HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-9-9, Page 7T,aE FARM.
aofeaored and Penned.
to m
Many trust too mach to look and
the moon and de toe littio'oloe° figuring.
Tao decayed branohee of old trees should
be promptly removed. Their unsightliness
h the lent of their evils,.
' Keep the roadsides free front stones and
rubbish, and neatly mown. Don't let them
be a nursery of weed geode.
If the manger or feed box be 'so foul tie to
emit a sour emeil from any oauae, it should
be carefuil clamped
solution e y snood and washed with a
f soda or potash until perfectly
g ta,
The bee doe not deface your fields by
clipping the giewln grasses,like
meetio animals; it doenet ar the tgar de=
planta or levy taxes on your rain garden
differ from the B o
whale invest world. No
tree, shrub, plant or Sower is Injured by
their preen
A oorres nd ent of the Country Gentleman
telt, of brit er
pressed in a mould es as to
look exactly'like a large fine strawberry.
One of those berrlee atoed beside eac
plate, and an extra supply steed in the cen-
tre of the table on a fruit dish, Galt edged
butter, in snob fancy shapes, should sell for
higher prim even in hard times.
The Scientific American is right when it
says : " Nothing will purify and keep a
stable se free from oder° as the free use of
dry earth, and every one keeping horses or
cattle will find it pays to keep it at hand to
be used daily. A few shevele full of earth
eeattered ever the floor after cleaning will
render the air ef the apartment pure and
wholesome, -
In our present system of eduoatlen-new,
happily, rapidly peeing away for a better
ane -we want ono man to be always think -
we call od anothera ntleman and the other�an
operative; whereas the workman aught
often to be thinking, and the thinker often
to be working, and both ehenld be gentle-
men in the beat sense.
It le eetlmated, and safely se, that a good
well-fed Dew puts ten dellare worth et man-
ure on about the four aores of land it takes
to keep her for a year on most farms, Pat-
ting that amount of fertilization en the soil
of a fairly good farm soon makes Its pro-
duce no that one DOW cannot eat the pro-
duct of four aoree, and the result le more
mouths to feed and more intik, er larger
grain crepe to sell.
The desire to get en in the world, to sur-
round ene'8 self with the creature comforts
neoeseary to heppiueee, to possess even of
the luxurlem of life should be strong in the
breast of every tiller ef the sell. He has
health and etrength. The free, pure air
of heaven is hie to breathe. Beautiful orea-
tione fresh from the hand of God are epread
out before him. But these should not satis-
fy him. He should seek to make hie home
a bower of love and beauty -flowers, birds,
and sunshine around it, within the peace
and content whioh names of making the
highest use of the bieesinge God has given
Some Prdfitable Pxpelienoes,
A gentleman writes :-Two year. 'ago I
leased four aorea of run -out pasture land to
be planted with potatoes, One ton of
phosphate Wm need for the crop. They
were heed twice, and when dug a plow was
run through the rows, turning out most of
the potatoes to the surface, 634 bnshele
were rafted on the field. I Intended to sow
it to rye in the fall but did net do it. In
the epring of 1885, I sowed- It to oats and
seeded It dawn. I did not keep account of
the number ef bunhela raised en the field,
but they were vheavy oate weighing 38
pounds to the bu., I did not plow the
field, but harrewd`d it over with a Share's
harrow, sowed my oats and fertiliz:r, and
harrowed them in -acing one ton of Lister
bene and 10 bushels of nnleaohed aches at
time of needing. Last fall I could have out
a good prep of rowen had the stone been
pinked up. This storing I picked up the
stone, and have cat eight tone of good qual-
ity hay according to my estimate, which I
de net think is toe high. I am :atlefied if
farmers would use mere pure bone and less
adulterated pheephatee, they would receive
greater and mere lasting results.
The Large Influx of Settlers This Tear.
Mr. S. 0. Armstrong, colonization agent
of the Canadian Pacifio Railway, states that
this season has been far in advance of pre
alone yeare as regards the number of ami
grants who have taken up land in the North
West. From the beginning of the preeen
year to. the let of July, 1000 miles of coun
try In the Province of Ontario between
Mattawa depot en the Canadian Pacifi
Railway and Pert Arthur bag been settled
and partly cultivated, In the Lake : Nipie
ring dletriot, immense traots of fine land
have been recently opened up, and where-
as two yeare age there teas room, fer a
dozen families, the agents new report
plenty of good land capable of supporting
hundreds, Title district is an favorably re-
garded that 1700 families have settled be-
tween Mattawa and Cartier depots, all ' in
the Nlpfeeing dtetrtot, and the little depots
have beoeme thriving towns with popnlee
tion of from 200 to 2000 people. Among
these may be' mentioned Mattawa,' North
Bay and Sturgeon Falls. The extension
and completion of the Algoma branoh of
railway to the Sault Ste. Marie, whioh was
begun this month, will open up a still mere
extensive region, where aettlere ' will ,be
near the Great Lakes and take advantage
of the faoilitle_a ertnavigation. westward
from Port Art 9ipr there is a great deal ef
good land callbbd__''" Brule," or land over
whioh the fire has run several times clear-
ing It of the timber and whioh quickly
covers itself with a thlok covering of grass.
Nerth-West from Rat Portage along the
Winnipeg e river to the Lake Pg
a e ie a good
etretoh of blaok .leant, Mile sootion has
attracted 'a large , number of Frenoh
Canadians this year, the Roman Catholic
Missionary at Fort .Alexander having
euocosefully Invited them to Dome. The
Frenoh Canadian eettlementa 8,' E. of
Winnipeg on the Rat river have been
strongly reinforced by their fellow country-
men from New England and Province of
Quebec. On the Manitoba South. Western
Railway near the Turtle Mountains k a
settlement hem Labrador and the north
coast of the St. Lawrence including families
from the Iolanda ef St, Pierre in the Gulf.
Apart; from these the majority' of adders
are from Ontario, and the eld country.
Thriving settlements of Germane, Soandina-
vtane and Hungarians have this year been
farmed on the main line of the C. P. R,
beginning about 260, milee west of Winni-
peg on the Qu'Appello River, between
While Wood and Regina. About 100
families have settled In thle dietriot this
year, a larger number than during any
previous years, Those people all expraoe
their 'Intention of becoming naturalized
Canadians and Biltish eubjeots. They alt
taprooms tbemeolvee plealied and aatiafibd
• A Canter -Irritant,
with the country, and many of ''them bave
written home to their friends urging them
Ss. come over to them, The Calgary dle.
riot has probably received the largest
number and the better dace of emigraute
than any other eooton. The immobile
quantity of settlers' effeete and the numbea
of cattle imported into this 'potion has been
something unprecedented In the history - et
Canadian Colcutzation, Five thoueand
head of cattle were shipped there by one
firm alone, that of Messrs, Gilroy and Co„
and a constant influx of :cattle ie going en
from the neighbouring States of Montana,
and Dakota. allots, Across the Rookies,
begihning at Golden City and proceeding
to the Montana and
boundaries Is a most extensive valley
country, possessing a fine dry' climate,
good soil and abundance of wood and
water, Coal has also been found In this
district and le just beginning to be worked
About 100 families have settled in this
region and there le ample' room for
thousands mere, From Golden City to the
second creeeing of the Colombia river there
is no land for settlement, but thence west
ward to Vancouver olty and island there is
a great quantity of good land ready to be
taken up. A number of settlers have al-
ready located themselves there, but the
returns have not yet been ieeued, The
Columbia and Kootenay rivers have many
atreame running into them, where planer
mining is going on, the majority of the
miners being Chinese.
A steamer has aeb
been platted the
bia p
bia river runningbetween Golden lien Clt and
the Columbian L ekes, At several places
in the viotuity quartz mining has begun.
A oouelderablo amount of capital has been
invested, especially at the tend of the
river in the Similkameen and Granite Creek
region., about 200 miles due east of Van-
couver Island,
-ter.• «_ •.
Seeing Life.
Boys often talk of "" seeing life " in a way
that augurs 111 for their future. Many of
them see life to the destruction of all that is
noblest and truest within them, and to the
life-long shame and sorrow ef those who
love them. An exchange tells the following
pathetio story ef a bey who had seen life to
hie morrow.
Although he was shackled toa negro, and
was on his way to Jefferson City peniten-
tiary to serve a two years' term for grand
larceny, Ed Donelly, aehandeome young
criminal of twenty•three, maintained a jol.
lity of demeanor whioh quite enrprieed Dap-
uty Sheriff Coakley, who was in charge of
him and three ether oonviote. Be sang
from time to time, and looked eat upon the
bright country whioh the train was rushing
through with apparently no thought fer the
dreary future before him. Suddenly in the
midst of his merriment he dropped hie
head, drew hie slouch cap down over hie
eyes and became silent.
"" What's the matter, Ed ?" Coakley ask-
ed, as he tipped the hat up and looked at
hie prisoner's face.
" Nothing," the young fellow answered,
" Nothing 1 I'd like to knew what
makes yen pale as a sheet if there's nothing
the matter with you ?"
" There's aemebody en the train I don't
want should see me. Allow me to keep my
oap over my faoe, Mr, Coakley."
"" Certainly, hide your face if you want
to," said the offizer.
Half an hour later, during whioh time
the handsome young convict remained mo
tionlese with hie hands oevering his fade
and his hat drawn over both, two oldish
men oame along. They halted from curios-
ity and looked at Coakley's unfortunates,
Tne ono who kept his fade concealed from
view excited the interest of the elder of the
twe men, who scanned him from head to
foot with pitying eyoe. Turning to Coak-
ley, he said :
" That poor bay's repentance comes toe
late, sheriff. Terrible 1 Terrible 1 I have
a bay just about his age -a wild, wayward
boy, whom I have net Been for months.
Whether he'll living or dead, I know not,
but rather than have him in such plight as
that I'd see him lying "-
" Father 1 don't 7"
The hat was flung off, and, with eyes
brimming with tears, the fade of the son
looked into the face of the father. The
boy ontatretohed hie hands -one of them
free, the ether shackled to that of a negro
-to hie father, whe seized them and held
them tenderly. They were permitted to sit
and talk together daring the remainder of
the ride, and when the penitentiary gate
was closed upon the son, the father still lin-
gered near the spat, as though he could not
leave it.
A physician occasionally preduoes an ir-
' I ritatien in cue part of the body in order to
relieve an irritation existing in another
part. Nethnfrequently a counter,irritant
is as useful in a moral au It le in a phyaioal
disease: Aself-willed young man, living in
the .South, : and sick with intermittent
fewer, cent for a phyeiofan, a naturalized
Frenchman, whe was noted for insisting
upon literal obedience to hie prescriptions,
He dame, inquired, prescribed, and lift two
or three aorta of mediolne,'with minute di
rections for taking them.
The next day, a little before the time when
the patient should have experienced a re,
turn of the usual chill, the doctor rode up
to the house, and entering asked how the
elok man was. He found that the wllfnl
young gentleman had net taken a drop of
the medioine, and that the ohill, coming on
earlier than the expeoted time; had Dent him
to bed shaking with the ague,
The angry doctor stamped up to the pa-
tient's room, stripped eff the bed -clothes,
,gave him a emart whipping with a riding.
Whip, covered him up, and left him roaring
with `pain and vexation.
Aprofuae perspiration followed, and neither
the ague npr the doctor returned. But the
young man, as soon as he get out, sued the
dootor for assault and battery.
At the trial
the doctor pleaded p a ed hie own nape.
"I,only did ;ray duty," said he, "ea a
dooter, I had to preeorlbe, and when I
found my prescription negleotod, I bad to
administer, It was the oasis of the disease ;
there. was not time to make a mnetard pima
ter, and I therefore , administered the only
remedy which the time and circumstances
admitted. I need a oounter•lrritant, and its
effect was beneficial to the patient's mind
and body. The p.etient began to get well
from that very hour,
"I do promise the court," he oontinned,
speaking in broken English so as to intends.
fy the laughter, which already oenvnlsed
the judges, "that de sharge of Sault and
batter is not true. Cooke use salt and bat
ter, but a dootor-nevare 2"
The laughing court gave the young man
one shilling damages, and the next day he
received from the dooter a bill for "medloal
treatment in his intermittent fever,"
18 A woman proposed lb go over the Niag•
aro whirlpool In a rubber bag,"" She will
snowed. A Woman who le light-headed
enough to eerioaaly entertain auk ah Idea is
in no danger of sinking,
A. Horrible Diesovery Pall
The horrible discovery of the bogy of
woman, minae the head and out up t
eral. pteoee, hay been made at Mon
a Parleian suburb, and oauaeq a great eeuaa-
lion in Paris, The police are oonvipoed
that crime has been committed, but the
aboenoe of the head makes It a matter of
extreme difficulty to follow upa clew to the.
mysterious affair. The police have been
p b n
engaged since the tjfeoovery in seerobing
for the head, even in the drains of the
neighborhood, but to no purpose. It is ant)*
seri that, t the first having been plan,
ed opposite the church to the. Avenue 4'0r,
lemon the persons p e ne carryingthe-ha
bundles turned Into the Rue 'Alesla, where
he placed the thigh and portions of the baok,
after whioh he went to the border of the
railway line, where he got rid of the breast,
whioh was found among the plots of aeaole
abounding in the Spot.' According to the
vague evidenoe colleoted up to the present,
it appears pp that a toll ooheotor in the lo-
cality observed during the night a oab
"Drawling" up and dawn the atreete near
hie officio. In the interior of the vehlole
was seated an individual Who had behind
him a large parcel. This morning a little
girl playing outside ef a shop in the neigh-
borhood found a packet of brown hair,
Which In presumed also to have belonged to
the deceased. .A half burned letter was
among the tresses. The pollee inspector of
the dietrlot reoelved information this after-
noon that the daughter doe werkingman
bad been missing from her home at Mount -
rouge fer the peat two day., but on further
inquiry It was found that the' woman was
alive and well. Every precaution, in fact
Beams to bave been taken by the persons
who perpetrated the crime, net only to oar-
ry It out successfully so ae to avoid diecov.
ery, but also to throw the police off the
scent the elaborate bare taken to elude vigi-
lance oonvincee the police that they have
once mere to deal with orlminale who -as
is generally the case with Parisian murder-
ers -are a match for the keenest offioere of
the law. The remains bave been plaoed in
the freezing apparatus at the morgue, and
can thus be preserved for three weeks,
r, I $700 00 Acre harm sg,ti00 tic A
•-1 eine Meal llundptk--.100.900 Boal
lsye 16 cent •
fr I i. S P E'N C E &` C.O.
00:001=0:4 will find iq to aheir`sdvsndage
to *eh the trade for our make 05 'Files and p'
RaoPe- $e•Urttting a Specialty. Send (n
for ,price net and terms.
BAlnllton, a Ontario. it
, 100,000 6 oops :TItt, io ; instruments
ute'aev- 4It prine,' BUTLAN�Y D, 87 J h g.et, W., Tompto.
ire a -- -
ao I
B - ,
NEB ALL SIZES r attest, lmproyement@ ; bracket ban ewe t
durable for n er
rig to poste, poet, odea and dnrabk ... aP.
etroularo. JOHN G7LLi a dead. ce,
Out. & d0,. Carletop Place,
Oouu,y, for the 0. K. Parer and biloer, Bost
thin out
, sells to eight • sample Salto sent on
leo° pt of price, 15o. Q, D, 'DAY Agent,
40 Tonga St., Toronto; Ont.
BLISS -1 r
p e
type, 8 splendid le
Y n
p di
IA '
trotlana ; ' conning 4,000 questions nanswers
on Bible TODI09 • liberal Tor terms. I
Book and Blpio 13ouee, Toronto, Opt, International
Productive Town Village &Farm Property
A gentleman complains that when he en.
term church Sands), morning his shoes
squeak, and he wants to know how the
nuieanoe can be abated, Easy enough. Sun-
day morning put en a heavy pair of boot.
and go fishing.
" What a popular girl MISS Harvey le,"
said one young man to another, of a young
lady whom he had been watching for eeme
time as she eat on a hotel piazza, " She
has a crowd ef admirers around her all the
time," "• Yea," laid his companion, " I've
been watohfng her too. Even the merqul-
toee seem to be mashed en her,"
If your flatirons trouble you by drop
blank epees from the top or aide. w
ironing, take them In a pan of soapsuds
give them a thorough washing, and
quickly to prevent rusting.
The New Orleans Times -Democrat calls
tention to the rich but undeveloped sulp
interests of Louisiana. The World's Fal
New Orleans happened just In time
direct attention to the stores of salt, ka
and other leading interests, In Caloa
there is a sulphur deposit seventy-fiv
eighty feet thick,
Don't Ton Know
that you cannot afford to neglect t
catarrh ?' Don't you know that lt•may 1
to consumption, to insanity, to death. 2 Do
you knew that it canoe easily cured 2 Dc
you knew that while tha thondand and
nostrums you have tried have utterly fel
that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy in a cert
cure ? It has steed the test of yeare, a
there are hundreds of thoueande of grate
men and women in all parte of the count
who can testify to Its 'effioaoy, Ail dr
r at
e or
ug -
"Billy Jones struck a great snap," said
man to an acquafntanoe, "" Has he, indeed
was the reply, "" Well, I'm mighty glad
hear it. Billy Is a first-class, hard-workln
young fellow and deserves" a good thin
How did he run across it 7" "" Why he me
keyed with a turtle in trent of a restaurant
Breach, Rupture, or Hernia,.
Cures guaranteed In the worst oases. N
knife or truss treatment, Pamphlet an
reference, 10 cents in stamps. World
D.epennary Medical association, 663 Ma
Street, Buffele, N. Y.
A oorreopondentwlehee to knew "" he
editors spend their leisure hears," Cato
ing up wlth their work, ,
They Will Not Do It.
Those who once take Dr. Pieree's " Plea
sant Purgative Pellets" will never coma
to use any ether oathartfo. The are plea
sant to take and mild in their operation
Smaller than ordinary pill and inclosed i
glace vials; virtues unimpaired, By drug
Te clean a porcelain kettle fill half full e
hot water and put In a tablespoonful pow
dered borax; let it boil, If this does no
remove all the stains, scour with a clot
rubbed with soap and borax.
Don't any more nauseous purgatives sno
as Pilie, Salts, &o., when you can get in,Dr
the Stomach wgently oleamm�g all medicine
sties from the'eyetem and rendering the Blood
pure and cool. Great Spring Medicine 50 eta.
It is a wise steak that knowa its own par,
opium, morphine,' ` ohleral, tobacco, and
kindred habits, The medicine may be given
In tea er coffee without the knowledge of
the person taking it if so desired, Send 6o
in stampee for book and teatimeniale' from
these who have been cured. Address M.
V, Luben, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto,
Ont, Cat this out for future reference.
When writing mention this paper.
A Free Fight.
The great reputation of _ Briggs' Electric 011
is such that it bas incanted unprincipled
sons to adept other n
near like it as
possible. Theproprietor of 13r1
011 have the name'and sitylo of thekEleoottri 1011
registered both in Canada and the United
States, and no one can use it butthemtelves.
Others hearing of the success of Briggs' Eleo-
leotrio Oil bave adopted other names elmiiar,
ouch as " Eolectrto Oil," Electron Oil," &o.,
and are striving to induce the public to buy
them instead of the genuine Electric 011
In fact so determined were they that they
brought a suit at Low, in the High Court of
Canada, to deprive Briggs & Sons of their
right to control the same ; but the Courts and
the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa fully
auetatned their registered trade mark.
Briggs' Electric wit- cures Rheumatism, Neu -
reign; Sprains and "Bruises,, coinplaints anis-
flog from Colds such as Sore Throat, Cough,
Aethma, B ronchitis and difficult breathing, •
Ma, can I go over to Sallie's house and
play a little while ?" asks four-year. old
Mamie, " Yes, dear ; I do not Dare if you
do," "Thank you, ma," was the demure
reply. " I've been,"
vEN-THItE.1--and two ladles ,as Canvusnete
good pay. 13. EK
, .sssm, Toronto. Ont.
EPRESENTATI'VE In molt county to sen "Pro.
ppeal and Espousal "-a bdok on Lovo, Court.
ship, Matrimony aid kindred theme°. Write fol
oirouler4, Internallonat Beek tad Bible Hotted,•
Terorito, Ont,
D. muumuu McDONALD. Barrister..
Union Block- Toronto Street —Toronto,
CHOOL Teacher, at Students Attention io
D ni
►. Drin
loeeone S chest masters, special will
obgiven of School
, by highest maelers, will be School
Teacher° and Student°, on Shorthand, Drawing or
Painting. All who can should were. Send leaved'.
stely for eoecfal circulars. Tne Dram8Bo&T.
HAMMERS' ACADEMY, 39 &41 Adelaide Street Eaet,.
upstalre, Toronto,
Be.opone Wednesday, Sopa los. Vaoancx, tor
two hundred more nucleate, on Shorthand. Typt
writing. Book-keeping, Writing, Aritbneetio,Gram
mar, Drawing, Painting and terepeotdve, and all
otherCommetelel and English Courses, All gradu-
atee helpcdin prcouring goodei1uatione. Apply fm
mediately, 87, 39 and 41 Adelaide, S0. 0„ To.oato
glace better ea0isfao0lon or that you can make
money faster with than " World's Wondere." Senate
all elaeeee-•Christiane and infidels, Oathollee and
nottcanvaesed od and ears are goingg old f loathe who
it; 0. F. Jenkins told 128 tbo lint week ; J. E Brace'
ease : " The first week with " Wonders" netted me
one hundred and sixteen dollere," A good obtuse
for unemployed persons; outfit free to actual own
50988,5; write or terms. BRADL.r, Goaaareon rQ
Oo„ Brantford.
so, TUE NEW .:.
Beautiful, Life -like and Artietio. Abeolutelynoth-
ing to Noel it. Llle•elzed portraits Drawn from
ordinary photographs, and warranted first clans
Portraits painted in 011, Water Color and India Ick,
Photograd phers,
write for circular. Aeenee kng
8125 00 per week. It will pay you to nowise for,
orders. Look oat for me et Toronto Exhibition,
J. L. RAWRONE, Artist.
GLOBE Washboard
WalterWoods&C? &TORONTO
Guelph Business Colle e
GUELPH, ONTARIO. �p [t & p
The Third Scholastic Ter begins Sept. let. Patron' CO., Hamilton,Ont,
age drawn from Tax Sg,
mevse AND PRovnlo. Young OSBORNE
men and boys thoroughly prepared for bueoeee pur.
suits. Graduates eminently sueceeeful. Practical
work, terizo the Institue t; gee Ladies adand mitted.t dealingorinfor•
mutton address M. MAo00RMIOK, Principal.
PATENT ?l'Lit eEitl:l) STEEL
Cutter & Sleigh Gears;
Hide' from Beet Tempered Spring Steel,
Alight, Handsome, Strong and ver Durable
We are having it levee demand this season tom
notions wbere temple lots were Bold len winter, and
orders ehould be placed early to secure ,prompt at
lontlon, Corning, Po'tipnd, and '•Jump Seat"
A 4
A t it c
u , a d all pt very mnderate prioeer
Have you used our Steel Bob -Sleighs F Send for de,
seriptive el.eulae. J. B. ARMSTRONG M'F'G
1' .DIVER & C
Seale Factory.
The Best and Cheap.
est Hay and Stock
Scales In the market,
Delivered and erected,
fully guaranteed.
Farmers' dairy & poet
able platform Soaks.
Dormant, Hopper & Warehouse
Scales for Mills and Elevators.
We manufacture all
styles of SCALES,
whioh are unequalled for
accuracy, durability
and elegance
of finish.
there 10,
Rik p p
i wd 490 B n
, PA or Ma ttord, prt.
likelyPaper; 9ue�ircillia\YeulClY. Six serial
stories by the mosttalotttadauthors zreach Beare.
A number of interesting Complete Tales of Love
Romance, and Adventure, Choice Poetry, Short
Sketches, IT
Tieci y
Ifumor, tc., contained nes, each Science, Wit and
Fireside Weekly. es' spy; issue of The
Y. de. somas of t;day, 40 fer
the most rlrrirn.ble Songs of the day, $2.00 per
year' Ox months and 880 pieces musie, $1; three
months and 10 pieces music, 50e, Subscribe
now. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal com-
mission. Sample copies free, Tea Fm
VITE1 , nada. Y, 28 Colborne 9t., Toronto Canada. —
S us
Now shipment from England, Ex Steamship "Nor.
weeian." meet pion tothe trade. We are eole
agents In Canada for MoBrlee'e Celebrated Sheep
Outage. Write for quotations.
'+110 l\T'T1AL. R =.C10
Agricultural College
Course 1
re L
Iva Stook, Dairv
,vet:eriary Science, end Suzan.
epactal;,* adapted to
tee wants of farmers' sone. For tgiving
formation as to 00,8, term, of admission, etc , app
to JAS. HILLS, Y. A„ President.
Guelph, August, 1880.
P1ea,e mention the paper in whioh yon sew Ohio
�."I`•n: Felt itSlate Roofer,
Mannfaoturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, Rooting
Pitch, Building paper,, Carpet and Deafening Fo1R
Ready Roofing, etc.
For low prides address
4 Adelaide St. E:, Toronto,
Awning, Flag, Tent & Camping Depot
Allan Line Royal Nail Steamships.
Sailing during winter from Portland every ,Thins
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and Ia
enmmer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool:
calling at Londonderry to land matte and paeeengerr'
for Scotland and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, vias
Halifax and St. John's, N.F., to Liverpoolfortnightly
during Bummer months. The enamors of the Gluue
gow line, sell during winter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during cum.
mar between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; Gua,
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadei
For freight, passage, or other Information apply St
A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore • S. Canard & 00.,
Halifax •, Shea & Co„ et. John's N.F.; Wm. Thomp.
eon & Co., 8t. John, N. B, ; Allen &'00.., Chicago"
Love & Aiden, New York; H. Bourne', Toronto(
Ailans, Rae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, PhtIadsI
phial H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal
Use on your Machinery only:the Well•known
SIXCOLD MEDALS ¢have been awarded it during the Iasi three yeare. Try aim our PEER
LESS AXLE GREASE for your Waggons and Horee Powers, "
Manufactured at Queen City 011 Works, by
SAMUEL ROGERS & 00., Toronto.
And Largest Training. School In
Canada. Send for Calendar.
Z" 1\T xm
Artistic Designs, combined with
Unequalled Durability
and Finish,
Hamilton, Ont,
The most Effective, (]lean, Durable and Economical Beater. In the Market foil i:ming
and ventilating Churches, Motile, Public Buildings, Stores and Private Beeidenoea: Simple in contras
tion and easily managed, capable of giving more bat with: lees oonenmption of fuel than any other heating
apparatoe, £Absolutely Gas TIght.Vilt . Eight sizes "Harris" and four sizes "Mammoth"
are made and can be set either In Brick or Portable form. Correspondence solicited. For Catalogues and
further information address
Tie E. 1, ae" ab l iKEI CO. (Maui), i), JLf111 LTtthi'r
llll(711Sm 'UW nte!1
1171 u
4.2o c
ars �
CD .,w.1
Tua 4
I;fi?:1'jL ( r'•'��."-'I !P � Vii.
1I ��UI II L`m1Yr�"niCti , r
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E&ccuRHEVCo.To RE ,
nori m411i1"";Tne+
''- aldtal�l@i atiautlllll��lira!�iinli�tt
. 8 n3Ll'HE 31EARGEST
—130x, ,
And is the CheapCst First, Class Stove even offered. For gate by all dealers,
F T The E. & C. Gurney Co., TORONTO.