HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-9-23, Page 711,A'O• ArK,t,o. lioiseored and Penued, Why y should there be not as many grgden andlee v px a for milk as for:.butt;or, There certainly are a$ an y qual iiio a, An e ohne x ge calls attention to the.: evils of leleaohiug evaporated or ate fruit with sulphur, ur p r and alae using hard, immature fruit for drying, - Working homes and working men are.far, lose a than: the drones, equina or human, Work keeps the dangerom. monte in both where they ought to be,,.,• righting g Ellen is about as hard work fqr the horses an plowing. Rub thole legalight- ly twice. a day with a reg wrung out of water that emelle strong of carbo b To oil an iron axle -tree, first wipe the spindle clean with a cloth web with' Bptrite of turpentine, and then apply e few tiro n of oaex at oil pp l d. near. the shoulder and.'egd.° Ono teaspoonful is eufTietent for the whole. Give theh w eels a good coat of belled linseed oil. This will fill the pores as well as water, awe the wood, tighten the tiree ADA ie much ore , uh re la stfn in its effe oto and Mating at the: s e ams a e ie actin as a preservative Iva of the wood. g p_ woad, Weeds on gravel wake may be dietroyeci and prevented from grewiag again by a cap. ioue dressing of the gheep est salt, This is a better mot hod them hand s n u IDI which disturbs the gravel and mindere, raking and rolling neceeeery, The Western Plowman"gives the follow- ing hint which our readers would do well to heed : Farman oan get ene valuable, pointer from, " plow jockeys"; they are always careful to have a sharp plow when sheaving up good work or light draft, Moral, always keep your plow sharp. Put your nkim•milk and buttermilk into cAivea or pigs, supplementing then with eornneal and a sprinkling of oil meal, Saye the United States. Detrymau, .Glve beth oalvee and, p;g, roam to move around in and, keep clean. Both w111 be benefited, by hav•, ing goad grana to feed on in addition to what; ie carried them. It will keep them healthy and contented and promote growth, Plenty of clover is a goad, preventive of hog cholera.' One of the chief reasons why ;eroharda should net be.oropped is because It requires cultivation during the summer season, When roots are destroyed by deep working the grcuad it coin results in permanent in. jury to the treel, enpaoially if done late in eeaaon, Since the clearing of woodlands has given winds a free sweep the soil dries out much faster than formerly, and this makes trees more liable to injury from mutilation of their roots. Ther°'ti nothing like the agrrcalteral fair to educate the farmer. When he seen the crowd tramp his big cucumber and over- grown spring ohiokens into ,the grouted to pay twentyfive cents to get in the 'amphl, theatre to eeea horse race that was sold eat the night before, he realizes,the grandeur of hos profession and takes hidiploma and goes home so enbhneiaytia that he feels just like buying all the farms in the : neighbor- hood, and going into the exeluslve bushes= of raising things to snatch diplemasfrone the grasp el fair eammittees. There appea to e to be a possibility of our aohievin much greater thinga with dairy cattle th n we have done. Tne more stock the more crops. A maximum number of oabble on a minimum quantity of land. noceusitatoe artificial feeding, and this is just what makes the soil fertile, and eo the hail set rolling by heavy stocking, heavy feeding, and heavy oropping, bringe grist to the tarmer's mill, High feeders almost' always find it pays,' and the extent of the purchases of a j adi oieus farmer in artificial food Is often the measure of his suooesa and the oondltion of his farm. "" If you oh d call upon ns aboat levan o'olook some n lig this summer, and see ear young mss all dressed up, you would hardly think we were farmers who had been at work in the dirt all day, perhaps. If you axgeoted from the calor of our hands and facee that we were farmers you would certainly think that we :were ' expecting company.' Oar boys visit the bath -room after work is done and sleek themeelvea up, often putting on !loan clothes entirely, and then go in for a geed time until nine or ten o'clock.' So writes Mr, T. B. Torry to the Albany Cultivator. He inelste that farmers may be j ust as neat and tidy, when the day's work is over, as though they lived in a town er oily, Harness Polish, 'The Balance News gives the following recipe for making a harness polish a Four eanoas glue, a pint and a half of vinegar, two ounces gum arable, a half pint of black Ink, two drama isinglass. Break the glue in plea= in a basin, and poor over it about a pint of vinegar,;, let it stand untll is bee cornea parfeotty soft, . Put the gum In an - ether vres'f, wdth'the ink, until it is per- fectly dissolved; melt the isinglass in as much water as will cover it, which may be easily done by placing the oup oentalning it Hoar the fire about an hour before you want to uao it, To mix them, pour the re, waffling vinegar with the Softened. gine into a sandman upon a gentle fire, stirring until it is perfectly dissolved, that it may. not burn the bottom, being careful not to let it reach the boiling paint ; about 82 de- grees 0. is the bent heat, Next add the gum ; let it arrive at about the same heat again; add the isinglass, Take (from the fire and pour it off for use. To use it, put as much as is required in a saucer, heat it aufliar icnt'ly to make It field, and appy a a thin coat with a piece of dry sponge, If the article is dried quickly, either in the sun or by fire, It will have tho better polish, TiGhen William Dies. Those h se who X501 leve that a great European war will follow the death of the Emperor William' -"id additional ground for their belief in the aotivity which the great Powers are displaying in the rearmament of their troops. Speofaf attention is being paid to the military arm, and the single broeoh is being gradually sure/waled by the repeat- ing or'magazii rifle. Not long ago a sen- sation was osuaed by a celebration at the Spandau armory over the completion of the last ef the 100,000 repeating rifles for Ger- man troops. Daring the rummer 2,200 men have been employed at Erfurbh. Span- dau teal elsewhere in converting the Mauler rifle into a repeating arm, at the rate of 1,200 daily, It is announced also that by Milt time 60,000 repeaters are in the hands of Fronoh troops, and a Fronoh paper says that the oonvereion of the two hundred thousandth Fronde rifle will be duly sole brated, ' Austria In substituting the ktan- nliober rifle, with a alotaohablo megtziuo, • for her Wenolgnn, Norway and Sweden have the Jarmaun magazine rifle, ;with a very long range, and Itaiy and Switzerland j1ave the,Votterli rifle, of similar pattern. The expense e p use of such a change is; enormous, and Re signifioanoe le only too apparent, of Il MADDBN,ED 15Y NI,41,011.114. Who 'i'urskoit al the Mated& Turns a ltigtn,*s, Bruen, si, " I have not the least doubt," field an. emineat. phyaiolanata rooeut medical eon. entian t that atlomat o noout of every v ly ten of the people in this country live under so mu'arm f efpeau i it s beoomee *lent ; in others n Inoma It noticeable ; in ethers never known nor suepeoted, except there is what might be t°rined a ooilusien of oiroum. t "oo ,a au n, . "Thera have been nom° ourleua oases 0f this•lat spool= of insanity. Some neves or eight yeare ago a well.known nubile cMabel of the ,abate ef Ohio visited 'Niagara, Fella with bin family for a mouth's rest. Ile was xserveue and worn out, and there were cera tale buatnees and • politloal- matters which followed him there and coule Tial ni sLti ioN O$F. The gentleman ntloman did not realize that his nerves` wore at all shaken ; on'the contrary, he prided himself in beileving that he could endure more mental worry than three ordi- nary men, He had boon at the Falls three. or fan rd a when a he was joined), do- 1?acne Chica- go" by 9" oa italist Tho two $ p w hada ,epooutatlon together, and the details were to be settled here. Oao day after dinner the; pair went into Prospect Park and sat down en a benoh Tao - lag the rapids. and not, over Ave: feet from theater. w , When -they had talked for an hour er So, the Ohio' gentleman seemed to be somewhat excited in, his speeoh and movemants. He threw several }Woke into the water, talked in land tones, and soon attracted attention. Tho capitalist THOUGH]} ITA BIT .QUEER, but felt no uneasiuees until the other and denly seized him In a tromendoue grip and said : " Blank, you are a d ---d scoundrel, and I'm geiug to send you over the falls 1" The oapitailet was the !mailer and the weaker man, and he felt the hopelessnoad of the nituation, He wan ;gripped by the shoulders, but he used hls hands to clench the seat behind him, and replied to the luna- tic,: " know I'm a bad man, and you meat aim) me time to pray." " All right, all right," said the Ohioan : " yen orad have two rennet= !tea for prayers, and then we'll go over the falls together, Say, Blank, you are a d --d good follow, after all, and we'll go together," The idea with the Chicago man was, of ooursejto gain tame. The people who had been attracted by the Ioad talk had passed on, and it so happened that ne one flee camp that way. Ho hoped the lunatic would change hie mind after two er three minutes, but instead of that, ho grew more impatient, deolaring that they mnet hurry up er they would he too late. Despairing of aid from others, the oapitallst finally said : " See here, Mr., Blank, let's go up and jump'off the Goat Island' bridge, We'll have further to swim, and I want to leave my wallet with some one," " By George 1 Geed idea ; come on 1" exclaimed the ether, and they walked up the path and out teethe park arm in arm. They were no sooner ant of eight of the rapids than the Ohiean began to grow maul- er, and as they bore off toward the hotels HE REMOVED HIS HAT, matched his head in a thoughtful way, and picked up the point he dropped a quarter of an hour before and went on debating th transaction as if nothing had occurred, Au hour later, when asked- if he was in earnest in threatening his friend, he was completely dumbfounded, nor could he bo made to believe that anything of tho sort bad occurred. illowever,ia dim., auspleion that ho might have been unduly excited by the roar and olash of thea waters crept into his mind. He went down to the perk alone, but returned almost at once, hie face very l hese pale, sae betraying wildness, and his whole manner showing that he had passed through a severe struggle. " I shall keep away from the water here• after," he said to the capitaliat, " I couldn't stay there five minutes without committing suicide =murder." The matter was of course kept gnlet, even from his wife, but two years liter, while• the gentleman was making a ,trip on the. Ohio River he was suddenly missed, and he has never been heard of since. The boat was raping with another, and the probabill- ties are that the excitement brought book hie paseienfer self-deetruetlon, and that ho went overboard,:, TWO BA.1riAOON •STORIISB, Inllour's IIide that 'Turned sa filau's Biel? Plate- Going lip reels First. In a talk with showmen the other night I heard several interesting stories of adven- tures with hot•air balloons, We used .to iafiete the balloons and send them ekyward at every stopping point off the show," he' said, " Mid I remember now one incident, in regard' . these ;bat= loons which eaaurred :an 1874 at . Chester,", There was a large crowd on the grounds, and a man we palled Big Smith was inside the bag while it was being Inflated. At last the balloon bulged out, nearly full, and Smith crawled from under, ' Twenty;five men wereholding the balloon, andSmith, after he got outelde the machine, saw a Dandy butcher named Mltohell standing near him. Before any one could count five Smith grabbed Mitchell, •threw him in the basket, and yelled 'Let go 1' The mon dropped the ropoe, the balloon shot aloft like a racket, and the ten theta/and' people strained their eyes as they saw it grow smaller and smaller, until it was out ef eight. " When the balloon was first skipping to- ward heaven Mitchell's head =aid bo deep over the edge ef the basket as he yelled. "Help, for God's sake !' When the big: bag floated boyend the range of visiona dozen menetarbed northward—the way the wind oarrled•the balloon—in teams, They drove eight or ten miles, and they found the nal - loon with the wretched Mitohell lying help. lately in the basket on the bank of a creek. Mitchell's hair had aotually turned white from fright in his hour's ride in; the donde. "Several yearn after that, in another town Big Smith was inside another balloon while It was being Waited. After it was full of hot air he orawled over the edge of the bas- ket and another man got in for a : trip through• the ezone belt, Some one yelled ' Let go 1' The repos were loosened, but one rope, on the nide on which S pith was getting out, took a tarn around his leg, olutohtng him, tightly, and as the balloon shot skyward it took Smith with it by the Ankle, His terrified companion In the bas• ket, who heard the cry of horror that swept over the orowd, oould not help him, for if be changed his position the chances woes that the basket would upaet or that the rope would uncoil,' After about ten minutes the Waimea 01030 down with Smith unconscious and his hoed full of blood. However, here - covered, and la yet in the show burliness," Religion is our life, being essential to our peace of mind, our support under the trials Eo, and our fitness for the eternal world. A BRIDEGROOM nit 0�'F13 FBQM A, T•S',RN. Y M1 1 kleoa his 1'Y d ed ; i>4Nc . T our 1#e iiepolwes . Crazy and Leaps to his Death. Au exciting scone was 'witnessed on the: midnight exP r elan train while ratsllina at a high rate of speed on the Le nano n Valle Railroad, ten efiiles from Reading the°ether night. The paasengerb ware agdllepty start e 1 byso' da t,itla 'n t the r n lddtei 4f the fine, A weildroseed young an named Lv i Brobst arose abruptly, and in it load volae' ekolaia ed ; • l'111 deed of riding," His beauiful oan wife bertdehim • e grasp- ed him' by the coat and said : "#;Sit down, we'll soon be at Reading; Nota bit of At; Guests," bo relied, "Pm going no further; see the lighto der{o- Ing out se, fie then mnsoarde' a hasty move thetoward' dr of the oar, when h oo is wife seized him.by his meat and implored him to sit down. The other p p anus ngera 1n the, oar at firat thought it might g t simply be a psraonal rnieundel'etand, in and they (;l, t... y mode no effort to,Interfore, Another lad of the party, a I I moose p F. ed. 11 woman, named Mrs J 0, High, left her seat ani run to the wifes aseistanes. Both selzed,the exulted -young man and told him' to he seated. By a powerful effort ho tore away from the graap.ef, his wife, but Mrs. High kept held of hie coat. Brobst nob became erica s d Tito I dragged Mrs. High to the deer, ^ The latter !heated ler madame, but before any ono had the courage to interfere Brobst tore his, coat, and thus got away from . the lady's grasp. He leaped for the door, crying out at the top of his voice : " Good by. Here eine goes," The'next second he jumped to tho plat- form; and in the next instant leaped off into the darkness, while the train was speeding en at thirty-five miles per hour. The. Young wife fainted in her seat, while her husband was being hurled headlong down a twenty -foot rooky embankment. The train was speedily stopped, and the victim was found dying among the boulders,. His fame and body were horribly,: cut, • He was brought to. Reading, where .:he died in Jeaeph's H--as'pital this, morning. ':Hie waliot contained $300, was lest when he jumped, and was net found. He was 30 years of age, and a handsome, well.hullt youoie man. He was .married to Min, Gussie L:Illar on the Wednesday pre. vleue in Weet Point, Neb., , and they were on their wedding, trip to Slatington, north of Reading, Hie body was taken there where his parents live. a The bride says she first noticed a change, in her hus- band in Chloaga. Ha had net been well, and had not eaten anything for' three days. The eiretnent of hie wedding 'made him very tilee. Hie mind gradually became unbalanced. He waved and spoke Inoeher• ently, and at Met jumped off the train. Boys and Their Mothers. Of all the love aflairs in the world, none can surpass the true love of the big boy for his mother. It is pure love: and noble,hen- ourable in the,highest degree to both, I do not mean a dutiful affeotlan, I mean a love which makea-a bey gallant and courteous to his mother, saying to everybody plainly that he is fairly in love with her. Next to the love of a husband, nothing so crowns a woman's Iife with honor as this second love, this devotion of a sen to her, And I never yet knew a boy " turn ant" bad who began by falling in lovewith hie mother. Any man may tall in love with a fresh -faced girl, and the man who is gallant with the girt may cruelly negleot the worn and weary wife. Bat the boy who is a lover' of hie mother in her middle age, is a true knight,. who will love his wife as much in the sera - leaved autumn as he did in the daisled springtime. Ifiour Lungs are Destroyed de not expect that Dr. Pierce's "Moldon Medical Discovery" will make new ones for you. It can do much, but pot impeseibill- tiee. If, however, you have not yet reaohed the bast stages of consumption, there is hope for yeu. But de not delay, lest you cross the fatal Ione where help is impossible. The Dlseovery has arrested the aggravating cough of thousands of con,uaaptives, cured their night•eweats and hecticfevers,' and metered them to health and happiness.* Belt chatelaines off cxydized silver are worn with street dramas. Thousands of curie follow the` useofDr. Sege's Catarrh Rimedy. .50 cents, In towns whcre there is a strong Sunday sentiment saloons have to be kept on the deublo entry system, "',Olosoahe door gently, And bridie the breath : I've one cf my headaches— i'mslgk,nnto deatn." " Trke ' Purgative Pellets,' The'yre 'pleasant and euro ; • I've come In my packet 111 warrant to euro," Dr Pieroe'e " Pleasant Purgative Pellets" are both preventive and ourativo. Trials of every kind may await you, sterner and darker "than any yet experienced,: Do not anticipate them, but do net •forget their poaeibillty, Do not, as you prize year own soul, forget that your strength far every conflict depends on your being girded for each as it comes, and never being careless or weary. A OURS FOR 1➢RiJN.E.E1b1NESS, Opium, morphine, oh oral, toba000, and kindred habits. The medial= ':may be given In tea ea coffee without the. knowledge" of the preen taking it'` if eo desired. • Send 6o In stamper for book' and testimonials from theso'who have been cured, Address M. V.Luhon, 47 Welling. ton St. East, Teronto, Oat.- Ont thin out. for future reference. When' writing 'men, Lien this paper.. The •braveat.boy ',evil" quail whom he ap- eare iu nolle ler: t Pears p the hest timo 'attar he has hadrhis hair out by' his mother. A Free Fight. The great reputation of B+iggs' Electric 011 is such that it hap induced:unprinolpled per- sons to adopt other names as near 'like it as possible. ' Tlae Proprietors of Brigge' Electric Oil have the name and style of the Electric 011 registered ' both in.,Canada and •the `United States, and rd one can use it but themselves. Others hearing of the success of Briggs' Elec- tric 0tlhas a adopted other names similar such, as " Eolectrfo 011," " Electron 011 " &c., and are striving to induce the public, to buy them in- stead of the ggenuine Electric 011. In fact so determined were they that they brought a suit at Law, in the High Court of Canada, to deprive Briggs & Sons of their right to control the same; but the Courts and the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa !nib, sits. tained their registered trade mark. • Briggs' Electric 011 curse Rheumatism; Nen' ralgia, Sprains and Brusee complaints arising from Colds Ouch as Sore Throat,'Congh. Aath ma, Brohchitie and difficult Breathing, Gauze painted fans are ohown exquisitely tinted and in great variety. Don't nee any more nanseonspurgativee Saab as Pine, Salts, &o., when you can get in Dr. Ca eon's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that 'novae the Bowels gently, cleansing all Japan. • itigsfrdnr the system and rendering the Blood . Pere and ogol. Great Spring Medicine 6sote, A. P.298 v-•TH gK-'liad trra iadi9s---. r1RRv laN�.rl: recd pay. II', E, lfkla;aasx, d'oroato, Qet',, Sit ,¢are I�wr•tn•-01500, 1N► seen rrawrp n t aver' 1 XS q Rr n . om. it n k+- # 104.0: Males I 4 con o g. 4 aye, 16 aenta; i00A00 fi cont music; ipeR#umonErl a• h f1 pl,lge. iitTlhANA, 87 King.et. va^.;ToronfA,' N EPRESENTATIVIE In each county to seal "Pro• ,�1 or and !!r 1 Ee ! pougaf . a book en Lave, Ceua•a ship; anttlineoey and kindred Ebonite, Write Inc circulars, o.n at In - 1 t opalBok rod. Toronto. Out...:.. P Bible Rouse, illeiND SAW ee itaHIN1is--ALL SIZES—LATEST improvements; bracket band !awe for attach. pg' • to poste• neat, Phase .and arable sena for OKa4ars, J4II GLs & 00., Oarlaton ,I'laoe, OMITS aeR NEW PA1tA1iLEfe FAlifILT illBIIiLEkl-lar a type ,splendid mays, beantltcl,uatra ionn, oonfans 9,000 qusstlona and anpwera on mine, Toplea; liberal terms;`' Intornatfonal' Book and.Bible House, Tarooto, 00 .ENI;Oitt{tr,'g Moribund' and' ' % �K9 Iris, 0tnaln en 1,1 ltllt0 Toronto, - . T no, Thie is 0 nest and leading Sbottha,•d and d'ypowrittug School in Can- ada. Its Teaohere and Lecturers are men ot•length• sued Prlatioal experience '. Specialinl neemrms nnr,. Ing Eunimer months, Positions scoured gradua"es. Shorthand books for sale. Qorreependeaoeinvited, OIIOOL Teachers wr he rn ata Students attention1 ►,Darin$ io ldaya epaolal course 0private lessons, by highest mestere, will be given School Teaobersnd a Students, • oa Shorthand, Ddawlsg or Painting,A 1 All who ooa o a should 9 coma. Sepolmmedl• i Lely for seeolal' circulars Tna UNION SHORT. sexosas' Aopesta, 80 rC 41 Adelaide street East, Up-4tafrs, Toronto. A, GENTp l—YOU CAN'T FIND'A BOOL{ Ti1:AT Oyes better sat lefa otlou or the you can makemono Mater with thena World's d Wonders." e Sells ate all choses—Christians and in@itols, Catholics and Protestants, old and young; old annuls whohave not canvassed for years are going Into the field with it; 0. 5'• Jenkins said 128 the first week ; J, E. Brace says : "The first week with " Wonders" potted me one hundred and sixteen dollars." A good chance for 0nomployed,poreone; outfit free to actual can. Vaeeare; writo for tonna. - BaeDMIY,, GAatNTtON Co., Brantford. • • THE POPULAR $toy Paper, The Fireside Weekly Sixserie l stories by the most talented anthers iu enehissue. A uumberof interesting Complete Tales of Love, Romance, tz , a ; d. Adventure, Choice Poetry, Short Sketches •Flo ., usohalcY Recipes, Science, Vit and Humor, etc., contained :in each issue o3 The Fireside'Weekly. 0c. per copy; or, with 40 of the muten1 ' a , l•aible eons of the clay; $2.00 per year; f3ixmonths and 20 pieces music, 51; three months and 10 pieces mueio, 50q. 81t,bscribe now. ,Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal com- mission. Sample copies free. . TWE FntEsmt WEEury, 28 Colborne St., Toronto, Canada. MONEY_ TO LEND --ON-- Productive Town, Village & Pam Property D. MIrOIUEL'L McDONALO.9Earrloter, 6 Wilton Block— Toronto Street —Toronto. Guelph Busitess.C1I g GUELPH; ONTARIO. The Third 9ehelesike Year begins sent. let. Patron' age drawn train TON SVATNS eND•Paovlxere. Young men and'boye thnrrughly prepared fo, business put. suite. G;adnatee eminently successful.. Practical work,'moderate'rates ' And straight dealing charms tensa the Inttitutinn. Lndioe admitted. Forintor• matron address H. MAo00RIIICK, Principal. Sausage Casings. New shipment from England, Ex Steamship "Nor. weglan;' +,°west.plan to the trade. We are sole agents in Canada ter McBibde'e Celebrated Sheep Casings. Waite for quotations. ..JAMES PARK & 80N. TORONTO BICYCLES AND Velocipedes ! Now Lr the time to buy' cheap. Closing out oar stook for this y ear. Send stamp for Price L'et • OTTERVILLE MANTIFACrUR INC} Co., OTTERVILLE, ONT, ®`D eNtGRpV�R' �O KiNC SYERS J �> .:.,,`'tO RO$t lli! J SIPIENC E` & CO., Oansumere will find it bo th81r advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Rasps. Be -Cutting a Specialty. Send for price IltI and tonne. CS) Hamilton, Ontario. AWNINGS!! SEND FOR PRICE LIST Awning, Flag, Tent 86 Camping Depot 169 YONGE STREET, TORONTO ro IM stro ig's PATENT TEMPERED STEEL Cutter ;& Sleigh Gears, Mllettcm Best Tempered Spites Steel:. Light, Handeome,Strong and very Durable, We are having a large demand thle season from eeotlone where sample lots were sold last winter, and orders should be plaaed early to secure prompt at. tentlon Corning, Portland, and Junp Seat" ?ones. to volt, • and all et very moderate palees. Have you used'our Steel Bob-SIeighs? Send fpr do eerlptIye oirauIs'. J. B. ARMSTRONG M'F'G CO. (LO) GUELPH, CANADA 0 ca I wWrwY yll,wur,ana,ni•wwitiim _ fi 4 di di«�I a6. ASK F'OR'THE ' .'• -Gf OB .Wohboard KEPT VALL GROCERS' MANUFACTURED Env • HAMILTON WaIterWoods&C° &TORONTO Alia -Lin u oitoya,1 Moil estoamsh. Railing during winter from Portland every Tharp day and Halifax every Saturde *,to Lina ooi a rte ,. Wool, summer from Quebec over SgtnPday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to ►and mails sn0 `aseenga for Sootlend and Ireland ; elan from Baltiimore g 1 ,v Ilatlfax.And-iib. John's, N.F., toLlvorpoottortnigtitlr during summer months, The ateam+tre of Ibe Glee sow linea sail during winter toand trona l•ialifax Portia0d , B0 sten ndPhila Philadelphia • and during num earn between Glasgow and. iloetre a1 weekly.; h 0 !as now and Beaton weakly,and Gkaetow and P' phis fortnightly: " For freight, t;ht, paaaage, or rattier iniarmation apply k A: Sehumaohar'&C Co., Bo19bno,e ; 5, Cunard Iw Co. Halifax; be Jr Oc,, 131. John's„N.0.; Wen. Thomp son & Co., Si. John, x7.13, ; Aller; & Co., Chicago Lc v r & Alden: New Y oxk ; B. Bourtfor;..:Toronto Aligns, Ras en Oen Quebec; Wm. Breokte, Phlladei Ole, 1 13. A. A11en, Poctlond. Boston, niontreel. MERI. EN BRITANfilA 00. MANUFACTURE ONLY 2rizi EIL YEz- PLATED • Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. ��1a33H11t0>t11, Ont, antalaarteest rralninn`Sch+.oi'in Canada. Send for Calendar. SNWUBJFTv 11 'bore i1 �nn E . AING POWIIER The Snow Drift Baking Porter 00.e Aran rd 11lb , +DN« ^-T as - FAVORITE : ,"" r ,I.t� : Felt 84 Slate Roofer, Arenufecturer and' dealer'oi Tarred Felt Rooting ]Paan, Building Papers, Qarpe* and Deafening Felt. Ready Roofing, etc. For low prioaa address $, WILLiAMs, 4 Adelaide S4, E,, Toron$ot.' THE ,i E.I! .s. BROMIDE CRAYON PORTRAIT Beautiful, Life -like and Artistic. Absolutelypoti • Ins to eq nil it. Lite•efzed portraits drawn from ordinary photographs, and warranted first ohne. Portpalated is 041, Water Color and Indielak, Photographers. agents and obharO should write (erialoslog stamp) for Stouter. Agents atemakioB 821 eo per week, 11 will payyou to y Mennen for omens, Levi( ontt for a at. Taros Exhibition, abo E bit n a, 'J8II: L ItAW AY o E Artist. St 96 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO 'HAMILTON CO. All Styles of S Ate, a OSBORNE H 17 n OPN� & CO., am to ,Ota 6 We 6t DALLEYS FINE GOLD EXTRACTS TRUE FRUITS TLAVONNC i EG L EXTRACTS. ABSOLUTELY PURE FROM SELECT FRUIT - SOLD; EVERYWHE RE 1 MAN1J ACTURBRS AND MILLERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY USINGOHL 1 is ■ e bac me011. Try ie once and yon will nee no ethos. Every Barrel Guaranteed. •E'd e are Ike Sole Manuftrcturers of the Genuine Laraine. al, Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness... Oils; ma.. McCOLL BROS. & ea, TORONTO. Try Our Catldradi.aaa Coal riliL "SUNLIGHT” Brand, Finest in thea Market. C41, 7 '• , M 7 IEW HARJ';:iS AND MAMMOTH STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FURNACES. The Moat )Etkeetive, Clean, Durable and Economical neaten 'In the Market fit turning' and ventilating Churches, Scheele, Public, Buildings, Snore! and Private Residences. Simple In -(lonitrae, ticn and easily nlaraged, capable of giving more heat with leis oonaumptlon of fuel than any other heating apparatne. CGTAbsolutely Gns TIght.'t Bight sizes "Harriet and four sizes a"Mammoth" aro made and oan be set either in Brick or Portable form. Correspondence eolloltad, For Catalogues and further informationaddres! let CIS. E.� CA#fiii) '[ I .�.(I�11 [A.4�� st�i,�a RI GIN 0(:)D 400(:)1( . 1:6N �r:0,13,11Q4:9:7,708e;trnAliiPii74140,4. . 81� iCKi .r.. �-= N � iaP uni,b IM nitlllL"„r?Ilan`•. -�aree..,, w IIfl i iilunihlli Illli l il'I���Um eq l,�i�;lli{II ii�iVil, �•�OlL.�wr,inn.t,�{Y���IIJinwnIJ31W�.1.gy�� - --•� j ,S THE LONGEST AND BEST FIRE -BOX, ® y HAS SWING & DROP FLUSH OVEN DOORS, � OR. S, AND A PERFECT LATER MowrdWo- 1'-' And is the Cheapest First Class Stoveever offered. For sale by Y nit dealers. MANU,iraTUREb BY— The ' E. & C. Gurney Co. TORONTO