HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-07-15, Page 20ONE DAY COLOUR FILM PROCESSING FROM KORNER RECREATION JERVIS STUDIO 130 ISAAC ST CLINTON BYERS UPHOLSTERY- We will rebuild, re-cover or re -style your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship: Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W.. Clinton. -d n rik p p ! 12. AUCTION SALE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 1st -2nd MORTGAGE FUNDS for debt consolidation. new pur- chases or refinancing. No hidden charges or bonuses. We specialize in the hard to get mortgages. Call collect anytime - I-885-190 HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES. --titan VACUUM CLEANERS sales &&.. orPitlitWrillittorwrolutaliglints Lobb at t . ethke AUCTION CALENDAR Auctioneers & Appraisers Clinton Monkton 482-7898 347-2465 WED. JULY 21, 6:30 P.M. Household Sale for Miss Mora Hingst 37 Rowland St. Mitchell. SAT. JULY 24 1 P.M, Self propelled combine back hoe, bean equipment tractors, farm machinery etc. for Wilfred Scott Estate, 3% miles north of Seaforth and 3 miles west. BOB PECK VARNA 202-57411"- acute NI 0101010110 NO 0 01010 I. DAVIDSON Hearing Aid Service. - Free hearing tests. 45 day'trial, batteries, chargers. repairs. City and country house calls. 334 Queens Ave. Phone 432-9951 London.-24tfnar TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Antiques at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. 21 one mile South of Goderich. Friday. July 16 . at 7 p.m. 5 pce. Modern bedroom suite; pce. dining -room suite with china cabinet; chltd's chesterfield and chair (new); Victorian platform rocker; blanket box; tool box; sideboard; buffet; china cabinet; Duncan Phyfe ex- tension table and 4 chairs; :pine chest of drawers; vanity; spool bed; organ stool; washstand; small tables; coffee table; end tables; patio umbrella table (like new);,.. oak office desk and chair; Copymate Model 400; 2 typewriters; filing cabinet; foot stoops; modern settee; clock; harvest table; treadle sewing machine; humidifier; oii lamps; table lamps; floor lamps; 6 patterned quilts (new); frames; horseshoes; rugs; crocks; bedding; but- tons; seaters; Po S qt1+,?. Paf... age. quantity of china and glass; shutters; stepladder; lawnchairs; power lawn mower; work bench etc. etc. Terms- Cash- Mike $ Marie Cummings= auctioneers Goderich 5244064 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE We Keep it Ceei! CHILLY WILLY REFRIGERATION SALES - SERVICE Used Appliances Bought and Sold VANASTRA 402-3714 REMODELLING. renovations. ronf•ing and floor laying. experth dime All add lnh. around the home. Kittchen cupboards a - pecialt y. Phone 482-7676. Ken McN.iirn.-2tfn Needievrork, Oil and Picture Framing, choice of flame t" to 3" width. Regular or non glare glass. Ready to hang 48 hour sarvlcS phone after 6 p.m. 482-7409 • Harold Tyndall canton 45 eow W ATER WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER .&,.SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS CUSTOM TOME IMPROVEMENTS Specialists in Painting Roofing. and Eavestroughing Experienced Workers Agreeable Rates FOR MORE INFOiMATION CONTACT MURRAY BOLGER t'2-7132 OR DANNY PROCTOR 482-7065 PHONE: NEAL: 527-1737 DU R L : 52'-08211 JIM: 527-0775 Need extra copies of letters, documents, etc.? Let the Clinton News -Record 53 ALBERT ST. 482-3443 WAYSIDE y�faINy, INTERIORS 150 Laron Ste Stratftwd Custodies Rt u$o1sttirritl Finest Fab rlcs and V1ltrfrkmn h aiP Phone collect for OStlmate Stratford 273-N tin CLOCKS REPAIRED All types: • Grandfather • Antique French. Etc- ' 5 'Specialist on Chime Clocks Will pick up °and deliver. Trade work accepted. J.T. IID"LLINSHEAN Residence 482-3759- tt Uri tf ----411000 001-1040 AND PROCESSING Butchering data" - Tuesday s a -Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY -Sae and Pork FRIDAY -SW Only--,_ PICK• UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Moines Abattoir W-3314 Dashwood serwilosionomoommlimersis make them for you. SINGLE COPIES... 2,5c a• to -2o COPIES... 20c ea - OVER 2,0 COPIES...1 Sc ea. BAYV1EW CARPENTRY No Job too ssriall Just give us a call JOHN BJERG BAYFIELD PHONE 565-2738 tfn 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE EAVESTA IJGHBNG BRICK er BLOCK CHIMNEYS end METAL - Pltotte 482-9706 BO-JEN CARPENTRY For + CUSTOM BUILT HOMES + RENOVATIONS + ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN R.R. 2 CLINTON Phone 524-4029 tf aisaliiinnimammomixwer HURON 'PINES "Construction Service Centre- 41124001- CLINTON Electrical Wiring Polo Line Construction General Contracting - E xcavating Back Hoe and Dozer Services - Trencher Service up to 14- - Boring Service - Sand, Gravel. Topsoil 2ttn 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS PUBLIC NOTICE IS. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MORTON GIBB. late of the Town of Clinton in the County Huron. . Labourer. deceased. ALL,persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 18th day of December. 1975. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of August. 1976, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario. this 5th day of July, 1976. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton. Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrat.rix 28.29.30 CODAN CONSTRUCTION + Commercial and Residential Renovations. + Custom -Built Homes For free Estimates, call ...ERIK CHRISTENSEN 482-7640 „, SORRY! WE CAN NO LONGER PROMISE 24 HOUR Watch Repairs Guaranteed REPT .1EWELLEBY 51'4 '84c the SQUARE 5;4 4r,4 the MALL AT"IF#WELtr3► ro Seaforth Auction To be held for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cxerwinski at 30 Jarvis St.. Seeforth enc Saturday. July 24 at 1:15 p.M. CorisiStitig of tcornplete 10 room houSehold of modern fur - Mare, appliances and antigUes. 54►r brass bed, Steinway t ilntp. wicker love seat, hall seat, two 3 pc. bedroom suites. alt illhattlothekl items, full listing next week. Terms Cash ' MOvitig to Toronto No reserve RAT*:WELL'S AUCTION SER -VICE litlikitneld 4024126 16. PERSONAL Ontario RESIDENT OWNERS HULLETT TOWNSHIP Through the Ontario Home Renewal Programme limited Funds, are available, to those who qualify, for a Loan to repair or improve their Residence. Further particulars and Application Forms are available at the Clerk's Office. Clare Vincent - Clerk Box 293, Londesboro. 20. TO GIVE AWAY BEAUTIFUL kittens, wide range of colours. free to good homes. David and Michael Pullen. Phone 482-7896.-29 MY name is Snoopy. I have four adorable sisters. almost six weeks old. My mom (a beagle). -says we have to leave home soon and do our own thing. I am bunting for someone with a large supper -dish. You may visit us at 164 Raglan St.. Clinton. Price - Lnye and affection. -29 CAT and kittens to giveaway to good homes. Phone 482- 9922. -29n -c 21. BIRTHS HAYTER - Bob and Sandra are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Sandra "Jo -Ann" in Stratford General Hospital on July 11. 1976- A wee sister for Jeffrey and Jason.-29nc HOY.- Mr. and Mrs. James Hoy of Vanastra are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of their daughter Jammie Darlene on ' A $30 MEMBERSHIP in Ontario Motor League gives you protection anywhere in Canada (CAA) and United States (AAA). Nice to have while travelling. Contact Dick Atkey. Clinton 482- 7380.-29 22. DEATHS Friday, July 9 at Clinton 'Pettit Hospital. WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about oar shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge. no obligation. -40n 11. LOST AND FOUND ONE set of keys, house and car. Attached to red handled jack- knife. found on beach in Bayfield. Phone 482-3698.-29X Huron Pines Electric '4" RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL FARM WIRING SPECIALIST PHONE 482-1901 TiP-TOP ROOFING + All types of siding + Hat and Asphalt Rooting + Commercial and Residential + Complete Home Renovations PHONE CLINTON 482-7043 19. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 22. DEATHS 25.111 MEMORIAM PARKER - In loving memory of a dear father 'and grandfather. Thomas Christopher Parker. who passed away July 111, 1957. Although we smile and make no 'fuss No one misses him more than us, When oldtimes we oft recall That's when we miss him most of all. Always remembered by daughters. sons-in-law and grandchildren -'-29 CUNNINGHAM - At his late residence in Colborne Twp., Sunday. July 11. 1976. Elwin (Ham) Cunningham. in his 53rd year. Beloved son • of Mr. and Mrs. Vere D. Cunningham. Dear brother of Lawrence and Bert, both at home. Ford. Lucknow, La Verne. Colborne Twp Garth. Goderich, Joyce. Owen Sound June (Mrs. Lloyd Bradley). Mt. Forest, Doris (Mrs. poavid Pit - Weston and tois (Mrs. Con VanVliet). Blyth._ Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich, where funeral service was held July 13. Interment in Colborne Cemetery. (BOND At Brentwood Nursing Home. London, on Tuesday, July 6, 1976. Annie (Cooper) Bond, of London, formerly of tttlililn. Beloved wife of the late Albert Bond, in her 82nd year. Surviving are 3 daughters, Mrs. Larry (Bernice) Haughton, Mrs. Ken (Gertrude) Trewartha. Mrs. James (Helen) Woodcock. all of London. one son Lloyd of Clinton. 3 brothers Earl •Cooper, Goderich, Charles Cooper. Midland. Dr. Albert Cooper. Toronto. 10 grandchildren. and 1 great •grandchild. The late1 Mrs. Bond rested at the Ball Funeral Home. 153 High Street. Clinton. where the funeral and committal services were held on Friday, July 9. at 2 p.m. interment in, Clinton Cemetery. - WE'LL HELP YOU GET STARTED in your own profitable business .. selling and erecting quality homes and cottages Key dealerships now available in this area Build a career in the expanding manufactured aofactmarketing Oriented in dustry with Haftidays a progressive . -company You need a proven sal.eS record and a working knovyIedge of home construction method and sub trades We otter a complete training program to launch hyoa hard u on a highly profitable career You will he supe hitting marketrng and advertising program geared to troth consumer and buildeer Write now and tell us about yooUrself InfludP Credit and busrneSs references Address you' r(►Sum0 10 Direr fere orMaritey,no fHawuAY HOMES 5155 No '1 HWY BURLINGTON QNTAPI© LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION SAND •-- GRAVEL -,AGGREGATES BACKHOE -- EXCAVATING Screened Top Soil Phone 482-764 art LEPPINGTON - In memory of a., dear mother. Evelyn. who passed - away five years ago July 10. 1971: We do not need a special flay, To bring you to our mine For the days we do not think of you. Are very'hard to find. If all this world were ours to give. We'd give it yes. and more To see the face of mother dear Come smiling through the door. Sadly missed by Jack and family -29 BRAND - At his residence. Hensall. Ontario. on Sunday. July 11. 1976, Peter V. Brand. beloved husband of Catharina Hermans and the tate Dianne Miles, in his 77th year. Dear father of Goff. Cees. and John. of R1: 3. Clinton, Adrian. Gilbert and Witharin of RR 2. Bayfield, Martin of Atwood. Paul of Holland Lan- ding. Sister Ludwina of Pem- broke. Mrs. Patrick (Corrie) Kehoe of Oshawa. Son Jack predeceased in 1971. Three brothers and three sisters and 29 grandchildren survive. Rested at the Bonthron Funeral Home. Hensall. Ontario. until Tuesday. July 13. 1976. where funeral mass was held in St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church. Zurich. Interment Clinton Cemetery. 26. CARD OF THANKS 26. (Ail) OF THANKS • WILTSE .- I wish to convey my sincere gratitude- to my Ipanily and friends for visits. gifts and cards, and thanks to Dr. Baker and the nurses.on let. floor, tele 1 was a patient in the hospital. God bless you all- Polly M- Wittse. -29x BOND - The family of the taste Mrs. Annie Bone wisti to thank their Holds. relatitres and neigh- bours for their many expressions of sympathy. The floral tributes. cards, donations to the Cancer _Fund. the Heart Foundation. Wesley Willis Memorial Fund and other deeds of kindness were much appreciated. Special thanks to the Rev. John Oestreicher and the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home. R. Bond. -'29x PENNEBAKER - I wish to ex- press my sincere ihanks to my ,friends. neighbours and relatives for lovely cards, flowers. gifts. treats. phone calls and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and staff of first floor. also on 2nd floor and the kitchen staff. and cleaning ladies. Also thanks to Dr. Newland. Dr Watts. Rev. Oestreicheer, Wesley - Willis, U.C.W. The Magic Circle Unit. Eastern Star. all was deeply appreciated (Mrs Ferrol Pennebaker. -29x HAMILTON - At Clinton Public Hospital on Friday. July 9, 1976. William Watt Hamilton. of RR 1. Londesboro, in his 73rd year. Beloved husband of Pearl (Moon) Hattilton. Dear father of Mrs. Murray (Shirley) Lyon, Lon- desboro, Mrs. Milton (Helen), Dale. RR 4. Clinton. Mrs. Everett ( Lenore) Lamont. Hollyrood: 1 sister Anna. of Winchester and 6 grandchildren. also survive. Predeceased by brother Keith and sister May. The late Mr. Hamilton rested at the Ball Funeral Home. 153 High St.. Clinton. where funeral service was held on Monday. July 12. at 2 p m. Interment in Burn's Cemetery. Bullet Twp. --SVtt tV AN - At the Queensway Nursing Home; Hensall. Ontario. on Friday. July 9. 1976. Daniel Sullivan in his 69th year. Rested at the Bonthron Funeral Home. Hensall, until Monday. July 12 where funeral service was held at 2 p.m. with Rev. H. VanEssen. Interment Hensall Union Cemetery. EAST: Mr-. and Mrs. James East wish to take this opportunity to thank family. friends and neigh- bours for making their 50th Wedding Anniversary a most memorable occasion. Special thanks to Rev. Oestreicher, Murray East for his bagpipe solos. and the management. of Vanastra Recreation. Due to the illness of Mrs. James East. we are sorry this,thank you has been delayed --29 MURNEY - At Clinton Public Hospital on Thuf"s fay. July 8, 1976. Harold t Butch) Murrrey of Bayfield. Ontario. in his 77th year. Beloved husband of Sadie (Hart) Murney. Dear father of William (Butch) Marney of Clinton and Mrs- Pat Cummings of Mt Brydges. Also surviving are 4 grandchildren. Predereased by one son. Danny and one sister. Edith. A private family service was held at the Ball Funeral Home. 157 High Street. Clinton on Saturday. July 10 at 11 a.m. interment in Maitland Cemetery in Goderich. 23. ENGAGEMENTS CURRIE - We wish to express our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to our relatives. neigh- bours and friends for cards. gifts and best agishes. Special thanks to our family for the family dinner at Benmiller Inn. and to. our grandchildren for their lovely gift. All those things making our 40th Wedding Anniversary truly a happy occasion. Howard and Jean Currie. -29 EAST I would like to thank t nurses and staff on second floo of the Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and Dr. Baker. friends and, relatives who sent cards and gifts on my recent stay in the hospital. -29 MULHOLLAND - I wish to say thank you to my relatives. friends and neighbours for best wishes. gifts, transportation and acts of kindness while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev. Lewis and Rev Oestreicher also. Dr. Chertkow and nurses on 5th floor. Ruth Mulholland. -29 Mrs Margaret Garrett, Bayfield and Mr Murray Garrett wish to announce the engagement of their • eklest daughter Norma Gladys Doreen to Delford Edwin Altman. son of Mr and Mrs-. Patrick Altman of Bayfield; The wedding is to 1•a -kis platre on Saturday July 31 at 2 30 p.m at St Peter's Church in St. .l(meph's -29 .a 26. CARO 01 THANKS 111110101110.11 CARSON - We would tike to express uur sincere thanks to the Clinton Fire Department for their prompt response and handling of the basement fire on July 10. Special thanks to our neighbour's Mr and Mrs. G. Irwin. Mr and Mrs. John Carson --29 GRAHAM - 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to my family. friends and neighbours for the visits, flowers. gifts and cards while 1 was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr Newland: Dr, Lambert ant: Dr Harrett also the nursing staff. Lillian Graham. -29 COULTER - Special thanks to Kildonan Antiques and K.C. Cooke. Florists for their assistance in making our open house at 62 Orange St. a success. - Norm Coulter. -29 1. E E - 1 would like to thank my many relatives and friends and family for lovely cards and gifts during my stay in University Hospital in London. and to all m neighbours for flowers and treats on my return home. Also to Rev. Oestreicher Elmer Lee. -29 HU'FFMAN - Thank you to alt my friends. neighbours and ,acquaintances for all their prayers. thoughts. cards. visits and gifts during my hospital stay. both in Goderich and London. Special thanks to Dr. Lomas. the nu king,..s.taff on first floor and all other support staff in Goderich Hospital. Sincere appreciatio& to Dr Coir. Dr Sears aqd all the cardiac staff at Victoria Hospital. The thoughtfulness of everyone will always be remembered and treasured. Jeanette Hoffman -29 Bayfield gets $5OOO in one of nine Wintario grants MURPHY -- 1 am home and feeling much better I wish Io... express my sincere thanks to everyone for tltctr prayers and well wishes. Joe Murphy. -229X Grants totalling 512.713 have been approved for nine projects in Huron County from the proceeds of the Ontario 'Lottery. The amounts range from 55.000 to $250. The Corporation of the Village of Bayfield is to receive a grant of 55.000 towards the cost of the Bayfield 1976 'Centennial Celebrat ions . AF_ grant of 53.000 is to be made to the Huron County Public Library for the pur- chase of shelving materials and furniture for four libraries in Goderich. The "No Strings Attached" Puppeteers of Exeter will receive a grant of $1,500 to assist in the costs of touring performances in libraries, schools and playgrounds across Ontario to celebrate the Cultural Olympics. A grant of $1,000 is to be made to the Exeter Cen- tennial Soccer Ciub' to help defray travel expenses for the Exeter Squirt Soccer Team The ,club will play a series of invitational touring games in Manchester. Preston. Liverpool and Leyland. England. The Hullett Township Softball Association of Londesboro is to receive a grant of 5863 for the purchase ref softbtali'equipment. A grant of 5445 will be made to Auburn Little League Baseball for the purchase of baseball equipment The Walton Recreation Committee is to receive t, grant of 5360 for the purchase of softball equipment.' A grant of. $295 is to made to the Goderich Minor Soccer Association for the purchase of soccer equip ment The Goderich Midge Baseball Team will receive grant of 5250 to assistin training and improve men programme for the team, Culture • and Recreation Minister -Robert Welch said t he grants are part of th ongoing Share Wintario programme for the support o cultural and recreation -al facilitires. - To date. the ministry has,- allotted asallotted $40.2 million to mo than 1.855 groups an projects across the province. For Sale 7' it 9' it 7' SAUNA BATH Can accomodate up to fl, people. Demonstrator model., Can be easily installed in youill own home. Your chance 1 experience luxury living. Inquire at 482-3033 Alter 6 p.m.