HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-07-08, Page 14•
eeoIIeeiion.s Qf Ce14U!nnial weekeru
Notes by
retreating and perhaps at law. Mr. and
Patricia Cooper some time in the future, when Coutts.
To the many people who there are fewer demands on Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook of
have enjoyed reading the her time, she may be per- Evanstoneelllinois, °U.S.A..
Hayfield Bugle.. written ,by suaded to again take up the are vacationing at their
Milvena Erickson: Please . pen. summer residence "Hilltop-
---- bear with those iii us, who, In the ra.eantime, perhaps on Tyle street.
• wishing the news of Hayfield we can show our appreciation Dr. and Mrs. William
to survive in print, will of all that she has already Tillman - and family of
continue to submit our con- done by keeping the Bayfield Toronto spent the weekend at
tributions for publication Bugle an active and in- their cottage.
until someone in our corn- Wresting page. Mr. and Mrs. Armand
munity steps forward to take Mrs. Delbut Haw has Manners of London are
over as regular correSegn: graciously volunteered to vacationing at their cottage
dent,. a service much needed write the social news until our in the Village.
and very much appreciated new correspondent makes Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Anderson of Listowel
by subscribers to the Clinton himself, or herself, known.
News -Record. VariouS committees and
We have, all heard many clubs will submit their news
protests that Milvena has directly to the,newspaper and
retired from writing the page, lets try for some human in -
that, through her devoted terest items.
efforts has grown from a It would be very easy for
comparatively meagre you to telephone Mrs. Hawto
smattering of Bayfield ac- tell her about the trip you
tivities. to the coverage of have just returned from, or
area events and activites that who and where your iuests
the majority of us look for- came from. However, it
ward to reading first in the would be much kinder to Mrs.
weekly edition of this paper. • Haw if you very clearly wrote
Those of us who know out your news so that she may
Milvena personally marvel put it with _the rest that she
that, with all the other con- has compiled and send it
tributions of her time and directly to the paper, but
energies to serve cheerfully please do not forget her
and efficiently, whereever Monday night deadline.
needed, she has, even this •Mrs. Haw will not be using
long, and at personal a typewriter and I know from
sacrifice, continued to faith- times in the past, when
fully report for our en- Milvena would be away for a
tertainment and enlighten- week or two, and I attempted
.ment, and still maintain her to at least get a few social
enviable standards as a activities in, so that her
homemaker for husband and readers would not be too
children. • disappointed, what a 'sen -
It is safe to assume that tence! That a weeks news
even the most casual reader written by hand can be most
of this paper must have time consuming andthe way I
glanced at the supplement type takes just as long, so
Centennial edition of the _ let's not impose on her time —
Bayfield Bugle in the Clinton- but let us please get the news
News -Record, issued June 24, to her and help all we can.
1976 and on pages 16-17 You are eadin,t Bayfield
section A, seen a picture of news so plebe `contribute too.
our Centennial Chairwoman Dear Readers. The
Milvena Erickson, who with following articles are my
all those pictured and named contribution to this weeks
on those pages and with so Bayfield Bugle. The notes I
very, very many more. made assembled randomly; during
Bayfield 100th Birthday such those four fabulous days for
a shining success. But can Bayfield. 1 have put aside if
youi dear reader, imagine the they contained the names of
work involved and still the the Bayfield school Alumni.'
• reporting continued. My reason for this being that
On page 3, section A, of the Mrs. Haw is going to provide
Centennial Edition you will the paper with the entire list
find a note ofthanks by Jim of those who registered. This
Fitzgerald acknowledging the list will be especially for the
-very special efforts made by benefit of our schooldays
Mrs. Ethel Poth and Milvena friends who could not join us
to compile the articles and for the Centennial reunion.
pictures necessary to produce 1, too, missed it, although I
the historical background 'on was in the Village and deeply
Bayfield that even our regret my absence. I feel sure
descendents will read with that my dear old teachers
interest. would have found it un -
It would be exceedingly pardonable. So will you who,
.....difficult to thank Mrs. Poth were not even in the Village
for the years of work devoted please not feel too badly.
to and donated -to the Village • Personals
of Bayfield. Ethel Poth's Mr. and -Mrs. Walter
untiring work has left all who Erickson. Andrew, Louanne
wish to see it, a bright vision and Lidia Were joined by Mr.
of the past that could so easily and Mrs. Robert Irwin and
have dimmed and finally died Martin Robby of London for
in our memories. She is a the Centennial Clebrations.
dedicated historian and we Mrs. Erickson's Sister and.
are deeply indebted to her. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mit.
It seems most suitable that Gordon Stewart of Ripley also
Milvena E rick so n 's visited with the Ericksons.
retirement from the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lynn,
newspaper be climaxed by Diane and Debby of
the Centennial edition of the 'Etobicoke were at their
• Bayfield Bugle, for indeed, residence on River Terrace
• besides the newspaper, her for the Centennial weekend.
month's long endeavour Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin
towards the co-ordination of and family of Detroit and
the acknowledged success of Mrs. Martin's mother. Mrs.
all events was truly a great Lucy Des Jardin also of
service to all who so dearly Detroit, are vacationing at
• love beautiful Bayfield. the Martin's cottage in the
It is difficult too. to thank Village.
Mil E* k
r c son adequately
for all she has done. Let us not
begrudge her a well earned
rest from only one of her
many duties. Please
remember retirement is not
Mrs. John Allen, daughter
Mrs. Susan Allen and
grandson Master Bradly.
Alien of Windsor spent. the
long ,keekend with Mrs.
- Allen's daughter and son -in -
The Jack Van Egniond family were dressed in style for
the hayfield Centennial parade. (News -Record photo)
returned to Bayfield for the
Centennial weekend. Mr.
Anderson won first prize in
the beard growing contest,
for which he had registered
on January lOof this year and
had shaved 'off an almost as
nice beard.
Mrs. Lena Irwin's
daughter, son-in-law and
granddaughters, Mr. and
Mr Robert Meyers and
mils, of Milverton; Mr.
Ropf and Miss Ardent
MacIntyre, also of Milverton,
were weekend guests of Mrs.
115r. and Mrs. Keith Pruess
and • Charles had' as their.
weekend guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Krupa and Mr.
Pruess brother Glen, all of
Mr. Gawain R. G. Johns of
Mount Clemens, Mich., spent
a short weekend at the home
of his father, Renouf W. A.
Johns of Mount Clemens and
Mr,. and Mrs. Norman F.
Cooper of Bayfield and Mount
Clemens, Mich are
vacationing at their residence
on Clan Gregor Square.
They were joined on Saturday
by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S.
Atkinson of Waterford, Mich.
Mrs. Cooper's cousin Arthur
Atkinson is the son -'of
Grenville Atkinson who is
remembered by many in the
Village. Arthur and Mrs.
Cooper take great pride in the
Village that was once the
summer residence of their
e Senior
t.ns from Hayfield had a pretty flOat in the Centennial parade. 4:News.
Record photo)
Centennial Chairinan, Milvena 'Erickson . (le ) -40
presented a scroll from Mrs. Lois Lance, a summer
resident of Bayfield and a representative from the
Okland County Hi -Centennial Committee to com-
memorate the two countries' birthdays. (News -Record
The very well -constructed float of the Old Homestead Camp won first prize at the Bayfield
Centennial parade. (News -Record photo)
Children attending the Bayfield Centennial on Sumaay
afternolin found an added attraction as -some local boys
brought out their ponies and_gave free rides around Clan
Gregor Square. (News -Record photo)
s.-- •
A bus will be taking *
..* , _
children from Bayfield to ,,,,
4,-., t Artt
Vanastra ,for swimming
lessons from July 19 to July , ..,, - 11., •
30. Anyone wishing to go. ,., 7 %„
please register at the Town ,., , - t..s
:,-, ..-•
Hall on Friday, July 9 ,from _ .,;,.-, • , s ‘
.., ,
7:30 to 9 or Saturday. July 10 :
from 10 to 12 noon. The fee is 'r- Damns of hours went into building floats like this for the
• hayfield Centennial parade. (News -Record photo)
1 light wind and a sunny day brought boaters out on Sunday iqr the Sail Past and Regatta
at the Bayfield Centennial. (News -Record photo)
Visitors at the home of Mac
McLeod in Clinton were Mrs.
Elsie Sullivan of Port Huron
and Mrs. .Helen (McLeod)-
Mossop and family of Cai4
Borden. They also visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Don
McLeod of Bavfield during
Scissor happy MP Bob McKinley beatMRP-Jack Riddell at the official opening and ribbon
cutting ceremony held ,at the Bay field Centennial en Saturday afternoon. Reeve Ed
Oddliefson acted as Masterof)Ceremonies for the event and/PeggN Campbell. (left). the
Junior Queen and Kathleen Hill. the Senior Queen took part in the official opening. (News -
R ecord photo)
the Centennial Celebr'at ions
Mrs. Roberta (McLeod)
Clements visited with her
sister Freda McLeod and
family of Clinton. and while
there, . took part in the
Bayfield Centennial
Summer Craft Courses in Bayfield
Howard St. Bayfield
Two pretty girls lead a donkey in the Bay field Centennial
parade. (News -Record photo)
Underwater TeI-Eye will be conducting, with the to
operation of the Ministry of the Environment, smoke
tests on the Vanastra Sewage System on July t 2011
Residentt having any smoke corning Into their
homes should inform the Ministry. at 457 ttle
This smoke is neither harmful nor damaging
•Joe Clark
Federal Progressive Conservative Leader
RECE-PTION 8 p.m. • 9 p.m.
DANCING 10 p.m. - 4 a.m.
Orange Shillelagh,
Tickets Available from Local Chairman
Sponsored ey
iivreivAlliddiese P.C. Federal Association
/ •
1. MACRAME. knitting - crocheting Thurs. - Fri 15.-16 July
10 a.m: . 4 p.m. Registrations dose Monday 12 July
2. SPINNING. Drop spindle and wheel, Piiration of wool.
carding. plying Wed-Thurs 21.22 July 10 a.m. • 4 p.m.
Registrations dose Monday July 19.
3. WEAVING - Off -loom, primitive weaving Wed.-Thurs: 28-
' 29 July 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Registrations dose Monday July
4. RUG HOOKING Basic hooking on a variety of beginner
patterns. I,gstructdr IsaNil Mitchell, Clinton Member --
Ontario Hooking Craft Guild Wed.-Thurs. 4-S August 10
a.m. 4 p.m. Registrations close Saturday 31 July
These courses are for both beginners and those with some
COST 520. per workshop
Minimum 5 persons maximum 15 persons
Mail 510e as deposit to
Pioneer Handcrafts,
Box 1114. Bayfield Ont.
to view crafts, craft materials.
and discuss courses
THURS.1 JULY 8 2:00 - 5:00 P.M.