HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-9-9, Page 1H. DIOT{SOIV, Bsrrialer, Soil• • eitorofSupi•otne Courb,NotaryPublic: Conveyanoor, :lolnnlissiOnfir, ctce. Money to Loan. Otitovintaa,usoii's 131oOlI;t xoter, 1 t MaFADl)EN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, }atc.,I EXETER, - ONT.. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAS':" omeeaanrwgiesinoelc tamesold olUco.) VOL, XII ., NO, 3. EXETER, ONTARIO, THTTRSD Y MORNING, SEPTEMBER L N AL. T CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., C Has opened dentin rooms eve, ("I D N191L'S BANK, )vherehe will be prepar•odto extract teethwithout pain. All operations performed with ease and skill. Goldfillings a. speciality. Office hours 9 a. re: to'6 p m." Cnaltens P4on1nATn. 'I'EIIMs CAsa. • lia Gael Li . KINSMAN, DENTIST,Ij.D.S i ilxtraets Teeth -without pain, rit nrbI talirecl A'•'n x iu Y s ega1,Aiiiestne-s' eNdw Loo al ^t l0 h tic on the gums; makes Gold Filings ancl all other dental` work the best possible. Rooms Upstairs in SAtlwELL's' i3L00Ic, Dust side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL CLU'TZ, M. D., . Offiooathis esidenee Exeter. ° tW. EROWNING M. D., M. U • P. 3; Graduate ViotoriaUniversity.Office audit eaidenoo,Dom:xtionl aboratarv. Exeter R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S i nt, Residen 'n' .7lxetel e0' -Mar St .0 O, Om e e housereeentiy occupied ,by P. McPhillips, Esq. FIRS..f3YN11MAN AND HOOPER, iJ Di.8yndman, Coroner for the County of Huron, &o., &c. Dr. Hooper, Licentiate o1 the Royal College of ,Surgeons, Edinburgh Licentiate in Midwi Eery, Ediubureh (Scotland) Post -graduate Student of the University of 'New Pu-mp Pu-mFactory Vienna (A.ustria),and of the Ifoorleid Eye" I%ospital, London (Eu gland) &o., &e. Special• attention. to. Diseases of the Eye, liar and Throat. Ofllce, Main -street, Exeter. T11fPORT,ANTNOTICES. / t Stanley. 9 1886, 7oiIN TY-IiITI,r. sc SON 7 Pula' suers anrd 1'ro;>ar•loter S THE GREAT ENGLISH PRESCRIPTION Asuccessf ul medicinetestedover 30 years in thousands' of eases. Promptly cures Nervous Pros 'ration, Weaknessoj'$raim, Spt- = nal Cord, and GenerattveOrgans of eitbersex, Emissionsand all illscaused bylndia- cretion prover -exertion, &is paclfiagesIs guaran- teed to effect a pure whet all othermedioinesfaii. One package $1. six packages $6 hymen. Sold bydrugglsts 'Write-j"grPamptilyet., Address EoREixA CHEMn7AL Co., DETROIT, Mian. For sale by J. W. Browning, Exeter,andall druggists. g HOMERULE --MAY BE 000D, BUT -- Ike. J. 9 AfINC' LANGTRY AND` PARISIAN BAnD& Fer exoells any over before shown in Exeter. If you wish to got any Hair Goods call on Ike J. Dearing, at the Central Barber Shop, where Ute manufactures Hair Work so natural that You Weald Not Know It from. the Original Hair. Such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves,' and the Genuine WaterWavo,Switches,Tooppies,Curls,Puffs and Wigs. Before going elsewhere, give him a gall, at his - TONSORIAL PARLORS, ONi! ;DOOR isonmw b,z. Tisc °ENTRAL Holm,. DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Qrioen's . Avenue, T,ondon, a few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad eight, and the pres- ervation of vision: diseases of the Ear, im- pairedhearing, and discharges from the oar; diseases of. the Throat, chronic inflammation being a fv:equent cause of deafness; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being'a common cause of tuipai "ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. J Eh7J Y EILBER, Licensed Auo- Kay, Stephen, and MoGilli- tioneer for H y, p TrayTownships. Sales conducted- at moderate : atee. O trice --At Post -office, Crediton, Out. TORN GILL,. 'Auctioneer for the V Townships of Stephen, Ray and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfactio a guaranteed. Sales arrau ged at this office. (VETERINARY TENNEN EI�NENT,. Veteri• 1 Surgeons, Graduatesof the Ontario nary Snr„oo s, Gr •� vs ,A �p •¢�•.,�•r Veterinar3 College, Toron• r®: i.isi, td ��,�,v �� 1� to, have op eued au office all JOHN SWALLOW Wetted respectfully inform the inhabitants of the surrounding' townships that he has op- ened a hew Pump Factory in J. 1iOUTHCOTT'S OLD STAND, MAIN -ST., EXETER, OPP. POST -OFFICE.. 'Where he will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he -dill sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wells and Cisterns, contracted for at reason- able prices, and work executed with despatch. SATISFACTION GUA.RANTEEDi JOHN SWALLOW. • for the trey tment of Domestic Animals, on Moinstreet Exeter. Calls from a dis; --- -'-"^• tence promptly attendedto:- Medicine for horses Cattls,3c always on hand:` MONEY TO LOAN.'' ONEYTOLOAN ON RE ALES t. �� Eri L an Sav 11i. fate roti & e o t efortheAu ingsdodlety. Lehv ratesofintoresi. Applyto Sohn Spackm Eketer. ���y/ ONE , LOAN AT 6 AND 64- 1.. er°ent.according tot erms. Private Funds. Apply to B. V.EL1'iIOT., Augustll,'85 Solicitor, Exeter ONE�t TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 0 �. Privatenude. Bast. per cent, S..o,000 F Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . TI.E' WA'1'ERLOO MUTUAL FiIUS INSURANC E CO. Established in 1863. • WATERLOO, ONT. HEAD OFFICE This pomyanv has been over Eighteen yeara in Successful operation. in Western On- tario,andaontinues to insure againstloss or damage by lfire,Buildings,Merehandiae,Man- ufactoriee,and all otherdescriptiousof(insur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note'or C ash Systom . Iuring the past ten years this Company has issued 57,096 Policies, covering property bo the amount of$40,872,038;and paid .inloss- e s alone• 709,752,60 60' Assets, X176,100.00, oottsistittg n3 Cash n clank, Government the unass- essedPremium Notes onhand andinforce. J, W WALrnx'M D. Preside' t. C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary. J.B. HumsEs,Inspector. CHAS. SNELL Agontfor Exeter and vicinity. THE nT a ai a rco o w y CANADA. OF The Royal Mail, Passenger and' e�reight Route between Canada and Great Btitaiu and direct route�between the West and all pointe on the Lower St. Lawrence and L'aiedes,Cha; leur,also , New Br� wick Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, A P Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant, Pullman Buffet Sleoping and Day Cars run on'throtigh Express trains. Passengers for Great Britain of the Conti- uent by leaving Toronto at 8.80' a. m. Thurs. day will join outward mail steamer at Hall • tax a.m. Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dook ac- commodation at Halifait for shipment of grain and ge neral merchandise. the INTER - COLONIAL of experience haveproved COLONIAL -in connection witn steamship Hues to and from London. Liverpool sed Glasgow to Halifax, to be the ptic,cest freight route between Cadada and Great Britain. Information tis to Passenger and Freight had 1 a tionto rates can be la on ups i a ROBERT i3.alOoDIE, Western Freiht&Passenger Agent 931',s in House Block, York St. "Toronto. ll D. POT'1'INGEB,' Chief Sup eriutendent. p Biillway O to N.B.,Nov 13,1181. GI Send 10 cents postage and we will send you fretr a royal, valuable satnplo box of goods Ihat�tvillput youin theway-of nicking more M071011 at once, than anythileg else in Annorioa. Beth Sexes chill ages can livo at home and work in ;pare time, or alt the time. Capital nettequired.' We will: start you. Immense pay supe for those who start tet since. SmixsoN it Co , Portlafrti Mahn Spectacles_ & Eye -glasses Dr. Browning': has the Solo 'Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses. They are the only onus recommended by the President and. Vico-President a pf:,tbe Medical Associations'; of Canada, and all..the leading oculists of the age. Theyhave a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision' which all other' lonsesfail to give. Beware` of: imitations, as they are in the market. A. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., with- out whichnone are ggenuine,-andpebbles are stamped Pebbles. .3)0 not be deceived by any goods stamped Pebble -glass -or by any simil- rarity in:name. DR. BROWNING, SOLEAGRNT FOR EXETER. DRUG STORE full tock of all kinds of A s • Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Fa ' mil Tel- C Y p• es carefully prepared at the Central DrlLg Store Exeter C. �l C,,E EIT! CAS 11!! -(1) L-.3 TREASURE'S SALE �� T > con., has bought a Mile' did heavy -draught O I L7 FOB T A. F _. ltoi'se front lUir. S: Mcl3ricle, nn•tits G osdi- g County of Huron `iy virtue of a warrant bearing date. the sixteenth dayo f Au nst i g -, to wit. L 1880under the hand ,of the Warden of the County cl having ti Jo y q£ Ili;rota the sea o the said corporation t' 1 ofc p attars thereto attached, r 1 directs ' �1 , d to me and corn• mantling me to levy upon the following lands for the arrears of taxes clue thereon to- ' gether with the costs, I hereby give notice that 'Unless the said taxes and costs be soon- er paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so lnuch thereof as may be necessary to Bitlrara,-:Mr; Saud..Tleid, M the 3rd dieeharge ills same, at the Court Hthe t f C } 1 Tuesday the1 t , re ottr Ouse,, in le OWil O t 1I e 1, on nese, ay tint. - , clay of November, .in the, ear of o.ur Lord 1886, ccif nein g at eleven o clo ck. iu y y c the forenoon. TOWNSHIP OP A8;li IELD. Lot' or pate of lot Con. or Street Acres Patel, or linnets'. Taxes Costs Total ID. half (AN. half of 4 2, E. D. 50 L'atd. $9.95 S1.25 $11,25 8, half of W. half of 10 2, L. D. 50 4.93 L 12 6.05 19 Colborne-st. East ts' 7 London Road East 3 unpatented 1 William-st. East 'C 44 Wellington-st. EasttC 45 do a , t 46 do 47 do 39 Sydenhamst. East 1 40 do ,4 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. 9.41 1,23 10.66 7.27 1.20 8.47 VILLAGE 01? PORT ALBERT, IN ASHFIELD. 41 Patented 3,27 3.05 3,05 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 19 19 G` Bridge End Place 4t 59 do VILLAGE OF BAWIELD. 39 40 385 386 East part Of 13 270 1: 4 Range N, .4 Susau-st. i VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. LL CC VILLAGE OF WROXETER. 3 Main-st. South 1/5 6 Queen-st. North North half of 8 Centre-st. East 1/10 5 ' Gibson-st. 6 do 27 Halls Survey 1 North part of 39 -;"do County'Treasurer's Office,) Goderieh, August 16th, 1586 f CC Li 108 4.08 8 1.08 1.08 1,08 1.08 1.00 1.00 4.35 4.13 4.13 4.45 4,45 4.45 4,45 1.19 1.19 1.23 1.03 1.23 1.03 44 1.01. 44 1.01 3.20 1.08 1.40 1.03 3.71 1.09 13.17 4.65 9.48 14.72 14.72. 7.05 (1.40 WM. HOLMES Treasurer, Co. of Huron. on. 1.33 1.12 1.25 13 1.37 1.18 1.16 2.20 2.26 1.45 1.45 4.28 2.43 4.S0 1450 5.77 10.73 16.09 16.09 8.26 en. -Mr•. A, Mitchell, of', the Bayfield road, threshed wheat on the farm of ,?;mics Turner, Parr Line, on Saturday, from 8 a, m. to 3p. n. and then fini h- i �r s ishod up the day ith the oats, making up' about 900 bushels in all ; he considers this a good day's work. -Mr. S. Moffat, agent, has 'bought the Patton farm, on. the. Huron road, eontaining 67 acres, for the sum of ,14,800 a it has ,a good 1 ok cottage and other buildings thereon,:and is considered a cheap proPel•ty, -Mr. John Foote has about completed the iinprove- ments to his barn, --The Conservatives have applied to have about forty names added to voters' list in this township, and theReform.ers ask for a dozen additions; most of those asked a to be put on come under• theheading of "wage earners ;" the ootirt for hearing these will be held on the 13th hist, , Seaforth. STA:LLIoN'SrAKCI.---The stallion races, Granton, The anneal tall fair of the 13iddu_lplt A;f1. Socy., will by held.itt the village of Cdiauton, eta°Thursday, the 14th 1prgx This exbiui }raOlp, which, leas in former ycal'e been easy Seceessful, gives promise this year of super sedin3 tiny of its plediaee'sore, 'iyure is n, programme of epeeial attaAetioiia, .eu}britctng herse•speediug,-vrorstling, tug of war, dec., o., as well as a loeg list of articles, to which rhes Will be awarded. Tintrsday, :nut. lith; r emember the (tate. See bills and pamphlet forme. Btuiat-i,-Quite a midmeber of nur villas -Y era slreitt the eivie holay, outhe 31st ult,, in, attending the 1.`orepaugh circus, in St. Mary's.. They all enjoyed the enter tainment.-Ml's. D. Lang has been visit- ing her mother and sisters, in Brantford, during the past week. -Mr. Hari Me Taggart has returned, to pay a visit to his friends in Granton. --,-A. large flock of night hawks flying aiipuit<1 above the vil- lage, a few evenings ago, caused consider, altle excitement me e i�g lta and o0 fl deal shoot- ing. 1 ing. St. Marys. idr, and Mrs, 5Y,n. Graham, who have been spending the past few weeks, with friends in Chicago, have returned home. - The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Sunday School, will give the annual har- vest -home supper, on Friday evening next, Sept. 10c-111'. T.. D. Stanley has left for Lucan, in which village he opens a ]coot 4 shoe business. Prior to his leaving town the congregation of St. James church made him a presentation consisting of to bible and prayer• book, both handsome1ybound. Tar Crim INDIANS. -As per announce- ment the Rev. John McDougall, and 3 Cree Italians, gave a description of the progress of the North-west, tate 'advancement of Christianity and the feeling 'which existed during the repent -outbreak, in the North- which took place on Fairview Park, west, on Saturday;' evening is the Methodist in this place, on Friday last, wore .chnrcli, here. There was a very large crowd very interesting and some fast time was present andthe utmost interest was mani made. The weather was all that could fested. After the usual exercises, the Rev. be wished for and the track in good condi- AIr. McDougall delivered an address which, tion. There were a great many specks'parting of knowledge, was nue of fur tlxe in tors present, the majority apparently ttte most valuable lectures ever given in: this' from a distance, and generally, the meet town. He,bhly clays y iu the North-westreferxed, giving ackto skteetchesearo£ the ing was a grand success. The first race was between six stallions from various points, but there were Only three entered. 1st, "Gold Dust," owned by T3. Thomp country. son, Shakespeare; 21X1, °tGocderich Chief" had been cut off, theseprospectorswent on owned by A. Smith, Godot icll; 3rd, "Ma- their way,�ifely, because they mini `led with progress of ,prospecting' •parties, whom under the most trying cireuinstances, did much for the advancement of the t He told that, where, several other parties gician,' owned by John Campbell, Sea- forth. This race was keenly contested by "Gold Dust" and Goclerich Chief." "Magician" gician" was withdrawn from race af- ter secondhe rt. Time 2.39• • - The next race was won by, 1st, "Ken- tucky Star," oWnedbyT.J. Carter, Myth ; 2nd, "Revenge," Owned by Rattenburr rues o c 3rd,i eainot Chief," owlie by J. Berry, Hensall. Thle • was a very ! interesting ince; broken Beats. Old "Revenge" made matters rather.too warm for "Star." There were dead heats, when one blanket would cover both horses. Jiw. Beacom's "Tontine" carne well to the front, 1st heat. Second heat "Tontine," "Monte Zuma," and "Robert Bonner" were flagged. Time, 2:51.. The next anc�, last race was an open trot; to pacers and trotters that lmd never i Rizatlon, with a grand Mad pros Brous sur ' the swag • and used them kixir ly. He said that the Indians years ago, were very , savage indeed, aucl that, it was with the utmost precaution a person could effect a journey, The Rev. gentleman traced: the progress to the Indian camp, and told of the invitations they received to camp beside them. He said that, for a time, they enter - 7.56 B fi 11 , `T Gl ' " twined no other thought than that of being slaughtered, until one day they heard hymns emanating from the Indian camp, when it was quite apparent that the Indian had been moved by Gocl's Gospel. He said that the accompanying Indians were vc savage, and at tunes wrought depredations upon the white man. Forty years ago, they became friends of the white men, they found the Saviour, anclhad not,, from that time,. withdrawn from Him. , As thne rolled on, so did 'the country progress, until:; at the present time, they were in the midst of civ beaten. 2:40, 1st, Florence G., owned rounding. They.began to realize 1 e by Geo.- Whiteley, Seaforth• 2nd, "Mol • n I g i said, y , �!a .• e riuicieur of t i tree., .nsivt aru7.siste> in-nuts-(-Mro. I�el- .,,ta b d world e the Saviour, . , .. h e .8, •owned by..rl Qs. Stafford, St„ �"'`� �i theydid s.>. , ' b ,, • , german), were on their way to J.)ashwood “Lady r 1 ll. . , it became grander and: 3rd,Lacl Van owned ZanWick, church, riding in a single buggy, and Y ti , w d ,' re various to them. After he came the Mitchell. Florence G.," took'three various ponos to be made, he came to where when na arfri theiLake Road, the 'animal straight heats with pleasure,thus leaving the rebellion broke out. The. became frightened and lumped into the I g news spread, Pure Liquors sly Onr Own CoTre!onctit s.ROU D THE COUNTRY.' -FOR- Stephen. -PURPOSES, 0 0 J: W. BROWN'I' The Dominion Laboratory. Having been appointed by the Ontario Gov- ernmeut, to :sell WINES AND LIQUORS, under the Scott: Act Law, has en hand R• fair supply of the very best to be found on the market. :REMEMBER Tuts Is Tin ONLY PLACE LICENan] To SELL. Also li'u]l Linea of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, &c., at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. - J. W. BROWNING, DOMINION LABORATORY. -THE- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE GREATEST CORPORATION ON EARTH, THE MOST DIEEOT- -1ND BEST EQIIIPPEn Bot7ss -BETWEEN- MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. Z)UIS, KANSAS CITY, &r. ZOOS I LOOS I I Flom EXETER : to WINNIPEG AND RETIIRIS, $37.10. From EXETER to BOISSEVIAN AND RETURN, $38.10. 82 -Before purchasing. your . tickets else- where, call on W. J. CARLING, C. P. R. AGENT. CARLING'S STORE, EXETER. THE`r SEVENTH ANNUAL. EXB HI ITION --OF THE- 0 C E Southern Counties Fair Association 'GROCERY WILL RB HELD AT THE TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS ! TRY MY JAPAN TEAS • NA'JTRAL LEAF, MAY PICKING. First Arrival over the Canada Pacific Rail- road from, Japan, direct. PURE, SWEET, DELIOIOUS, only 50 eta. Istill giv5lbs. Bright Sugar for 2 e t 8. with every Pound of Tea at 50 cents. SUGARS! SUGARS! SUGARS'! , Bri ht lblbs ; Coffee, 15 ; Granulated, •13 Bright, von $1.00, CASH, --CALL AND SEE Mt-- eiltANULA'1'1~SD SUGAR FOR PRESERVING 14 LBS. rOli $1.00, CASK.. LEMONS,MINERAL 'WATERS, TO- BACCOS, O- BMINER Lt CCOS, CIGARS, &c. e Hams,Breakfast Baton Sugar, Cured d3 • ted Crowe Ilmed - Bologna. ), ftomeinbor f CAPT. ]:�LMf't the' addresss Cash Grocery, Drew's Block, South Stere CITY OF ST. THOMAS Sept. 21, 22, 23, 24, 1886. IBERAL PREMIUMS. VERY L NIS. Including luny Valuable Special Prizes.' SPECIAL ATTRACTiONS. Farmer§ premium raeo ; trial of spend for gentleman's road horses; running race for farmer's horses; running race for lady : idora ;. stallion race; rare ter lady drivers; single roadster race ; teem race. (tree to all trotters.) Arrangements aro being made for a grand balloon ascension. S 35 11E.A.11d7UYoT'S3 POSTAI tS. stnot FOB A Plan LIST... &c. , on all Railways. Cheap Fares, Vs. d . MAeD ixALD, Joffe A; Kitties, Secrotar;. President. (101115 .110 ac,t ,but thnso Who write to Stinson & (,n., Pnrtnirttl, \L°me, a 0 LD will recoiv°fro°, fallutforuratiozx about ivprlt which they c n do, and live at home that wial pay thein' from `^ 'to iee,S per .•ib in at day, 'lay; Some Ilaveonrrrotl over 80 ,Y mitltcr sex, yaunli or old. t),lpitail not legate- eti, Po,, nre started free, 'Those who start at one° are rtbsoltttelysnrecif a yia g little 1)a - mine all is tcay: • • ds Aaclvn;\T:--What suigl t have beenaser- ous aeiodei t, oceurlhd Sabbath last, near the4 „ tel. While Mr. Chas. Oes- ditch. Mr. 0. in the excitement gave i our St Marys' friends to take the dust in and the Indians began to grow reckless on the horse a pull to one side which caused the distance. Tinie, 2.36,k the vehicle to overturn, and pareipitate ' -----« the occupants voilelitly into the deep ditch. Mrs. Oestrecher was severely in- jured about the head, while the other two were but slightlyshaken u . Under the P treatment of Dr. Browning, Mrs. 0. is progressing most favorably. Winchelsea. Mr. Geo. Turnhull has sold his farm containing 100 acres, being W? -lots 9 and 10, con. 8, to Mr. Geo Heywood, for the sum of $6500. It isur sad duty this a rd o u y t i s we k to record the death'of little Martha, infant daughter of Samuel Peart of the 8th con., aged 1 year and 4 months. About three years ago Mr, and Mrs. Peart lost their eldest child, a bright little girl of4years. Three weeks ago their second child, agirl of 3 years and 7months was snatched ;sxun11 their fond embrace, and 1101 they stand alone, the last tender blossom of the family tree having withered and fallen, on Thursday last. Three little bright ones taken during the past three years, two of them within two weeks of each other. This is truly a sad bereavement, and the sorrowing parents have the heartfelt sym- pathy of the whole neighborhood, in their sore affliction. 40 Hensall. BRIEFS. -The weather continues warm and dry, affording the farmers an excellent opportunity of securing their erolps.-Mr..13. Thomson, of the Hensall cider tnill, has this week, commenced making cider. --The slat- ing of the new Presbyterian church, is near- ly finished, and the slates being tastily ar- ran ranged to groups different titcofors gives s the roof a ver fine appearance. -The an- nual picnic in" connection with St. Paul's church,this is his year to be held at Cromarty, and will be a union picnic for the Sabbath Schools of Dublin, Staffa and Hensall.- There was a large attendance at the picnic held in connection with the Presbyterian Sahbatit School,on Thursda last, in Mr. 11. i Bell's woods.' The da was exceedingly- i fine, and an enjoyable tune spent. -Mrs. ) Blackwell and children, of Detroit, are, this week, the guests of Mrs. W. Reith, of Hay. -Mrs. Lupine, of St. Catharines,' who has been visiting at Mrs. R. Carlisle's, has returned home. -Miss Ball, who has been in Barrie, for the past month, visiting her brother, returned home this week. ---Mass' Murdeek, of Lucan, is atP resent here on a visit. -Mr. 8. Rannie has put a new roof on his brick block of stores, the old ane having become somewhat leaky, We be - quested to make their entries t' 1 and firmly retained it ; because they had Zurich. Blurts. -The directors of the Hay Br. g Agl. Socy., have finished repairs on the Society's ground, and intend the ex- hibition this fall (Sept. 20-21) to be one that will ever be remembered. Every thing is in readiness, and the ever oblig- ing secretary, blig-ing_secretary, Mr. D. S. Faust, is busy taking, entries. Mr. F. would like for all these who intend exhibiting, to send in a list of articles before show day, which will save a lot of time said worry on day being solicited to joinin the warfare. Im- agine arnissionary'e. feeling at a time like this. Not only was he tortured by fears for his family, his fellowmen, and the terrors that would result, should an Indian warfare sweep over the country. But then he e thought the eo le with whom he had. lived so long,would remain peaceable. The test ting time came, and the temptation was . very strong, the Indians being told that the, rebellion would overwhehn the Govern- ment, and it - was necessary that there should be unity on 'their part; which, with: the assistance of thoroughly 'equip- ped men from the United. States, Riel and his party would carryall before them. The Indians were told all sorts of of show. There are four grand special1 stories. by the promoters of the outbreak; ptvo- and they had no chance of Bearing any - prizes to be given this year, the t most attractive being one for best ladything refutatory. The result was, that, on equestrian, and one for best amateuaccount of their: firmness some of the Indians q who were Christians, who had signed a band. As this is the .first attentlit of any- treaty with Great Britain,: and who said if thing of this kind iii Zurich, it is to be it cost their life they `could be loyal,and hoped that success will crown the efforts were so, the baclibone of.the rebellion was of those, who are spending • their time. broken, He said a great many Indians The money for the prizes has been rais- stood inthe-gap, two of whom werebefore the ed by subscription from the citizens o£ audience -who had saved this fair Dominion of Zurich only, which goes to show, that we ours hundreds of lives and lirlions"of dol.' have a musical community at anyrate. lars. The only reason attributed is, because Ali bands that intend competing are re - ) e they learned the truth of the ward of God, not Tatar than Saturday, 'Sept. lltly become pledgecl'to its grand principles, and Nothing will be left undone will tend though sorely tempted, held theta fast iii their hearts. He said that the chiefs pm.' to make this a red latter day for Zurich. sent,'could tell the audience from their own Come one, come all, and while you are heartswhat beneficial results Christianity M in- town ladies donot1 , forget D. Stein.. had. 'At the conclusion of Mr. McDougall's bach has fair day for his grand display address, the Indians, led by the rev. gentle - of fall millinery. He has secured the man sang a hymn in Cree language, after services of a first class Milliner, and is- which, Begonin, Chief of white Fish. Lake spoke in Cree langnase. His remarkes not being understood by the congregation, were interpreted by Mr. McDougall, which were, designedly, to the effect, that he, in his youthful days had broken the laws of God, but it was from ignorance. Even after he had i heard the truth, h he continued t, tmu ed to act the part of a wicked pian. He could not understand how, that, trusting in Jesus Christ, he would be made a happy ;maz, as he knew no white matt, after he hail for- given him twice, would do so a third time ; but the missionary had told hint repeatedly that God would; forgive him, and bless him and give him a clean heart. He On Saturday night last, quite a number I tried to believe- this, and as he did so bound to take the lead in tate millinery line. Do not fail to give him a call. Mr. V. Kochuin, who cut his foot a short time ago, is able to get around slowly. --Mrs. H. L. Piene, of the Com- mercial, intends to make the public com- fortable fair day;any amount of bologna sausage on hand; no end to good stuff. The Commercial Hall will be fitted up in good shape for dancing. Granton. e of the young folks of the village assetnhl- I he found that . the nussionary was ed at the residence of C. M. Webb to corrbas ,and God gave him the ,true in present his daughter, Mable, with a pair spiratron. He felt perfeetly happy, p;py, and ofgold bracelets as a token of re and air was ever so glad' for what God hada done for g ,, . Inns, and asked the audience to look at iiinn she is about to leave for Toronto High School. Miss webb has'acted as organist in the English church for some time past,- and will be very ninth missed. The party assembled about half -past eight, ght when a 1 short and very suitable address was read by Mrs. J. Eames, and the presentation Neve he also intends puttinn `down a; new 1 floor in the front part of thea'est end store. nape by Miss Middleton. They spent an hour or so' hi friendly conversation when ofreshments were served by mine host, nd the party broke, up soon aft4r,--The nglish chinch choir intend having a cow ert on the 15th inst.. They hatvesecur- dt1e services 1 e ees of the Hon. ,lt 13. Watson 'nil Mi i Miss M. Fordo, of St. Marys. -Mr. Win, Grant, jr., was removed to the„Irt aim Asylum at London. on•--.• y t , Saturday.- made by the missionary and others, Mr, W. 13alkwilshipped after i to r l,of Exetr.l, a lust, t the closing exOnCises, the meeting ills 'e oact of fat cattle fol• Old country > maths' pesarl. there was a 'ver large aurlimice ..t 3 , l Y 8 ori A>ohdaj Anti tllp colleettoh uinountecl to a good sine, --Mr. R. W. Fulton has sold his implement r business to Mr, W.,Elder, of Usborne, who a will occupy the sante premises and carry on L'' the business. We wish Mr. Elder success. c --Mr. W. Stoneman,las added to t i � r the ap- e 1 te raneo of his neat dt-ellin bythe crt.c- ton of a fine ricket fence,-1'he ,ev. 14. Y. Thompson, 13. D., who' has been'Hwa for Py • s the past month en'o n r his slimmer boli P , 1 y; b days, will'occupy his nil its on Sabbath , YPy pulpits 1 nett,--•tilr,,Jodi Manning, of l.,wetrr, 'lilies a f Mrlul+ie� s tiirtti and perceive what the Gospel could do. He was thankful he hadven i £ i it bit atten- tion. During his remarks the atidienec were mach moved, and in conelnsion he said he was glad to be with Christian •'' was,v his Gluistittir brothers, and prayed the blessings. of God on all After another hymn being sing, Chief Sampson, of. Bear's;H 1 , Hilt, on the Battle River, 300 miles from EEattleford, spoke. He said that in an intalenlable measure he en- joyed the blessings of God. He was glad to be here, amongst so many good folks,for hefelt that the Gospel of Jesus was he real source of all joy. The er Tort of his slip ay P 1 it. address was to the effectt t 1- <rt}i ofts ^i• . living it good and true lite, anti always hoped to 13y way of conclusion a .few remarks Were Y ,