HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-06-24, Page 80H ! ;1•C• sl -.-361 ' "AL,' A.,•7•4?. .1';t'l (1$10-,u PA E 26B—,CU.II T0N NWS•REC0RD, THURSDAY: JUNE 24,1976 Formed in 1965 Bayfield H[istorical Society has done much Less than a year after the Huron to. Historical Society was formed and had made provision for Branch Societies in its con- stitutian* a group ' met at the home of Brigadier and Mrs. F.A. Clift. Jan.. 27, 1965. to organize the Bayfield Branch. Those present were: Brigadier and Mrs. Clift. Mr. and Mrs. John Loud. Mrs. R.H.F. Gairdner, Mrs. Carl Diehl. Mrs. Wm. Parker. Mrs. LeRoy Poth. Mrs. E.W. Oddleifson. Miss . Ruth Hayman and Mr. Arthur Elliott. The first officers were: chair- man, Flory Oddleifson; secretary -treasurer. Vina Parker; and archivist. Nan Howard. By the second meeting. held at Oddliefson's. 22 had joined and many ideas were suggested for historical work that should be done before the necessary in- formation was lost forever. In the first three years. succeeding meetings were held at the Morgan Smith's. the Robin Hunter's. the Carl Diehl's. the LeRoy Poth's, Elva Metcalf's. Canon and Mrs. F.H. Paull's, Helen Cobb's, V. Morten's, and the F.A. Clift's. One of the first activities planned was a display at the Kinsmen's Fair in Goderich. for which the Bayfield group received first and much praise.. They bad a set-up showing rooms in a home of bygane�lays. To raise funds and -also to "sell" Bayfield as a historical brickyards. Clan Gregor Square. the Hayfield Agricultural Society and other subjects. Members went to the Hayfield Cemetery and copied the names. dates and other information off all tombstones and this was then compiled into a form which would be readily available to those seeking information . on family village. hasti-nates were histories. designed by Flory Oddliefson. During an enjoyable afternoon showing the four old hotels: ceremony. on hjstorical plaque Queen's; Commercial • (Little was placed on "The Hut", home Inn) ; Albion. and River House. of Mr. and Mrs. Diehl. These are in their third printing In 1968 the Society began and may still be bought at some setting up display at of the loO al stores. Bayfield Fair. To date these Street signs were also made by displays have been: 1968,. old Flory and hung on standards tools and antique butter -making made and erected by Walter equipment, conveners. Mr. and Westlake and Mert Merner. Mrs. DuBoulay. Mrs. Robt. Blair For six years Mrs. V. Morton and Mrs. Chas. Bell; 1969. display served as chairman with of kitchen utensils (based on an meetings usually held once a old 1877 cookbook) convener - month. Histories of some of the Mrs. Morten; 1970. apple ed older homes' were presented processing equipment. (pr Diehl's (The Hut), Nan by John Wild and Fred Reward's. Gairdner's�ELance� Robt�yBlairt , 1971. convener. examples ss. of home and store (by Papers were also given on the some of the furniture made by fishing industry, ice harvesting. John Gemeinhardt in his the bridges and the harbour, establishment on Louisa St.. churches. the school. mills and pictures of early Bayfield post- e office equipment, the motor used in the Electric Plant for Bayfield's electric lights about the turn of the century and a variety of articles from the "Browse About" meeting held in July. That year and in subsequent years the van of the Huron County Pioneer Museum with Raymond Scotchmer. curator. to explain the use of the articles was on the grounds. In 1972. quilt and quilting. a number of ladies proceeded with quilting while spectators wat- ched. also. there was a display of quilts. concener - Mrs. John Lindsay: 1973. the fishing in- dustry in Bayfield. convener and Mrs. Walter Erickson and members of the Sturgeon family. Mrs. John Sturgeon Sr. demonstrating net weaving: 1974. weaving. Mrs. Moira Cooper: rug making. Mrs. Elva Metcalf : chair -caning. Mrs. Claire Mer- cer. A descendant still lives in this home built in 1877 by Or. Woods. This side view photograph of Orlagh was token about 1890. This house is on Highway 21 near the Varna Corner. Descendent still lives in Orlagh Orlagh is situated on beautiful grounds on Hwy. 21, three blocks east of Clan Gregor Square. The property backs onto Cameron Street. It is a handsome brick struc- ture with a barn joined to the summer kitchen by a tunnel or walkway and was built by Dr. N. Woods in 1877. The bright large windowed rooms have high ceilings as was the custom then, and pine floors. There are two fireplaces and two staircases with carved bannisters in this lovely old home. The Doctor lived in it for seven years and it has been oc- cupied by his descendants ever since. BEST WISHES to our many FRIEND S and CUSTOMERS in BAYFIELD from the PNTiRE PEOPLE John Bob Jerry Cart Neil HAUGH TIRE SUPPLY Clinton. Ont. 482-97 6 In 1975, duties of the days of the In duties of the days of the week, (from the rhyme Monday washing, Tuesday - Ironing etc.); conveners, Doris Hunter, Dorothy Hovey. Betty Burch and Gwen Pemberton. The above displays have been much appreciated by the Fair Boards. Each summer: special ac- tivities have been planned for the vacationers and residents. One year it was a "Walkabout Tour" which commenced in the Pioneer Park area "where it all begun" and continued along Bayfield Terrace and up Main St. to the Square with variods •'pbopl'e giving talks on the history of the properties along the way. January, 1975. saw the tenth anniversary celebrated with a special meeting complete with a beautifully -decorated an- niversary cake. Mrs. Oddleifson reflected on her term as chair- man, Mrs. Morton spoke on accomplishments during her six years in the chair, and Brigadier Clift noted that the year 1975 was also the tenth anniversary of the re -incorporation of the village - and the 99th year of the original incorporation. Those in office at the present time. 1976, are: Mrs. G. Pem- berton, chairman; Miss Kay Reid, secretary; and Mrs. M. Moyman. treasurer. Our account would not be complete without mentioning the work of Mrs. Clift. the convener research of the lunch committee. Faith- fully over many years she has made all arrangements for the social time that follows each meeting and rarely has missed being present to prepare the table. the cup of tea and other refreshments. And so the work goes on in order that future generations may know of Hayfield's past. Topics for development are: histories of older houses. family studies. the Bayfield Harbour andbridges; the fishing industry and putting, up the ice, Hayfield's hotels and summer cottage in- dustry. the churches. the schools, municipal history, the • mills. elevators and brickyards, business history. the Agricultural society and the Bayfield fair; communications, fraternal societies, clubs etc. and sports, athletics. pastimes. Youth organizations, Bayfield Fire Association. Bayfield library. military history and Red Cross activities. Clan Gregor Square and Pioneer Park, The Barons de Tuyll. Admiral Bayfield and Hon. Malcolm Cameran. and Bayfield Cemetery. If you have information or pictures that can be photographed and returned to you, the Historical Society would appreciate your getting in touch and would welcome you to their meetings which are open to everyone. The Rutledge house The Rutledge House on Main Street opposite the Albion Hotel is, a well built brick structure that was erected by Andrew Rutledge in 1867, the year of confederation. He was one of the prominent - business men of his day. being one oT the grain buyers. Thomas Stinson owned it next and then sold it to Dr. N.W. Woods in 1967. It . then had a verandah along the front. The next owners were Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms(1945) and their daughters and son-in-law now occupy the home, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake and family. The west side of the building has at various' limes been used as q grocery store and barber shop, bank (the Stirling Bank) post office, telephone office and is at the present time, a branch office for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce of Goderich. June 19,1902 Mr. G is busy getting the cage ready and giving it a new coat of paint and otherwise preparing for the bird whome Dame Rumour says will be one of Hayfield's fair maidens. CONGRATULATIONS To The Village of Bayfield on its 100th Anniversary • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS • DEALER IN MAJOR APPLIANCES — Simplicity Washers & Dryers — Modern Maid Ranges -- Coolerator Air Conditioners — Gilson Freezers — General Electric Appliances • REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES SND MODE'LS OF MAJOR APPLIANCES Any calf before 2 p.m. will be repaired the next day. Graham Electric Limited GOOEItICH. r 524-$670