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Clinton News-Record, 1976-07-29, Page 17
I.+IY�vF i;i;tRl7,nh� ACCOMQDATION TO RENT 6. ACCOMMODATION TO TENT 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 12 1 2, AUCTION SALE � iiirmiuntopinisionmaummomournmommiwitswe THREE bedroom farm house. two utiles west from C1intgn on Hwy. 8. Phone 482-7811. -41.32 STORE for rent. Main in- tersection in Clinton. presently used for business purposes. ideal location. Phone 482-3821. -Mar OUSES and apartments for nt. Phone 482-3809.--30tf-ar SMALL unfurnished apartment at 1157 Albert St.. utilities included in rent. Please call for ap- pointment 482-9609. -28-31 SPACIOUS three bedroom town house, parking and recreational facilities available, utilities in eluded. 8167.40 per month, in Vanastra, information at D .Bldg. Unit 8. apply after 6 p.m. Phone 482.9698. -23tf 4r IL HELP WANTED SCHOOL Bus Driver (male or female) required in Blyth. Londesboro, or Clinton area. Duties to commence in Sep- tember..t�Contlact RalphBuffinga, Blyth. ` h nc .~'R23, 9268. 30,32 1 st MORTGAGES AT PRIME RATES • SECOND MORTGAGES • BUILDERS LOANS ANYWHERE IN SOUTHWESTERN ONTAR 10 SERVING ONTARIO SiNCE 1959 GRANITE REALTY CREDIT LTD. 311 CENTRAL AVENUE. LONDON Cull Don Steeps 438-2155 T.F.N. CONGRATULATIONS Sharon Elliott has completed the O.R.E.A. course at Conestoga College in Kit- chener. Bill Clifford Realtor wishes to announce the ap- pointment of Sharon Elliott to our Sales Staff. Her husband. Jim, is a building contractor. Sharon will specialize in selling homes and looks for- ward to serving your real estate needs. She will be Elpleased to assist you, no matter whereyou live. phone Sharon 524-6110 Residence 529 - nal. ; 2 rrrrY,Y r,.rr �ile.wY CLINTON HOMES The Beautiful way to be Practical - own this newly carpeted and decorated red brick duplex. Valuable commercial location. Enioy excellent income from both units. or live in one and lease the other. Outstanding features include land- scaped yard, professional interior decor and appliances as extras in the very realistic price. Not Much - left to finish off in this remodelled home. All the expensive work has been done except for new carpeting and siding. Large new kitchen, 2 full bathrooms, 15' x 15' living room, patio, mature trees. Real value for modey here. let us show you! VANASTRA HOMES Be Thankful - you can buy such a good house for only 918,000 - think about the tow monthly payments, almost as tow as rent, and have your very own home. You would pay more than this for a building lot in the city. 11.2 storey, 3 bedroom, good roof. And For A Little More - you can take your choice of either of these 3 bedroom homes - one with new vinyl sung and one in immaculate condition, with finished rec. room and carport. We can arrange the financing if you have 51,50,0 plus closing costs. Officer's Home - Happiness begins with a home like this - 4 bedrooms, spacious living room withbrick fireplace. 4 pc. and 2 pc. bathrooms. Good kitchen. Office and large tiled basement for Dad. Asking price a law 928.500. Wife Saver . Your wife would enjoy the new Gebel kitchen and the easy -to -care -for carpeting in this exceptional 4 bedroom home on Winnipeg St., Vanastra. Better than new with large double garage and rec. room in basement. COUNTRY PROPERTY Walton - Farm home on 1 acre, tree shaded lot, already severed. 3 Miles from Winthrop ; Most attractive 2 bedroom brick btmgatow located on county road. Detached garage. This property is neat as a pin and welcomes your inspection. LOTS Six adjacent building lots in the Village of Dublin, No. 8 high- way west. All 6 for 913,000. Good terms. FARMS Near Chistehutst - Macre cash crop farm with 85 workable. large brick house and good barn. Near Lucknow - 2.100 acre farms priced right, total 135 acres workable. $3©,000 and 551.000. Near Gorrie - 7500 cage layers. modern brick house with in - ground swimming pool, on 4 acres - $79.000. COMMERCIAL BUILDING Old fire hall at Vanastra, excellent bidding with `tier vehicles. Very suitabl4 as a wholesale or retai. .,t, Lots of parking. Clinton Office 482-3595 J11hn Duddy 482-3652 John Thompson S27-0238 DON NOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. * REAL '4R WILL BABYSIT in my home babies and -or preschoolers Phone 482-7282. -31 WILL babysit in my home. beginning September 7. Phone 482-7389 anytime -31x 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED, NOW'S the time to strip that sorry looking antique you've been meaning to refinish. I'm speedy, Inexpensive and available to do the Job. Phone Cindy 482- 9838 --30.3 ) ALEXANDER CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED Farms, Homes. Commercial The Square. GODERICH 524-6542 524-9662 A Good Buy Comfortable two bedroom house in Clinton. Situated on well treed lot. New gas fur- nace new roof, immediate possession. Asking 918,000. give us an offer. 58 Excellent 2 or 3 bedroom home in Vanastra, full basement oilheat. fenced yard. This home is well decorated and in good con- dition throughout. 921,500. 71 Income Property a three apartment brick house in Goderich. Near the lake, a good income property at only 548,000. 53 A fine older brick house in Goderich close to the Square contains four lovely apart- ments all rented. Asking -963.000. 54 Commercial Former rifle range at Vanastra.Quanset building 32' x 178' with forced air oil heat. barred windows building in excellent condition, large lot. Reduced to 916,500. At Vanastra, industrial building 36' x 168' - 12' clear span cement floor. Ideal for storage or industrial use. Will sell as is or completed. Sate or tease. Recreation or Building Lots 1 - 10 acre bush tot near Bayfield. 1 - 26 acre bush tot both on Pine Lake Camp road. BERNICE GLENN, Dungannon, Tel. 529-7924 DON ABERHART, 84 Comox Cres., Tel. 524-7216 VALERIE CAMPBELL, RR 1, Dungannon, Tel. 529-7643 , ED JESSOP 182 Wilson St. Tel. 524-7287 SHELAGH SULLY 64 Como* Cr Tel. 524-9059 JOHN BANTER RR 2. Goderich, Tel. 524- 8149 KEN THOMPSON 198 Sunset Dr. 524-7514 Alexander 8 Chapman -Realty Limited 8 The Square Goderich 524-9662 524-6542 Lobb 8 Gethke AUCTION ('ALLNL)-1K Aucttunc•trs a AprtAt, Is Clinton � ,ttlt,•r, 482 .'W.a t SAT. JULY 31 - 1 P.M. Household furniture and appliances for Luella Cox at 49 Isaac St.. Clinton. WED. AUG. 4 Evening Auction; Household effects and tractor for Dave Watson 2 miles south and 2 miles east of Walton. SAT. AUG. 7 Antiques. furniture and 1973 car for Milton Ron- nenberg Estate in Monkton. SAT. AUG. 14 Lakeview Machinery sale. Carlow. WED. AUG. 18 - 6:30 p.m. Household effects for Alf Scotchmer, Hayfield. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PIANO tuning and repairs Phone Pulsifer Music. 52;- 0053 -36tfn VACUUM CLEANERS SALES 1 SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 263-574$ gctlri NEEDLEWORK. Oil and Picture .Framing. choice of frame 1" to 3• .x idth Regular or non glare glass - Ready to hand -48 hour service Phone after 6 p.m 482- 409. Harold Tyndall. Clinton -15eov. We Keep it Coot! CHILLY WILLY REFRIGERATION s. SALES •- SERVICE Used Appliances - Bought and Sold VANASTRA 482-3734 (MITER PLUMBING HEATING i ELrCTRIC Furnace Instrltst)en* DELAY AL Mtl'(F - cUPPUES Applisn... . .reeled 46 King St. 462-72 c -tette tf • Need extra copies of letters, documents, etc.? Let the Clinton News -Record 53 ALBERT ST 482 3443 make them for you SINGLE COPIES 25c ea 10 20 COPIES •20c ea OVER 20 COPIES 1 Sc e•a VANASTRA APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bachelors $ 1 25. month One Bedroom _11 4 S • month Two Bedroom ___11 S • month + Alt Utilities included. + New Shag Carpets + Stove a Refrigerator + Central Laundry Facilities. Near Recreational Centre ... Available Sept. I CALL DOUG BEZZO 482-9698 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE el BYERS UPHOLSTERY- We r•-nuild. re-cover or res -style your old furniture. Tap qtr Slaty fabrics and workmanship Call 71 Princess St W . ( Iintun -tfn 1)i\ V 1DSON Hearing A i.i Sery ice. Free hearing tests.. 45 day trial. batteries. chat gens. repairs City .nil country house &ails 334 A% e Phone 43:' 9951 1.•rui.i 21i1n.i1 WAYSIDE - INTERIORS 150 Huron St. Stratford Custom Reupholstering Finest Fabrics and Workmanship Phone collect for estimate Stratford 273-0880 tfn i KI \1Ol)1.1.1.IN(i. renotatIOras. r.a.ltrtg and flues Li, trig riper ti% dons. All ,.ell t.,h. around ills hoers hit, h.•n t upho.et as ,a st.el salt% l'h.•n. 44' 7676 Ken M. Nair n -'i in ONE DAY COLOUR FILM PROCESSING F ROM KORNER RECREATION JERVIS STUDIO 130 ISAAC ST.-CLINTON EAVESTROUGHING BRICK or BLOCK CHIMNEYS and METAL WORK Phone 482-9706 „ CLOCKS REPAIRED All types • Grandfather • Antique • French. Etc • Specialist on Chime Clocks Will pick up and deliver Trade work accepted. J.T. HOLLINSHEAD Residence 482 3759 if SORRY! WE CAN NO LONGER PROMISE 24 HOUR Watch Repairs Guaranteed EXPERT VIATt REPAIRS JEWELLERY 5247841 the SOUAR E 524 2924 the MALL 1 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE Huron Pines Electric R ESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL FARM WIRING SPECIALIST PHONE 482-7901 WATER WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: NEAL: 527-1737 DU R L : 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 tfn 130- JEN CARPENTRY For + CUSTOM BUILT HOMES + RENOVATIONS + ADDITIONS SEE -,4444 BOB LANGENDOEN R.R. 2 CLINTON Phone 524-8029 tf HURON PINES "Construction Service Centre - 482 -7801- CUNTON Electrical Wiring Pols Lino Construction General Contracting Excavating Back Hoe and Dozer Services Trencher Service up to 14" Boring Service Sand. Gravel. Topsoil ?stn CODAN CONSTRUCTION + Commercial and Residential Renovations. + Custom Built Homes For tree Estimates. call ERIK CHRIS•TENSEN 482-764Q ,,. LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION SAND - GRAVEL - AGGREGATES BACKHOE - EXCAVATING Screened Top Soil Phone 482-7644 TF BAYVIEW CARPENTR Y No Job too small Just give us a call JOHN BJERG BAYFiELQ PHONE 565 2738 tfn wessavolesessuouselimows CUSTOM KILLING AND PiROCESSING Butchering dates -Y -- Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY -Beef and Pork FRIDAY --Beet Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Memer'e Abattoir 237-3314 Dashood isnroursomumpolownwaronso iS. PUBLIC NOTICE. .111116 If interested in playing BADMINTON at high school Tues. and Thurs. evenings call... Recreation office at 524-8373 16. PERSONAL. WE INVITE engaged . uupi.s t,• visit the Arbor Gift Shop rn Clinton Recci%e a fr, e gift and tell your friends ahu,.t our shower .and Bridal Registry Sir. u. Charge. no obligation -4tfn 17. LOST AND FOUND LOST Very small tahh. , at .with mainly black striped markinra , and partially blind in sine ,•.t • • missing from dhe a Wage •,f Ktnhurn since June 27 14-6 Answers to the name of S..,•. p Anyone .with an, inforr.it+„n dead or all, e. please . all 482 34-; day. 527 1082 e.. ning• -31 3? 33 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE ti ti vin AUCTION SALE urnture, appliances etc. to be 'held for Mrs. i 49 Isaac Street, Clinton. Ontario. OF Household f Luella Cox a SATURDAY, JULY 31st. ©t 1:00 p.m. Rogers Majestic 19" portable colour TV with stand. like new; chesterfield and chair; upholstered chairs; buffet; two china cabinets; two fridges; electric stove; Woods chest freezer; Viking clothes dryer; Kenmore vacuum cleaner; floor polisher; humidifier; several odd tables; chrome tables and chairs; sewing basket; matching double bed, dresser and chest of drawers; matching chest of drawers ,and dresser; several beds and dressers; old flat to the wall cupboard; top for cupboard; hall tree; radios; lawn chairs; several lamps, all types; typewriter; pictures and frames; on paintings by Vera Wilson; targe fan; wooden chairs; childs table and chairs; foot stools; quantity of silverware; dishes and glassware; small kitchen appliances; silver tea service; electric lawn mower; skill saw; u4" electric drip; extension ladder; step ladder; sump pump; (carpenter hand and garden tools. plus many :terns too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE RiCHARD LOBO AUCTIONEERS f1.G. GETHKE CLINTON BORNHOLM Owner or auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of • In the Clinton area. Wed- nesday evening, July 21. Dog answers to the name "Pal". Any information, please phone 482-7244. 910. Reward 19. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (iR(1CF= RY Store - tic( lint he.s • .tore rn Varna rs tieing offered tor sale Rurldtng. business .rnd equipment Tau .tor. t hr u k hurldtng has spat n•u. thrrl hrdrnnm apartment upst.t.r. 1200 sq ft .rare area and full, basement This is .an established husirie s 1- scellent potential for Increase C.ail Baroid 1- rh ;6.S 2829 W 1 Hughes Real'. 1 rd Godrrtch. i24 8100--70:ar AMBITIOVF ('Ot'PI I S .•r .n etas tduals wanted to help in .1 fust growing buc,nec. Income potential 81000 month part time Reply to Drawer 4. Ctrninn Newe Record, Clinton. Clot -30.33 20. TO GiVE AWAY GOLDEN__ retrte. er. 2 vrold. spayed female to cite awaN to country home gond .e it children Has had .111 shots Phone 482 7828 -31 21. BIRTHS GE:iZR1TS Henry and Letda are plt;ase�d to announce the birth of their- son Timothy William Henry. at Victoria Hospital on July 20, 1976. a brother for Jen- nifer -31 HO1-,1-•MAN Rosemarie and (5 ay nt• Hoffman of Exeter are r,!. acrd to announce the arrival , f twir !dein Anthony Carl. born Jun. i ,91 South Huron Hospital, l' ketc-, Grandparents. Mr. and til,, Anthony Hoffman of Zurich .inti Mrs Carl Murray of Zurich (treat grandparents. Mr and Mr. James Murray of Varna. ()I ..1 Great Grandfather Mr m Pickett of Goderich -3Inc 22. DEATHS 1(t(K At the• St Thomas h !gin tomer al H•.spital. on Monday i t, i.:6 1476 l Loyd Joseph Stock. t 44 ( t.irene e Street. Aylmer, in r►.ith tear Relu.ed hus,bandof 1 %etre ► Iiuurhi. r Stuck Dear son .,1 '\ir. Vt tlhent'iha Stock of (,•ale► rc h Father of Arthur Paw. Normand and Lucille. all of" \.,m. r l3ruth,ur of Gordon s, •, k ••1 (liniun. Mrs William t ti.trronne NlcClans ney. of t ,•neion. Mrs F.;ri (Margaret) \. i;,tant- of Goderich. Mrs. Betty ► Young also of (,..-1, ru h Rested at the H.A Kehhei Funeral Home. Aylmer. un!i1 Wednesday morning, then to (tut i ad!. of Sorr.,w s R C Church .byre tuneral Mass v.as held at 11 a rn Interment in the Queen of Zak ,ac. ( rmete•r' 25. IN MEMORIAM HI \ 1 1 R tr i.,, reg memory of a ,i..r a .wonderful mother ,n.! ..r a d rn s 'cher. Dorothy : • h•, .% a• taken suddenly ,. •!1Y r, •u t „t a car at(ident. .1 .tr. at;u Jut' 30. 1962 I h,nkin, t .••„ t,-xta. Mother ltu"her. !ha! nothing new \\ • t• ui ht .i1.•ut .r.0 y.-sterday \1 rh• .t.t, h. to►e iha' :.K1 \^r' • sit:bink of you,_ rrI \,•11 .t, .t.i:, a. the. .ante and •h ,!i- •1 ,,•u tore%er A. • ., in.1 ,., ...0 ... I I,. • , ., .. • )1.•\,'I •aid goodbye A +.Y.. risk, us sad. I�,. ,t i. .,•u de .lily \i .1 .. .. ,,ri for tzet .l,,u Mother. ir,. ,•t.d :,. ever tx f,•rg,,ttrn Al'.'. ay. remem• h . hu.h.ind Leonard. Mat !,•rte and Jean. .. .t^l,1 ,;r.in(irhrldren 26. CARD OF THANKS •Ir►Rl l 1 •,e.eni to 'hank the r. �• I)r Harrett. 1)r Flowers ,nit X R .0, 1rchnrcJar. for the <. are •n Clinton. Public 11,,'.l•i,.,. '. ht r 1 hroke r1. ,ankle \ t. •r :h, Hower.. t .arils .rsit. 0 \1 in-•i:uT� .,nil others Sarah `+tore. - l, 1 Independent Shipper 10 United Co-oper9tive of Ontario Livestock Dept. Toronto Ship Your Livestock vvrth Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD565 2636 By r 30 a m Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick up tf CARPET DIRTY Do it yourself and save Rent r the pro STEAM carpet cleaner CARPET CARE 716 Wellington Street 5 Gridorich 524 2440