HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-08-26, Page 20A FUIMITURE repairs and recovering, tura years ex- perience, free estimates. For information call Lodge Furniture 524-7521.--340 ar REMODELLING. renovations. roofing and floor laying. expertly atone. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNafr'n.-a-'tf'n VtA ,15'4 M '1* si*vKKT AVAILASIS. ................ . DAVIDSON Helping Aid Service. • Free hearing tests) 0 day"trialz batteries, chargers, repairs. City and country house calls. 334 Queens Ave. Phone 432-9951 London.-24tfnar OiN 14. NOT1 E TO '(MOORS ONE DAY COLOUR FILM PROCESSING - )".4 xr uhF k F2E c, FIE A N iERv. tiF�i s, SAAt. *)t 1LINTON Huron Pines Electric RESIDENTIAL. iNDUSTRIAL FARM WIRING SPECIALIST PHONE 482-7901 eassiwarsli.10~1.111"1 CUSTOM IMMO AND p*OCL. Butchering dates - end Thursday TU AY°..'N+4 a Park • FRIDAY --eat +Dnp► PICK UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Monist's teaiolr !! riaromiltwood HURON PINES - -Construction See Centre.. 482.1101- CLINTON Electrical Wining Pole Lkw Cdtstruction General Contracting - Excavating Back Hoe and Dozer Services - Trencher Service up to 14" - Boring Service - Sand. Gravel, Topsoil 2itn WATER WELL DIMING W. D. HOPPER SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTN1 NEIL: 527-1737 QURL: 527-0621 JIM: 5774775 tfn WAY SIDE INTERIORS 150 Huron St. Stratford Custom Reupholstering Finest Fabrics and Workmanship Phone collect for estimate Stratford 273-0$80 tfn seemeessear IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM WATT flAlxt'I'Oi'l, late of the TttwASltllx Hualle tt in the County of Huron, Partner. deceased. ALL perms havingclaims against the Estate of the above- named who died on thth day of 3uly, 1976, are requiredlo file full particulars thiereof with the undersigned -on or before the 20thday of September. 1976,.after which date the assets ill only be distributed, having regard to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario, this 20th day of August, i976. MENZIES. ROSS Clinton, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 35,36,37 IN THE ESTATE OE CER1L VAN DAMME. late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron. ' Realty Proprietor, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 23rd day of May. -1976. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of September. 1976. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario, this 20th day of August. 1976. MENZIES. ROSS Clinton. Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 35.36.37 EAVESTROUGHING BRiCK sr BLOCK CHIMNEYS cud METAL WORK Phone 482-9706 t, CLOCKS REPAIRED All types: 45 Grandfather • Antique • French. Etc. • ,Specialist -on Chime Clocks Will pick up and deliver. Trade work accepted. l.T.,HOLLINSHEAD Residence 482.3759 tf TIP TOP ROOFING L SIDING *All types of siding • complete home renovations inside and outside. • All types of roofing Farm work a specialty PHONE CLINTON 482-7168 LONDON 453-.8371 BOA-JRN CARPENTRY For + CUSTOM BUiLT HOMES + RENOVATIONS + ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN R.R. 2 CLINTON Phone 524-1029 In the Estate of Roger Francis Layton, late of the Township of Tuckersrnith. in the County of Huron. ALI, persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 3rd day of August. 1976. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September. 1976,.after v140'0 date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario. this 1 i the day of August, 1976. D. G. Hilts. Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. --34.35.36 tf CONNELL - At London on JOHNSTON - Ir► loving memory Sof our dear caugh►ter and sister. Monday. August Y6, 1976, Cecil S. Cutlet --of London. in his 73rd Mrs:, Edith J+�linston.(nee Lep, passed away one year. Survived by one sister. pington) who st rs. Emily Marks,' of B.C. two year•ago Augustalways 75. Roy, of Clinton, and Always smiling.. ys ntt, brothers,y Harold of Seaforth. The late Mr. Loved and respected wherever Connell rested at the Ball she went. unselfish and Funeral Home, 153 High St.. Always so gold, Clinton. after 7 p.m. Wednesday. kind she left where the funeral service was What a beautiful memory held on Thursday August 19, 1976 behind• remembered by C 2 Cemetery. Interment in Clinton mother. sister. Iona. and brother - Cemetery. -35 in-law, Albert Leibold. -35,' IN THE ESTATE OF MARY IRENE CUMMINGS late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron. Married Woman, deceased. ALL persons..having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 25th day of June, 1976, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on,or befpre the 7th day of Septembeet 1976. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regardonly to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario. this 4th day of August. 1976. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor 33.34.35 IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD GEROGE GREALIS. late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Piano Finisher. deceased. ALL • persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 16th day of June. 1976. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of. September, 1976. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall thenlhnveTnotice DATED at Clinton. Ontario. this 20th day of Aug 976. MENZIES. ROSS Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors 35,36,37 CQDAN 17. LOST AND FOUND FOUND - Grey and white kitten. August 15, vicinity of Clinton Community Park. Phone 482- 7738. -35 FOUND - one pair of hard contact lens. two weeks ago in the Bank of Montreal. Clinton, Phone 482- 3479. -35ar 20. TO GIVE. AWAY IN THE ESTATE OF BEN- JAMIN WILFRED MUNNINGS. late of the Town of Clinton in the County- of Huron. Retired Labourer. deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 14th day of July. 1976.. are required to file full particulars thereof with the, undersigned on or before the 7th day of Septerbber, 1976. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard 'only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario: this 4th day of August. 1976. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton. Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 33,34.35 26. CARD OF THANKS CONNELL - The felinity of the late Cecil Connell of London wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives. friends and netgbbciurS for the floral tributes, cards and donations to the Heart and Cancer Societies. Special thanks to Rev. L -Lewis. U.C.W. of Ontario Street United Church and the Ball Funeral Home. Your expressions of sympathy were deeply appreciated. The Connell family. -35x FINLAY - In Goderich, on Wednesday August 18th, 1976. LEE - In loving memory of a dear Wilbert D.(Bert) Finlay. Beloved wife. mother and granny. Helen husband of Ferne Beacom. Dear Lee. who passed away one year father of Mrs. William (Molly) ago August 29.1975, Cox, of Goderich Twp. Grand- Your end came sad and sudden father of John. Jody and Jeff Cox. No time to say goodbye Brother of Mrs. Gordon (Del) You were gone before we knew it Howes. Clinton. Mrs. A.F.(Ada) Only odhkno knows the beating why McCullough. of Regina. Rested at A golden the McCallum Funeral /lime, Two working brig Road. at East Street. God broke oouhr heart to prove to ands at rest Cambria Goderich after 2 p.m. Friday. us Funeral service was held at 2 He only takes te best. by o'clock Saturday afternoon... hnoisbtani�d rememberedBill, daughter Sharon Interment Maitland Cemetery. Anne' son-in-law Bob and -35 ` grandson Billy. -35 KELLY - At Huronview, Clinton on Tuesday. August 17. -1976. Anne Kelly. formerly of Goderich, in her 70th year. Wife of the late Charles Francis Kelly. Foster mother of Cornelius Neville of Sidney H.S. and sister of Agnes Walsh of Goderich. Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home, God afterp.m. Wein Wednesday. Service was he the chapel on Friday 11 a.m. Interment Colborne Cemetery. -35 • 11, 41/1111111/1/111NO ONE male dog. Phone 482-9445• -35 CONSTRUCTION Is. PUBLIC NOTICE + Commercial and Residential Renovations. + Custom -Built Homes For free Estimates: can ERIK CHRISTENSEN 482-1640 „n 21. BIRTHS WALT Gardiner's' Barber Shop will be c'osed Saturday August 28. Open Tuesday. -35nc ROYAL Canadian Legion Hall rental and catering services available for weddings,, recep- tions, etc. Phone 482-9061 for reservation.-35.36.37ar McGREGOR - Bill and Mary Lou are pleased to announce Cahristopher of their son,hristopher Jason, on August. 20. 1976. at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. -35nc 4 JOHNSTON - We would like to thank everyone for gifts, cards. flowers, visits and remem- beances while Mark was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turner. Aunt Vine and Uncle 11111. Doctors Shepherd and Lambert and nurses. Don and Jackie Johnston. -35 MACLEOD - Marjorie Macleod of United Church Bayfield. Beloved wife of the tate Welcoming into the san- Lewis Macleod. who passed away ctuary on Sunday morning at Clinton, on August 19th. 1976 in were Gordon Shobbrook and her 82nd year. Surviving are 3 Lloyd Pipe. Ushers were daughters Dorothy. Bayfield, Brenda Millar, Ruthann Mrs_ Carson( Margaret) Fawcett, Penfound, Susan Jamieson Bayfield, Mrs. Andy (Janet) Toma. Ottawa, 3 sons. Robert of and Debbie Westerhout. Kitchener, John, Port Stanley, Soloist was Anne Marie Heck - and Malcolm of St: Catharines.10 man of Munro (niece of Mrs. grandchildren and 2 great- Alien Shaddick) singing `"He grandchildren also survive. The Giveth" -anti "I want to live in late Mrs. Macleod rested at the a friendly world" with Mrs. Ball Funeral Home. 153 High St., Allen Bosman as the organist. Clinton. where the funeral ser- Rev. McDonald's children's vice was held on Monday August was "A dog who wasn't obedient". Junior teachers 23rd. 1976 at 2 p.m. Interment in story aayfield cemetery. -35 were Florence Cartwright, NOYES Suddenly in Donelda Beli and Joan McGiilivary Twp. on Friday. Mason. The message was August 20. i976. Thomas Wilbert "strong men and women." f Lucan. Beloved and the flowers on the COLCLOUGH - Peggy and Larry Colclough of Vanastra are pleased to announce the arrival of their twin sons. Robert Harold and Richard David. born August 17 at Seaforth, Hospital. -35nc LAVIS - Gordon and Anne Lavis are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter. Leeanne Norene, on August 20, 1976 weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Fourteenth grandchild for Mr. & Mrs. Either Ilayter, Varna and fourth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs• John Lavis. Clinton. -35 I WILL not be respensi'hle for any debts incurred by my wife. Elizabetb(Betb) Wolfe after this date. August 26, 1976. Burnie Wolfe. Clinton. -35.36.37 22. DEATHS GRASBY - In the Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday. August 19. 1976. William Henry(Harryl Grasby of Blyth in his 86th year Dear father of Everett of London and Lois, Mrs. John Bernasconi of Ottawa. Also survived by two grandchildren. Funeral service was held from the Tasker Funeral Home. Blyth on Saturday, August 21st at 2:30 p.m. with the Rev. Stan McDonald. Londesboro of ficiating- Interment in Blyt h Union Cemetery. -35 Noyes, o husband of Margaret (McIntyre) memorial stand were placed Noyes. Dear father of (Julie"Mrs. in loving memory of Mrs. Richard Pitchers. of London and Granby, who passed David Noyes of Lucan. Dear Harry in Clinton Hospital on grandfather of Jennifer Pitchers. away his family Beloved Son of Alfred and Adeline Thursday. by Noyes of Lucan. Dear brother of Everett and Lois. (Amy) Mrs. Harry Brown, of Remember the Hope chapel Clinton, Harold Noyes of London, m;.emorial next Sunday, (Donna) Mrs. Ken Peterson. of August 29 at 3 p.m. when Rev. Komolea and John Noyes. of McDonald will be speaker. H Toronto. Rested at the C. Haskel raining, the service will be and Son Funeral Home. Lucan, held: in the church. tease .+here the funeral service was held on Monday. August 23 at 2 bring lawn chairs. p.m. with Rev. E. Madden. of Lucan United Church officiating. Personals Interment in St. Georges Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gross Cemetery, London Twp. -35 and Larry arrived home from ; C1 . r FLEW/TT -1 wovid like t all my friends and neighs their kindness while 1 patient in Clinton Hospital. Sapeciat thanks. Newland and nurses and st first and second floors. Gi Flewitt. --35- ' FINLAY - The family of the late Wilbert(Be,rt) Finlay, express its sincere thanks for the thoughtfelneass of relatives,. friends and 'neighbours; for She beautiful, flowers donations.. sympathy Cards and acts of` kindness during the recent toss of a beloved husband, father and, grandfather. Special thanks to doctors and staff at Alexandra Hospital. pallbearers. Rev Reddoch and McCallum Fundal.. Home. To all those who helpe�ii bf: any way • your . kindness and services will always be remembered. The Finlay Family. -35 LZA'Av5SLETED r •. � .aiF���.�. ..c Mrs. Art Waymouth at Harcourt at Algonquin Park and returned home by way of Toronto visiting their daughter Nancy and visiting the Exhibition. Mrs. Ruby McDougall of Toronto returned home with them and is visiting with her brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDougall. Jean(Bonthoin i4 Baker of California is visiting with her aunt. Mrs. Ida Rownsend. Mrs. Ross Millson, Sheryl. Patricia, Sarah and John of ,Woodstock, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr- and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, while David spent the a three week trip through the QUANTRALL At Clinton Public western provinces to Van - Hospital on Sunday. August22.couver B.C., while Denise 1916. Walter Quantratl of 54 Mill Gross enjoyed holidays at her St.. Clinton, in his 3G 9th year. Dear rand treats, Mr. and Mrs. father of Mrs. Roger(Janet) g P Paschall, of Chester. Virginia, Robert M. Scott. Seaforth. and Mrs. John(Fiorence) Dr. Eldon Elder, Mrs. McQuaid. of Belleviile. Step- Elder, Michelle, Paul. Peter father of James Quantrnll, of and Steven of Ottawa visited Aylmer. Brother of James with his uncle. Harold Cun- Quantrall, of Galt. Also survived ninham and Mrs. Cun- by four grandchildren. Rested at the H.A. Kebbell Funeral Home. Hingham prior to a tour of the Holmesville team. A few Aylmer. for service on Wed- European countries. spectators noted that the Sunday, dinner guests with Interment in Aylmer Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shaddick junior "A" ,team "plays nesday. August 25 at 2 p.m - better in the dark.' -35 were her niece Mr. and Mrs. Randy Blake's junior "B -.........0..., Jim Heckman of Munro. Cathy and Kevin Radford. team lost to Stanley Twp. on Wednesday. August 18 and visited cast week for a few days with their cousins. again on Friday, August 20. The senior boys. coachedBrian, Barry and Bruce �y Steve Thompson lost to Treble. Colborne Township Auburn 14-1 on August •9: t Again on August 18, the senior k' boys lost to Auburn by default: they failed to show her up at the game. Bell On Monday, August 16. the All senior boys were defeated by Friday Benmiller at Benmiller,4with a score of 14-1. On August 23. in- cluding, they had a game in Holmesville. but at press weekend in Clinton with hi cousin. Frank Ellerby. Mrs. Alice Davidson an Mrs- Lorne Hunking attended: the Alma College weekend. Ball Games On Monday, August 16, the: boys played in Auburn wi Auburn winning. The sans day, the Ladies played a Vanastra with Vanasltr' winning. On August 17. the gir1Sw played Holmesville and tie= score was 15-12 for Lo desboro. In house league play. th 9th won over Londesboro an the 13th won over K inburn. Goderieh Tup. rec. news By Diana Brand time, On August 17, Arnold Bell's available thy; senior girls baseball team Playoffs started fo(- had their first loss of the junior boys on Monday, season when they played August 23. when they played::; Hullett Township at Lon- Auburn. (again, results note desboro. The score of the available). game was 15-12. In the sixth inning. Hullet got 10 e off What's gray. has four Iegs ns which threw the 'game S balance for Goderich and a trunk"' A mouse getting._ Township- ready to take a trip. Pat Harris, getting a home run, was chosen first star. and Arlene VanderWal was the second star. An exhibition game will be played with Lucknow soon. Also on August 17. Lee Anne Bell's junior "A" team lost by a score of 29-21, when they played Colborne Twp. at Holmesville. The last inning ave a little bit of hope to the results were no WE CAN NO LONGER PROMISE 24 HOUR Watch Repairs Guaranteed EXPERT REPAIRS Need extra copies of hatters, discontents, sit.? Let the Oldest • News -Record 53 ALBERT ST. 452-3443 make them for you. ?ownship of Tuckersmith SINGLE COPIES... 2 Sc ea. 10.20 COPIES... 20c eat VER 20 COPIES...1 5c ea. ,4`a4 LY ioNlrGOMI1 ON TRU TLO T� ' 911►N a HOE EX V INAGGREGTES BikScreened "fop. o Phone- 4.. TF NOTICE is hereby given that the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith proposes to cons#der. and, if deemed expedient, pass a by-law providing for the stopping up of a certain lane or path' dedicated by Plan 22 for the said Township of Tuckersmith as a public highway, and being those portionis of Block "L"ac- cotding to Plan 22 for the Township' at Tuckersmith situated between Regina Road and Quebec Road and lying'firstly between Lots 37 and 3* of said Plan 22, and secondly between Lots 45 and 44 of said Plan 22; and further providing Farr ditiveyafC4s of said portions to the present owners of said adjoining Lots 37. SO, 45 and 44. It is propoted that the by-law be 'considered by the Council of the Township of Tuckersmith at its regular meting on Tuesday the 14th day of September. 1976. Date! this 14th- day of August, 1976. McIntosh AIM, 1. Township Clerk RR 40 seal t, Ontario. 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cantelon. RR 5. Clinton are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Jo- Ann Christine, to Mr. David Brett Harland, son of Mr., and Mrs. Garnet Harland, RR 5, Clinton. The wedding to take 11. 1976 atfoace urSaturday. Sept. p.m at Wesley Willis United Church. Clinton. Ont. -35 Mr. and Mrs. George Parker wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughter. Cindy Ann, to Marvin Brian Taylor. son of Mr and Mrs. John 'Taylor. Brucefield. Ontario_ The marriage to take place Sep- tember 18. 1976 at 3:00 o'clock at Hensall United Church. -35 He INT or nosellUI and they returned home with them for the rest of the wee Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Saundercock are sinter Mr- and Mrs. Stan of Skirlau h, England. returned home on Fri night. August 20 from a tour of northern Ontario. James Bay. Cochrane and a trip to Moosonee on the Polar Bear E xpress. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Shaddick and Scott visited last week with Mr: and Mrs. Jeff Shaddick. Moorefield. Donna and Scott remained for • a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shob- brook and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cre�wford visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. HtrotdaCrich, London. Mr. and Mrs. Len Caldwell returned home on Friday night from spending a few days in tfuntSville. While there they called on Mr. and • Complete Line of parts 4 Accessories Factory -Trained Licensed Mechanics lila G SPORTS & RECREATION LIMITED Vat° Ontario Dioi 519-262- BO 5