HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-08-19, Page 14e mart will a111
and it is expected
that prices will rise again in
the spring. 1
Henson seems to be free of
housing problems and -'they'
p, .• to build an 18 -unit
apartment at the corner of
Wellington - and Queen
Streets The Huron Expositor
reported , that the building
permit utas given to Gerry
Glenn of Dungannon and the
expected completion date is
set at March 30,1977. . -
Lack of money may affect
the future employment of
some members of Exeter's
. � e per► to d fy tb;e ruling
cud continue to broadcast
three F radio stations from
the United States. Company
manaSer try an Walden said
that they could be stopped if
the'CRTC send the RCMP to
Kincardine to revoke the
cable license. ` The News
explained that Kincardine
Cable will drop the American
FM stations if they can be
replaced by similar Canadian
Exeter is busy readying
itself for the 1976 Exeter
Midwestern Rodeo. The
Times Advocate reported
that profits from the rodeo
Brough a
ormace of t
y Iia Igver'". T.he
ark saidt thaM
unler Festival will ,pu
e showing, August 21 444
a special boost to the arena,
ticket prices Will be increased
.by st dollar per seat. The
extra performance will give
the hundreds of people who
have been turned away from
other sold -opt performances
a final chance to see the play.
The Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority has
offered to buy the floodplain
land located on the outskirts
of Wingharn. The Brussels
Post explained that the 100
acres has suffered from
severe flooding over the past
three years and the MVCA
will receive a grant of
$100,000 from the province for
the acquisition of the land.
The Seaforth Silver. Spurs violin selections.
held their fourth 4-H meeting ollowing the service, a
at the home of Debbie ,t smorgasbordlunch was held
Westerhouton.:Auggst 3. on the lawn of the manse.
The meeting was held at the Personals
barn, with Bob Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
reading - the . minutes of the Dimaline and David spent the
last sleeting and the roll call. past week visiting in
AnnPb*ell talked about Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs.
achievement day and the next Dave Hope and baby Julie
meeting. Ann lunged Deb-
bie'sborse and the -main topic
of the meeting was the
=+correction of bad habits; they
Were shown how to correct a
hard to bridle horse, hard to
mount and an uncontrolled
horse. They were also shown
how to prevent cribbing, wind
sucking and weaving.
The' next meeting will be
held at Doug Riley's on 'How
, .to Show a Horse.'
Court Constantine
Court Constantine L1842
held. their August meeting on
the 12th in the hall.
Business discussed in-
cluded a committee report •
from Sistery Mary McClure
on the Pork Barbecue to be
held on August 26. ,It was
requested that all the
members cook potatoes,
which are to be delivered to
their home. An invitation was
received to attend the District
Council Church Service to be
eld on August 22 at 10 a.m. at
e Wallace United Church. A
barbecue is to be held for
lunch, so take your own food.
A committee report from
Sister Ferne McClure on the
beef barbecue showed it was
quite successful.
Sunday, August 15 the
Western , Ontario Provincial
Assembly executive headed
by Don Buchanan and Rev.
Stan McDonald planned a
. Church service held at the
Londesboro United Church. It
was well attended from
several courts of Western
Ontario. A number of
n Mbers from Court Con -
Dianne, also with other
relatives and friends in the
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz-
cator, Bill, Debbie and
Michael visited the past
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Glew and boys of
Dorchester. •
Miss Rita Down of London
spent a few days holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. George
-Counter, Richard, Kassandra -
and Vicky.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley
and Kim and Greg Riley of
Winthrop spent a few days
this past week visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods,
Debbie and Michelle at their
cottage at Lake Glanmier.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz-
cator, Bill, Debbie and
Michael spent the past week
camping at Pine Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Southgate and r nnifer
visited on Friday evening
with Mr. and Mfrs. Nei
Wammes and ,► Leanne of
Goderich Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Corn -
forth of Mississauga -spent the
weekend visiting with Mr:
and Mrs. Don Buchanan,
Paul and Gary.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van
der Molan and Mark of Oak-
ville visited over the weekend
with her mother, Mrs. W. L.
Whyte, Bill and Mr. Harold
Whyte. Mark remained for
holidays and Margie returned
home to Oakville. Miss
Margie Whyte of Guelph is
also visiting this week w'th
her mother.
stantine and Constance at- Mr. and. Mrs. John
tended. Everyone enjoyed the Thompson, Jim, Shiela,
Snell family who sang several Sharon and Bob, Mrs. Wilfred
numbers and Mr. William Scott, John and David spent
Stone of Smcoe played two Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
.a'Cmrlr+�u�.e+.�tS"al u>.., :•tau,.
Ken. Thompson and Joanne of
Goderich when they
celebrated Ken and John's
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Barry, Rick and Brandon of
Woodstock visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Southgate and Jennifer.
Gordon and Margaret Dale
held a corn roast at their
farm on Saturday evening,
with a number of friends arid
neighbours attending.
by Mrs. Bill Chessell
Misses Jacquie Taylor, and
Lori-and''racy lityter spent
an enjoyable week at Carip
Menesetung. Jacquie was the
gold medallist in their little
Olympics competition.
Eric Chuter was in hospital
for a few days with
The Anglican church
building'has been sold again,
this time to Mr. Ken Hacking
of RR 5, Cambridge, who is
with Kellam Realty. He is
converting the building to a
weekend retreat home.
The Orange Lodge spon-
sored a dance at Hully Gully
on Saturday evening, with a
good crowd in attendance.
The door prize, a lawn chair,
was won by Bill Dowson, who
turned it back for auction.
Bill Rathwell was ,the auc-
tioneer,'and Louis Taylor was
the highest bidder.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burneau
(Peggy Coultice) and three
children of Edmonton are
visiting her mother.
Government Assisted ilom�s
C.M.H.C. moved • inspected
Sale Price 34,323.
Down- Payment '1,700.
Buy now and duvet& your own "colors of floor coverings,
kitchen cupboards and lnterla r defer.
C.M H.C.Grantsand sWdt�e{s available to reduce affective
'Aires, • rat** **MHO any y2peopia.
firs lag May also *a ty tor tease
i• u N a' n'I#ri' &
Cell time arm'►"t' best leanti
Houses sr a Ii% Vansstra.
Hensall Livestock around -10 days visiting with Queen Street to Mr. and Mrs.
Sales Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer. Richard Heaton of Huron
Supply consisted mainly of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kipfer Park. They are presently
heifers and steers, demand and little. Danny have just building a new one storey,
was active and prices were taken up residence in the new ranch -style home on their
higher. Fat catty : heifers, home they have built in adjoining vacant lot. Mr. and
$'35440 tops to $42.25; steers Brucef eld. Mr. and Mrs... Mrs. Tinney will be residing
$37.75 -*4180, tops to 542.25. Brian Campbell have moved at the home of Homer
Pigs: weanlings, 534-340; into the apartment left vacant Campbell until the building is
chunks 550 - 555. by the Kipfers. complete.
A warm welcome to Mr.
'' Personals Mr: and Mrs. Harvey Hyde and Mrs. Richard Heaton of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sch- have returned from a three Huron Park who have taken
w,aim, Mrs. Daisy Ivey and week tour of the Maritimes, up residence in Bill Tinney's
Mrs. Elizabeth Vollan had Newfoundland and St. Pierre house. We hope they enjoy
many visitors last week. Mrs. Island. They just missed their new cominunity.
Evelyn Vachnoyits and hurricane Belle when Several basements in
family, also Mr. and Mrs. crossing to Newfoundland. Hensall were flooded on
Oran Baird and family, all of Mr. and Mme, Arie Roobal Saturday following the heavy
Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Mr. and Mrs. Sim ll`oobal rainstorm, which resembled
Etue of London; and Mr. and have been visiting their a cloud burst, in the af-
Mrs. Eldon Johnston and friends and relatives in the `'''' n.
John of Brucefield who took district. On 'Thursday, they
Mrs. Volland to visa with Mr. went to Woodstock and
and Mrs. Etue in London visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Other visitors were Mr. and Konyendyk and while there
Mrs. Al Amerlinck of Sarnia; met unexpectantly with other
Mrs. Marjorie Thorndike, friends from their hometown
Mrs. Hazel Parker, and Mr. in Holland. On Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Coombs of and Mrs. Arie Roobal and Mr.
Clinton; M. and Mrs. Cecil and Mrs.. Don Dodds and
Robb of Lucan and Mr. -,Joe family f Seaforth visited the
Robbins of London. Goderich Huron county
Hensall visitors included Pioneer Museum and drove
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson around Benmiller and
and Derek, Mrs. Bona Clark, countryside, Later, ac -
David Rowcliffe, Mrs. Irene compan#ed by Mr. and Mrs.
Finlayson, Mrs. Genevieve Sim Roobal they went to
Windover. Mrs. Donna Allen Ridgetown and drove around
and Mrs!Mar. garet Consitt. Rondeau. Park and stayed
Rev. G.A. Anderson was in overnight with Mr. Anthony
charge at the service at,,St. Gelderland.. On Saturday they
Paul's Ang it itY Church ''l r. visited . with Mr. and Mrs.
ry Horton* soloist, sang Case Van Den Heuvel.
11 the 'Way My Saviour Mrs. Laird Mickle spent
Leads Me". The flowers were Sunday with her daughter
placed to the Glary of God and son -in -lave, Mr. end Mrs.
and in loving memory of the Ross McMillan and family at
late Jean and Robert Mid- Southcott Pines near Grand
dleton. Bend.
Mrs. Mae Voth of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Payne
visited with Mrs. Elizabeth of Tillsonburg visited with
Voliand and told her how Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne on
much she enjoys reading Sunday
about Hensel' visitors in the
T.A. each week. Rene and Julian
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Boogemans successfully
Boogemans, Vicky and Scott completed the Ausable River
visited with the latter's Canoe race on Sunday.
mother, Mrs. Pearl coming, in. first. The start was
Passmore, on Monday. made from Tri -county
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch Bridge, Greenway and
spent Sunday with their' finished at Grand Bend. The
granddaughter and her weatherman co-operated
husband, Mr. and Mrs: Ken with bright sunshine although
Glavin and family of it was a little cool. Mr. and
Crediton. Mrs. Rene Googemans en -
Mr. and Mrs . Harmouth tertainede the paddlers af-
Griffith of Vancouver and Mr. terwards.
and Mrs. trnie Anderson of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Tinney
Ardill, . Saskatchewan, spent have sold their residence on
as •
C -9A
3.Ci Me1 Transceiver
Mike wills coiled cord, mounting
brackets,.channel 9 crystals
and power cable Included
• Adjustable squelch
• Extended speaker lack
• Soli# in speaker $7!
139 .e
• _
TRC.52 CB Trosceiver
•. All crystals included.
• Posttittalnegative ground
• Jacks for PA and remote CB speak. rs
• His pa ws cab# s and push•#+ talk
• mike, and mobilo mounting •bracket`
• SiWfChableANL
21 _
t �yyqp • Squekh send RF grin controls
aearerttl. by the
ickets are 14 for adults
and $2 for children under 12,
for the 3 p.m. and S p.m.
shows. Seats are on a first
conte, first served basis and
the doors will open at 2:15 and
"Anne" is family en-
tertainrent, but fbr those
who are too young to be in-
terested, free babysitting will
tr howe rer that titan
the Standard fu
Historic Gaol in
Stan Blowes inSti
Campbell's Mea's
, Check our prices on these items
The lowest in Huron County!
Abitibi Siding is factory pre-fiitishapd and
pre -stand for easy cleaning and year-
round application. Positive rock at-
tachment system for easy application with
no special tools requirl , Colour -matched
accessories. Abitibi Sidings fllrboard
construction means no denting or
corroding, like metal siding. It's also
uniformly smooth and attractive. Highly
mistural and weather reslstaft good
thermal and sound insulation. Abitibi
siding retards transfer of heat and cold.
plus reduces unwanted noise. Outstanding
workability with fibreboard con-
struction..,. sawing or nailing is fast, easy
and positive without splits or splinters.
Backed by Abitibi - a Canadian
manufacturer. Siding carries a 10 and 2.5
year guarantee.
PrefiNished Abitibi Siding from Nadie's
12" LAP scar 93 9" LAP
411011/11111111.1100411110 41111•11,011111.1111_ MOO .
+��►' '4824441
�El+l: Monday iothiirsday,taan. to s p.m..;
dS.M. tit `*p.m.,! Sahiirdhay ll a.i'lr. to'4: p: •
filr.;p .r '. G►!cl[W;t,
,re,'*ISt( 01«1.44 Yn