HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-9-30, Page 1LEGAL. r H. DICKSON ,Bavrieter ' Self. ■ e* otter of;lupreino 47ouxt,NotaryPu»tic CouyeYalioor, 9ommissioner, &o. Money to Loan. Ofitooin a'anoon's Bloolc,Exeter, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Btc.1 k?XETEB, • • ONT. /l M, •....,v .uutWeu a LiAOCli man -sow 031100.) DENTAL. 0 CAItTWRI(1HT, L. D. S„ .� - Han opened dental rooms over 'tact prpedextrateeiutMam• to tthwtho pain. AU operations performed whit case aucl Skill. Gold fillings a speciality. Office hours 0 a. m: to S p in. CHARGE'S MODERATE. TEnais CASE. KINSMAN, DP.NTIST.u.D.S Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vitalized Air, pr by . - using the New Local Ancesthe- i v 4,, tic on the gums; makes Gold f f fr,: n Filings, and all other dental work the beet possible. Rooms Upstairs in SArdwELL s Shoos, East side of lifain-Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL CLUT'Z, M. D., • °incest hisresidenoe Exeter. , T ' W. BROWNING M. D., M. C ri q: P. 8,G raduateViotoriaUnivoreity.Omce audlrosidenco Dom oionLaboratoiv,Exeter DR. RYNDMAN, coroner for the . County of Huron, Office. opposite Mr. ] I. Carling's store, Exeter. D-R. 3. A. EOLLINS,:M:O. P. S 0. Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont. Resideu oehousereoently occupied by, P. McPhillips, f Esq., DR. WOODRUFF, t t Permanently located in No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, a few doors t east of Post Office. Special attention Liven to diseases of the. Eye, bad sight, an d the pres- ervation of, vision; diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throat,' chronic inflammation being -e, frequent cause 'ot•deafness; diseases h natant the Nose, natah being a common cause of f, ;mpai'ed heating. AUCTIONEERS_' "[JERRY EILBER, Licensed Aue- tioneor for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli• 'ray:Townships: Sales conducted at moderate ates.. Office -At Post-office.0rediton, Ont. - of TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the 1 T and the Village of Exeter. ' All sales promptly attended, aud'satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office.- VETERINARY. TERNENT & TENNENT,. Veteri. nary Surgeons, :Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toren - 11111 to,have op ened an office Iorthe trea trent o f all' Domestic Animals, : on Mainstreet .'i 5 Exeter. Calls from a Es- `---•taneeprompt'y attended to: -Medicine for Horses Cattle;&c always on hand: "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHE E THEY MAY." VOL. XIV.,_NO. 6. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER -'---- t �BER 80, 1886, i11rPORTANT NOTICEf3, HOME RULE -MAY BE GOOD, BUT„__.. Ike. J, DE 6.RINC'S LANGTR Y AND PARISIAN BANGS. Far mulls any ever before shown in Exeter.. It you wish to get any Hair Goods call on Ike .1. Dearing, at the Central Barber Shop, where ho manufactures /lair Work so natural that You Would Not Know It irony the Original Hair. Such as the Langtry and Parisian Banns, Saratoga Waves, and the Genuine Water Wavo,SWitchea,Toopies,Curle,Puffs anti Wigs. Before going elsewhere, givehint a call, at his - 1cONSOlIIAL P_ A.RLO.ES, ONE 0000 NORTH QF Tun VENTRAL no'van. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE AND-- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. EAD OFFICE, - HAMILTON, ONT. ESTABLISHED 1884. • Is an Association of business and professsion. al men, haying for its object the > OOLLEO. TION OF DEBTS ;, and to prevent its members out making bad debts by furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing o become memsters,byremitting $7,00 to our Managers,Hamilton,Ont.*avill,rep �ive byre - bra mail full particulars, certificate and tnenl• bership, 3x, Send for testimonials.' J. BIDWELL MILLS d: CO., Managers, Hamilton. WARNING.-Alllearties are warned against aving anything to do with R. Faulkner,hailing rout St, Marys, he having been discharged. dew` Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW �Vou.d respeotfnlly inform the inhilbitants the surrounding townships that he has op led a New Pump Factory in �,vviuvvrllt7 ►ELL '11i1y11J, 3IAIN-ST„ EXETER, OPP. Po8T-OF1IQE. Where he will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wells and Cisterns contracted for at reason- able prices, and work eXeoutild with despatch. SATISFACTION tib &RANTEED. JOHN'ALLOW. MONEY TO LOAN. 11/f ONEY TO LOAN ON REALES tate fortheEuron, ErieLoan •t• Sav- ingaSociety. Low ratesofintoresi. Apply to John Spaokman.Exoter. ■IONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 .LT percent,aecorctinn totems. Private Funds. Applyto . B. V.ELLIOT., Augusti5,'85` .' k'- Solioitdr, Exeter , MONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 ercent,$25 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. . L.$ DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, ONEY TO LOAN, --Persons AXIL wishing to borrow money will take no. -Kee that I am now leaning County Funds at 6 per. cent. WM. HOLMES, Co. Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Goderich,) :, September 27th,1886.) INSURANCE. J. SUTHERLAND, Hensel', , •. Ont.,., Conveyancer,Commissioner, Fire, and, Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer; of Mar- riage Licenses, All business transacted striet- ly confidential. A call' solicited. Office ; at the Post Office. TH'E %VATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. J HEAD OFFICE - •WATERLOO, •ONT. • This company has been over Eighteen years in successful operation iu Western On- tario,and.,ontlnues to insure againstloss or damage by Lt'ire,Buildings,Mexchandise,Man- ufactoriee,and all otherdescription sof iinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or O ash system . During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,096 Policies. covering property to the amount ofS40,872,088;and paid in loss- es alone:3709,752,00 AssetS, 8116,100.00, consisting of Cash n stank, GovernmontIieposit,and the unass- sesed Premium Notes onhand. audfn force. 3, W WALDEN 11/ D. Preside* t. C. M. TAvoon, 3ecretary. S. B. Htroirtss,inepector. CHAS. SNELL Agontfor Exeter and vicinity. t. THE !n15coiL11 aawa _, OF CANADA,. ,-r The Royal Mail, Passenger and areigbt - touto between Canada and Great Bxitain and fired route between the West and al], points nl the Lower St. Lawrence and liaie .res Cha, Ili our, also Zew Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P. B. Island Cape Blyton, ie1Vf0UI1(l liana, ttet'nlU(lti bn(1 Jamaica. pi New ancl elegant Pullinan 13uffet:Sleeping . nd Day Cars run on through Express trains, lei Passongarsfor Groat Britain or 1 h Conti - but by leaving Toronto at 8.80 a. in. Thurs- ay will join outward mail steamer at Hali- ,x a: m. Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac- )inioodationiitIialifaxforshipnloiitofgrain To id general merchandise. Years of experience have proved the INTER-; OLONIAL in Connection with steamship. Ro nee to and from Loudon. Liverpool and Ne laseowto 1Talifaz, to be the quickest freight ate between Cadada and Great Britain. Information as to Passenger and Freight 0.! ,tes can bo had on application to 1 ROBEE1.1T B, MJ0DIE, rsteru Freight & 1'10800 ger Agent 0 eosin douse Block, York St, >Toronto. OC r, D. rCi r l INGEit, Chief Superintendent. to • B. LA,1;711.4NCE'S sect ache - S Y� Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses. They are the only ones recommended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of thee. age. They hare a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations,' as they are in the market, B. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., with- out which none are genuine, -and pebbles are stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceivedby any gods stamped Pebble -glass -or by any slmil- iarity in name, -DR. BRO WNING, SOLE AGENT PORESETE11.. DRUGSTORE full stock of all kinds Dye -stuffs andacka e p, g Dyes, on constantly hand. Winan's. Condition Powd- of ers the best iu the marl - L et crud always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at le Central Drug Sure Exeter aLVTZ. DREW'S 'S 11°ArLaW110,1111,s,0,..EBAlopo.k ! Est to Introduce the Cash System. A BENEFIT TO ALL. r , JW GROCERIES, NEW TEAS, NEW VALENCIA RAISINS,. THE FIRST OF TIiI SEASON. baccos, Cigars Oranges, Lemons, Nuts. 1 Large Assortment of new Candies. ller Flour, Grahaih Flour, Rolled Oats, w Canned Salmon, Mackerel, Lobster. New Season, Groceries. .LL AND INSPECT GOODS. l ell 1 ns Clea l as the le Cheapest. I will pay you to buy' from tne. BAN TICKETS Ai' LOWEST RATES tl onddrooe CAPT. KEMP, tl•.r,., Nov 15,1885. Cash Grccery Drew's Block, South Stora. ► TREASURER'S SAi-.1.-E OF LANDS` F013, T.A.XES. County of Huron By virtue of a warrant, bearing date the sixteenth l f August, g e seal of the said corporation thereto attached, directed to me and cote. mantling me to levy upon the lollow,mg lands for the arrears o tax .. gether with the costs I hereb rive es nde thereon ti- er aid I shall rotes � Y � optica that unless the said taxes and stasis be soon - p p d to sell the said lands or so much thereof'as ma be neces to diecharge the same, at the Court. House, in the town of Goderich on T aery r. tieth day of Novenber, in the year of our Lord.1886 coma ' Tl e en the kit 1 the forenoon. , nenc}ng at eleven o block In TOWNSHIP QF ASHFIELD. Lot or part of lot Con, or Street Acres Patel, or un r; E. half of N. half of 4 2, E. n: , 50 laid, paid• Taxes Costs J.otai S. half of W. half of 10 2, E. D. 50 ct 59.05 81.25 811:25 4:93, 1.12 6.05 VILLAGE OP PORT ALBEIT, IN ASHFI) D '; 19' Colborne•at. East` } tt o. , 7 London Road East d t_'3' 7 1.3,m 1 William-st. East r)patented 3,0) 44 Wellington-st. East i of 3.05 45 do i, 3.37 ,; 46 47 39 40 eon tcayo ron to wit. 1886„under rho ham of the Warden of the County of ur and Navin the Y Huron ;c 1.08 5 L08 4.13 1.08 4.13 1.08 " 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 1.19 L19 do 3.37;:. 1.08 do ;* Sydenham.st. East :PA'tented do :;" TOWNSHIP OF COLT ORNE. C Bridge End Place tc 59 do I ,. VILLAGE O' BAYFIELD. Range N, 3 39 40 385 386 East part of 5 Susan-st, ,c :3.37 1,08. 3.37 1.08 19 1.00 19 1.00 9.41 1.25 7.27 1.20 1,23 1.03 1.23 1.03 44 1.01 44 L01 3.20 1.08 1.40 1.03 VILLAGE Q,FBRUSSELS. 270 4 "` 3.71 1.09 VILLAGE OF WROXETER. 3 Main-st. South 1/5 Queen-st. North a Centre-st, East 1/10 Gibson-st. 6 North half of 8•. 5 6 27 North part of 39 do Halls Survey 1 do io ,c [1 `a, 13.17 4.65 9.48 14.72. 14.72 7.08 6.40 1.33 1.I2 1.25 1.37 1.37 1.18 1.16 10.66 &47 2.26 2.26 L45 1.45 4.28 2.43 4:80 14.50 5.77 10.73 16.09 16.09 8.26 7.56 County Treasurer's. Office, WM. HOLMES Goderich, August 16th, :1886,} Treasurer, Co. of Huron. ure r ROUND THE COUNTRY. U o a 73y Our Own Correa otadPn qts, -FOR- Usborne. MEDICINAL- ' -101:71R,I'o 0 0 Sjronix.-A severe storm visited our S"Ei+ra► township on Thursday evening. The wind roared through the woods,' while those J. W. BROWNING, The Dominion Laborato> Having been appointed by the Ontario Gov- ernment, to sell WINES AND ;LIQUORS; under the Scott Act Law, has on gland a LOCAL BREVITIES Parties in *earl* of the beetle toreet leaf will eosin be to order, l The- 18th November will be Canada's.. Thailkegiving Day. The extension of the C. P, R. to Coder- icII is one of the probabilities of the futur, About four hundred hogs aro killedweek- ly at the pork factory, Mitchell, I Remember the Stephen and 'Caboose So- ` eiety'tl fall fair, Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 4th and 5th, at Exeter, What is agitating the minds of the ladies of Exeter just now is the grand millinery Publishers nod Proprietors openings which will take place next week, A sou of Mr, Samttel Hancock, et one time of Mitchell, committed suicide in the States last week by cutting his throat. Owing to :the drought in the early part dithe season, which injured• the growth of the fruit, the apple orop this fall is notching like What it has been of •late years, i1 Mr. E. Miller, of the Parkhill creamery, has received an offer of 32o. per lb, for his butter. It is to be shipped to the Colonial` Exhibition, Eng. Mr. John Jaeques, of Mitchell has some potato tops on which the potatoes have grown instead of frothe roots. They are of the usual size, bat of a greenish color on the out - The loafers of" Wiudaor haye organized a "Sons of Rest" Society, with a very large membership. A member found:executing any work will be expelled from the order. At the court of revision of the voters' list, for St. Marys, there were 95 appeals enter- ed 47 names were added to the list, and 9 were struck off: One of the results of the earthquake was to cure the rheumatism of a citizen of Col. umbla, S. - C. He had used orutohesefor years, but wheal the quake quaked be ran ottt of the house' like a 4 -year old steer, and he hasn't used his crutches since. The reporter wrote "night blooming cereus.' and the compositor set it up "night blooming circus," And; the man who' was exhibiting the plant was mad because the paper made a "show" of him. A young. man named E. Mines, who has been in jail at London ou remand, wastaken by officer Nichol, of Ailsa Craig,' to that village on Monday morning for examination on a charge of resisting' and assaulting a constable. JOHN WHITE& SON Parkhill, o Our town was startled by the report that Mr, Who. Ellwood, a numborof years ago merchants here, had starved to death in a barn in McGillivray. Mr. Thomas Ramsey, a McGillivray farrier, says that a hired men of Mx: Thos. Bayntons, was looking fora colt, and had occasion to approach the barn of Mr, Geo.'Shi )le i yt oil the 8th con., when he aa*' the door open. On entering hp saw first a valise and then the body of the unfortunate man. He could speak at the time . of being found and said ho had lain there 14 days, and during that time had not that ed food. The news spread quickly, and Mr. Elwood's son, at Lucan, drove to the spot and conveyed his father home, but before that place was reached the,spirit of. the old man had departed. This is the second time Mr. Elwood had wandered away to die. About four or five years ago he was found in a deserted hut in Huron county, and after careful nursing was restored to health. This time, haw - ever, help carne too late, A number of years ago, Mr. Ellwood was a merchant in this town, but not doing a good busi- ness, he sold out his stock and went to Liman, where .he had since lived with his son, Hensall. BRIEFS. - A large number are leaving this station, daily, to attend the great Western Fair at London. -Considerable grain has been brought into market dur- ing the past few weeks, and meetswithready purchasers.-Vlr. A. Murdock, of Lucan, is here visiting his brother, Mr. T. Murdock. -Mr.. John Short, of Tucker- smith, is, this week, visiting his old friends in Bowmanville and ,Darlington. -The Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, formerly of this place, was here for a few days last week, on`a visit. -We are pleas- ed to learn that Mr. 3. Gilchrist, who re- sides near this village, and who has been suffering for some time past from an at- tack of severe illness, is recovering. -The Rev. Dr. Ure, of Goderich, and the Rev. R. Y. Thompson, of this village, =clang- , ed pulpits on Sabbath last. -Miss Maggie Murray is spending a week with friends and -relatives in London. -Mrs. W. A. Waugh is also spending a few days with friends in the city. -Mr. FT, Rogerson has recently purchased a village lot from Mr. Wm. Moir, on which he intends erecting a dwelling house. -Mr. Mar shall's new brick block will be ready t4 be occupied in a week It is well and, con- A Walkerton hill poster has been fined for covering over posters whose date had not yet expired. This should be a warning to parties who are in the habit in other places of covering over, and thereby render- ing useless, current advertising sheets. If your farm products are good, bring a sample to the fair, and compare them with your neighbors'. The farmers of the sur- rounding townships should make the fair in Exeter, a matter of personal pride and see to it that it boons in every department. During the three months ending Sept 14th, three magistorial cases came before the magist'ates of St. Marys; 43 before the police magistrate of Stratford; and one be- fore the mayor of that city; ten before Lis- towal magistrates ; one before Atwood mal- gistrates; and seven before the Mitchel. police magistrate. The .fines impose repre- sent 8465.18. The number of entries at the London Township Fall Show. held in .Ilderton on. Monday, exceeded those of any previous year and the attendance of visitors was un. usually large. There was a splendid ex- hibit of live stock, and the vegetables and dairy products were also . excellent. The ladies' department also merited special mention. Over 50 of the clerks and treasurers of, veniently finished throughout, and re- the municipalities in, Ontario, met in Tor-wna tre o>t,were hurrielto same place°.Sacts credit, on . the . contractors,‘ .,he, onto last week, and proceeded to form them, _• ' . of shelter by the rani,' ° The picnic was.in Messrs. Welsh Bros. -Mr. R. M. Hazle- selves into an association whichwas christen full blast when the first signs of rain ap- wood, of Chippewa, formerlyof this place ed The Municipal Officers' Association of peered. ; the tables were covered with was in the village last week, for a few Ontario. The principal object of the-Asso- Were: days` dation is.to guard the rights of the municipal eatables but all forced to make a hasty retreat. Notwithstanding this ab- rupt wind-up all appeared to have enjoyed the sports of the day. fair supply of the very best to be tumid on Sirkton. . r".'REBIEriBEa TRIS IS THE ONLY PLACE BRIEFS. -Quite a number from this Also bull Linea of PURE DRUGS,meetingsFa1r, this week. -The special s the market. LICENSED To t3ELL, neighborhood are taking in the Western CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, &c., in the Methodist Church, closed out Sun - at BEMARKAnLY LOW PRICES. J: W. I311OWNING, . DOMINION LABORATORY. -THE- John Callander, who has been, for the day night last. They were conducted by Rev. Mr. Hall and 1VIr. Seclwick, one of Dr. Savage's t bs band workers. -Mr. Rich- ard LeGear has arrived °liome from Da- kota, whither he went last spring, -Mr. CANADIAN P p CIFIG - Old, Blama rk ovacu ted the "Royal" l "Ottawa past couple of weeks, visiting friends near is expected home this week. last week, and a Mr. McFalls, of Lucan, RAILWAY• • now dispenses the "ardent". -A house • and lot, that has been advertised for sale THE GREATEST CORPORATION ON EARTH. for some time, has been purchased by, THE MOST DIRECT- -AND BEST EQUIPPED ROUTE BETWEEN - MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON,CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, &c. LOOg I T -+OO I I From ExETER to WINNIPEG, AND RETURN, $37.10. From EXETER t0 BOISSEVIAN AND RETURN, $38.10. well we wont say who, at present as it would never do to let AVERY -body know. Evidently it won't be long before it is oc- cupied. -Another one of our young men. disappeared rather suddenly, about two weeks ago, and story suspicions were aroused that he had committed matri- mony. Later rbvelations have proved that such was his fate, and that he will return from "down below" this week, bringing his bride with hiin. Centralia. ni'Before purchasing your tickets else- BRIEFs.-Business is beginning to , tick where, call on W. J. CARLING, up. -Considerable grain is being marl et - ed here, 74 cents being the ruling price., C. P. R. AGENT. -A number of people from this vicinity CA1tL1NG'3 STORE, EXETER. are attending the Western Fair at Lon- B don. - ' , Miss TI aan)n Marys, sc )f St ,' 13 vis, • r C itlll , at Mr.Torolit Co: o an s. 1; d Guelph 5 sse,r s. -A rima P Exhibitions, for Y wa ti .s •, Y V,L le.)cried on nultr . O1] Hl:'1ti13 a ' e of fine 1 th 1-egllectiot o back. streets Y1, liot- F 1 1 t tl tl 1' 1 ` b' i Q I Lugan. Foor RACE. -A hundred yard foot race will be run on the track, here, some day this week, between A. Turner, of Lucan, and A. f Hodgins, cf Clandeboye, for $10 a side. This promises to be an interesting event, as- both men are in good shape. DOG POISONED, --A valuable dog be- longing m g Mr. W. Orme, of the Enterprise, was poisoned on Sunday last. A reward is offered for - the conviction of the parties. We can't understand why a poor inno- cent brute like it was, should be so ruth- lesslykilled. led. • Ovn Fant. --Friday last was a great day for Lucan, it being the annual fair. The principal attraction in the morning, was the base ball match, between a pick- ed team from Stratford and Parkhill, and "`Irish Nine." The Lucan boys had no idea of Parkhill importing any men, but came to the conclusion that they would make them play good ball, to win. Eleven innings had to be played to decide the game, at the close of which it stood' 8 to 7, in favor of "Irish Nine. The fol- lowing is the score by innings :- 12345'67891011 TitasilNINE, 000 04001 0 1 PaRemer, 100000024 0 0 BRIiis.�-J: Quigley, of Guelph, merly of this place, -was in town on Fri- for - The ,package cost twenty-five cents and was day. -E. Flavin, of.Reed City, Mich.,'bugds o contain enoughopowder to kill all the was in town on Friday.Beintends chaser on, an acre.of potatoes. The par - chaser was advised by the agent. not Lc open making Forest his home. -Mr. R. Me- lefore time of using as the preparation would Lean and wife, and daughter, Mrs. A. S. lose its strength r A .large number bought O'Niel, of this place, have gone on a trip the paekagos, aunt*,week, ago the open. to Manitoba. -W. McLeod, succeeded in ing process coiitmene . The package was a carryinb off a Humber of prizes at the found to contain two Tittle blocks of wood, together .; n t h 1 ' tuec,irn •' is to squeeze ee7.A the n tight )r 4 bug g h r iu them. Several of the v}et}rus ; would like to squeeze that agent. According to telegraph reports from all parts of the country, a great many linen ' still continuo to shoot their wives, under the impression that they are burglars. It begins' to look as though the tithe honored, custom of wives going through the old man's officers and secure them better salaries than they now receive. It may not he generally known; but it is nevertheless a fact, that at the last session of the Local Legislature a law was passed regulating the size of apple barrel's ; which' now are requin.edto be of the same size as flour barrels. This will be a e fraudulent system of supplyingheck on tfi- Ythepurchas-' er of apples with barrels of various sizes, and always varying towards the infinitesi- mal. It is an ascertaining feat that canned goods arenot always conducive nduc'v l e to good health. In some instance,, they have proved destruc- tive to lire. Cassell's Family Magazine warns purchasers to tale particular notice of the tins. If these bulge out •-do not take thein on any account; not even as gifts. The bulge shows that air has been left i i the call at the time of sealing, and that decay of the contents may have set in, Mr. Robert Robertson, who has for; some time been staying with his brother, Mr. Alex. Robertson, 4th line, Blanshai bit for his• home in the Northwest, near Prince Albert, taking with him a carload of valuable stock; He has about 80 sheep, of tdbieh a gl'at number of them are thoroughbreds-Loices- tern, Southdowns, Shropdowns, Cotswolds, and others ;.also twp very valnable thorough- bred Dur1ltua balls, and a heifer of the same breed. No doubt Mr. R. intends improving the stock in that part of the country. Ealy in the :spring a man passed through the county, selling small packages, the con tents of which he informed the purchasers would prove sure death to the potato bug. on rlt,y as no serious damage teas wi is Lnc Ing iS ig oass chlring the done. winter.-l4r, V. McDermit, who has • - Mr. W. Hooper atended theLne•Lubeets nttnclug the Soveregn t ---d1FriLy1•Lst'LocitLodgeIUUFheldinliostnr-I3UT-SHOWIIv�G---HT BEST BARGAINERYY'tlANTLIN(�, T5 GUUI)S, ]30O'l5eCV7,1+;175,CItOCICT:rYSL+EN INT13[5�TIiINI{ OFIT:l'lanuel ..bed Cgttoli, ce 5r; ,.,rA SPICIAL13c ON OCT 7�h tl DOUPE&CO ARE SHOWING -- --EVERY THE S IN MILLINERY, FLANNELS, DRESS SHOES TG. , &e., EVER r r OUv, l Ill ] Pine All Woolhue. per yd. 32 yds. G 81.00 18 Ibs. Ni $1,00 SUI ORDER , lee wi ) un- b , .; 1, 10 - cess, secul'ing the fil g turnecl home on Tuesda last. -It is ex- izes:-lata• D,"otvinttlt gyow, Spring Calf, and chi )lomo ). Imayethere next weal{ l etweel 11 ft1 best tie pel gis after he has gone to Sleep will Dave Cldscl•L b� fi'e 1C �e,Ls Iisht t Nili f.m t o Lucan andY he g tit ,shot , e , t1 to b�v 1 5 is .tl alono , ) kiond, eclit1 •i5 sax)t .tttiplcnow for Also speeitLl fOr fattCst LulniLI m" field, l of Ailsa Craig. -Jolla alen, t, con- hnliancls to levotao tine present olcler of winch ryas arvttrcicd to L ntfer two 1sts stble in this place, was faxCtlt on Tues- things, .Lll shoot a few burglars, under tirfor oats, 1st for maple sugar; and 2nci for clay morning last, by Squire PO ters, 510 impresson that they are their fives.rtniglit slot look so well in pint liut th„cotrecord1 , p of Auht Terttnec to a gitme of base bll wil yearling le/fa, This 1s 0 good and is evidence as to how Mr. H, looks after his stock Atncl the products of his farm. Mr. Hooper's sale occurred on Iii Saturday last, anal was one of the most s a too couimgn pmts e e in sign 7, far- nters' families to )111.11 the y successful thatlias been held in this vi- t feathers that s dinky for solus y0iias. Stock and ever' k'}Heil tow the table, Manlier the idea that t'1e Y rice not worth s:Lv}an thing else was Rept in such excelleiiti -nr- Chickens' feiitl s H. Iota! esgteel )iiees w are quite valuable. Tiley do not''tnal.e so e I ore realized. Mr• soft a bed as H. leaves fol• Alma, Michigan next w those to the goose of cluck, bait' ec,k, are enperier for Pile where too �vlicre lie intends to reside. Befoii gnitlg elasticity is lbt lie much he wishes to tender his r „., y altlifui nor obnifortal:mle. most siD Eat They halve, Vesicles, too mush intinarial t It nl{s to the people of I3}alclul )]t for be value to: be waste' ` st wing 1,c, being very rich m aiii q upon him Clic honor of represent- anopia, :Che ooatser feathe L is shouhl be inn them at the Council Chamber, and thrown into the manure liea> whore their t lbs ti T, is brill tie he tout Crated such trice will , r ]{iticlncss, 1 add lalbaly, to its value. We feel sure that the people of ilio Northh j <V correspondent writes). --'/As t11Cre in Division realize that they aro ](sine* tL live some tinprincipiecl dealers selling salt to Beni vttlaa )s bio titan s tort 1 f � tict whose phaco It will ght, ,Curt as ' Yto 1 , 1 1C 7 1111 C9 0r 30 days in jitil, for colmnittiri en ag- gravated assault upon John Atkin toll. ti. farmers u0 11 I tai{C some tune f Il tltei c, is 110 la tt that wi'aro toric} tl i 1 s. Yaui scares -i ill 0 weight • , . 1 pendent, liowevCl wislleson the barrel, Iwanhl c.aut}on s s lf%nt suCees practical result would be better. The convention held_ at Fullerton Corners On Wednesday of last week, for the purpose of notnin sting Conservative staitdard.l)earers for South forth, was well attended, every municipality in the iidutg but South East Hope bein ire resented. b" p The chair was occupied by President. Garman, . who after reading of credentials, delivered a neat ad- dress, urging unity of the art. in the `Krt of the bail` party sup. <ttltLtt;s that`, Might u .b t >e chosen. .,motion wag made to ad'otn'n the t me convene k ticrgt, but it was voted down, Mr, W. Joint- sto6� l,.of illanshard, was proposed for '' I , p the C xl mons, as Was alto 31r, reel Sharp, of St. A tt ai•. and the latter,}? Ys,we are in� . form el cr tt�r r t clb i t majority lalortty of nlrquttwe t , .� x t3. Mr. 0001 .Leversage,. of FullitrtolI and :alt, t1. W. Cull, of Mitchell, wore nominated for the f. isle titre o the Voteresulting ' 5 in a tie. �j le. :h i'vIt'. J�eversage refused to again let his Hanle s Irl parsons buying salt to see that the weight ttI1e hon etofthoten n s tilt , Bothnwas ominatiou s new home in Michigan. is bn the blued, which should be tociaimed his . 280 lbs."11 ei e Y;liclt made'. tins ntbus 1'