress waking department reopened, Miss Wood, in charge. Charges pp guaranteed. >.1loderato, and satisfaction guars zt Remember, our millinery opening takes place on the two days of fair, James Pe:emel . erCaracn's Catarrh Cure at Scarlet* Drug store, giving immense sati n. Guarantees issued only at Scarlett's Drug tore. Every person favor us at our millinery 'opening, 4th :and 5th, Oet, James Pickard. Wanted--immediately-any quantity of Set •hlaek lady's hair, for which the highest price will be paid. I. J. Dearing, Hicks is offering bargains during fair week. Read advertisement in another column. tan Bros' Store and witness was Monday. It leas a sweet toile, an zs T loud, At the regular treating of the Public The praceediags of the temperance Con- ohool Beard of St. Marys, on Tuesday very1 healthy looking vention, held at Seaford', on thaol7thtznst., evening, •' a resolution eves unanimously which was crowded out of our issue of last adopted appointing the election of Publio week, appears in another oolutnu, School Boy; trustees to be held on ilio The officers of the Salvation Army at carne day ' the municipal elections. on Trestle morning, The popular town clerk of St. 14larya, Air• the by1 this station, left Y g W. Williams, has been.awarded. ing received a promotion. As rot their oounoil a two months. leave of absence, in laces have net bean filled. order to visit the scenes of Lie youth in old P Ea laud. Afr. Williiims intends sailing been The skating rink has been repaired and lzew York, on the ;`White Star liner Britannic, considerably improved, The opening night on the 30th instant. will be October 5th. A grand time is George Collins, of,Me( Vtray;s Elwood cord expected. witted for triol by Sq Stanley an Tuesday upon the charge of cone - Remember the convention of Temperance matting an indooeut assalt upon Charlotte workers to be held in Hensall, on Friday Beetham on the 21th of September. He the 8th of October. All interested are cor- was committed to jail to stand. his trial at dirtily invited. the fall assizes. Janes Glenn, a farmer residing a i i1e Mr.ceJohn Ryanlend put up his house and front Dungannon, Huron Co., comnitted parcel of land for sale by auction on Thurs. suicide, Tuesday •morning, by discharging day last, bat:owing to an insufficient amount The contents passed shoit gun in his at the back mouth. ths head. Death was instantaneous, Cause, temporary insanity. Rev. Dr. Kane and Geo, Hill Smith Esq.. B. ,A., delegates from the Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union, will address the people of Huron, in Clinton on Thursday Oct. 7th, at E30 p. m. Arrangements have been made for single fare return tickets on all railways. Attend the auction sale of Groceries, Sugars, Teas, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, on Saturday afternoon, and Monday and Tuesday 2nd, 4th and 5th of October. Aue- tion sale to commence at 2 and 7 o'clock p. m. This bankrupt stock has just arriv- ed. A splendid stock. Positively no re- serve. Tt is stated that a cot the l,axnp Goods. hotel ill East Muton, nae sent w raid re _. °j p purchasers can rely on getting , t to eminent her stank of intotti• a thing in that line of the newest cants in th ontbneinsPe and outer a O OBOCEI RY AND GL such er stoe please everybody oerplaces.the ripe never failed ca b1 patterns and latest designs and prides ares New, are, T e et h rk Y . the uaa ,Cod laver , _ I,a Gettatal Dgbility, Emaciation, aoltsutitp• AND EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE tion valuable d in C9iilmedi BUTTER t alaablo food and medicine. T Is a most y etite for food, strengthens the creates an app 1 nervous system spared in a palatable form and prescribed t and builds up the body, t Gail at luau g I being offered, the property was bought en the Art Exhibition on New Homo sevum anachizae on 27. 28 and 29 Sept. Monday, Friday last, while John Muir -was wyclrk- Tuesday and Wednesday next. All are ing around the operating machinery in the welcome. English, French and American trusses, woollen mill,his hand slipped into one of the shoulder braces, abdominal supporters, child- cards and was badly mangled. Ten's trusses, suitable for all sizes and ages. Considerable grain has been brought in Cor water -pad truss is the best fitting and during the past two days, the price being most comfortable truss made, at the Central 68 to 70etsit will gradually get lower, drug store, Celmez, Prop. Without exception, the heat and cheapest and those who securentend se resent prices. g had better do lines in v once seen, ean•nove be had at C. Eaerett's. Clod- The foundry here has been shut down for dens Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys' some clays, undergoing repairs, some of the Bicycles ot, all sizes, Men sI•Iand-made Boots; she harness, trunks• valises of every&scrip. machinery having been brokeattriThe London Boo's and gimes we have a y so at , P tion constantly nn hand. Call and see them. Advertiser cannot possibly e Butter and Egas taken in exchange for goods. suspension to a failure of the N. P. We're so busy we can't get time to tell J. N. Hooper, as an executor for his every youtibout our new fall stock,. but ew y and hes prices -seeing sell the e for payment wP knowsP every body p best d Y I N trouble to shov, See card in another column. 12 welcome to the fair should call and see our brother, the:late Dr..L.'L. Hooper, returns Co. nce Life Assurance Canada L the Ca visitor- to thanks ' the tl is In beads dr ourat the prompt a int made of the claim. es an closest priees for eash. Special peoci l grand dis- lay of dress gaods., , ou have heard of Banton Bros. cheap There will be a meeting of the base ball goods come and seethem--a are el . club at the Central Hotel, on Friday even - Some goods-come bacon cheap at Renton I3Ig at 7 30 sharp, when the different is lir ph sioians, 'Take no other nuivorsnlly .lig Y 0011011"$„ 02a4441 :A.NSON'S BLOCK. ALE REGISTER. f F Parties getting their Sala bills printed at this office will receive a notice similar to the following, free of charge r- FneD). , OaremEe lsr.. `Ileal estate, farm o stook, implements, &o., the property Jacob Heist. lot 16, Don. 6, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock p. m. Hy. Eilber, alio, Trnsit5nev, OCT., 7e a. -Farm stock, int plementa, &e., the property of Wm. :Humble, N. e lot 5, con. 21, tp. of Stephen. Sale at one o'clock, H. Eilber, 810. TuEs»AY, OCT, 5ra.--Farm stock, imple- znents, &o., the property of A. B. Nich- olas, lot 6, con. 7, Centre road, MPG i1= livray, sale at one o'clock. H. Eilber, nuc. FRIDAY, OCT. STH. -Farm stock, imple- ments, &c., the propertyof Michael Oestrichor, lot 23, con. 7, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. H. Eilber, ane. J„ W. Broderick. Exeter, 30th Sept. 1886. Mr. Aaron E. Shantz, a farmer living just s had south of thoBerliu corporation line, has quite a freak of nature happen on his Tarin. - h has n bag g One of lila caws had a (tali lump, apparently alive, in its throat between the shoulder and the month. The chit liyed a day and took its nourishment all ;right, but Mr. Shantz tbonaht it best not to try to iso it and so killed it the second day. re When he opened it he found thee the lump Bros. ports will be presented and the affa'rs of 1 was nothing more or less chair its heart- h club will b wound up for the season. the only one it had. The calf was a large P spending weekswith friends m A. t of runaway horses created ex town, returns , Ilyndinan, is spending a few weeks with came dashing up main street and when friends at eeoronto.-Parker Westle and nearing the business portion, they took to wife, of Alma, Michigan, are the guests of thesidewalk, where a collision was made Mr. Jas. Loadman.- with a post, which brought them to a otos The other day one of the key-ston A are Serial. In the course of a week or two wewill coni- for Brownings to zhe ilock, fell from is the mince the publication o#anew is of that it went through a 3 inch plank. For - tied "Rift and Spray." This story innately no one happened to be passing at extraordinary interest, and has been -ape- the time. ^cially .written for our paper, at a great ex- pense. Watch for the opening chapters. The celebrated reader and eloontionist, In order that all who may wish toiebecome Miss ent r the will give an s a Methodist stChu ng's enter - subscribers to this journal, we will send the TIMES from now until January, 1888, for on the evening othe ofLOctober cto er112th, under parthe one dollar, thus giving new subscribers an auspices opportunity of reading the opening chap- lars next week. ters of our new serial. Send along your His honor, Judge Toms, held court for •dollar and the paper will be sent to any Stephep Township at Crediton on Wednes- .address in Canada, United States, or the day last. Struck off, Conservatives, none; Mother Country. Reformers, nine;added, Conservatives, ten; Reformers, eleven. Conservative gain nine. Brief Bits, A great many errors had to he rectified The cool weather is stimulating the oyster owing fault in printing. trade. --The excursion seasion will soon be 'The P LJ the wz be eraq{eal. one, the akin weighing twelve pounds. Miss Wigmore, of London,. who has been . A full attendance is.regYtested. several cam BONN., d home on Monday. -Miss E. citement on our streets, Saturday. They PROPERTY- LIST, FARM FOR SALE, U LMAGESICCO* KIRKTO ,. --F011-- Newest designs in dress goods, Ladies' jerseys, Mantel cloths, Millinery, eta., etc. GROCERIES AT ROCK -BOTTOM DICES, The subscriber offers -for side his farm, con- taining 00 scree, being; Lot 50. North Boundary Stephen, There are 5 acres in brus1i, remain- der cleared. Good brick house, (new), frame barn arid stable, hood wells. A splendid, or- chard of fruit bearing trees, Situated within 40 rods of a I'ostOffice. ORN Foter WIms CK, to moll Sarepta P. O. FARMS FOR SALE. Two splendid farms, containing 100 acres each, for sale or will taken house dna lot in part payment for one. •P hese farms are eitu- - County the y m ,• fBrooke, wnsl ip 0 in e to ax ataeligibly d o7 Y � n g of Lninbton. Soil is lira$•cLa,s a sell cheap. ]iy near railway two or threeols. NVill hundred sell ars do , p dollars dowpn, the kmrnhasar can 4. ave h.s own time for paytug bnlance, at 0 pet centintercet, . All particulars given by applying to \YiLLIAM BkW-OEN, Goderich, (Int. WErTE,-In Hay, 7th eon., the` wife of Mr. Peter .White, of a son. SersLL.-In Usborne, on the 23rd inst., the ife of Wm. Snell, 7th con., of a son, Sou corr.-In Blyth, on the 17th inst., the wife of r. Wm. So ttleccott,, sof' a au .h tithe 23 d i • lea Shipka, on the 23rd fust.; the wife of George Geizer of a son. BecanweIELD.-In McGillivray, on the 28th fust , the -wife of David Bloomfield of a daughter. Western fair opened at London, on reckoned with the past.-Lucan agricultur. Monday. A great many from this county al show was a success ; as also was the have attended each day, especially Wedn s - FARM A few pounds tea left, at 15ets. 445044 Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out 9006 and thol Shop in the Corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o.; ordered work, Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, -A fine assortment of- Late Manager 0. Baorett's Boot and;Shoe Establishment. BOOTS AND SHOr;S iDlap 14th 84. , Moved to 5Front _ -:- STARE ! CHEAP �- CASH -FOR ALL CLASSES AT- KIRXTON. 500 71:713$ W -anted Butter ', Matheson, EXETER NOBTH, FOR SALE. Our Stock is Well Assorted 'F: bN s TBADE. 91 b' utadou.igned offers t°or -sale a The g g dyed F(ili. T1iE 9,.. As in Lot 0, can.3, Town- LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED -1 ship of McGillivray, containing ono un acres more or less, tan of ivhLnh is bush, where 1 are erected on the premises, R house, and excellent out-builaings ; is well fenced,land of good soil, and nline stunning of cultivation. There is a spring .through it. A good orchard, containing a great many choice fruit bearing trees. Good hard and soft water. Situated on cornet lot, one mile from post office. and convenient distance from d Methodist Chu' hhouse and . For furtbei!particulars apply to MRS, ALIIX. NEIL, (1 m Adare Post Oiilee: GROCERIES 1 ! Ick 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c. to 750. per .1b. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of H.ARDWAR FORIfS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, (Cheap.) Beat Machine 011 60e per Gal. _ M1tRRIED. - iots, Lots, Lots FowLEn--(;is.nzovn-At Mooselaw, N. W. T onAng 31, by Ree. Mr. Taylor, Jas. P. Fowler, formerly of Oxford County, to Miss Maggie Gilmoar, formerly of Boron County. KETWE.--WBE MAIL --At St. Mary's church, in this town, on the 21st hist., by the Rev. Father Brennan, Mr. John James lieboe, of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., Barris- ter and County Crown Attorney, to Char- lotte Theresa, daughter of Mr. P. Wheli- han, St. Marys, Registrar of South Perth. HoosER-IRGRAnI-At the residence of the brides father, on the 28th inst., by Rev. Mr. 1hompson, of Hensall, Edward Hooper of Centralia, to Miss Bella In- gram, daughter of Alex. Ingrain Esq. of Hay township. youth Huron Society's, held at Seaforth, on repart of the and we k the sweath During s tveryodisagree- Tnesclay,-flowing and rife .matches will able, rain having fallen more or less every soon be the order of the day. -Messrs. day. The success of the fair was not mar- Wood nasWood Bros. shipped two large consignments red, nevertheless. •of sheep from this station this week. - The earthquake which was predicted by` Drew's hall will shortly he* ready; those "Proph." Wiggins, for last night did not' villa have not noticed the operations will come about. No doubt many expected it, not recognize the premises when completed. --Remember the Exeter fall fail, Monday and Tnesday next, Oct. 4th and 5th; $2,000 in prizes and numerous special attractions. 'verybody come, --Several animals from ,this vicinity are on exhibition at the West- ern fair, London, this week. --It is said that .the,application of a bit of ice, or even cold. neater, to the lope of the ear, will stop hic- exeighing.-Tomatoes are unudtially plenti- ful here aborts this season. --It is a good time now to resolve to be a better business man, and to secure trade by advertising;-- Mr. Jas. Pickard is receiving shipments of goods from the old country, .direct. ---A couple of weeks will wind up the fall fairs. e are told that the judging et the lnean fair was most tuifair, especially in the horse ring. -` At a threshing. in. llsliorner last week, a �, fracas occtircd during which the two con- tegtents were somewhat injured. set: A perfect town is that le whish you etc ottizin b g the home merchants, farntors patr the laborers spending the money they earn . eir traclestnen, and ell animated by a td%ith alt irit that will not.pi chase articles abroad toIra � ,, P " they can be purcltaseci at linins. The of y an spirit of reciprocity between business ma xneeitasiic, tradesman and laborer, farme r and menufaotttrer, result every time in making the towvn a perfect one to an bug'- 105ii%, but a great many mare did not. You can now send in pour subscription to the Trerks,- Crowded oft last week.) as there are no o cher predictions made, t id ( you may possibly be allowed to Iive another heTdheeil g alar me t ingncf of thle tDe ouneil was yeas. vete present. The minutes of the previous, The fall assizes for this county will be meeting were read and conftrmed. opened et (xoderich, on Monday, October BoardM . er the Av ieltonntea an appose to the 4th, by Mi% Justice O'Coniror. The Brim- his farm, that the natural water course - inal calendar embraces one charge of rape, wits across the road, bet if the amnion would two of arson, oneeach of larceny, embezzle- grant him tbo'amount required to put in a went and perjury, and the ballot box case dud curry sberaM s the adrlo Ito would pro ure the from November, 1884: road, which could be done, thus eaviug :n Thegrand art reception, which has been drain or culvert across the road. His request was ranted. Mr, Alex. Jamesmerle in progress at Banton 'Bros., for the past.8iinianr request, which was griantecl, Oft., three days of this week, has attracted the niotion by NIT, 5whieli. seconded by bdr. attention of all the art loving ladies of our Hudson, the amount ho was :to receive, being village. The collection of work exhibited $3., • i rescomprising letoverl by Dir. Slsortrin, seconded by'11r. tie t DIED. WatnrsroxE--In St. Marys, on the aft inst., W. H. Whetstone, aged 67 years 8 months. T,REVETn1CK.-Iii Centralia,on the 22nd, inst., Mr. Trevethick, aged 26 years. Jonas. -In Exeter North, on the 22nd inst., John Jones, aged 39 years.:. r ► •♦- Blanshard Connell. Fon BALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation: good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HAVES, & FARMLAND TDEARINGwould respectfully ;intimate to the public at large that he has moved from his old location, and henceforthhis COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. sae A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good suit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up in Good Style. Our Dress t Goods ret arked- tchdown to MONTREAL T1 ORAE Will lbelooatedin GE01 EMP'S OLD STAP".1') will aheW ar where Drew's Block.) th fU r (ono door Nor o be sound, as of old, with a large. and well as- sorted stock of entirely new goods ,consisting of Ready-made Clothing, Tweed, Shirtings, English Corded and English Moleskins, Cotton- ades,Brown Duck,Cashmeres, Dress Goods, all descriptions, Corsets, Ladies' H se, • Mus - tins, La' , And everything usually kept in a well -stocked General Store. I am making Snecitl Bates to close out my i Spring & Summer Goods COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot, also a .Naim for Sale. anatronad. fairg riceet (manor) bye continuance Apply to ( custom and win many now patrons. Call and JOHN MATHESON. examine goods and prices. T. DEARING. HAY P. O. To make room for now Pali and Winter and. gen-ass are t d stock of daily.. ho ce carry ohne FAMILY GROCERIES, Which i am offering at Reck Bottom Bates TZ.A.F., , TZ'+AS, TEAS II snake this line a SPECIALTY. ,-i FAIRS Texici IN EXCHANGE for Goons. I would thank, my old customers for atlhinr Parties desiring Land or CARLING'S BLOCK FOR SALE. Houses would do well to con- � 2'13E PLACE FOR- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purclaaser. L CARLING,. EXETER. WTO! {J 110011, the finest we ever SrIW, t b Many benclsosne nortietes, curtains, lainbre- quips, *able scarfs, sofa pillows, &c., all d g wale homed rift sign artistically embroidered in the raised ar- raseno, tittcel incl wools, on plush, lace, bit end satin, This wit'rk is all accomplish- eel sn the New Home sewing maching with- out the use of any atttichment, being done entirely Froin the shuttle. Many of our ladies have been talciiag lessons in this new see a large doubtctrl we will s b art, and. nn y collection of it in the various homes in Exeter, who own "New Homes." Renton Pros. are the agents for this wonderful mtcehine, and will be pleased to show its , graves, a)f:11 oontraota ; eosep i iow a ei Mt�ZN-MAIN', E<YEl"LR, inotrits to all who favor them with a call. 320 sleeading $ravel. i, FAIR DEALING CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENTS One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Chespest Stocks in Exetcr. Meltin Cloths, 1•Iabit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French ,Dress Materials, in all the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS. -All the Very Latest Novelties in' Black (Bods lack Dress Materials and,Mom'ning Goods, as well as all Staple Lilies i Colored. Plashes in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dress anti Mantle Silks. OSXB 'Y ! Hudson, that ihs reeve and reasuror o for torizoclto )sorrow }3701, from the baiuly ORE LIGHT O1 THE SUBJECT. vaisnt t tar 5osoa.-(era fed. tow 1 fort `z orders ' offer this season it New and Stylish The following We urea 35 calves; L. T'idcl, 318 Mast be seen to be appreciated. ed; Jatnos;i Y+ Goaris. " `d 'i! Laa N x"17 ditch and CLOCKS, JEWELERV, WATCHES, CTS , SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES, Ere., Is Unexcelled in Quantity and Quality, and innerked at Prices Uniformly Low, everybody who appreciator good culvert, ' S Ravi a Lot y Y, 4l • sal}n w repairingrl Dykes. fair it , ani C :ices l� slaw Prices gee" Wilson, on a vile r 13. v on 10th cone >. g bridge P s the• hg ort ge ; ' . T.haat 17.15 ravel ; D. Payr- � 0011 VIIOLY AssozeT>ri, 810011 or tiro , 0. iii ; 1). Sinclair, 6¢ I ter, f 2 repan�tng culverts , culvert ; >Z'V. Wood, $37.50 gravel ; W, Ren, one --..-gravel ; J: Pearson, 50ets., cictng ditch ; Wm. Hayes, eel grat:el ; 3. S. ',Kelly,' 40.50 gravel ; Goo, Moir, 635 part Salary f printing ; It. Itndcliffc, e3 culverts ; Win. °al � 10 repairing X12 repairing bridge, Ruth Ritchie, $7 char- 1 GIVE Eta 5 A GALL sty -Cyon. tVlikenson, 33 amities , R. Nort11= 1 C' •tl arae GOOD ASSORTMENT AND 1GXTli.A CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range, Flannels, Blankets, Factory end 'White Cottons, Shirtinge, tie., all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at LOWEST' POSSIBLE PRICES.' z' alit Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to If you want �. C�ABLIT G'S.. If© a.rtn crit �. Co ,plate. our Crf�ae�'y � TRY UT.3R 5i0u'r, "IEA. be the best in the Village for the money. It is<acknowlsdgod by everyone that has used it to ,f^ Sample Parcels, Free, AND ALL PRODUCE T�'�TER EGG'S, f TA1EN IN EXCHANGE CALL � t�'A OA.�sL SOLICITED. a . Exeter, I._ C/�t�LyCVGN1ain t ,