HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-07-08, Page 2vis itor Mr d 7 r a of Matt `past w Of K rktoa. cca1...la Kr rkton home, Mr. Kosnp has spent the past two years in Rana. Africa and after his l ltday Intends to return for another two years. Working through Osfam, he specializes in .teaching and Improving agricultural methods. +++ Mrs. Elsie Elliott . of Port -Colborne is visiting with her friend, ' Mrs. Margaret Thorndike of Clinton. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter were Mr. and Mrs. Cam Pickett and family. They made a stop here before travelling to Kingston where Mr. Pickett has been posted to the C.F.B. asan_istructor. +++ A surprise supper and dance was held June 26, 1976 for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor by their family at the Can- dlelight Inn, Goderich on .the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Relatives and friends were present from Clinton, London, Kitchener, Exeter, Hensall, Londesboro and Blyth. Faye Cantelon, daughter of Mr.. and .Mrs. George Can- telon' of. Seaforth recently received her diplomp in the Executive Secretarial Program from ' ' Fanshawe The - adelelne Lane Auxiliary of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church —i—net June Z4 for a pot luck supper . as a wind-up to the year's activities. Bigblight of the evening was the presentation of ►e new Presbyterian Hymn 8tiols. to Mrs, Mary Blacker of Mary Street in recognition of at lengthy and faithful association with St. Andrew's. Mrs. Blacker will be moving shortly to Strat- ford. + ++ s Just to prove that we at the News -Record do give a hoot - we are reporting a visit, or by this time it may have become a visitation, by five grey owls to William Street. Not wishing to play favourites they are sharing their time between the gardens of Roy Wheeler and Spence Cum- mings. + ++ Last weekend, a lady, newly moved to Clinton. left her wallet with $200 in it in a phone booth. A young lad about ten 'years of age had found. it - and obeying con- cience:call, returned it to its owner. The Lady did not find out the boy's name but rewarded him handsomely. She said it reaffirmed her faith in the honesty of young people. + ++ Some of our editorial staff is at present holidaying With her family in England. Miss Bev Clark sent us a postcard which I wouldn'tquote in its entirety - .but like the rest of us, when sending vacation postcards. she makes mention of the weather - 89 degrees ' fahrenheit and in London, England that is really hot. +++ We like the following quotation from Changing Times, even if we, of the distaff side, are laughing_ at ourselves. "Confusion is one woman, plus one left turn; excitement is two women plus College in London. Faye has , one; secret; bedlam is. three accepted a position with women~ plus one bargain: Canadian Acceptance in •chaos is four women plus one Loxcion. --\ luncheon check." fi TRAVEL TALK FALL TOUR SELECTIONS BY ALL STAR 4,1 QUEBEC & SAGUENAY RIVER CRUISE SEPT. 12 s DAYS 189.00* MACKINAC.ISLAND AGAWA CANYON SEPT. 20-27 OCT. 4 5 DAYS s 185..00 PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH TREAT S 185 00 SEPT. 2 7 OCT. 4.-�� 2 5 DAYS S,MOKEY MOUNTAINS TENNESSEE SEPT. 20-27 OCT. 4-18-25 '179.00 5 DAYS BY HANOVER HOLIDAY TOURS • AGAWA CANYON COLOUR TOUR SEPT, 25 & OCT. 2 4 DAYS 112S.OQ. ..._., LAKE PLACID NEW YORK STATE COLOUR SEPT. 30 4 DAYS s 1 1.5.00 ADIRONDACKS 9 GREEN MOUNTAINS clziig vi ts.. 00 'kW • ! Charitable.so blatantly stupid that it 5.110414 1 not remain unchallenged. Let us first get one thing straight -- Caanada is a bilingual country — write that down and underline it with black ink. Another thing to get straight Canada was - voted to be bilingual by every member of our parliament. 1 repeat every member, N.D.P...-- Conservative-; Liberal.. There was, not one dissenting voice,. Vet it ap- pears that most English Canadians think that means th1e Province of Quebec not Canada. How would. -you like to have to buy a car where panel instructions, manual etc. were in French? Yet in Quebec French Canadians are faced With,. English in all these particulars. The recent strike was a perfect example of injustice. It had nothing to do with politics. Air safety was never in question only for those who made it the excuse for -in- tolerance. English is the international language for airports except for a very few such as China where Chinese pilots take over at Shanghai, and for the five small experimental airports there. English Canadian pilots and air controllers were not , being asked .to speak French so what was their complaint? Yet French Canadian pilots, and air ,controllers must by law . speak fluent English. They cannot operate even a private plane in their own native Quebec unless they do. Let me repeat: all French Canadian pilots and air controllers must speak fluent • English even in Quebec. When flying into Madrid what are the languages? English and Spanish. Into Lisbon English jand Pon: tuguese. Into Pares, English and French. Where is the element of danger there? Answer, none. Canada therefore should be English and French. In all fairness to a bilingual country this should be so. It was not a case -of "putting Trudeau in his place" as some would fondly hope nor has there ever been or ever will be a "forced acceptance of French-'-', It is a shameful thing for Canada when a group of air pilots and air controllers can dictate to our parliament the policy it must pursue. We are not now a democracy but a dictatorship. Trudeau should not have given in to them. It was another case of "peace in our time". If you read thilast part of your article I am sure you will realize how inane it is. "The preposterous cost of publications in two languages" (we are bilingual remember?). What do you propose to do for the minorities whose name is legion in nearly all these centres for which you propose one publication? What of Montreal? About 45 percent to 55 percent? Sherbrooke? Paincourt Ontario? And many others. You deny the government common sense. A little of that is badly needed SEPT. 25 s oAirs '135.00 GRAND OLE OPRY: NASHVILLE OCT. 8 4 DAYS OCT. 8 S DAYS '120.00 :1°59.00 + ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE FOR EACH OF TWO PERSONS SHARING ACCOMMODATION • -FOR THESE AND OTHER FINE 'TOURS CONSU! ,T T E COACH OUSE TRAVEL SERVICE G A P A M P4 Q ;, P4 4„h0. 9. I would l noy,", ► au bas. courage and ?!►, f it frd we ail fad lit will b ; trngie for air oda. 0: -4," � you will. An E gltsb Car adlan, •` Clinton. n" tin Road suueezi reported NO l Egmondvilte Mr. Hopper had said On a�lcd the $e stated ffe ent pump on well 1 would be able to produce double the a m unt of water. Council decidedto order the pump at .a cost of S700. The me fibers considered huilding a vied in addition O. the pump to of new home builders seal, in Pa fid l yment lovere accountS. totalling. 1Rt .78 including PAY Care . $3,849~82, gene al>. $30,802.3Z; Vanastra recreation $20,354.11; and roads $2,6,158,83. Road guperintetulent Nicholson was presented by reeve Thompson with, a Cu +r"il end rs the Town + Tlrenitic! 1n crime andact espresging disaatlsf aaetion punisbtnent handers down by • nems r.a c 0 „ tette reluro to re3uAar onCes at Mein,* at out a-Qay sale 3Fe'iaSty wucnas.o dem. on sated© witted at atn:tt some .+arpwaro piornxses to m4tte every effort to COrtt%dntle 10 suFtity *IIveruse0'pro0ucta bol .Q 'elerwe ttto ro�Rt t0. -rt.ta" Jaanidnes I.EC'I"i-?OHOME �• 411.%t0 nal•- r +o 6,"*" .”.• n<•<nJ *e+;,s!% '+-t?fla tw0>. 'OSot nett., is, 11W, eV! at, FAST START ELECTRIC CHARCOAL 1i6±ITER I Mininfid11111111 Army worm t.. TWIN BLADE ELEEH1C MOWER • w u engine 9ntoud • Control on handle .girtwerght easy tc* hand $ u91 * tentureS 0.0ac0Frt0r-s/” n p /^otor 6 wheels 5 Aergtlt id*u0ttr,ents 28 swain (continued from page 1) there is a bumper crop of canning peas in the South - central part of the county. "They cut the acreage of -peas this -ydar because they didn't need that money, and then they end up with a bumper crop," Mr. Miller said. • Although there was an average yield , of strawberries, tree fruit farmers are suffering 'from a poor year in Huron. Although the apple crow will be adequate, there will be few Huron grown peaches. pears and sweet cherries this year because of a severe , winter, and cold weather during the pollination period this spring. .. 'RAID' HOUSEAND GARDEN SPRAY Bayfield ••• (continued from page a ) Nadel "c raw', s• • aats*.stp r' ale • ,... "u9 t N 4,, '0 11 14. . O iTliDODEN TEAK BOARDS • iaa'a,t o,.e?I w5nttp>8an C .i , „sth 'err,' Cr.7, caw. t 000 had the tremendous help she received from ' the town. the Lions Club, the Senior Citizens, the Scouts and all the other committees that made the Bayfield Centennial great enough to be remem- bered for the next 100 years. •