HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-9-30, Page 5Temperance Convention.
(Crowded out last week.)
A couyentiou of temperance wor, ors of
IIuron county, assembled in Caramels hall,
Seaforth, on Friday 171h.iust,, at 1.1 o'clock;
D. D, 1Vilson, Esq.' Prosideat of the Soott
Act Assoeiatiou, in the chair. The medting
}vas opeued with prayer by Rev. Mr. Smyth,
of 13russels• sin and misery,
stades has surmounted all the ob- gueut should be diligently rubbed upou tllte 1l51Nb1 i,, .
Tho President nominated a committee olos commn to suffering humanity and adjacent skin, unless the friction should `
McGillicuddy, Rev, Messrs, A. E. Smith, podestal of fame. Howoften are we [ed eimultaueouslytn
consisting of Messrs. W. H. Herr, and T. ❑phill pedestrians, aro, now he Maude on the cause pain. Holloway's Pills, should be
'lteu to reduce intimation
Colic Fletcher and A, Y. Hartley, and rias when contemplating the great event and in. and to purify the blood. This treatment Apf MAl34C
Forrest, to prepare a programme of business: venters of this life to exclaim with the im• abates tlio violence, and lessens the frequency
Sttbsegnetitly the committee submitted a mortal Grey
report containiug a number of resolutions, "full many a ggOm of purest ray serene,
which were discussed at length. The dark unfat'iomed caves of ocean bear.'
The moving of the following resolution, But I roust not tarry longer, nor allow• my -
which was ously adopted, called forth self to be carried away by momentary en -
many expressions of admiration for the char-
acter and ability of the License Inspector
for \Vest Huron, and praise of his faithful
and courageous adherence t'o duty. "That
this genivention hears with regret of the pain
fel iluess of Stephen Yates, License Iuspee-
tor r West Huron, and that it puts on re- known to science as the self cure for lumbo 0
ports appreciation o
f his noble efforts iu lumbago,
PA o, ick on the back or other ailments comma
the cense of law order and temperance, since to au overworked vertebra. I don't know by
the convention last met. We hereby desire what name the inventor is pleased, to call it,
the secretary to convey to Mr. Yates this but I shouldtimidly suggest the following
"The double -shuffle, back -estimated, self -
cooking, wheelbarrow motion", to be careful-
ly manipulated by the affiicted, two assist.
auts and two or more boards of some veran-
dah. The secret is,'that a certain contract-
or, having a sore back, appliedto two other
individuals to be straightened out. One of
these assistants may be described as
The smith, a nightly man is he,
With large and sinewy hands,
And the muscles of his brawnyarms
Are strong as iron bands."
Tho ,, other, a man noted for his stature, and
whose strong right arm did deeds of mighty
valor on the prospective battlefield in the
days when earth was young." Now, having
described to you necessaries, I must give the
the flrmanout. In the towuship of Usborne,
just; in the suburbs of its capital, lives the
prodigy of modoru times, and just so Meg l.0
mon go to church for a pure and honest w-
ave end women to critize Polly Aun's new
spring bonnet or Mary Jane's polke-dot
basque, just so long will this new miracle
live in the upper story of a grateful people.
Cast upou a charitable world, this new in-
ventor Lae struggled on through this vale of
Interesting Ilt(?111lS.
F,Iot:otoay'ii 0inGl.dnt and P%.ils,-•-11heum-.
tism and Golta;"4,13.ise puryfying and Booth,
ing remedies demand the earnest attention
Of all persons liable to gout, sciatica, or other
painful affections of the muscles, nerves, or
joiuta. The Ointment should be applied
after the affected parts have boon patiently
fomented with waren water, wlxeti the uti-
thasiasln, for at best man is but mortal, and
prone to oat too much, as well as Vther ani -
male. Now, for fear of being too wearisome,
I shall proceed to unravel the great mystery
which I must state at the outset, is no Wiz-
ard Oil combination, ' but rather what is
expression of feeling, together with the hope
that God will bless and sustain him in his
affliction, and, if it be the Divine will, that
he be restored to health and usefulness.''
Rev. A. Y. Hartley moved, seconded by
Mr. W. H. Herr, "That this convention has.
heard with pleasure that Mr. J. D. Smith, of
Gorrie, has consented to act, if appointed,
in the capacity of Police Magistrate, for the
East Riding of Huron. Believing that Mr.
Smith is in every way suitable to fill that
office, we would very strongly urge upon the
Ontario Governpi,ent, the appointment of
Mr. Smith to that position at the earliest
possible. date." ---Carried unanimously.
Moved by Rev. 'Colin Fletcher, seconded
by Rev. A. Y, Hartley, and resolved, "That
we recommend the appointment of a police Process` of cure ; the chief actor grasps the
magistrate, without salary, for each riding
of the county."
On motion of Rev. Mr. Smyth, senonded
by Mr. W aulass, it was decided to form a
Scott Ad organization for each riding of the
county, The East Riding reported, having
altoady completed their organization: Mr.
Jno. Renton was appointed to organize the
South, and'Mr. Jno. Mallongh the West
Rev. Mr. Fletcher introduced, Mr. M. Y.
McLean seconded, and the convention
heartily ,endorsed the following resolution,
"This convention, always so deeply interest-
ed in the enforcement of the Scott Act,
would express its eincere pleasure at the tone
and matter of the circular recently issued by
the Provincial Secretary, to officials under
the Act, for its proper entorcemeut. This
convention would impress noon the temper-
ance men, the desirability of giving all due
help to the officials in the pereecutiou of
their work, 'and would urge upon the govern-
ment, the necessity of fully upholding and
protecting its officials in discharging the
functions of their offices, so that they may
not be hindered in their duties, by the ter-
rorism of outrages."
At this stage, Mr. F. S. Spence, of Toron-
to, who wan present by invitation ofthe exe-
cutive comistO&K was introduced and ad-
dressed the meeting for about an hour- His
speech was exceptionally able, well delivered
and pregnant with practical instruction. He
was listened to with keen interest, and the
thanks of tho tiudience was expressed in
a unanimous standing vote.
The following resoluticn was moved by
Rev. W. M. Martin, and seconded by Rey.
Mr. McCoy. "That whereas no existing
political party is pledged to the cause of pro-
hibition to the liquor -traffic ; and whereas
we believe the time has come when temper-
ance men shouts% take action, untrammelled
by political par sanehip, to secure the elec-
tion of parham wyy representatives who
'v legislation tion in refer-
work for pro
ressi e
p 81
to every moral reform ; therefore, re-
solved, that this convention affirm its con-
tinued adherence to the decision of the
Alliance Convention of September 1885, and
recommend the formation and vigorous prac-
tical operation of temperance electoral unions
yyppon the basis then adopted, and further
recommend that we call upon temperance
elecars every where to withhold all pledges
of political support to party candidates until
an official declaration has been made upon
temperauce questions by the respective party
canousses or conventions, and further that
we strongly advise temperance electors to Dominion for last mouth were $452.703, an
take steps to secure the nomination and oleo- increase of $198.278 compared with the cor.
tion of a known and avowed prohibitionist responding month last year..
for the House of Commons and the Previa- Cholera has appeared in Sardinia-
Bial Legislature in every constituency where, CERTAIN CURE
in an election, neither candidate of the exist-
ing political parties satisfies the demands of
a prohibition platform." This motion pro -
voiced a lengthy 'discussion, during which
bottom boards of a verandah with a grip of
steel, while the assistants get a firm hold of
his nethermost limbs, and then by a ser-
ies of violent jerks and wheelbarrow motions
the deed is done, and the cure is so sudden
and instantaneous that the would-be sink
man gets beside himself; and rushes about
lifting waggons, ploughs,store-posts, and in
other ways frishtug,ahout as frolicsome and
as light as that playful auimal called the
elephant. Now, if any one benefits by this
prescription, a dollar sent to the inventor
will be'promptly and. thanfully pocketed.
P. S.—I have cielayed the publication of
this awaiting the result of the cure, which I
must add is complete.
Mr. John Torrance sold his 50 acre farm,
on the 12th concession of McGillivray, to
Mr. John Mawson, for $3000.
The Drayton. Times—T. C. Dean, prop. —
entree: "J. T. Mitchell, of the Drayton
Vidette, has been committed for trial for pub-
lishing a criminal libel against the proprietor
of this paper,
Our merchants are busy getting ready for
the fall and winter trade, and new goods of
every description are arriving daily. A. visit
to the different stores at this time will con-
vince the most sceptical that our merchants
have the beat and finest stook of goods ever
brought into the country. There is no use
for farmers and others to go 'bo cities and
have their wants supplied, as by patronizing
their own town they will get better bargains
and be better satisfied with their purchases.
Our merchants are anticipating a large busi-
ness during
usi-ness-during the fall and Doming winter, and
we trust their expectations will be more than
Efforts are being made in Montreal to
receive the project for the erection of a
union railway station in the centre of the
The Xing of Portugal has concluded his
visit to London.
A. London merchant died of cholera three
hours after his arrival at Pesth.
It is just as essential that the human body
'should have pure plood, as that a tree on
plant should have sup to nourish awl invigor-
ate its growtliu Nearly all our our bodily
ills arise from unhealthy blood- Burdock
Blood. Bitters purifies this fountain of life,
and regulates all the vital organs.to a healthy
The total Inland Revenue 'receipts of the
A Cann von CHOLEa' Monnns.—A posi-
tive curd for this dangerous , complaint, and
for all acute or chronic forms of Bowel Com-
plaint incident to Summer and Fall, is found
strong opinions both in favor ofand against I in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry;
he adoption oflinch a course of aotion were to be procured from any druggist.
fr�'ely expressed. The feeling 'in its favor ( Last month's exports and imports totalled
prevailed, however, and the resolution was respectively $9,520,965 and $9,037;924, show -
adopted by a large majority.
ing increases as compared with August, 1885,
Mr. F. Buchanan was appointed Vice- of 3055,883 in exports and $322,524 in ire -
President of the Scott Act Association for ports. The customs and inland revenue col -
the municipality of 1Vinaham, in place of lections for last month wore $413,000 in ex -
Mr. E. Bowers; ' resigued, and Mr. Noble cess of those for August,1885. •
Oluff was elected to fill a similar position in Dr Carson's Catarrh Cure is no longer an
Seaforth. experiment. No cure, no pay is the terms
The convention adjourned to meet again ( on which it is sold. y Money refunded if
at Wingham in November. I not satisfactory. Ask your druggist about
it, then buy it and take no other.
Base ball at Hamilton on Saturday:—
Guelph Maple Leafs, 9; picked nine, 7.
James Droger, alias Roberts, the Detroit
burglar, has been sentenced at Torouto to
three years in Kingston penitentiary.
bile liver secretes to move the bowels;
the kidneys secrete urine to carry off uric
acid, which would poison the blood; the ato-
The Invention of the Age.
Seldom in the history of that biped called
man, the essence of misery, does it so happen
that out of the dark corners of the earth,
comes the startling intelligence of wonderful
discoveries in science. The more so is this
a remarkable occurrence in homespun conn- mach secretes gastric trice to digest or dts-
try planes. where one would imagine there solve secretes
etc, Burdock Blood Bitters
was not made' Ito to give one conscien.re sots upon these organs and purifies the
it not for of his o;; eaftly existence. Were blood by' cleansing all the secretions of the
it not for the midnight baying of the wary stem.
watchdog, or the tantalizing cro.ting ,of the yThe indications are that, after allcthere
wakeful rooster- •Stich a place isnot a bun -
will be no American that,
in London
dred miles from bore, and out of the dark -
tidings next ear,
DOSS of such a place comes forth the .Scrofula and all forme of scrofulas his:
of a Dew andwonderful discovery, which will eases, are rapidly purged awaybylife use
be hailed by the millions of suffering hu- of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
i ' h a blow of bugles and clashot • It tnaiu er-
inanity, with Mrs. Langtry says she wilt re p
drums. The venerable Pitman immortalized mnnentl in America. r,;, .,
himself when, he gave to the world that won -
the aid of which we aro enab
b o warn our readers
derful sit, y It is now in season t
' downour own firesides and feel o ram
led to est do v by against the sudden attacks of Cholera, Cramp
the electrifying influence of fiery oratory. as Colic and the various Bowel Camplaints -rn-
it was poured forth upon a spell -bound au -eldest to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables,
hisses, hundreds of miles away. Morse will etc, D. Fowler's ,Exttact of Wild Strawberry
be remembered as long as the governors in
chine, in :mail's organization is the grand specific for those troitbles.
that little ma Paralysis, Deafness, Running Sores, Salt
called the mind, .dotheir duty, for bestowing Rheum, Neuralgia, Livor, Blight's
upon an awestricken world that great boon, ute
Disease of the 1{ tineya, biebetes, discharges
the telegraph, which thrills the whole.werld' of all kinds: cure guraed • Giles' Liui-
by its electrical dissemination of the accounts merit Iodide Ammonia and Giles' Pills. Sold
of the wonderful transactions of this mous-
by C Lutz, Central Drug' Stole,
here and now, to cap the climax of " YSalvation Army, arrfy.
dans sphere, all we need is the man Gen. Booth, of the b y
withtenan ihtseaich,ed at New York Saturday.
an intellect so vast as to grapple with HUNBSIY THE BIIST POLICY
the problem involved in the invention of an An honest me(1iciukr' is the noblest work
umbrella, that won't take up with stressors of man, aud.wd eau assure our readers that
with ay away six menthe when sent homer
Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
with a neighbor of au evening for company. not onlyreliable, but is almost iufalliblb to
Such a man would lice in history long ter
oure Colera Morbtta, Dysentery, Canker of
all other inventors hare sunk into forgottenthe Stomach and bowels, and the various
graves- Now, to return to my story, for 1
tear the reader will be getting impatient toSaintliersudden and fatal, s, wheat) attacks are often
hear what new scientific fame has neon In
of gout, ihentnatism, and all spasmodic dis-
eases, which spring front hereditary predis-
position, or from any accidental weakness of
constitution. - This ointment checks the
local mivcltief. The Pills rootore' the vital
Nc.w the seasons' mother, Autumn, palls
her children all together,
And this history of the yeas to thorn
relates ;
While the tht•itty politician begins to wonder
Ho pill have to pay the same for dole.
Ladies Only.
The complexion is often rendered unsightly
by Pimples, Liver Spots, and Yellowness.
These it is well known are caused from an
inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr. Chase's,
Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole sys
tem. See Resipe Book for recipes, hints and
suggestions ou how to preserve the complex-
ion. Sold by C Lutz, Solo Agent,
John L. Sullivan and Paddy Ryan have
signed articles for a sparring match to take
place in San,Frencisoo, within two months.
Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your
mouth in the morning ? Do you stiffer from
Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliousness ? If so
Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. Try it.
Your Druggist will refund money if not sat-
isfactory. O. LUTE, Agent, EXETER, ONT
Linim,entIQdide A inn onia
Removes all Unsightly Bunches, Cures. Lame
noes in Cattle, pinal Meningitis, Found.
or, Weak Limbs, Surun Wind Knees, Spay -
in, Quitter, gas.
No stabloshonld be without it. Railroad
Mining end l!,xpreseComps.nies all One Giles
Lin[mant,and in the great racrug (stables o
Belmont atidLoriilartl it has achieved 'wend
dors, Unb trial will convince; l;0
Write DR.C�IL�;S, Box 3183,,
N. Y. P. O., who
will; without charge, give advice on all diseases
and also on the management of cattle. Sold by
all druggists at 500. and $1,00 bottle and in
marts at $2410, in whish there is great Savin,,
Tho Lini,uent in white S�raphors is for family
use; that iu yellow for cattle.I)F
Used by all the loading horsemen, on Jorom
Park, Fleetwood, Beach, Slieepshead Bay an
Buli'sSead. Never dissapoint,are Tonic, Ae
torative surf Diuretic, Destroy worms! Cur 1
Indigestion, Collo, Bets, Sore Throat, Catarrh,
,Pounder, Pink -eye and Rheumatism. Tho
dose is small and the power is great. The
Powders aro Guaranteed and Purchasers
Failing to Obtain a Cure Money Refunded.
sold by all druggists ,at 20 ets. per bo.c:
in Rin
To all who are suffering from the errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
easy decay, lose of Manhood, ko, I will send a
receive that will oure`you, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great remedy was diaeovered by a mis-
sionary in South America. Send a self-ad-
dressed envelope to lbw. 70sEPA. T. IensUs
Station D. New YorkCit
If your hair is turning gray, don't use the
poisonous dyes which burn out its life and
produce many diseases of the scalp. Ayer's
Hair Vigor is harmless, and will restore the
natural color cf the hair, stimulate its growth,
and bring back its youthful gloss and beauty.
There is no question but that Dyspepsia is
the nationol disease of our country, and
when complicated with diseases of the Liver.TT fie' d s are soare,but those who write
�OLL to Stinson Co., Portland, Maine,.
will receive free, full information
about work which they can do, and Sive at
home: that will pay them from $5 to $35 per
day.Some have earned over $50 in a day.
Either sex, young or old. Capital not requir-
ed: You are started free, Those who start at
o�itve are absolutely sure of a suug little for-
tune. Allis new.
In Nine V01160188,.
iues, Royal 8vo
M10 BE COMMENCED whenever a sufficient,
number of subscribers is obtained to cover
cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine
Volumes $75 00, to the Province of Ontario or
to Quebec $12.50, to New Bruuswick or to Nova.
Scotia $11.50, to Manitoba or British Columbia
39.50; to Prince Edward Island or to North-
west Territories $9.50. Each Province to have
a Map.
Please Send for Prospectus.
Manager and Publisher
Montreal, 4th August, 1885• aug8d.tw3
and R dneys ie the cause of untold misery.
Burdock Blood Bitters will almost invariably
'cure the worst caries known.
The recent heavy rains throughout the
Texas cotton belt has done cleat damage to
cpen cotton.
Be on Your Guard.
Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly
and surely develops into Catarrh when you
can be cured for 25 cents. A few applica-
tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to
two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One
to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh.
Sold by all dealers at 25o. per box. Try
Dr. Chases' Catarrh Cure—take no other—it
will cure you. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter
An old physician, retired from prae lice, hay.
ink hail placed in his hands by an East Indian
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and all throat and lung affections, also a posi-
tive andtradical =refer Nervous Debility and
all Nervous' Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, has felt ithis duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tnis motive
and a desire to relieve human suiferina,
send free of charge, to all who desire :t, this
recipe,. in. German,Freneh or English, with full
directionsfer preparing and using. Sent by
mail by addressing with stamp naming this
paper, W. A , No2E s,149 Power's Block, Rc cliester,
ADVICE TO MOTHERS.—Are you disturbed at
night and broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? 11 so send at once and get a bottle of
"Mrs.Winslow's Soothittg,Syrup" for Children
Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will
relieve the poor little sufferer immediately.
Lenend upon it, mothers : tbere is no mistake
about it. It cures Dysentery and Diafrbcea,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind
Colic, softens the Gums, reduce sin/lamination ,
and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teething is pleasant to the taste and is the
prescription of one of the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses inthe United
States, and is for sale by all druggists through-
out the world. Price twenty-five cents a bot-
tle. Be sure and ask for "MRs. IVINsLow's
SooTanNa STRDP "and take no other kind.
Wanted Immediately 1
A Mosr C oarrituHENsIvIs Mums BIBLT.
containing the Revised and Attthorized Ver-
sions of both the Old and Now Testaments, ar-
ranged in pnrrallel columns. It also contains
a complete cyolopcedia of Itiblical knowledge,
350 additional features, and nearly 3500 illus bra -
tions. The largest cheapest and most ele-
gantly bound Family Bible ever published.
The demand. unparalleled, (very intelligent
poison wanting a copy,' Some agents are
making $50 to 10.00 weekly.. Our agent MO-
CRe>;, sold aib00 worth in two Townshins dur-
ing his first few weeks' work. Another' agent
reports 37 Bibles sold last 'week. Experience
is not necetisary. Send to the sole publisher
for descriptive circular and liberal terms.
Bibles in over 100 varieties. Also a line of
Stan dard'Snbioription Books and cheap Photo-
graph Albums.
Notic3 to Contractor.
SEAI,rI) 1'1ND1;ItS addressed to the under -
sign osl incl endorsed.'Pon dor for PorI El-
gin Woks; w,i11'be received tsntil r'OIDAY, the
send clay of October next, inclusively, for Mil,
eonstructtou of a.Groyne at Port Elgin, Bruce
County, Ontario, in accordance with aplan and
specification to bo seen On application to. Mr,
3. A• Chapman, Port Elgin, and at tho Depart•
most of Public Works, Ottawa, whore printed
forms of tenders coolie obtained.
Persons desirous of tendering aro requested
to miio personal enquiry relative
to the w
to bo done, and 60 examine the locality the•u •
selves, and are notified that tenders will not
bo considered unless trade on the printed
forms supplied, the blanks properly tilled in,
and signed with their actual signatures,
Each tondor must bo accompanied ny au
accepted bank cheque made payable to the
order of the flcnorable the Minister of Public
Works, equal to five per cent of the remount of
the tondor, which will bo forfeitodlif tho party
declines:to enter into a contract whoa called
upou to do se, or if ho fail to complete the
work contracted for," If the tondor bo not ac-
eeptod the cheque Will be returned.
The Department does no bind itself to accept
the lowort or any tender.)
Department of public Works,
Ottirtra,20th Septembee,1886.1
addressed to the Postmaster General
will be received' at Ottawa. until noon, on
FRIDAY, 22Nn OCTOBER,1886, for the convey-
ance of herMajosty's Made, on two proposed
Contracts fors#our' years,0 and 24 times per
week resppeotively,each way, between EXETER
and HAY, and EXETER P. O„ and LONDON,
the ist.of January next.
Printed notices aontainin,; further inform-
ation as to condit ons of proposed Contract
maybe seen, and blank forms of Tonder may
be obtakied at the Post Offices of 'Exeter and
Post Office Inspector.
Post Office Inspeotor'sOmce, 1.
London, Sept.10th 1886.1
Are pleasant to t 1:r, r'nntsia thoir.crita
Purgative. Is is r•' r•••-••, and or:eatrat
frettroyer of worus, iii t:.-ildrun or Adultd,
OCTOBER 4tkikStli
Have pleasure in announcing to the
Ladies that our MILLINERY AND
open for the Season on the above, dates,
when we will have .. on exhibition Paris,
New 'York and London, Styles of l3onnets,
Hats and Trimmings. Also Berlin and
London made Mantles and Jackets, and
manly novelties direct from the mantifae-
On, the shine dates we will show a large
assortment of Fiue French Dross -Goods,
Plain and Stripe flushes, Satins and Silks
all colors, Mantle Cloths, Rosery Trim-
mings, Mantle Ornaments, and full limes
of Hosiery, Gloves, Etc.
Our Gents' Furnishing Department is
Very Complete, and will embrace litany
novelties in fine Scotch Suitings, Over-
cooling, T4owsering) Neckties, and fine
Imparted Scotch U nderware. Alio .full
lines of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, from
best manufacturers. ' Crockery and China,
Dinners and Tea Setts, imported direct
from potteries.
All the above goods must be offered at
the Lowest Possible Prices.
r A Most Hearty Invitation is ex-
tended to Old Ladies and Gentlemen to
corse andsee the
Samvell & Pickard's,
F616 dND �l�RER d00DS RECEIgED,
Have just opened their Fall and Writer Purchases of
Consisting of some of the Finest Pattern Go to be had
A Suit made from these goodsin the Latest 'Styles
GIVE ITS •:• A -:- CA L.
nC.SOUTHCO T T and SON, the Exeter
P E l' 1..I T Z
At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the
Exhibition. It bas been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during the last three years.
f ' $ee that you get Peerless. It is only madeby
s e aynx ROCTRs & co., TORONTO.
Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the
They invigorate and retstoro to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in the
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are priceless"
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings. and all skin llise
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff . joints it acts like a charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS Hoinowts's Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. 411:,.25.98 :
4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three timed the quantity of the •
Is lid, size ;' the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the -
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the timeliest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hacr in any language ,.
t3 Pufchasers should look to the Label on,,°,the Pots:and Boxes.. If the address is not' .
533 Oxford Street, London, they- are spurious.
Hardware, l inware Stoves,Eto
13TssETT BRO-'S;
Coal Oil, Lamps, and Lamp Trimmings,
��/('Iy� 1�j� ((oo))
�/( J##�tQJ•E� if jr�� G�rrIJj�j�y�{�([) ��jMf'jr ;' j�■��t{
�J ■J ?J.J S1aV��CU_1J J�J l:.J J @!
S-EOitiJlL• Yg
OCTOBER 4th & 5th.
In thanking our Custonlerslfor past favors (is this sufficient,
or shall we repeat the word oft—, and then place (1000) be-
side it. No, the public, don't require this, they understand
when a man says 'Thanks, he does not need it rubbed on to
know the meaning of plain English. Mote than once means
Deceit, Gell
Now, Watch Those Men,,) we would ask vett
to favor usithac 1.
w a l at our
P 1 T
Jr1�1i�:S YICI�r1Ri;