The Exeter Times, 1886-9-23, Page 1LEGAL LH:. DICKSON, Bi�rriaier, Soil• J . elierofSuprome Court,NotaryPublic ,onveyaneor, Ootnmissioner, &o. phoney to L Goan. Offlooin Ranson!s 131ook,Lxpter. ;MoFADDEIV, larrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc„ R EXETER, - • ONT. Office Samwell'813loek(Ba11'sold office,) DENTAL. CGARTWRIGHT, L. D. S,, • pain. ;kill. Ba,m Has opened dental rooms over O'NEIL'S BANK, wherolie will be prepared to extract teeth without An operations performed with ease and Gold fillings a speciality. Office hours : to 5.p 111. UElena its :MonI IlATE, TERM Casa. . IS.TNSMAN,DP.NZIST„i.i.D;S Extracts Tooth without pain, bygiving Vitalized Air, or by usin the New Looa1 Anaesthe- tic thegums; make s Gold tie r other dental 1 !lr g s and all t m8 110 best le. Roc w0 rk b0 P Upstairs in SAntWELII's BLOCK, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL CLUTZ, M.D., e Oficeathisresidoneo Exeter. T W. BROWNING M. D. M. C U • P. S,GraduatOViotoriaCniverait,.Office andlresidence,DoirinionLaboratoxv, Exe for DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. O. P. S 0. Office, Main St.Exetor,Ont.Residen oehousereoently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently Located in No. 185 Queen's Avelino, London, a few doors oast of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad tight, au d the pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- pairedhoaring, and discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throat; chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a Common cause of impai-ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. 1 TV" EN.EY EILBER, Licensed Auo- tioueer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- ate :ates? 0 iice_AtPosteoffioe,Crediton, s: Saleconducted St Out. TOHN GILL, Auotioneer for the fTownships of Stephen, Hay and Usborno and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri• nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron- to,haveop tined an office for the tree tment of all Domestic Animals, on Moinstreet Exeter. Calls from a dis .._-- ./::2=--•l tante promptly attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c always on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OHM'S /1%1 . WHERE THEY MAY. VOL. XIV., NO. 5. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1.886. IMPORTANT NOTICE S HOME RULE _ --MAY BE 'GOOD, BUT - Ike. J" nEB►,RINC'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BAH& Far excelis any over before shown in Exeter. It you wish to got any Hair Goods call on L J. Dearing, Barber zing, at the Central Ba Shop, where ho manufactures Hair Work so natural that You Would Not Know It from the Original Hair, Such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, and the Genuine Water Wave,Swttches,Too ies,Curls,Puffs and Wigs. Before going elsewhere, give him a call, at his - TONSORIAL PARLOUS, ONE DOOR NORTH OFTHE CENTRAL HOTEL. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE AND -- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - HAMILTON, ONT. ESTABLISHED 1584. Is anAssoc,ation of business and professsion• al men, haying for its object tho COLLEC- TION 'OFDEBTS ; and to prevent its members from making bad debts by furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing to become memaers,by remitting 37,00 to, our Managers, Hamilton, Out., will rec sive by re- turn mail full particulars, certificate and mem- bership, &c, Send for testimonials. J. BIDWELL MILLS & CO., Managers, Hamilton. WARNINO.-Allloarties are warned against having anything to do with It: Paulkner,hailing from St. Marys, he having been discharged. New Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW Would respectfully inform the inhabitants of the surrounding townships that he has op- ened a New Pump Factory in J. SOUTHOOTT'S OLD STAND, MAIN -ST:, EXETER, OPP. POST -OFFICE. Where ho will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell at moderato prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wells' and Cisterns contracted for at reason- able prices, and work executed with despatch. SATISFACTION GU ARANTEED. JOHN SWALLOW. MONEY Td ,OAN'ON REALES tato forthe Huron & ErieLoan •t Sav-' ingssociety. Low rates ofintoresi. Apply to. John Speakman,Exeter. AI ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6; 11� .percont.aocording totems. Private FuneCs. Amply to B . V,ELLIOT , Au ust. '85 ,4. Soliaitor, Exeter„ MONE. TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 per cent, 525,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INirANGE FIE WATERLOO MUTUAL . FIRE INSURANCE CO. Establielrod in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This com.any has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On tario,andaontinues to insure agaiustloss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,Morchandise,Man- ufactorios,and all otherdesoriptionsofiinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,096 Policies. covering property to the amount of 340,872,038 ; and paid in loss- es a lone $700,752,00 AssetS, 88176,100.00, consisting of Cash n Sank, GovornmentDeposit,and the unasa- ossed Premium Notes on handana in force. J, W WALDENM D. Preside t.t. C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary. J. B. Huonus,Inspector. CHAS:. SNELL Agontfor Exeter andvicinitP, LOVELL'S l RY GAZETTLR, ,A,ND •I�I►.'�0 E. LA'LTRANCE'S S•ectacles; &': Eye -glasses P Dr. Browning has the, Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses, They are the only ones recommended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the loading oculists of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to givo, Beware of imitations, as they are in the market. B. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked S.L., with- out Which none are genuine,-andpebbles are stamped Pebbles. Do not bo deceived by any goads stamped Pebble -glass -or by any simil- iarity in name. -DR. BROWNING, Senn AGENT FOR EXETER, OE' TIIE DOMINION OF CANADA, T?; Nine Volumes, Royab' 8vo. C BE COMMENCED whenever a sufficient T' number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication• .Subscription to the Nino Volumes $75 00,to the province of Ontario or to Quebec ."12.50, to New Brunswick or to Nova Scotia 511.50, to Manitoba" or British Columbia 59.50, to Prince Edward Island or to North- west Territories 59.50. Each Province to have a Map. Please Send for Prosvectus. JOliN LOVLELL Manager and .Publisher Montreal, 4th August, 1886. aug8d&w3 THE,I, Intorcoloniilnailtay OF CANADA, uO er and aroight BoyaMail, Yasso g The between 1 , Groat Britain and Route route be Canadaweeand points direct route between the Wost and all on the Lower St. Lawrence and Beie-dos Cha - lour, a ISO • Scotia ` Nova , Brunswick, New Br nswl P. E. Island Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica. elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping New andOBrun ' iron 1i17xpross trains, and Day darerunont1 i r the Conti- nent b leaving Toronto at 8:00 a, ni. Thurs_ day' will join outward mail steamer at ITa fax a, in. Saturday. i - d 1 Doek ac- commodation Warehousese nof krai commoclation'atHalifax for h 1 n and goneralmerchandise. the INTER Years of experience have protect COLONIAL in connection with steamship liLiverpool and Gros to and from 'Auden. on, q tfrei ht outgoes to 'Halifax, to bethea eet 33ritain. g ionto between Cadada enol Greet Information as to Passenger' and Freight rates call be' had on application to ROBERT 13, M00DIE, er Agent WesteruFrei"gltt&Passes8 g 93Regain Houso331ock,YorkSt, Toronto. D.POTTINGEp:, to NAV, Nov 13,1895, ' CashGrocerv, Drew s Block, South Store Railway 0 Chief Superintancient D CENTRAL UC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition PoArd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at l DrugStore the Centra Exeter r C. 1UTZ. DREW'S apa e ' • Y H ALWAYS AHEAD. Firste the Cash System. to Introduce 5 y., A BENEFIT TO ALL. NEW GRCERIES, O NEW TEAS, NEW VALENCIA RAISINS, TIIE FIRST OF TUE SEASON. Tobaccos Ci ahs, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts. , g A. Largo Assortment of new Candies. Roller Flour, Graham Elena:, Rolled Oats; New Canned Salmon, Mackerel, Lobster. New Season Groceries. CALL AND'INSPECT GOODS. y Will Ill Sell as heap as the Cheapest: w pay yon to buy from me. OCEAN` TICKETS As1LOWES`P RATES RemeDiber C Em. KEMP the address CA y JO13N wins l4 SON I'uliishers and Proprietors: RE SALE TREA U � � OF LANDS FOR, .AXES. County of Huron y virtue of a warrant, bearing date the sixteenth day of August, to wit. J 1886, under the hand of the Wi4den of the County of Huron and having the seal of the said corporation thereto attac.lunl, directed to me and com- manding me to levy upon the following lands for the arrears of taxes due thereon to- gether with the costs, I hereby give notice that unless the said taxes and costs be soon- er paidIshallproceed to sell the said :lands or sorauch' thereof as may benecessary to discharge the same, at the Court House, in the town of.goslerieh, on Tuesday the, thir- tieth day of November, in the year of our Lord 1886, commencing at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELp. Lot or part of lot . Con. or Street Acres Patd. or ui}patd. Taxes Costs Total E. half of N. half of 4 2, E. D. 50 1'atd.. $9.95 $L25 $11.25 S. half of W. half of 10 2, 10. D. 50 " 4.93 1.12 6.05 VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, IN ASHFIELD, 19 Colborne-st. East 7 London Road East A 1 William-st. East ,1 44 Wellington-st. East 45 do i 46 do A 47 do :a 39 Sydenham-st. East k 40 do i " ' TOWNSHIP OF COLBOR{l0. C Bridge End Place i " e 59 do i " " VILLAGE OF BAYFIEL',i i, 41 unpatented ct ,C it cc , Patented 39 40 385 386 East part of 5 B Range N, Susan-st. 3} CL' VILLAGE OF BRUSSEI4S,. 270 VILLAGE OF WROXETE* 3 6 ' North half of 8 5 6 Main-st. South Queen-st. North Centre-st. East Gibson-st. do 27 Halls Survey North part of 39 do County Treasurer's Office, Goclerich, August 16th, 1886f :3.27 3.05 3.05 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 19 19 1.08 1,08 1.08 1.0$ I.08 1.08 1.08 1.00 1.00 4.35 4.13 4.13 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 1.19 1.19 9;41 1.25 10.66 7.27 1.20 8.47 1.23 1.23 44 44 3.20 1.40 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.08 1.03 2.26 2.26 1.45 1.45 4.28 2.43 3.71 1.09 4.80 1/5 " 13.17 i ,: 4.65 1/10 "' 9.48 i i( 14.72 " 14.72 1 " 7.08 it 6.40 WM.xHOLMES . Treasurer, Co. of Huron. 1.33 14.50 1.12 5.77 1.25 10.73 1.37' '"16.09 1.37 16.09 1.18 8.26 1.16 7.56 Pure Liquors -FOR- EnICINAL- PURPOSESi• -0 0- J. W:- -:BROWNING, The Dominion Laboratory Hauch; two year old heifer, Jno. Wel- ker, A. Birk, W. Buchanan; two year old steer, J. Roedder, D. McEwen, 2nd 3rd; one year old steer, J. Roedder, 11. Happel,' D. McEwen; fat cow or heifer, B. Happle, D. Mo]+�wen, H. Happle; fat ox or steer, H. Happle, ist, 2nd and 3rd.. S1IEcr.'---LoNw Woon-Aged ram, D. Harvey, J. and G. Penhale; yearling ram, D. Harvey, lst and 2nd; ram lamb, D. lair ewes ha in lst and 2nd, having g Harvey, I 'J lambs in 1886, D.Harvey,and raised a G. Penhale; pair, yerlirig ewes, J. and G. Penhale, D. Harvey; pair owe lambs, D. Harvey, J. and G, Pothole. FINE WOOL. -Aged ram, Wm. Cooper, lst and 2nd; yearling ram, Wm. Cooper, Wm. Logan; ram lamb, Jas. Cooper, Wm, Cooper; pair ewes having raised lambs in 1$86, Wm. Cooper, Jas. Cooper; pair yearling ewes, Win.' Cooper, Jas, Cooper; pair ewe lambs, Tea. Cooper, 1st and 2nd; pair fat sheep, J. and G. Penhale, lst and 2nd. Plus. -LARGE BREED -Aged boar, Jos. Hutson; aged sow, Alex.' McEwen; spring sow, J. Sararus. BERESHIRE.-Aged boar, W. Elgie; aged sow, Samuel Rennie, 1st and 2nd; spring sow, W. Elgie, J. and G. Penhale. SurroLKS.-Geo. Plovers, took lst and 2nd prizes for aged boar, aged sow, spring boar, and spring sow. POULTRY. --Hamburg hens, G. Holtz- man, Hy. Bauer; pair ducks, any breed, G. Holtzman, Jos. Hutson. pair geese, Jacob Ruby, John Wingenwaver; pair black Spanish, Hy. Bauer; pair light brahmas, P. Hauch; collection of pigeons, Hy. Cook, C. Miller; collections ' of rab- bits, Hy. Deitz; pair guinea fowels, Hy. Volland, Hy. Bauer; pair leghorns, Ehnes & Williams, Jos. Diller; pair games, Jos. Broderick; pekin ducks, Win Wilson. Special -Plymouth rock, Jos. Broderick, S. Badour; G. Polands, J. and M. Johnston; Hy. Bauer; black Po - lands, Jno. Schnell; game bantams, Hy. Dumart, C. Oswald, The Zurich Fair. If large crowds, big entries and fine wea- ther will matte an Agricultural meeting, a success,thepromoters of the show' of the Hay Society,;; have every reason to feel proud of the exhibition. It was a grand success, re being nearly 4,000 people present, and the gate receipts, amounted to some $6Q ;over last year. The display in every depits ant was of the ,finest, order, McAllister ;, two bushels spring wheat, an si the"l Iiad-oonsiderali a :trbublesin. ;othcw� ajrie lia ;flans J sTro iar,�; . ,, lie-'. awarding. prizes. In horses there were some McEwen , One -barrel $our, Ehnen Wis fine specimens, although not as numerous Barns ; two bushels two roivedbarley, Wm as on former occasions. The show in cattle McKee, Wm. Wilson ; two buslielssixrow ed barley, A. Birk, A. Johnston; Jas. Hu son; two bushels black oats, Simon Badou Johnston elan; two lteatta eattliffower, N, Deiohertr Peter Wa uer. Mktg's' V nessnoitt.--Fifty pounds salt but. ter intuit, Jas. Cooper, Aaron, Kercher, Rohr 1,40; six pawls fresh butter, Win. Bell, ibert 13e11, Ily.-Cook; ten pounds 0fb1 t�^inzfiiciontiy salted for table. use, Roberti 'Bell, Win 13o1, Jas. ,Cooper•; ho11}e. alile Gheede, net than 16 Its tlo(1�it[i�• 44 Nicholson, Robert Bell, A. Johitaalee of honey in comb 5 lbs.,, Cltn1 i�' , J'os. Deligr; strained honey, Ulitie.'4 >rtald, John Voelker; loaf of bread, home 'made, D. McEwen, Mary McEwen, lExtoaf rriVFscttg+nf 1+ri'vacl, bakeryolds, , mWade,in WiCVAsn. 131111 W. Do; 1i;trre Mai urAurullas.-Ten yards. fulled cloth, Godfree & Nicholson;ten yards homen0rtde flannel white,'cottou and wool, Mary, McEwen, D, MoEwen; ton yards homelrisdc flannel colored, Potton and wool, HyHy..-PPPert, Root McAllister; pair hlauketa,: . . Mary ;Even, Conrad agner; pair mens Balmoral shoes, pegged, E. Roedding phairand,011. ';1.,+';°pl'ea'sReedingstress sh; poeairs or gaiters, sewebeetsd by calf , yeweeli pegged, E. Roedding; one pound hoinorovie write wool yarn., A. Johnston, D, leicEwen,. Extras. -All woolcolored fianuei, 1. Johnston; wine, Jacob:Habrer; cannptkfrit" A. )(Annan, nr lied Hess; sgixasli,l llris. Schoch; oellery",F. and W. Johnston; tobaeoo, Simon Badour;popcorn, Ch$sx Miller, LA ' Wol.-Cchet quilt, Mrs, J, TroyerP1 ; crewel • worrotk,' Mary McEwen,; Mary,cM;et •regor ; tufted quilt, D. McEwen, H Cook.;;"knitto& quilt; Mrs. John Troyer, Goe, , Nibwool wreatlti, Henrdfrey Cook ; logcholson cabi;nerlin qquilt, Mary Mc- Ewen,,. I) MeEwen ; patched quilt, Mary MoEwen, Wm. Bell: quilt, sewed ori ground 'work, W J Carlisle ; home-made coverlet, Wm Broderick, Conrad Wagner ; 'home-made mat, Mary McEwen 1st & 2nd ; five or more yards home-made rag carpet, 11 Cook, A Johnston ; painting on velvet, T Murdock, Win Reith ; Berlin wool work, L 11 Rene, Mary McEwen ; berlin wool pillow cushion, Mrs. R Ferguson, Mary McEwen; crotchet work, Mary McEwen 1st & 2ncl ; wreath of feathers, J` Mellock, A Johnston ; braiding on wreath, J Mellock; braiding ou cotton, Mary McEwen, Mrs. McGregor ; braiding on dress, Mary Me- Ewen,:Mrs. , McGregor ; card board work, A Johnston, Mary McEwen ; sofa cushion, Mary McEwen, A. Johnston; Honiton lace, A. Johnston, Mrs. R. Ferguson; mottoes in Berlin wool, Robt Bell, Mary McEwen; leather' work, Justus Melipck; leather work on frame, Justus Mellock) comb work, A. Johnston; cousin toilet, Mary McEwen; lamp inat, A. Johnston, Wm Broderick; bead; work, A. Johnston; shell work, Justus Melllck;'collection of buttons Fred Hess, D. �f� DtistM; oEtven;dtatting�, 3D. Mary Me- Embigfidery in silk, Wm Bell, 1st and 2n1; Embjoidbry; in, muslin, Mary MeEwen; wool stooktogs, Mary McEwen:,, Hy. Cook; cotton stocltings, A. Johnston, lst and 2nd; knit- ted iults, wool, Mary McEwen, John Voel- ker; knitted socks, wool, Mary McEwen, U 0feIveir; knitted straw for hats, Hy. Cook •-A,, Jolusston; paper bracket, Hy. Coot ,. Extract` -Hood, Samuel Foster; eap, L. H. Peine;`spattered`work, D. McEwen; hail& • ppai4jiiii`g, T. 1lurdock; pencil drawing, Peter " )ouglas, Robt. "Russell; gent's- por- trait er: trait; `m RW'eith; Berlin wool wreath. Con- rad'tG *Wagner; child's dress, L. H. Peine; rail `Bertin wool, Justus Mellock, A. Johnston, work basket, T. Murdock; Berlin woof brackets, 7:'. Murdock, Samuel Foster; hand` el a p. Stitched braid, Robt. McAllister, Joh4ttes4oHardy, mantle drapery, Mary Me len; 'crotchet 'cardwork, Itfary Mc-- Ewetl, Wm Nichol; boepeep tidy, Samuel FestiHr, !:'Berlin wool' tidy, Hy. Lippert, Wm i'llpstras$ cushion Mrs. R, Fel• tson, T. • IMPLEMENTS: AND MANUFACTURES. -Iron: bean plow, Louis Thiel, North American• Mafg. Co.; double iron harrows, John Deichert, Louis Thiel; lumber wagon patent arm,Fred. Hess, Hy. Bauer; car- riage, P. W. Hayard; open buggy, P. W. Hayard, J. Weseloh; covered buggy, X. Hess, P. W. Hayard; phmton, P. W. Hayard; cutter, Fred. Hess; set horse. shoes, Louis Thiel; cooking stove, R. Buswell; parlor stove, R. Buswell; arm strong jump seat carriage, Fred. Hess, P. W. Hayard; ;churn, Fred. Hess. GRAIN. -Two, bushels:white fall wheat; Robt McAllister, Daniel Sararus, G. She11y;. two bushels red fall -wheat, Hy. Bause, Jas., Hutson, A. ;Birk ; two bushels fife spring wheat, Chris. Schoch, A. Johnston, Robt. y, w t r, A. , two bushels common white oats, Jacob Saiarous, A. Johnston, Alex. Ingram ; two bushels white oats any other variety, A. Johnston, Robt. McAllister ; two bushels marrowfat peas, Jas. Troyer, Robt. McAllister, Jos. Hutson ; two bush. small peas, Robt. McAllister, Ab. Lehman, Jas. Turner ; half bushel clover seed, Hy. Cook ; half bushel timothy seed, A. Johns- ton, Hy. Wurm, Hy. Cook ; white beans, Alex. Johnston, Justus Mellock. Extras - yellow beans, Jos. Hutson ; black barley, Jos. Hutson ; Siincoe wheat, Chris. Miller, Siznon Badour ; blue peas, Conrad Wagner; large white beans, Hy. Otto. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCE. -Collection of apples named, not less than five of each variety, and not less than ten varieties one half fall and one half winter, Ab. Lehman, Jacob Koehler, E. Gies ; plate of 4 named varieties of fall apples 5 of each variety, Jacob Ruby, J. 13. Geiger, Wm. Bell ; plate of 4 named varities of winter apples 5 of each variety, Wm. Wing, Aaron Ker - cher, Spies, plate , Sararus; 1 t er S ch D P not known, Jacob Habrer ; plate of 5 Bald- wins, Aaron Kercher, Win. Bell ; plate of 5 Rhode Island Greenings, Conrad Wagner, Wm. Bell; plate of 5 Spitzenburg, John Schnell, Wan. Wing ; plate of 5 Newton Pippin, Wm. Bell, Alex. McEwen ; plate of 5 snow apples, Godfree & Nicholson, A. Johnston ; plate of 5 fall pears, Alex. Mc- Ewen, John ,Seluiell ; plate of 5 winter pears, Jacob Koehler, Jacob Sararus ; plate of 12 peaches, Jacob Ruby, Jos. liner ; plate of 5 golden russets, Wm. Wing, John Schnell; plate of 6 bunches of grapes, Jos. Diller, Ab. Geiger ; best collection grapes, Jos: Diller, Ab. Geiger; plate of 12 prunes, D. S. Faust, Hy. Lippert; plums 6 of each, Jos, Wild ; plate of 12 red crab apples, Mary McEwen, P. Hauch; plate of 12 yel- low crab apples, Jos. Wilcl ; collection of flowers of any kind, not less than six pots grown in the house or garden, D. S. Faust ; Jacob tI flowers,Ruby, ofcutY• 1>o bet q Cook. Extras --cut flowers, Justus Mel- H Down, H *. Mel - lock; case stuffed birds, y 3 Randall. GARDEN' VEGETABLES. -One half bushel early or late Lose potatoes, Hy. Kalblleish, A. Birk, G. Shelly; one half bushel white elephant potatoes, W. Buchanan & Son, Wm: •' c• one half m. B roller rcl John Voelker, Vi > J , bushel any other variety, Justus Mellock Jaded,' lighter, Godfree & Nicholson; 12 ears ellow corn, John B. Geiger, •Justus iblellock; six ears sweet corn, A. Johnston, Godfree & Nicholson; twelve ears white cern, Vim, Wilton, Hy. Otto; twelve large onions, Mrs, John Troyer," Jos. Wild; 12 white field carrots, Win. Reith; Wm. Wing; 12 rod field carrots, A. Johnston, Godfree & Nicholson; six red garden carrots, Wm, Broderick, Jacob Sararus; twelve Sweeciish turnips, Wm Reith, Godfree & Nicholson; six long mangolds, Alex. Monteith; six red ulangolds, Alex, Monteith, Claris. Miller ; primpkin, Wm; Wilson, Chris. Miller; squash, G. Shelly, Peter Douglas; three water melons Ali. Geiger, A. Johnston; melons, not lkuown, A. Johns - three musk , , Johns- ton; three heads of cabbage, N. Deichert, Jacob Ruby; six blood beets, Ab. Geiger; Aaron Kercher; six rooted beets, Claris, Schoch, Jos. Broderick; peck tomatoes, A. : citrons Jt. Johnston, Godfree & Nicholson., Johnston, John Voelker; six black Spanish radishes Hy, ll!.elhflcisl,, N. Reichert; 'six Havingbeen appointed bythe Ontario Gov- was also small, while in sheep and pigs it P was comparatively good. The Messrs, Pen- ernment, to sell WINES AND LIQUORS, hale Bros., of Exeter, exhibited some fine under the Scott Act Law, has on hand a, grades of sheep and carried off several fair supply of the very best to be found on prizes. The show of agricultural iinple- the market. 1REMEMnER THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE LICENSED To SELL. Also Full Lines of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, &o., at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. J. W. BROWNING, DOMINION LABORATORY. meats was good, whole h buggies the 'exhi- bit was larger than ever, Mr. Fred. • Hess showing a large assortment of his excellent work, consisting of buggies, wagons, sleighs &c. Inside the hall there were so many articles that we are at a loss where to begin; along the South side were shown fine dis- plays of fruit and vegetables, while in the centre, bread and honey took a prominent part. There was some fine looking butter and cheese, and the judges, Messrs. Wagner, -THE- Merner and Steinback, say they had eon- ., siderable:trouble in awarding 'the prizes. The West end was assigned for lad' work, and there was a grand display. t1st oppo- site the boots and shoes were placed. The show made by E. Roedding; is certainly worthy of note. There were several pairs of fine shoes, the like of which cannot be found in the:county. He obtained several first prizes as will be seen in ,the list, and fire fur- ther too re r his work is too well known q comment. The most difficult article to judge was the . honey, or at least one imagine so, from the fact that the judges - who dislike the stuff -retrained over the "gems" for at least 25 minutes. We pre- sume the three were carried home on stretchers. The exhibit of grain was large, .almost every variety being well represented. The band competition was keen. Following is the prize list :- HoRSEs.--DRAUGHT-Brood mare, with foal at her side, foal' not judged with mare, Mrs. R. Ferguson; foal, Mrs. R. Ferguson, rpt Before purchasing your tickets else- r J, B. Foster; year' old gelding,' Mrs. R. Fer- where, call on W. J. CARLING, C. P. R. AGENT. CARLiNO'S STORE, EXETER, ACIFIC RAILWAY, THE GREATEST CORPORATION ON B'ARTH. THE MOST DIRECT - BEST E IIIPPED Ratan -AND Q -BETWEEN- MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, OTTAWA; KINGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON, CHICAGO; ST. LOUIS, KANSAS, CITY, &o. 2,00$ 1 2.Oog 1"1; From EXETER to WINNIPEG AND RETURN, $37.10. FTOn1 EXETER to BOISSEVIAN AND RETURN, $38.10. FALL GOOD CHEAPER THAN EVER 1 COME AND SEE Our PlaitiFlannel - at Our' Fancy Flannel at .. Our Fduey Winoey at . Our Dress Gooch, (latest shades), at Our Ladies' Jersey Jackete at Our Gra Cotton,32 yds. for Yi ins inFi'eneh good Oar Men's Su t G !, Competition. 18 lbs. Good Sugar for That 25e. 25c. 12lc. 25o. $1.50 $1.00 s, Defy $1.00 -REMEMBER -- We Price ii�opay More Than Market FOR BUTTER St EGGS. ---AT-^ 17t O i7 D�� PE CO IS guson; one year old filly, Win'Elgie; two year old filly, Jas Ross, J. McKay 8t Son, 2nd and 3rd. AGRICULTURAL. -Brood mare, with foal, foal not judged with mare, J. B. Foster, Robt McAllister; foal, G. Nicholson, Wm year old gelding, tiicAlhster . a a Robt L n ,, o Y Jos Wild; two year oldgelding,Jas Turn- er, F. Gies; one year o fill, Robt Me - Allister, h Alex. Buchanan; • Alex. Monteith, , Alhstet, , twoyear old, filly, Jas. Murray, J Nichol- son, Wm Coojier;;:., span of horses in her veal and wagon. Jas.. White, E. Gies, Alex. McEwen. GENERAL PumrosE.--Brooch mare with Lr Robt. with na e foal not `ud e d i ,. foalg McAllister, Alex, Ingram, Wm Logan;' feat John Schnell, Win Logan, Alex. Ingram; year old gelding, Jas Murray; two year old gelding, D. Smith, Geo. Moir, Alex. Monteith; one year old filly, W. Elgie, Samuel Rennie, A. M. Campbell; two year old filly, 1) Smith, Hy Baiter, Jos Wilcl; span of horses and wageli, Jas Berry, C Waif, Hy Bauer. CARTIAGE--S an of horses in harness" p Alex. Forselth and carriage, S. Miller; , Wm White; 'buggy horse in harness and buggy,Wes. H8awkshaw, 'Wni Cooper, A bI Campbell. P CATTLE.--•TllortottGnulhD buRllArwr--- milch tow in mileh or in calf, Jno Rood - der, Samuel Rennie, ,Tno Voelker; year- ling heifer, Samuel Ronnie; heifer calf, Jacob Ctoedder, Win Reith; bull calf, Samuel Ronnie, '.Win Reith, Wm Logan. 'Linn TITAN.mitone i iii;RED DURIIADI- 0T Milch cow lraVing due regard to milking qualities, D. Mormon, Jacob Rectifier, Alex. McEwen; heifer calf, 3. Nicholson, Samuel Ronnie r1`no, Kalbfleish; yearling Heifer, J. Roedder, lst and 2nd, P. r.' 30l# Troyer, "HSr `Down gait 3"°`isitdst, Vi.µ s Peine. Hy. Down; arasene„work, banner, and bracket, Mary McEwen; pin sushion, Mary McEwen; vase mutts, Alex. McEwen; fancy tidy, Samuel Foster, Johnston & Hardy. ` BAND COMPETITION. --Blyth, Seaforth, Creditiou; ammounts, $50, 25 and 15. k JuDr,Es.--Grain &c., -D. Urquhart, Hen- sall; A. Ehnes, Zurich; John McNevin, Kippen. Fruit, &c. -T. Swan, Rodgerville; John Allison, Exeter. Garden Vegetables, Miry Produce, &c. -D. Steinbatk, P. Wag- ner, J. Merner, Zurich. Ladies Work. - Mrs. Mack, and Mrs. 'Laramie, Hensall, Miss Feist, Zurich. JUDGES. -Fowl and implements -Geo McLeod, I. Handford, Exeter; J. Then, Dashwood; C. Wesman, Kippen. Sheep and pigs -John Tough, Stanley; Samuel Sanders, Exeter; . Jas. Petty, Henson. Cattle-D. Wilson, Stanley: Jno. Trag- mur, Tuckersmith. Horses -John Tem- pleton, Tuckersmith; Jas. Handford, Centralia; A. Young, Seaforth; D. McIn- tosh and W. Dixon, Brucefield. ..•. t Elirnville, BRIEFS. -A verandah is being erected on the east and south sides of the parson- age. -Miss. Francis Smith is home on a visit. -Rev. W. H. 'Gane and family visited Toronto last week. -Next Sunday the review service will be held in theS. S. when Mr. Beatty will deliver an address. -The bible class will meet next Friday night. --Mr. Geo. Heywood, of Winchelsea, is on an holiday trip to •the U. S. meeting for the purpose of appointing delegates to attend the Conservative con- vention at Fullarton, on. Wednesday, was held in the town -hall last Fridayeve-,,: ning.-Our villagers have of late had great trouble in getting their cows to come home at the proper time for milking. Usborne Council, . m nieetui of the council was A special b held to -da. All the members present. The account 1 of J. J. McKinna, amounting ' to $12,00 being our share ofexpense in• connection with watercource crossing Thames roach opposite lot 26, was ordered to be paid. The collector James Ballan- tyne requested to renew his boiicls to the amount of ,$1.2000, for faithful perform- ance the current year. The 'trace of his dutiesy T Clerk was ordered to deliver u i the roll i 1 on the 15th October next to Collector and to draft a Bylaw in accordance therewith. It was resolved to pass a By-law at next regular meeting for the opening up ;of side road allowance between lots 5 and 6, and con. 5 and 6,: and the Clerk was authorized to notify all persons concern- ed, according to law. No definite action was taken with reference to the special grant of $60 bo S. S. No. 10, but the, Merle. was authorized to notify the proper authorities of eaeh S. S. to send a repre- sentative to next council meeting, Oct. 2nd at 1 p. ni , to discuss the advisability of renewing said grant. Resolutions Nero passed anthorizing the Clerk to levy the Several rates required by school trustees, also the following rates viz 1 local rates one and seven tenths nulls on the dollar; Railway rate, one and a half mills on the dollar ; County rate, two mills, and the white radishes, Jtistus Mellock, Ily. Kelly visual Watercourse rate of $126,43.