HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-9-9, Page 5LOCAL BREVI'I',IES.
Parkhill is to have anew'Mothodiat Chureh
to coot $G„Q00, which will seat 600 persons..
Mr. L. 1). Stanley; of St. Marys, on leav-
ing that town for Lucian, was the recipient of
a Bible and prayer -boob from the member§
cf St. James' Sunday school.
There are about 35 teams mai fifty mon
working on the railtoaclatr'ltamesford, Tho
wages paid are$3.50 for teanisa-and $1,25 for
Mo:sro. Alurray and Allan, of Tucker.
smith, one day last week ,threshed for Mr,
James. McIntosh of the mill road, 1250 bush-
els Alf grain, mostly wheat, in hours.
The Exeter Times recently entered. upon
Ate fourteenth year, and signalized the oo-
eaeion by donning a new dress of type. The
Trams is agooil newsy paper for a place the
size of Exeter, and deserves support. -.-Lou-
don Free. Press. ,
Sir John A. Macdonalil. has fixed upon
Thursday, rho 16th of September, to visit
Loudon, au ., will be acoompeniod by Hon,
Messrs. U a leau, Thompson and ,Carling..
omeeting u aafternoont fu the
' 'h ro wzlk
e u
Queen's Farr and an evening session in the
Princess; Rink'
Messrs. Chas, Hyde, of Anderson, and
Hobert Clyde, of St. Marys, built eight bank
barn foundations ynd a collar wall for a
frame house, between the 19th of April last
and the 7th of August of this year, and made
excellent work of all.
We understand that there are between
Sixty and seventy appeals against the voters'
lists in Stanley, but most of then; are tb have
names added, and the appeals are from both
political parties, Judge Toms will hold his
opurt for hearing these appeals at the town-
ship ball, Varna, on Monday the 13th mat. ' cf hide about one-quarter of its value”
The body of Sinclair, one of the young q
men drownedin the Sarnia . yacht disaster, The bones of an animal which were reeent-
omo ashore at Port Franks, and was inter- 1y found on the farm of Mr. Little, in Moore
otownship,.near Courtwr ht, and which are
red at Sarnia. on Wednesday. This makes g
five bcleies recovered, Morrison's being
the, only one missing. The funeral of Sin-
clair was recognized as an occasion of public
mourning by the entire town.
Mr. A. Mc». Allan on Monday shipped 25
boxes of plums, pears • aud apples for the
Colonial Exhibiton. Another shipment will
shortly be made for which parties, who have
ehoiee varieties of pears and apples are re-
quested to send them in not later than Sat-
urday, Sept. llth, leaving them at E. Bing
ham's fruit store, Goderich.
The St. Marys Argus (Grit) says that "by
a change in the 11Zauitoba Provincial Govern-
ment, Dr. Harrison, late of that town, has
been created Minister of Steadies and Health.
The office is an important one, but is: no
higher .than Dr. Harrison's abilities ent r
him to. The Dr.'s many friends In St.
Marys and elsewhere will be pleased ` at his
A horse belonging to Mr, Gilbert Tliomp
son, of Lake View, had rather a strange ex,
penance lately. He was galloping along the
bank, when he wheeled and went over the
bank, about 12 feet, and alighted on his feet;
then he rolled over and went tumbling down
about fifteen feet more. Strange to say the
horse was unhurt with the exception of a
few scratches. '
Mr, E. J. Smallhorn, the G. T. B. agent at
Wiogbam, who has been visiting friends in
the Old Connhas returned. We believe
his wife, who ieloped with Williams some
weeks ago, has notes yet come back. Doubt-
less she has repented for her perplexing act.
LAYER.—A reconciliation is reportedto have
taken place between him and his wife, and
all to be once more serene and nappy in the
family circle. •
Confidence men are operating on the
northern divisionof the Grand Trunk, be-
tween Port Huron and Stratford. Several.
reports have come in lately. The other day
a Frenchman was robbed of 030 near Ailsa
Craig. The I1n of the gang is to ask a pas -
Seager to chane a note, and when they got
possession of th sego raise a dispute aud bolt during the drgumeut. They don't hesi-
tate to jump from a train while in motion if
Mr. Wm. Johnson, of the Brownson Line,
Hay, has exchanged 100 acres with i\ir. John.
Reith of the Brownson Line, Stanley. for 80
acres. illi•. Reith gots 3300 and 15 acres of
splendid hardwood bush. We understand
that Mr. Reith intends to cut a large
amount of firewood this winter. Mr.
Johnson has got a splendid bargain,: as the
buildings aro worth nearly $2,000, and Mr.
Beith is satisfied, as his new plane joins his
Blake farm.
Mr. John Morgan, of Bayfild has sold his
100 -yard foot race is arranged between
,Albert McLean, of Lucian, and ,Trio. Bowion.
Ailaa Craig, for $25 a sire. The stoney has
been put up in the Bands of Mr. Angus
Munro, and tho rave will take place on the
raee'travk at Ailsa Craig, on Thursday, Sept.
There was Division Court hold at Delaware,
on Friday last, over wltielr Jndl;e Elliot pre-
sided: Among the lawyers present was Mr.
Scatolrerd of Strathroy. When the time for
Ayer'e Ague G%ut'o, When used n000rdir1g to
directions, warranted m t ons s arr nted to eradicate frothv
system all malarial diseases, such asFearer er GILES TTI NIMNT IODIDE O t
ands Ague, Chill 'Fever,
Intermtttodt, Remi •
tent and Bilious Fevers, and disorders•of the
liver. Try it, The experiment will cost yea
nothing if a cure is not effected.
A Conservative eonventiou is to be held at
Fullerton Corners on the 22nd, for the : purr.
pose of nominating candidates for the Ontar-
io and Dominion fomes of Parliament..
going- home arrived the hostler was instructed WOlt H. 1GEMI]MBERING
to bring around the conveyances belonging to In a long letter from John 11. Hall, of Bad -
the different men. He slid so, when Judge dick, Oape I3retoo, N. 5., he says : "I believe
Elliot, got sir. Seateherd's rig and Mr. 5, the were it not for burdock Blood Bitters I olreuld
Judges's. After reaching the owner's of the bo in my grave." It cured me of kidney and
horses great excitement prevailed; and it was liver complaint and general debility, which
not until two days after that the animals
were returned to their proper owners. The
mistake was caused through alcoholic ota-
berassment on the part of the hostler, The•
audlord of the hotel paid ell oxpeuses, how.
A prominent hide dealer told a reporter
had nearly proved. fatal.
The gloomy fears, desponding views, and
weariness, that many complain of, would dia.-
isappear were the blood made pure and healthy
before reaching the delicate vessels of the
brain. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies and vital-
izes the blood ; thus pi emoting health of body
Saturday morning that fanners who brought and sanity of mind,
The speediest and most certain tuedieine in
• the world.
1Weak .Back, Enlarged ;Joints, Paralysis.
Ithonrnatism, Neut'al„ia, ])iplitlleria,
.Soiatfoa,ltrolapsus, Utorei, Female
in beef hides aud calf skins were coutiuuall,y The horses ei nearly every street oar hue The best and only curtain remedy to relieve
, rulillgb0i�so their lrlea were not rat- in Cleveland aroaffected with' 1 i
nh eye."
no mutter cif how long steed -
ed No 1. They generally rated No. 3, A FRUITFUL SEASON ig,3instant relef guaranteed °rppeSwol.
1lefruit£ul seasonofttisyearfsprolifin with s o bnaai'icoeto'olut
sweet ;will not son.
o Veins,
grease; iseou�nland consequently they only reieiyed/3 cents a
pound instead of Bouts. "I would be only many fomes of Bowel Complaint, such as
too happy to rale the hides No. 1," he said ; Diarrhoea; Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, iz msinnza'rrn , or rimr l rains, 'ismenT's,
`cit would be jut as much money in my poo- Cholera Iufautum, &c. ; as a safegtiiard and nrasnsr,Dbetes.iucontineaca'of Urine: Ts
Icer and if armers follow this recipe their positive cure for those distressing and often teeoltyLrtitmotitzz) thaworld nos0eesrng
, k? teratrvo pwers. Cart Lu t• leen foto •nail •
hides will be all No 1 viz : By washing the sudden and dangerous attacks nothing call sures Czanr a aurl'CoIfs Diarrhoea an t D s1
, Y
animal's hack thoroughly with a strong brine surpass that old reliable medicine Dr. Fow- eatery.
SOLD BY ALL DRuonrsTS., TRIAL BOT'riir 250.
of October. This will kill the eggs .brat. a JJnllotuap's'PW .--Nervousness and want Write Dr Cites box 3,482, N Y P
small fly lays on the backs of cattle during of Energy. When fizst
during the latter part oi; September and let lor's Extract of Wild Strawberry,
thenerves feel un- will give advice on all diseases froo of cliaxg
August aud Septi'tnber, If the brine is not strung, aud listlesaness supplant energy, it is talI..-Beware eoge unscrupulous u s dealers lain gnu -
applied the eggs hatch out hale grata, that the right time to take some alterative as fire glass and fan • siinilie of the discoverer's
eat into the hide. Thus, when the beast is Holloway's Pills to prevent disorder running naive over each oorlr.
killed and the hide brought to markgt, it is into disease. These excellent Pills correct Gnats' IMpraovED MANnnnzrta PILLa. S
full of little punctures that reduce the quality all irre,,
es and weakness. They act so .. Sonn,B x4nr a and Eowncrzvn. Do NOT ORITR
kindly yet so energetically oil the functions tangos, aud mase t ken at all be sons table
of digestion and assimilation, that the whole ,year without restriction ns to Bret orclothing
bodyis revived, the blood fs rendered richer ForalldfsordetsoftheStomach,Liver, Bowels
&o. 1�r�oe, °1..5e,'per box. C, LUTZ, Agent
and purer, the muscles become firmer and Ureter Ontario
believed to be three of a mastodon, are at- ' stronger and the nervous and absorbent eye.
traoting considerable attention, The nasal terra are invigorated. These Pills are suitable Sold at C, L UTZ'S, Agent, Exeter.
organs of his head are missing, but the head, for all classes and all ages. They have a THE E 4f BRATEII
so, far' as found., is 8 feet high, and the cir- mold marvelous effect on persons who are •:,, ,
yant of condition; they soon rectify whatever * !!t; �� e
eumferenno of the scull at the eye is: 5ft 9y �. 7
belles, Tusks similar to those of elopbants is in fault, restore strength to thebody and NORq(fg '
have been found 4a• feet long and weighing confidence to the mind. i +y' _A
36 pounds each. Theyare almost uniform All miners at St. Louis except those employ
in eine from base to point, and measure 14k ad in the Loomis & Suivelly mines have
inches around. Two large holes, where ears struck for an advance in wages from 621
formerly existed, measure 16 inches in diatn- eeuts to 90 cents.
eter. The eye sockets are small, in this and A G1•tEA.T AWAKENING
other respects, the remains much resembling There is a ;seat awakening of the sluggish
those of an elephant. A few of the grinders, organs of the human system whenever 'Bar -
or back teeth, remain, one measuring 4j•x6 dock.Blood Bitters are taken. It arouses the
inches. The width of tho upper - part of torpid Liver to action, regulates the bowels
the jaw inside, between the grinders, and the kidneys, purifies the blood, and re -
is 14 inches, The s vertibrea and legs stores a healthy tone to the sy,stetn generally
are missing. Tho ribs measure 3 feet 2 Four new cases of yellow fever were report -
inches in length.
Interesting 1telnti.
A \! A Et D.
To all 'who are sufferingfrom the errors and
$ndiseretlons of youth, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of Manhood, 6;0,1 will send a
reoeipe thnt will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis-
sionary in South Auzeriea. Senda self-ad-
dressed envelope to linv. JOSEP3 T. INnrAR
Station D. New York Cit
Strikes are usually very bitter affairs all
around, but Detroit yaries the monotony by
having a sweet strike. It's the candy makers.
Ladies Only.
The complexion is often rendered unsightly
by Pimples, Liver Spots, and Yellowness.
ed at Biloxi, La. Thursday. oubl true in, re and to patent medicines buy
my t use made y practical
professional men.
"When an intelligent man. wants to pur-
chase he bbuyse
fro�npar parties whose standing in,
their several callings is a guarantee for the
quality of their wares,' This sterling motto is
Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia cures o i
neuralgia, face ache' rheumatism and gout, Dr. CHASE istoo well andfavorablyknown by
frostedfeet, chilblains, sore throat, erysipelas, tion receipt books to require any recottrmenda-
bruises, and wounds of every nature in man
or animal. 'The remakable cures this rem.
edy has effected olassesit as one of the moat
Important andvaluble remedies ever discover-
ed for the cure and relief of pain Sold by 0.
Lutz, Central Drug Store.
In Nine Volumes, Royal 80o.,,
TO I3E COMMENCED whenever 0 sufficient
DR. Om&aE & Livor Curo has a receipt book
wrapped around every bottle which is worth its
weight in gold.
Dn. CnAsE's Liver Cure is guaranteed to rare
all diseases arising from a torpid or inactive
liver such as Liver Complaint, (Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Read.
ache, Liver Spots, Sallow Complexion, ete..
. DR. CHASM'S Liver Curets a certain Duro for
all derangements of the kidneys,such as pain in
the back: pain in lower portion of the abdomen,
constant desire to pass urine, red and white..
sediments, shooting pains in passage, Bright's
disease and all urinary troubles, etc.
Try it, take no other, it will euro yon. Sold
by all dealers at $1.00 per bottle.
'1`. EnsxANSON & Co.,
number of subscribers is obtained to cover -
cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine
These it is well known are caused from an l cremes $75 eo, to the Province of Ontario Nor
inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr. Chase's to Quebec $12,50, to New Brunswick of to Nova
Liver Cure purifies the blood and ,whole sys- Sootia X11.50, to Manitob ox British Columbia
tem. See Besipe Book for recipes, hints and )9.5O.to 'Ponce Edward island or to'North•
suggestions on how to preserve the complex. aeesatlTerritaries 1;0.50. Each Province to have
ion. Sold by C Lutz, Sole Agent. Please Sand for Prospectus.
Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure is no longer an
experiment: No cure, no pay is the terms
ou which itis sold. Money refunded if
JOn.N LO V a'L r.,
Manager and .Publisher.
Montreal, 4th August, 1886.- augScl&w3
not satisfactory. Ask your druggist about CANADA'S GREAT
it, then buy it and take no other.
Prooure'from your druggist one 37a cent bot-
tle of Dr. Fowler's Extrant of Wild .Straw- Agricultural Exposition, 1886
berry.and use accordingaccordtngto directions.
It is infallible for Diarrbcea, Cholera Morbus,
Canker o k f the Stomach and 13owe1s' and
UholeraIufautttm. SEPTEMBER 6TH TO ISTH.
An immense Programme of New ANb GREAT
The Caradoe Agricultural Society will hold A'r•rsArt'roNs is: prepared' for this Exhibition.
their annual fair at Mount Brydges on Tues- Y7,e rp hares and Excursions on all R's
day October 5th. Genies of Prize, List and Entry Forms sent to
wase, to the Secretary at Toronto. Enh ie close
hotel property to Mr. Swarts of Clinton for "For ten years'' says Jennie M. Elarret of
the sum of $3,550. In addition to tho build- Waliadeburg, Ont., "I did not see a well day-
Ings, Mr. Morgan gives in one acre of land. was allbroken down with dyspepsia;- liver
The naw proprietor takes possession this. 'complaint, catarrh and debility.Three doc-
tors abandoued hope for me, when Burdock
Blood Bitters came to my rescue. It is the
best medicine I have ever taken. I say this
for the benefit of all suffering as I did.
Money has been raised in England for the
extention ona wholesale scale of the Winnipeg
waterworks system.
Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your
mouth in the morning' Do you stiffer from
Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliousness 4 If so,
Dr. Carson's Bitters will sure you. Try it.
Your Druggist will refund money if not sat-
"When all other remedies fail," for Bowel
Complaint. Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, dao.,
"then Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry comes to the rescue." 'l'hus writes W.
H. Crocker, Druggist, '4Vaterdown., and adds
that "its sales are large and increasing.
There is nothing in n name. General
Stolypin has oeen made commander of the
Bulgarian army.
13c -Oil Your Guard.
Don't allow a cold iu the head to slowly
and surely develope into Catarrh when you
Can be cured for 25 cents. A. few applioa-
tions will care incipient Catarrh. One to
two boxes will cure ordinary catarrh. One
to five boxes will core chronic Catarrh.
'Sold by all dealers at 25c. ;per box. Try
Dr: Chases Catarrh Cure—talco no other—it
will cure you, C. Lutz. sole agent for Exeter.
An old physician, retired from practice, hev
tug hall p1NCed iii bis hands ay an Ir.net Indian
missionary the formula of iL simple vegetable
remedy for the speedo and perniailent cure of
Constitnption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and ail throat and lung affections, also a posi-
tive and radical cure for NeryousDobilityand
all I4orvous Complaints, alter having testedits
wonderful eurtltivc Powers in •thousands of
eases, hits feltithis dutytotnnkc it known to
his guttering fellows. Aetuatedby 611.s ri tlye
Anil a defiire to rClieve Littman eu(feiir. t, �;i
scab frac of charge, to all who deiiie t this
recipe, in Gerntau,Trench or Roguish, w.tlt full
directions fir layering and rising. Sent by
'.mail by addressing with stamp, taming this
pater,iV, 1 Noyes,1401''0ww''S lock, 1' Br.chL(eler,
ndnrd 1learerS, and the Reformers A,
select ata n .
are laying low until the others ma co their (etiviot: To 1lto frYRu.—Aro you dist shod at
y g
selections, FOr Commons iVli. "Prow will seiTeSIng 'broken nda yang with rpm n ofeCutSind
be the Giit candidate. I ),'ecru'? 11 50 send at, once ;End get a bottle of
The antit ' of fall wheat harvested 111{ .,mvs. VVineIow's Soothing Syrup for Children
11ohi J
year is pieced at 46;772 acres; l'I'cot]ti�i.R• Us 'value is •niearatirirnluetlio,t Ill
Perth' wh . ct
whCnt, 13,081 ; 'biu'1oy, 13,2.48, and L'oi And Linen it, motthere't Shore ie no mistake
n linlott fall wheat 69,4:.7
oats, 54,171. I about it. it cures the5,,i, ". and lliatrb(elL,
acres' s ria wheat, 211732 acres ; barleys rog'Mages'th0 Scomacll and
c rr s bind
p ; 1
21 720 scars ; oats, es ; o. Iu i heat l ,. Co i givasttone end e ergyto the whole System.
fall wheat 6x1,9 48 Hetes ; 'spring wheat, 18,• and g
"sirs. vV•iuslo`v's 1tDotltiut; Syrup" for children
oats 68•- ii is rlcasantto�tbe taste and is the
763 acres ; barley, 11,749 acres , , tnoth t g Con n"res Huron "beads the hat for fall rosorilrtron, qi�r°i of
linustlio TIni1E d
74G nt I
:.rix one on•application;"by post card or other -
week. Mr. Morgan lila a neat and' comfort-
able residence on the opposite side of the
street from the hotel where he will reside,
and he intends carrying on the grain and.
produce business. He has occupied the hot-
el for over 20 years.
A young man who opened out a store in
Ingersoll a short time ago, for selling clocks,
bed springs, etc., made the ,acquaintance of
a young girl about fifteen years f ago, ,a
daughter of Richard Petrie, of that town,
and became engaged to, her. He soon after-
wards left Ingersoll, and was to have return-
ed on Monday last to be married, The ap-
pointed hoar arrived, se did the bridesmaids,
minister, friends, etc., but the young mall.
did not and has not been heard from since.
There are 17,699 horses in the county of.
Perth, 87 working oxen ; 24,593 milch cows :
and cattle of every kind 78,482; sheep 54,409,
and 53,505 pigs. In Huron, 26,848, horses;
581 working oxen ; 30,910 miloh cows ; and
cattle of every kind, 107,815 sheep 79,323
pigs 27,717. In Middlesex, 26,279 horses ;
63 working oxen ; 35426 milah cows ; and
cattle of every kink, 117,897; sheep 52,102 ;.
89,874 pigs. In stook Huron- county takes
the Iead, while Middlesex closely follows.
The other slight several• emigrants, who
Inc employ, in Goderich township, were on
their tvey tolrte` from Clinton, on foot \.
having:ianbibed Inc freely, mcud•wheu opposite
Mr. John G. Elliott's two of the won:on got
'qua:gelling, ono stalking the other with a
bottlt•,•cutting her face open Froin the eye to
the chin. She Vas carried into Mr. Elliott',s
and a doctor slim maned, but the wound bled
'so 'freely, 'that it was 'feared She WVoitlit bleed
to death. Tho doctor sewed up the wound,
and the Woman is ri1ow getting bettor.
On the 18th instant will be held
in the various munioipalities'ot South Perth,
to elect ten deligates to attend a Conservative
convention, to be held 'at Fuliarton corners,
on the: 22nd, for the purpose of nominating
for the Ontario and Dotninion
• rtes
Houses of Parliament, 'On the llIth the
temperance people meet in St. Marys 50
Saturday August 28th. H. 3. -HILL
JNO. 3. WITHROW,. Manager and Secy.
President. Toaowra
E6 9'1.
Uuapproached for
one and Quality
BELL C0., Guelph, Out
e•e yt 9Rt EEM1K"Sqq�e y LFc
wlt61R,i.11 pONic� , E.l..3 .
Aro pleasen•tot Inc' Cor` intheir0110
Purgative, I t. r •...d effectual
'oYal' of wurtua is c.:.rl.lrou or Adult&
How Lost, Jow Restored
IVeli,tve rocmtth uubl.ishod a new edition
of 1 1.s 1,.rjI,V.I!:Ilw1 LL'S CI]Ihr;BilATED ES-
SAY curet with-
out inodic ino)ofNeeven sDobi Iity,nteiitaland
physical capacity impediments to MTartidge,
etc.,resulting front 0%008808.
Pi eo,iueoalodouvoiopo,oulyf eonts,ortwo
post tee stamps.
The celebrated ou.tlierofthis admiral)] o es
say clearly demons'tr'ates, front thirty years
successful practice, that alarm ing consequen=
cos may be radically cured iithoutthc "clang-
eroa,s usoof internal modicfnesor Witt Ilse of
the knife; Point wit a mode of cure at once
simple certain and effectual, by means of
whielreYerystilforor,110'matter what his con•
ditionntav be, re ay cti:re himself rhoap3, pri
vate'iv and radically.
t -ihi lootutoshouldbeint'he had eb1,ew
}t cry youtlrauclovory man iu t?te land,
silo 'barley and spring 'Statelephve ci
d for ato by tell dingo tarn through• Address
i nnd'hliddlt sex are the bast 'tie. ]le rttie tLnd /181t ar EE CUG�ERWEItII MEDICAL, COMPANY.,
pi dvcl n g s, u, of
pi educing nomitieb in tlfn'L'rovifiue, floc'rrtrCo avian, "and tiiitonaothotkind.41 ANN `sd.,NtEWYORt3C
fest lit
riot 440
\vheat and oats, w Stator, iL i as
wheat it falls Slightly behind Taking it on mit the works. Pucci twenty -Vivo cents a hot -
Prescription of a physician. who
(, "' lias-had a life long experience in
,fg1k treating female diseases. Is used
d monthly with perfect success by
over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe,
effectual. Ladies ask your drug-
gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and
take no substitute, or incloseost-
,,,. age for sealed particulars. Sold by
�. •l. all druggists, $1 per box. Address
ea' Sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning
and all druggists.
G. 8e S. C IDLIEY,
--- •-•AND---
Furniture /11anu facu rens
Furniture, Coffins, Caskets,
And everything in the above . line, to meet
immediate wants.
We have one of the very best
Hearses ,:in. the County,
And Funerals furnished and conducted! at
extremely low pt ices.
EninLrlis aF AOL'rrrE DIFFERENT ti oeiE:ruEs
Charing Sale:.
These goods must be sold
at ante, regardless of price, to
make room for our new Fall
I in po rtahiso ii s
Samr�ll � Pickard.
P'HMP, .,; ,,� 0
At Toronto. .Every Barrel Gnarenteed. This Oil was used on all 'machinery during
Exhibition. It has boon awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during the last three years.
la" See that you get, Peerless. It is only madeby
S AZIETTEL 13.ocrats a co,, TOM.OZT'Tc
T Olt SA:raE l31' JA. PICIKARD.
Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the
They invigorate and restore to bealtli•Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in ti
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are pricelen.
Is an infallible remedy forBad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. I
famous;for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Oougbsi,Colds, Glandrlar Swellings; and all s iu ,rias„
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOUS. EoziowAy's Estabiishmen:,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at 1s. lad., 2s. 9d
4s. 6d., lis., 22c., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the
1s lkd, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six the lls, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be ban in any language
I Purchasers should' look to the Label on',the Pots:and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
FAMILY Ganocnave
China Cup and SaucerGiven
With EVERY POUND of BAKING' POWDER purchased at
C. SOUTHCO i !. 'St SON.
Have just opened their Fall and:Winte. Purchases of
.1. ,
Consisting of some of the Finest Pattern Goods to be had
A Suit made from these goods in the Latest S lea
C'•1„ IVT;_ ..:, U- S =• - A .: -'C- A L Lt..
C, SOUTNCOT T and SON, the Exeter Clothiers
Furniture _c .:p.
i .New arra i
. , received a Cv.11 Load of Nc Stylish I ll .1 �
]: have r7lzstY,
and I am
For the next SIXTY DAIS.
. It will be to yonr advantage
to 01,11 on ice before going elsewhere.