HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-06-24, Page 6Melds for ! i#tl o are naw ifficuity due to sir - stances bei . their ntroi. Without com- ultment, the Federal Government will look into, the possibility of some ad- ustxnent away from monthly milkproduction quotas. The government will examine, again without commitment; Production between the 95 million hun- dred weights of milk required for the domestic market and the 100.5 milli n hundred weights for Total Market Share Quota. Producers currently are paying an $8.64 per hundred weight levy. on their share of production above the 95 million hundred weight. Mr. Whelan emphasized that the last two points were promises to look Into the situation, and not com- mitments to action on the part of the government. The Government will decide in the next few weeks how to handle a legislative directive to reintroduce a broad new farm income stabilization bill by the end of October. This directive came from a combined vote by New Democrats and Liberals which defeated a Govern- ment bill to provide a FRONTS OF IEEE LB. SIDES OF BEEF 98c Le. HINDS OF 1160 s1.23 LB. custofi MTIN8;111tNIAFFIN6 i QUIQ FREEZING 8C.LB. 14 Critic, f said it isi' our (irny intention to (Ores the Government to bring in a rill which will really assist the farming cotnraluulity. ►d the Government Made an honest attempt to bring iiia tonin of Perm Income Stabilization which would have been ef- fective in giving our farmers a degree of income prof .c- tion, we would not have hesitated to give it our ap.- proval. I proposed an amendment to 1311196 which would make the plan one of protection rather than insurance, and on a voluntary and contributory basis with the government negotiating with legally constituted farm spokesmen. The amendment calls for the Bill to be reintroduced no later than October 31, this year. This amendment was an amendment to the one in- troduced by the NDP. We found that there were deficiencies in the reasoned amendment by the NDP as it did not put any kind of time limit on the reintroduction of the Bill and the Bill could: have been shelved in- definitely. Theamendment also did not indicate that the principles incorporated in the plan would be open to producers of all farm products on a contributory basis. The Amendment in- troduced-by n- troducedby the Liberal Party w es supported by the NDP. Hopefully. amended legislation will be introduced in the fall which will meet the needs of the farmers, and win the support of all three parties in the Legislature. The Labour and .Health Ministers undertook to meet representatives of the Boards of Health to seek an end to the boards' dispute with public health nurses. Several hundred nurses booed and jeered when she said she couldn't make any promises, although she would try to persuade boards to submit to voluntary arbitration. About 1,100 nurses, members of the Ontario Nurses Association have been FARMERS!. Oar EEs-Ondia Statins is still epos fear you casys.issit NOTE: WE NOW ACCEPT UNWASHED EGGS MITCHELL'S FAMILY MARKET LONDESBORO- (F"ORMERLY LONDESBORQ LOCKER SERVICE) 4112 -Idol or 523=447$ and 15.0 wait SM whi0b would 'r the heal . board% to ►*Malta on a province -wide basis and accept compulsory ar- bitration. James Bullbrook, Liberal MPP (Sarnia), and the Party's Labour Critic has introduced nine Private Members' Bilis amending the Ontario Labour Relations Act. Among the proposals are tighter definitions of such terms as lockout and supervisory personnel and the elimination of employee anti -union petitions as a consideration in union cer- tification hearings. One hill provides for reopening of collective agreements in the event of significant technological change. Another is aimed at minimizing the number of court appeals of arbitrator's awards. The amendments also provide a definition of professional strikebreakers as well as prohibiting their use. They would make it more difficult for an employer to obtain an- order stopping a strike and easier for a union to obtain a first collective agreement following cer- tification. The Government's 13111 to provide a warranty to buyers of new homes in Ontario was given approval in principle in the Legislature. This bill would provide for protection against poor workmanship of poor materials for one year and major structural defects for five years. The Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations told the Legislature that a non-profit corporation of builders, consumers, mortgage lenders and government will administer a it de minims Ai Consumer Products Warranty Bill has also been xstroduc+ but consumers ! ha a for wait for similar legislation from other pvinces before the hill times: law, The Govern: melt WM- not proceed With debate on the legislation, bit will await response from the public, business, other provinces, and the federal government. This new act will cover most products costing more than $25 which are considered moveable posses ii ons, It will not cover such products such as food, drink, medicine, cosmetics, clothing and seen .cities. me will be fire must bei FRED 1. HUD.IE LIMITED ITED LUMBER. LBO. Nom. PAINT ALI.PAPER 'CARPETS .. LIGHTING 482-3441 DSR. Owed, telt, dike Ontario Fire Marshal's office, discusses, fire protection with Bayf Meld Reeve. Ed Oddlelfson and Fire Chief -Den Warner during a council meeting last week. Mr. Owens is conducting a survey of fire protection in the Village, whichfs serviced by one of the last -privately owned fire departments In Ontario. (News -Record photo) ae. Park use requires permit For the past several years vandalism problems at the Wawanosh Municipal Park (Donnybrook) have been Increasing. In order to obtain assistance in park im- provements and supervision the municipalities of East and West Wawanosh recently turned over the ownership of the Park to the Maitland Valley .. Conservation Authority. Recent weekend gatherings of local and regional youth have resulted in damage of trees, picnic tables, pavilion and grounds. Many local residents have. long since given up visiting the park for a family picnic. In order to try and rehabilitate the park and restore local use. the M.V.C.A. as part of the development plan proposes to construct security gates with local supervision. As an interim measure, the Wingham Detachment of the O.P.P. have been instructed to enforce Sections nine and 14 of the Conservation Areas Regulation R.O.C. 259-74 Town council ... continued from page E the Theatre $25. In other business, building permits were given to; Don Andrew+rs, $15,000 for an addition; bon Renshaw, $55,000 for a dwelling; Jack Murch, $600 for a sun - deck; John Dixon, $3,000 for an addition; R.M. Doherty, $2,000 for a sunporch; Jack Carter, $2,000 for a sunporch; Homer Andrews, $500 for a carport; Kingdom Hall, $12,000 for an addition; Gerrit Klaas,, $1,500 for a garage; George Nesbitt, $2,800 for an addition; and Clinton Crown Lanes, $3,000 for an addition; which state as follows: Section 9, No persons shall be in a conservation area after sunset and before sunrise except udder the authority of a permit therefore issued by the secretary -treasurer. Section 14, (1) No person shall camp in a conservation area except in such places as are designated by the Authority for the purpose; (2) No person shall occupy a camp -site except under the authority of a permit issued by the secretary -treasurer. Special permits to camp at the Park must be obtained from the Authority Administrative Headquarters at Wroxeter. Office hours Etre Monday to Friday, 8 a.m.. to 5 p.m. Any one in the Park after dark without a permit will be evicted for trespassing by the Q.P.P. and -or Authority staff. OPEN 1-6 NOW OPEN! PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES. OPEN 8 A.M.: SUNDAYS INCLUDED NO POTS OR PANS BRING YOUR OWN QT. BOXES 2-4 OR 6 QT. BASKETS OR QT. BOXES CAN BE PURCHASED 13 ACRES TURN LEFT AT KIPPEN ON NO. 4 HWY. AND 1114 MILES EAST watch for signs watch for signs JACK BELL R.R. 2 KIPPEN PHONE 262-5878 THE SEPARATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER, CLINTON , PHONE 482-7778 °fin (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) PANTSUITS and BLOUSES SKIRTS -- PANTS — SHORTS — SUNTOPS 23tiBAYFI ELD RD. CLINTlN�Q. ,. A reader has written us tO say that she and her family have received an offer to have a: swimming pool Installed on their property as an ad„ vertisement. Ifthey consentto this they have been told they wilt save 52.000 on the pur- chase price. "is this a valid offer, or lust a come-on?" she asks. Our advice is to BEWARE, and we suggest that you deal with a member firm of the Ontario Swimmirig Pool Association who are known favourably to the govern- ment's Consumer Protection Bureau. incidentally, this association has an excellent little pool buyers guide book which they will be happy to send out free to anyone. Simply mail your request to the O.S.P.A. Box 5401, Stn. C., London, Ontario. Where TIRES are aur ONLY usinesst OPEN 14 MOBILE SERVICE HAUGH Alignment & TIRE SUPPLY Balanci 482-9796 267 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 1 have what 1 consider to be a "legitimate beef" , because 1 have subscribed to Time magazine for many years and I'm now receiving the American Time which 1 do not want. 1 have written to them on several occasions telling them this, and requesting a refund on the remainder of my paid up S year subscription but so far it hasn't done any good. 1 believe I'm entitled to a refund, what do you think? We have been informed that Canadians desiring a refund should write to: TIME. Box 1776. Toronto. Ontario. M5C 2P6 where they have promised that all refunds will be honoured. Be sure and let them know of your expiry date. Marilyn Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holmes of Clinton, graduated from Lambton College in Sarnia on lune 111„ from the Early Childhood Education program. Marilyn has ac- cepted a position at the %vondale Daycare Centre, Stratford. Good Dividends Convenient office hours 482- 3467 • Custom Built for You i Quality Herne -- CSA approved B Fast Delivery — Anywhere d Atlerdebly Priced for You COME ON DOWN AND CHECK US OUTI SEE OUR MODEL HOME IN WINGHAM PHONE: ....... err sei.,.i•....... .u. ROYAL HOMES LIMIT P.O. liO X 370 - WING ONTARIO, CANA ►4 Sakai Office 519- is what Ontario is doing to make sure they're safe fun. Regulations governing the use of mopeds are fairly new to Ontario. But they are necessary because. with 30.000 mopeds on the road this year and a tragic record of 9 moped -riders killed in Ontario traffic last year, mopeds definitely must be - - and are - �- considered as vehicles under The Highway Traffic Act The rules and regulations are simple- • Mopeds must not weigh over 120 pounds • They must have operable pedals at all times • Their speed must riat"exceed 30 miles per hour in one mile from a standing start • They are prohibited trotn travelling on expressways • Drivers must be 16 or Older and have a valid Ontario driver s Imes or temporary instruction permit • License- plates are required, and cost $5.00 • Mopedsnust be insured for public liability and property damage • Helmets - - while not yet required -- -- afe recommended For more information. get your tree copy of the folder "Driving Your Moped in Ontano Write to: Public and Safety Information Branch Ministry of -Transportation and Communications 1201 Wilson Avenuie Downsview. Ontano M3M 1J8 1 am an old age pensioner and I'm fed up with supermarkets that plainly state, S items or less at the so called Express counter, yet most times I've had to stand behind thoughtless people checking a multitude of groceries. I've spoken to the manager but so far it's done no good. The manager made us a promise. that from, now on. if you'll take your purchases directly to him, he'll per- sonally cash you out. as in spite of the fact, that you live alone. and are not one of his biggest buyers, he values you as a customer, and wants to make you a happy one. Ministry of Transportation and Communications James Snow, William Davis, Minister Premier Pro irks o Ontario INGLIS APPLIANCES • ONAN GENERATORS POLES & POLE LINE CONSTR. -COMM. g INDUSTRIAL WIRING. •