HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-08-26, Page 2are pleased to
to the office,
ly visitor, Mr.
'oruto. Ken is
search of the
for the chronology
ici he i compiling. While
Gere he is staying at the borne
his aunt and uncle, is and
s. Cliff Stewart of Princess
eet East.
As a post script to the above
paragraph - we must add that
At was our good fortune' to
have Ken Stewart on hand
when we needed a few
historical facts In a hurry
concerning our own
• .newspaper.
This followed a visit to the
office , by Councillor Helen
bench who recently returned
from Toronto where she
attended the Association of
unicipalities of Ontario
nvention at the Royal York
Hotel. While in Toronto she
renewed acquaintance with
the noted Canadian author
and humorist, "Greg" Clark.
Unable to receive visitors,
Mr. Clark spoke with Mrs.
Tench by telephone and
recalled for her his visits to
Clinton as a young boy. He
spoke highly of his aunt. Miss
Mabel Clark, who was editor
of the News -Record.
While we were wondering
just when Miss Clark edited
our paper. Ken Stewart was
able to come up with the dates
- 1917 to 1937. Probably many
readers remember Miss
Clark's tenure.
Also attending the con-
vention from Clinton Town
Council were Mayor and Mrs.
Don Symons, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Wheeler, and Mrs. Ruth
Home for three weeks
holiday are Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Young, Marc and
Jennifer of St. Lawrence.
Newfoundland to stay with
Stewart's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Young. North
Mrs. Dolores Lee recently
visited in Ottawa with
daughters, Miss Marie Lee
and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hurst
and family. The highlight of
her visit to Ottawa was a trip
to the Central Canadian
++4 -
Mardon and Ruth' uern, on
a short visit back to Clinton*
tell usthat they are enjoying
their new �+h�oQmef{ ha pParnnlle/yfi.
P.E.I.iii 'EThis is a Tittle town on
the north shore of the Island,
smaller than Clinton. Theft
address is RR 1 Kensington,
Mrs. Lucy Bezzo`spent part
Of last week at the home of
her son, and his wife, Mr. and.
Mrs. Douglas Bezzo at
Vanastra as part of her birth-
day celebration. .
Upon her arrival home last
Saturday she received the sad
news of the death of her
grandson. Gary ~Daniel Cook
of St. Thomas. Mrs. Beano
attended the funeral on
Monday. as- did other area
Former air force friends
dropped' in on the Gibbs
during the weekend. After an
absence of twelve years, Mr.
and Mrs. Jean Ricard with
sons Serge and Yves of
Brossard, Quebec made a
sentimental journey back to
the Air Force Base and the
home they occupied on
Victoria Boulevard. Like
many who revisited the scene
during Centennial year the
Ricards were saddened at the
changes which have taken
place over the years..
Many officers' mess
members will remember F -O
Ricard entertaining with his
trumpet. He is now an in-
ternational tax specialist with
Northern Electric Company
Limited in Montreal.
For the youngsters a
pleasant wind-up to the
holidays, . DON'T FORGET
the Puppet Show in the
Clinton Library this coming
Saturday, August 28 at 2 p.m.
Presentations will be
"Dragons On Parade" and
"Hansel and Gretel".
Finally a little "'paw -
patter" . for the canine
community. Ruff of the
Bayfield Road has a new
kennel mate. However, his
owners are not yet sure
whether he approves of his
"mail-order bride."
Willmors FQikadot .l t►dy, owned by Harry Waymouth,
Clinton Strong Pulpy
II>attant is l�teture+� heave wlimg .J�e..,
Group at the Guelph show in l tebener, April 24, 1976,
The noted American judge, E.E. Brown presented her
awl Lady has repeated the breed wins at Aylmer,
London, Kingston, Stratford, Ottawa and got the
championship at Barrie on August 2, 1976. (photo by
Weston Photography)
ChiiSres servos ...
(continued from page 1
Act, and as a psychiatric facility under the Mental
Health Act.
Following the closure of _the_ Goderich Psychiatric
Hospital and its child care and adolescent unit, a County
Steering Committee, composed of staff and ad-
ministrators of the present health and social service
organizations, along with interested professional and
representive citizents have met over the last four months
to examine the gaps in mental health and other
specialized services for children and youth.
The formulation of an
operating philosophy, and a
generalized outline of ser-
vices have now been com-
pleted and will form the basis
for the conirnencement of
diagnostic and treatment
programs during the Fall of
t its year and into 1977.
Throughout the
deliberations, and policy
considerations -of the County
Steering Committee, stress
has been placed on the need
for a cooperative and in-
tegrated service • venture
among present health and
welfare agencies and
professionals, and a ..com-
munity team approach to
treatment involving both the
new Centre staff and present
resources so as tp best utilize
the Health Ministry funding
which has been made
It is anticipated that the
new service will emphasize
programs geared to working
with children and adolescents
within their families.
assistance to the child ex-
periencing difficulties in the
education system, team
assessment approach for all
referrals to the Centre. in-
dividual and group treat-
ment, and preventative
programs - particularly
aimed at the pre-school
While no firm commitment
has been made, it is an-
ticipated that the ad-
ministrative headquarters
for the new Centre will be
located in Clinton so as to
provide accessibility to as
many people as possible in
the County.
The Steering Committee
has arranged a public
meeting for Wednesday,
September 1, 1976 at 7:30
p.m., at. the Clinton Public
School to acquaint all in-
terested people with the
proposed service. At this time
also, a slate of nominees for
election held which will invite
.further nominations from the
As part of the agenda, a
panel composed of Dr. Bruce
Thomson. family physician;
Mr. Don Kenweil, Huron
County Board of Education;
Mrs. Joanne Jasper. Senior
Public Health Nurse; Mr.
Bruce Heath, Children's Aid
Director; and Mr. Norman
Pickell, Goderich lawyer:
will speak to any enquiries or
concerns which the public
may have.
u + 8, of Burlingt n ter-
,rater y it the Dufferior el 1 + ua
Roman Catholic Operate School
will rep ce- oseph .Tokar ass" Su rin-
.tendent of Special Services,
iyilI%a ► Eckert, 38', ',of Brantford,
formerly with the Brant County Roman
Catholic Separate School Board, will
replace Alexander Easton aaes Superin-
tendent +o('Program.
Mr. Mills, a natixe of Lindsay, and Mr.
Eckert, a natiVe of Seaforth, will
comamcnce their daties with the board
effective September 1, 1976, both at an
annual salary of $31,000.
In the recorded vote (requested by
Stratfordd trustee, David Teahen) the
board chairman Arthur Haid of Listowel
left the chair to vote on the two- Motions
made to hire the two superintendents.
Mr. Haid said that his reason for voting
was to ensure that the programs started
by Mr. Tokar and Mr. Easton would be
continued for the children from kin-
dergarten to grade 8 in the 19 separate
schools in Huron and Perth Counties.
The recorded vote on the first motion
to hire Mr. Mills was as 'follows: for -
John O'Drowsky, St., Marys; Mickey
Vere and Ronald Marcy both of Strat-
ford; Greg Fleming, Crediton; Vincent
Young. Goderich; William Kinahan,
Wingham; Ted Geoffrey, Zurich and
Board Chairman, Arthur Haid; , op-
posed - David Teahen and Howard
Shantz; both of Stratford; Francis',,
Hicknell. Seaforth ; Michael Connolly,
K ippen : and Joseph Looby, Dublin.
The recorded vote on the second
motion to hire Mr. Eckert was: for -
O`Drowsky, Vere, Fleming, Marcy,
Looby Young, Connolly, Kinahan,
Geoffrey, Haid and Hicknell; opposed -
vices uni?
e involved, one
sirs certification in special
education; (2) because of declining.
enroiraant, grant structures and the fact
that this will give us aai. supervisory of-
f-f icer for each 400 children; (3) on top of
not attempting to use our own qualified
staff a decision tp hire a second
superintendent for ;31,000 Allen he was
making $24,500 as a principal, is
Mr. Teahen concluded: "The recorded
vote -speaks for the trustees concerned."
Stratford trustee Ron Marcy said:
It is cheaper to hire two supervisory
officers than to go back to the time when
we only had one superintendent and two
Mr. Marcy said that certification in
special education does not qualify a
person for a supervisory position.
. Mrs. Sheila Jankowski was hired as a
grade 1 teacher at Our Lady of Mount
Carmel School at Dashwood, effective
September, 1976.
In answer to Mr. Looby who reported
he had been- -questioned following the
newspaper report of the last board
meeting in July withregard to rates paid
to board owned bus drivers.. Jack Lane,
superintendent of business, stated in the
rate paid to those drivers who provide
the regular morning and afternoon
service,' a care allowance is included for
each driver. These drivers are
responsible for the interior and exterior
cleaning and general maintenance .to
comply with ministry of transportation
and communications standards.
Commenting on the brief presented by
the superintendent of business, Jack
only were they
ne.s presentan.on
omrnission. were too ..
Willis Blair said it was theta
meeting andhis: was the first pos
brief that was offered.
Mr. Lane's brief proceed• fin alter.,,
native to the comrnission.on,propertY is
reform that taxes on all schools
school property be funded by
,goverment in a manner similar to th ....
proposed by owners of farmland farm
buildings and managed forests 'With the
same provision of recovery for these
taxes for the reasons listed:.
+ It will continue to permit (as in-
tended) q. favourable distribution of
local assessment and costs among Local
government units.
+ It will permit school boards to
(continued on cage 15
Taxes show....
(continued from page 1
Brussels, $331.86 (5321); Hensel', $311.79
(5239.31) .
Townships were also hit with tax in-
creases over the year as can be seen
when comparing the 1975 and 1976.
figures: Hay. 5421.83 0349.47); Ashfield,
$372.69 ($`334.02) ; Stanley, $366.78
0328.08); Turnberry, 5359.52 0334.20;
Colborne, 5354.84 (349.17) ; Howich,
$352.77 0268.44); Goderich Twp., $325.35
(5289.35) ; East Wawanosh, $324 (5300);
Grey, $314.01 (5286.56); Usborne, $312.97
(5240) ; Stephen. $308.40 (5299.46);
Tuckersm ith, $300.30 0264.30);
Vanastra, $363.36; McKillop, 8294.60
0262.20); Morris, $257.85 0240.63);
Hullett, $256.50 0262.50); West
Wawanosh. 5256.44 (3261.42).
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