HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-07-08, Page 234. 744 Nif 414,'Y 0 4iii7r-4944 to a I Of IfthettceS e.last regglar Meeting of Hensall and District ifl*as ter the 197546 year O W44 W Jupe 23 at the hOMe Kinette Marian Heil, This Ong tool; the forrn of a ,neVer meeting to the new ClAtIVe. executive for the 1976 - 'tear will be: past ident, Karen Schuman; pMsident, Joanne Bell; vice- president, Marian Heil; treasurer, Sharon Doxtater; Seeretary, Karen Schurman. donation of $100 was made to he parks board to 'asSiSt in b ing children from Onsall ' to Exeter for imming lessons this .MtneVI v 3150 decided that IAN ,11.4r1 aches and a tO,IPYele rack ordered, and dOnated to. the Hensall playgroundby the Kinettes. Follovhng the business ortion of the meeting, the iris enjoyed various games and a delicious pot luck supper. The Hensall and District .nettes wish everyone a appy and safe summer liday. Seniors trip Forty-five Senior Citizens Hensall and district en- ayed a McNaughton pus nes trip to Frankenmiith. ichigan, on Tuesday, June 9, sponsored by the Three inks Senior Citizens Club of ensall. Committee in charge as Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brintnell. The weather inan turned on the sunshine and all enjoyed a tour of the beautiful city, sight-seeing and visiting Shen** Pinner at the Bavarian inii-vas a highlight of the day. The president announced that the Huron,County Zone 8 Senior Citizens picnic will be held in Bayfield Clan, Gregor Square on Slinday, July 18, registration beginning ..at 3 p.tn. There will be a pot -luck smorgasborg supper at 5 o'clock. Bring your own lawn chairs, beverage, cutlery and dishes. Sales Elam Supply consisted mainly of heifers and steers; demand was steady, prices were steady to 50 cents lower. Fat cattle: heifers $38.50441.70; steers 539.50-S42., top to 542.70; feeder cattle, 537.50- 542.50. Pigs: weinlings 535. - $42.; chunks, M. to 565. Personals Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Elizabeth Voiland and Mrs. Daisy Ivey last week were Mrs. Mildred Kyle, Mr. Tony Kyle, Mrs. Susan Purdy, Derek Robinson, Ken Van Wieren, Jamie McClinchey and Mrs. Marjorie Windover of town. Visitors from out of town included Mrs. Mildred Blaze' of Centralia, Mrs. Vera Johnston of Brucefield, Mrs. Oran Baird and baby of Toronto, Mr. Joe Robbins of London, Mrs. Ann Finley, Miss Wilde and Miss Dale Armstrong of Exeter and Mt. Bob French and son Roy of Rosseau. Mrs. Gary Merritt and Gregory visited with friends and relatives in the St. Thomas area for a few days The winner of the Vanastra and District Lion's Club 50. 50 draw for June was Mr. Larry Campsall of London. Mr. Campsall won --$109.00 The winner of the 5300 jack- pot given out June 25th at the Bingo held at the Vanastra Recreation Centre was Mr. Bert Robinson of Goderich. Last Friday's jackpot win- ners were Vera Scouller of Brussels and Mrs. Wes.• McNichol of Clinton, who shared the 5200 jackpot. The next hospitality, night being held at the Vanastra Recreation Centre is on July 10th, 1976 at 9 p.m. Admission is 55 per couple with music by Deejays Unlimited . Be sure .to come out and join the fun. Vanastra Newsletter The second issue of the Vanastra Newsletter has been delivered to homes in the community. Anyone who has not received their copy should contact Pat Bridges at 482-7910. • Thank You "The children and staff of the Tuckersmith Vanastra Day Care Centre would like to thank Mr. John Newell for all his ,time and help in con- structing the sundeck over their sandbox, Without his experience and knowledge the structure could not have been built so 'sturdily. We also greatly appreciated his donations of tools and materials which provided us with 'those little extras that were unexpected. The Day Care, would also like to thank Barry Black and Bernard Bryant of the LiOns Club, who also volunteered their time to help with the building. It will long be Pulsifer Music MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH WILL BE CLOSED JULY 5 - 26 - Watch for sir Re -Opening! Everthini will he SALE map the lest week of Jely last, week. Mr. and Mrs..' Harvey Hyde visited With their scins and their families in Brampton and Ottawa over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter aisback and Victoria visited -with friends in the Niagara Falls district for the weekeend. Rev. G.A. Anderson was in charge of the service at St. Paul's Anglican church on Sunday. The text of the sermon was taken from 1st Kings 10v 7 "and,behold, the half was not taken from me". The flowers were in memory of the late W.O. Goodwin, placed there by his family. Obituary Goodwin -- At Queensway Nursing Home., Herman on Thursday, July 1, 1976 Wilfred 0. Goodwin of Hensel' in his 89th year. Beloved husband of the late Ethel Annie Maulkinson. Dear father of Mary. Hen- sall; brother of Victor in England and Gladys Robinet. England. Also surviving are several nieces and 'nephews. Funeral took place from the Bonthron Funeral Home on Saturday. July 3 with the Rev. George A. Anderson officiating. Interment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. A Masonic funeral service was held on Friday, July 2. Mr. Goodwin was a prominent businessman in Hensall who came to Canada in 1912. After working in men's apparel manufac- turing in Hensall. he set up his own dry goods. clothing and shoe store in Hensall during the 30's and ran a successful business until the late 50's. Mr. Goodwin wasa member of the Roya1 Canadian Legion and was presented with his 50 year pin in a cerethony recently. He was choir leader at the United Church for many years and also a member of the Masonic Temple and the I.O.O.F. The community will miss this long-time resident. remembered." — signed Karen McEwing, Supervisor. Plan Early In order for those who make their New Year's plans early, we have been advised that the Vanastra Parks•and Recreation Committee will not be holding a New Year's Dance for the Community this year. The hall has been rented to the Country Singles for New Year's Eve. Super Chicks Win Again The Vanastra Super Chicks, sponsored by Clover Farm, were victorious again in their game Monday evening against Londesboro. Highlights of the game were four triples — three by Lois Harmon and one by Karen McEwing; one double by Sue Merpaw and one homerun by Bownie Logtenberg. The winning pitcher was Laurie Dellar., Superb playing enabled the Chicks to win 26 to 6. Special thanks goes, again to Doug Smith for coming out to° Umpire. The Super Chicks play again on Monday July 14th against Auburn in Auburn. It would be a great boost to the girls if residents of Vanastra would come to their games and support their team. Church notes The United. Church service was held Last Sunday with Rev. Don Beck in charge and Mrs. John Turkheim. at th& organ. Rev. Beck preached onthe text, "God so loved..." belief in Jesus Christ is what entitles us to -eternal life. Mrs. Eric Luther sang a solo. "How Much He Cared" accompanied on the piano by her husband. Flowers were from the funeral of the late Wilfred 0. Goodwin were placed in the Sanctuary. Next Sunday the combined church service will agairi_he. at the United Church. k The winners of Ole ifit.3000 Centennial beard growing contest posed with the Centennial queens lastSaturday night following their victory, Left to right are Pat Graham, longest; Melvin Jewell, most colOrful; Kathleen Hill, senior queen; Bob Anderson, bushiest; Peggy Canipbell, junior queen; and Keith Bunn, best trimmed. (News -Record photo) Webster reunion held Sunday. June 20th was a perfect day for the Webster annual picnic which was held at Brookside School for the first time. An exceptionally good crowd was in at- tendance. 174 registered. One of the main features, of entertainment was the showing of slides by Mrs. Mervin (Jean) Lobb of Blyth who has devoted a great deal of time to compiling the history of the "Websters" and has travelled to Ireland in search of material. While there she took pictures of interest and was good enough to share themJvith the group. giving interesting comments on each. The book "The Tipperary Websters" was introduced in the completed form to the clan. If you did not receive an issue and are interested. Mrs. Lobb will be pleased to supply you with one at 810.00. Mac Webster of Kincardine and Dave MacDonald of Lochalsh provided Irish tunes on bagpipe and drum. Clayton Alton and Don Cameron Were in charge of sports. The winner .of each race was as follows: 4 years and under, Tom McNee; 6 years and under. Crystal White: girls 6 - 10. Mae Raynard boys 6 - 10. Steven Alton girls 10 - 14, Kay Morrison: boys 10 - 14, Karl Morrison : wheelbarraut.zace, Crystal White and Brian White; junior three-legged race. Mae Raynard and Carol Ritchie. Brian White and David White, tied; senior three-legged race. Susan Irvin and Elizabeth Ritchie: junior sack . race. Crystal White: senior girls, Marian Raynard: senior boys. Glenn Raynard: kick the slipper. ladies. Lynda McNee: kick the slipper. men. Nick White: kick the slipper. girls. Kay Morrison: kick the slipper. boys. Karl Morrison. A peanut scramble completed the sports. Good News Drive -Bin 3 mites west of Clinton on Highway 8 NOW OPEN FOR THE SUMMER Sunday, July 1 1: 8:30 p.m. Singer: LUC V MUNNINGS CLINTON speaker: RICHARD HAVERKAMP 'BELGIUM " ,Come•as you are in your car- Vr-ZW4Zqtz,Wa.ziizWitaiuzzziu=z3:4, The northern ladies served a delicious supper. smorgasbord- style, after which president Blake Alton asked the gathering to ob- serve 2 minutes silence in memory of eight members who had passed on since the last picnic, Melvin Raynard, Goderich; Kevin Reed. Detroit; Bob Helm, Lucknow; Mrs. Sam Alton, Lucknow; Mrs. Charles Bristow; Jack Webster Jr., Edmonton; David A. Andrew, Calgary; Marshal Gibson. Lucknow. Miss Ada Webster was then called on and expressed the gratitude of the clan to Mrs. Lobb for her great efforts to provide the family with their history and presented Mrs. Lobb and her two daughters- in-law with a gift as a token of appreciation. Special prizes of silver dollar Olympic coins were given to the following by Mrs. Harvey Webster: oldest lady. Ada Webster. Lucknow oldest gent. Fred Reid. Clinton; youngest child, Leanne Webster. daughter of Vicky and Phillip Webster. Forest; nearest wedding anniversary date. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McNee, Dungan- non: coming the farthest. Clayton and Margaret McGregor, Wilkesport. Ontario: largest family prRsent. E11iott Websters of fl Want a GOOD DEAL n a GOOD MEAL... enjoy our - TUESDAY SPECIAL Kentucky filed kieken. DINNER FOR OK Our Regular $2.15 3 ineceDinne r TUESDAY ONLY GI the 5 Milts 94 Elgin Ave. GOMM! Forest; 'guessing the most things in a match box, Mrs. Bernadean Ritchie.. After supper the executive and interested members joined to hold a business meeting. The following are the new slate of officers: president. Grant Webster, Varna: 1st vice, Harvey Ritchie, Lucknow 2nd vice, Edgar Allan, Seaforth; . treasurer. south. Mel Web- Ster: treasurer. north. Alex Andrew secretary. Mrs. Jessie Kirkland. The retiring president. Blake Alton thanked everyone who, had helped in any way. All appreciated the leadership which Blake and Dora contributed and were sorry to len Dora 'had un- dergone surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital. London on Thursday. Do hope for a speedy recovery. The unanimous ,opinion as they said farewell t&relatives was that all had a very pleasant gathering. YOU DON'T NEED WORDS ...JUST CARE! • uly 9,10, 11 1916 Stratford Arena • exciting variety of handcrafted works of art A Community Promo of the Volunteer COMMIlfite of the Golleryiforotford • 1) TilEkTli GODERICH 524 7811 JULY 8 10 FR1. Ili SAT. 2 SHOWINGS 7:30 - 9:45 WAPIZTIVEY NO DEPOSIT NO RETURN JULY 1 1 — 1 8 ONE SHOWING II P.M. In new saran splendor—The most magnificent picture ever! Vs.4 WM 0 SEUNICXS.,...c...... to 'Mut omrat ta "GONE WITH THE WIND" MIEN LEIGH Andemy Awards WtMeer id Ten it CLARKGABLE LESUE HOWARD 01111AdeliWILLAND sTEREoppiamc $c., • METROCOLOR An MeM Rip-reieast Adult Entertainment ALSO AFTERNOON OF JULY 1 8 1 6 p.m - COURT HOUSE PARK GODERICH PHOTO GALLERY ART GALLERY FLOWER DISPLAY (in Court House) TEA GARDEN 0 CRAFTS (of all kinds) Friday Evening 7 - 8:30 p.m. GODERICH LAKETOWN BAND Sunday Afternoon 2:30 p.m. HIGHLAND.. DANCING Pioneer Craft -Demonstration at the Museum O Bus Tour of Goderich Available O Baby Sitting Service in the Park o• •