HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-07-08, Page 24,..SDAY.3tFLY40, BINGO ,Ttily4.9.. 1976 at the Vanastra 004W RR 5, Clinton at 8 p.m. 15 regular 3 Share-the- a0I5pOt $200. must go. and many other spec.Admission restricted"es 16 yrs. or over. 11 • Bus immtus Clinton -Town Hall at Z p.m. Saturday and Sunday .741$r 10 and ti for Heritage, *use to -$3. per persen, ifficintling refresh- ments. Sponsored by HC - BAC. ---.28` GOLDEN 'RADA.R4, b.is holding their pIfltc on Wednesday, July 146, at the park south of Clinton. Pot Luck Supper at 6 o'clock. Bring your own dishes, cutlery, etc. All Senior Citizens of this community are welcOme.-28x LIFE IN FOCUS presents two special youth •programs. Music, movies and drama. At the Clinton Town Hall, July 16 and 17, 1976 at 8 p.m. (14 • years and over).----28ar • .11-******** * NOW PLAYING .A 14 THURSDAY. JULY 8 _A, • TO SAT. JULY 10 White Frost" 41( 4C RETURN ENGAGEMENT * * * * COMING * MONDAY, JULY 12 TO SAT. JULY 17 figt ly arus RETURN. ENGAGEMENT TW. HURON tietfliiP Unit invites you to atteAcl' chile! Health Clinic -Health Unit office* Shipley Street, Clinton on Friday, July 10, 1976 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1: Health surveillance, 2. Anaemia screening. .3. lmtnunization, 4. Hearing screening. 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years, 6. Vision screeoing.-28ar BINGO 'July 13, 1976, Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $57. in 57 calls. Six door prites.—tin NEW BINGO Clinton Legion Hall,"1:30 p.m. July 8, 1976. Admission $1; fifteen regular games; $10 each. Three share -the -wealth games. One jackpot for. $220. in 56 calls. Consolation. One call and 810 added weekly if not won.-2tin Atwarlail Vegitaftlit; Relaxed PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE TASTY DISHES THE WAY YOU LIKE THEM. HWY. 21 "BAYFIELD Miss Dianne Isabelle Popp graduated from Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology from the Diploma Nursing Program on June 23 in Eaton Auditorium, College Street, Toronto. A paiepts- daughter banquet was held for the graduating nurses on June 24 in the Travelodge Hotel Victoria Park, Toronto. Those attending from this area were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp, Debra, Betty and David. Miss Dianne Popp=has accepted a position with Com-Careqof Toronto commeXcing June 28. (photo by Toll of Toronto). 131.'rTHSUMM/ FESTI‘At the Blood is Strong by Laster Strittair Jui', 9 13 15 How 1 Met My Husband by Alice, Munro July 8 14 16 8 30 p m Curtain AduilS S3 00 Sr Citizens 52 25 Chonren S2 00 CtI 1519) 523-4452 or writ@ Box ,291. EllYtrt 0400.0.00,0010,01,00 The Bayfield Brownies had a giant birthday cake float In the Centennial parade. (News - Record photo) Playhouse opener a success RY SHIRLEY J-KELLER You're A Good Man Charlie Brown was the opener at Huron Country Playhouse last week, and judging from the audience reaction on Wednesday night - Opening Night - the production is a hit. The play is just a series of quick portrayals of the comic strip Peanuts. adapted by Clark Gesner from the -Charles Schulz favorite. Appearing on stage were -CharlieBrown played by David Dunbar: Linus. Jim Slair: Lucy, Alicia Jeffery: Patty. Janet Thorpe; Snoopy. Robert E. Landar: and Schroeder. Ed Taylor. From start to finish, the produttion was properly light and inovative. The stage in bright basic reds. greens. yeiloWs and blues were just perfect for the show. The costuming . was simple but exactly right for the Peanuts gang. The lighting, mostly direct. was occasionally dramatic and effective. casting interesting shadows on the sky backdrop at the rear of the stage. Top performance award goes to Alicia Jeffery. as the loud and tippy Lucy whose brash honesty sets her apart as one of Schulz' most loved cartoon ,characters. Ms. Jeffery had a husky voice 4 st Annual Seaforth Lions Carnival 3 NIGHTS THURS. , FRI., SAT. JULY 8 - 10 MONSTER BINGO GAMES OF CHANCE PENNY SALE MERRY-GO-ROUND FERRIS WHEEL Different Program Every Night Admission .75' Children Free Advance ticket sale 50 cents dr 3 for S1.00. AdMISSion Includes ettancc3 on guar ter of beef. which boomed appropriately above the others on stage. Her mouth contortions were as similar to Lucy's as any human's could be and her leaning over. nose to nose with the character she was addressing., was a vivid demonstration that characterization of the Lucy of the comics was alive on stage At Huron Country Playhouse. Lucy's two solo numbers. ,Schroeder and Little Known Facts were excellently done. She also steikthe scene in The Book Report. In all. the performance of Ms. Jeffery was truly exciting. Running a close second was Robert E. Landar as Snoopy. the perceptive pooch who rests atop his .dog house in Peanuts. and almost always has all the good lines. The most entertaining numl?er the entire show was per- formed- by Mr Landar when he portrayed a deliriously happy Snoopy in Suppertime. Snoopy. given to dramatics anyway, completely dum Wounded Charlie Brown as he danced and pranced and flipped and flopped his way around the stage after . receiving his aightly supper bowl. The audience loved it and judging from the com- plete ease of Mr. Landar. he BOOK SALE CLINTON BRANCH LIBRARY (Library Park) FRIDAY, JULY 16 1 p.m. ▪ 5_ pan. was loving it too. Honorable mention must go to Jim Saar as "Security Blanket" Linus who did a number My Blanket and Me with such style that the blanket almost came alive as a partner. This week at the Playhouse it is Neil Simon's Star Spangled Giri with Shelley (Matthews) Peterson who is a favorite with , audiences in this area. This comedy Should be..pure entertainment from start to finish. If you can go early, plan td have dinner at the Playhouse diningroom. DRINKING;' c.,7-24 DISASTER 71 Atalla.wa4en yesterday mornin r the vehicle SaV, WE Iriving crossed the centre ijne andbit a tree oallighway .ore mile north of St.- lOsephis. The Gederielt OPP are investigating the cause of the acCident, but no charges will be Iaid. The Ritchie woman, the lone occupant of the vehicle is presently In Alexandra. Marine and General.flospital in Goderich. Despite the holiday weekend, with heavy traffic on the roads, the OPP and the Clinton Police Force had little to report. We invite you to attend a COMBINE SERVICE SCHOOL • at , Vincent's Farm Equipment SEAFORTH Tues., July 13 7:05 P.M. SHARP ,AP 10,01000.00 00 0.0,00...000.0000.00000000.40.111. 00,01*,,10000.00,01.00014...000.,00.....0.0.,00.0..00V• .0.00...0 .10 OPEN RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Peter Po.stma (nee Sherry Hodgins) at SALTFORD HALL JULY 16, 9p.m. Music by: "Lincoln Green" Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided THE HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE Grand Bend presents "Star Spangled Girl" July T July 10 Wed., thru Sat. 8:30 P.M. 2364451. Wed. -2:00 Sat. - 4:00 Next -Wee Irma La Douce DRIVEzIN Gomm,' HWY 1 LT CONCESSION tO PHONE 524 8I1 WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY—July 7; 8,9 and 10 BOX OFFICE OPENS A 11.00 P M JULY 9 — 1- 3 The creakst if:fret fa tawi stay,tht AU fastest whet* is Meath) cad teas ap Aid Carat,/ e greatest swordsman of them alt! Tie Wild metes* . ever flisuml- tee es% f nuke. beds, bellillegifittreyedl ORAISTOPNER NOM WARREN KEMERLING DAVE 141DEN. MITER NI ADULT ENTERTAINMENT-, re't CAMERON MITCHELL .,..N MAMA% mo BONNIE DALRYMPLE At CLINTON LEGION JULY 17, 1976 music By; . "Heywood WOWS" EVERYONE WEL.COME , 0.000-00,00 SCOTT1P1W01441, FESTIVAL, f4t1.6: COAPIEXORSI,, MX. 21 INC. fITACT4E & GRANDSTAND THE COACH HOUSE GODERICii 1 5244344 1,0000i0000.040000000010,0000. • bid ANNUAL Country Music Weekend • JULY 1 0 & 11 at the Pineridge Chalet HENSALL, ONTARIO SAT, NIGHT, JULY 10 - DANCE + MOZARTS MELODY MAKERS + RESERVATIONS SUNDAY., JULY 1 1 BAND JAMBOREE 2 P.M. - 9 P.M., FEATURING — + JOE DVER-HOLT & THE STANDBYS MOZARTS MELODY MAKERS + ROGER•clutac & THE RAINBOWS + THE BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS + OUNTRY + THE HEYWOODS + YOU AND ME + THE MAD HATTERS + THE SILVER STRINGS & MANY MORE + M. - JOHNNY BRENT ADMISSION 82.00 CHILDREN lit a, UNDER FREE + FOOD 8, CAMPSITES AVAILABLE + BRING YOUR LAWN CHAIRS Proceeds for Community Service Work. {L.1 6RtJE 0E ...xi DANE 1400 Caws.; a iftimai.t magi *swiss ow On NW, Salmi *an 11110.111. Calms X situsatttites AMR T eNtilrfillt0A STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 "The Other Side of -the Mo PLUS "$r,�%V" warren bean's," julieiltrt;he • f.,11.Atite haw n Nightly Entertainment for the summer NOW PLAYING until .Saturday, July 1 7 TWO BIG WEEKS Great musk and laughs "Charlie Eck stein" 1iEhig your friends and enloy the fun. + Dinner Reservations accepted up 'ttl 8 p + Sorry we cannot accept reservations tor en tertatnment.. + There will be a cover charge of 81 for entertainment after 4 p.m. Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights only Cover charge. will'be payable at the lounge -doer Starting Monday July 19 to 24 BRUCE. MURRAY ,Yd group group Treat Yourself and your friends ... for your convenience our Hot Buffet is served THURS„ & FRI. 12 noon 2 p.m. Casual Dress Dine by Candielich. SUNDAY SMORGASBORD Spm to8pm BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Visit the KEG ROOM • Colour TV • Relaxing atrnosphere Candlelight Restaurpnt & Tavern Licensed under 1 C B 0 BAYFIELD RD GODERICH 524 7711