Clinton News-Record, 1976-06-24, Page 70PAGE 16 141STON NEVIS.Recom TWORSDAY, JUNE 24,1976
Ba Bluebird Society bringing back birds
Have had success
A Bayfield grouP-erganized this suitable riesling cavities. left. and other costs.
society in May 1973, taking as The BaYriehl group was_ P._re_ttY By the fan of 1973. the gover-
their slogan: "Bring back the sure theyl!Oult1 re-esraniisn nment had approved a budget for
bluebirds if they could put out bluebird restoration in the
h en- • Ba teld area. The Hayfield
A generation ago this beautiful enough nesting boxes
bluebirds to Bayfield .
song bird. **The Bluebird of trance holes too small to admit
Happiness'', ' flourished starlings. They knew there was
throughout Ontario. In many still the odd pair of bluebirds
parts of the province there isn't a passing through at migration
single pair nesting anymore. The time. Two of the members had
passirtg of the old rail fences and done a good deal of work already
wooden posts with their aban- - 150 boxes out — with some_
cloned woodpecker holes has success.
meant the loss of nesting places The initial meeting elected the
for bluebirds. and starlings have following directors: Mrs. Robert
taken over most of the few Blair. Mrs. Frank Burch. Philip
Du BOUlaY. HarVeY MacDougall.
November 3, 1833 MiSS JeSSie Meteaif. RiChard
Bayfield party to Moore, Mrs. Gwen Pemberton
Three of the .
the World's Fair came very near Miss Dorothy Reinke. Morgan
being among those who had a Smith anti Reg Your.
_terrible experience in the train The grouapplied to the
Battle Creek in which 25 p
.• deral government for financial
Village council provided t use
of a good sized room in the Town
Hall for building boxes. The
group ordered enough lumber
and metal identifying plates for
1000 boxes and he project was
under way.
_Members got out most of the
boxes in time for the sprin
migration. They put most of
them on concession roads in
anley and Goderich Townships.
lunteers have come forward
-Bluebird Trails". series
es they visit every 10 days
or so to rcord nesungs an
discourage undesirable species.
Tree swallows take over many
of the boxes. They are highly
desirable and are encourag to
There were 12 successful
nestings (bluebirds) in the spring
of 1974.
he at people lost their lives. Miss Annie assnce istaunder
Elliott was on the rear section of Horizons program. In this plan
the eastbound train a mile behind elderly and retired people work
the wrecked one and at that for the community betterment.
distance could hear the heart- The participants get no wages but
rending screams of the burning money is available for materials
of bo.
nfieedstgiiiiinggss:. 139 eggs and 90 thrilled to their sweet song.
Mrs. Harvey. WiacDougall saw a A pair are nesting near the
pairi. of bluebirds on Heard's home of .11. Higgins.
In 1975 xes were out; 35A pair were 0°wsn:StiniP aannd"
In the spring of 1916 Mr. and heard in Goderich Township.
si4 "
Capt. R.I.. McMillen could skillfully' inarieuver his fishing tug
Thesitlayinac through the Hayfield harbour in 1951.
from your
June 24, 1976
TO the Citizens of hayfield
On behalf of Council and the citizens of Clinton it iS rnY pleasure and
ege to extend to the Citizens of hayfield congratuiations on your
100th Birthday.
I would like to personalty pay tribute to all those who have served the
Municipality hi the past years. Their dedication, ative and foresight
have done much to preserve the land marks and heritage, which many,
on/y now are corning to appreciate.
i wish aiso to congratulate your Reeve, Council and Centennial Com-
trkittee rnernbers for their efforts and work in preparing for your Cen-
tennial Celebration.
We in Clinton, particularly, appreciate the amount of work involved.
The strong bonds of friendship and good neighbourly relations our two
communitiet enjoy make your celebrations something "special" to
Clinton too.
In hayfield, You 'nay well look back with pride to your achievements of
the past and forward to better "tomorrows".