HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-06-17, Page 16Just Listed 117 storey semi- detatched stucco home in Goderich. 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms. 1 i : baths. dining and ' living rooms carpeted. Gas heating. Virorkshop. Located close to uptown business section. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Inflation is the price we pay for those government benefits es ery body thought were free BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE + Wall to wall installation or Area Carpets. + Samples shown in your home. +Free Estimages. + Guaranteed installations_ We have carpet ' specifically designed for every room in your home. Quality you can trust From BALL 8 MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton ,ARTICLES FOR RET FO,R TAKINti CLAS,,i:FIE. Aos 12O'CLQCK-SHARP TUESD.A - ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK -FOR, THAT WEEK'S PAPER 'ARTICLES FOR- SALE ONE covered wagon. Phone 482- 3326 after 5:00.--24tfn SEEN a picture in the News - Record you would like to have' Get a permanent print, either 4- x 5". 5" x 7" or 8" x 10". Order at 482.9502.--5tfnc BUGS or weeds bothering you? See us for control products also garden tools and horticultural specialties. Preferred pet foods and supplies. grooming aids etc. DURST FARM and GARDEN CENTRE. 22 Isaac St.. Clinton. Phone 482-9333.-23tfnar. MOFFAT Deluxe gas range. avocado, ..rotisserie. Phone 482- 7220. -25 ONE kitchen oak table with four matching oak chairs. Phone 482- 7388. -25 GRAIN fed beef for sale by half. quarter or whole. Phone 482-3383. -25nc MOVING - All household _ fur- niture for sale. Phone bnly after 5 p.m. 482-7634.-4.5.26 LIKE new Elma Supermatic sewing machine. Phone 524- 2217.-25 ONE 18" Lawn mower. 325.00: one 2" lawn mower. 330.00; one 10 h.p. Wisconsin gas, engine 3125.00: one 24" Boy bicycle. 325:00: one large size child's tricycle suitable for 4 to 5 years old 310.00. Phone 482-3222. -25x '.ARTICLES FOR SALE 5 PC. DRUM SET in sparkle colour, like new. 3125. Phone Blyth 523-4455. -25 SAVE - basic 30" Admiral range: standard panel: appliance outlet: automatic pre -heat oven. white. like new. Owner moving. Phone Mrs. A. E. Wilfong 482-3537.-25x 1974 STAR CRAFT hardtop camper. sleeps six. Phone 523- 4347.-25.26 "McCLARY" Easy spin dryer - good condition. Phone 482- .9760.-25 CHOICE lean beef. by the side, ready for freezer. government inspected. farmers' prices. Frank Falconer Phone 482- 9 1 28.-25, 26a r WHIRLPOOL 11.000 BTU. air conditioner - also 2- 1963 Ford sedans. Reply to P.O. Box 1052. Wingham. Ont. -25x BABY'S car seat, government safety inspected - - excellent condition. Phone 482-9682. -25 24" ENTERPRISE gas range .good condition. Phone 482-7386. -25x COI STRwcTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer. pump.. wheelbarrows. good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 Mon. to •Pri..after 4 p.m . Weekends anytitne.--i 6tfn 12 HORSE riding tractor 46" mower in good condition. Phone 482-7564. -25 2A, ARTICLES WANTED • GOOD used umbrella su oiler. Phone 482-3627.--25 WANTED to buy pianos. write or call Gingerich Box 34, Komoka 4724994. -I9tfn ' WE ARE now handling tots or part lots of furniture and ap- pliances. If you have articles to sett privately or by auction( contact Rathweli's Auction Service. Phone 452=3120.-32tfn BABY CARRIAGE. good con- dition, used only a few times 550.. bassinette. baby lounge. bottle warmer, bottles. Sterilizer 310. complete; roll away counter top dishwasher 525; Panasonic 20" B&W TV and stand $100. or best offer. Phone 482-9436. -25 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAL RENTALS for mer and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear. 482-9351.-22tfn FORMAL RENTALS • Dress up' Go formal! We.have the complete Wedding Service at Camphelt's Men's Wear, Main St.: Clinton ( Formerly Pickett and Camp- bell's Ltd.)-14tfn FURNITURE. glass. china, clocks. bells. brass. copper. Will buy for cash or sell by auction. Mike Cummings. Auctioneer. Phone 524-9064.-30tfn WE BUY any antique or household items, singly. or in complete household lots: or sell by public auction in our new modern auction rooms. We specialize in estates. NORM WHITING AUCTIONEERING AND APPRAISAL SERVICE 63 Main St. Exeter. Phone 235- 1964.-29tfn JOGGING WHEELS With Large Flange Hubs and Seal Bearings Sizes 24 x 2.125 26 x 2.125 Parts & accessories now available at • DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 ONTARIO ST.. CLINTON PHONE 482-9941 TIMBER WANTED immediate payment for good standing timber Wine of on ends. Writ• Robert Eton AiLSA CRAIG. ONT. or phone 232.4450 before li a.rn. or bet- ween 410 end 1 p.m. - 23-26 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1968 FORD Thunderbird. black landau model. interior excellent good condition. not certified S500. or best offer. Phone 262-5461.---25 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE t. • HOMES ler sale in Vanastra. Phone 462-3509. -Wtfn FARM,PRQ PERTY FOR SALE Tw l reduced gr qquiInck good sale..', Apply after 4:30 p.m. 34 Edmonton Rd. Vanastra.--:15tfn 1969 MERCURY Montego 302 V8 automatic. New tires. mechanically good • body needs repairs 3295. Phone 565-5309 -25 1968 EPIC excellent condition: For further information phone 482-9920 after 7 p.m. -25x ESTATE car. 1973 Dodge Coronet 4 door sedan, low mileage. Phone 482,-3353,-25 FOR SALE: ' 1967 Automatic 2 door Ches.- Malibu in good con- dition - will certify. Call after 5 - 524-6190.-22tfnc-_ 3A. PET STOCK POODLE puppies for sale, silver - brown. six weeks old. Call 1-229- 6476 after 6 p.m. -25.26 IVIZZFARLANE REAL ESTATE clhnton SOLD COMFORT can be yours in this spacious older 4 bedroom home situated among the trees. Large living -room. dining room, 3 piece bathroom. recreation room. den, sewing remit. double garage. CALL ROBERT McKINLEY 236-4830 434-8824 EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 POWER TOOLS FfJiLL L FOR RENT Now including: impact Wrench, Belt Sander. Shop vacuum cleaner, hammer Drills (11/2" bit), Chain saws. Rug Shampooer. REASONABLE RATES INQUIRE AT Clinton Home Hardware 4 ALBERT ST. 4$ 2-7023 tfn 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL location 1% acres, partially serviced surveyed rural lot with about 70 fruit and shade trees on it, ideal for building l% miles west of Londesboro and Highway 4. Phone Blyth 523-4455. -2 Member of M.L.S. V ANASTRA 519400. Edmonton St. 'Clean and well maintained, 3 bedroom home. DON'T FORGET DAD A GOOD SELECTION OF RECLINING CHAIRS At C & E FURNITURE i MILE SOUTH ON HWY. 21 GODS ICH 7231' RTL ESTATE �I�•9MYaa ' cLitsroN. QNT 3 bedrooM one Storey frame. carport, dining area, gas heat. Well landscaped, large lot. 60 Walker Street, Clinton. Three or four bedroom 11/2 storey frame, rec room, garage. paved drive, close to schools; oil heat; well landscaped grounds 264 Townsend St. Three bedroom 11 storey frame; gas heat; garage, good lot, 208 Huron St. New 4 bedroom split level. brick veneer. family room. 2 fireplaces electric heat. completely rugged. Sauna, 2 baths. attached garage. mortgage availabte- 3 bedroom, one storey brick home, built 1952, oil heat, paved drive, garage. well landscaped. rec room, hardwood floors, dining area, new roof. excellent condition. Ontario Street. SALESMEN Hal Hanks 4S2-3693 Gordon Charter 482-9654 1111111.0111111.1111110111.1111.1111.1111111111111111 SOUTH OF BAYFIELD Large fully furnished cottage.* Egerton Beach. private sub- division with terraced lake bank. 530,000. NORTH OF BAYFIELD 329,000. Lakefront, year round home with fieldstone fireplace. oil furnace, and large living room. BAYFIELD VILLAGE Under construon on -large treed lot. wa'O;► .redrooms and finished rec, aom. 2 bathrooms. SALTFORD 1/ acres with 3 bedroom home and garage. Try your offer at 126,000. CLINTON acres in town with large house and land for development. WANTED: one to five acres in Goderich area. Desperately needed. Cash buyer. WANTED 125 acres in Goderich area. Desperately needed. Cash buyer. PHONE RON SAMWAYS 4.82-3337 Broiler farm. 24000 quota. 2 - storey storey frame house. 3 barns. 18 acres. HighwraY property; 2 sailer weft of Clinton. 9 room house. barn, .7 acres. Goderich Township. New 3 bedroom house. full basement. new sow barns size 40 x 90.24 x 4Q. 14 x 40. 11/2 acre. paved road. erich Township. 156 acre beet a cash crop farm. 12 storey br house, barn. silo, im- plement shed, garage. Ashfield Township. 100 acre beef and cash crop farm, level land, 7 room frame house, barn 36 x 76. implements included. Goderich Township. House and barn on 6/ acre. Drilled well, silo. 3 mile from Clinton on paved road. 6 room frame house on 20 acres. C. BURUMA CLINTON R.R. 2 4824287 SALESMAN FOR K.W. COLQUHQUN - LIMITED CLINTON 482-9747 1111111111.1111111111111111.111111110.111111111 1 st MORTGAGES AT PRIME RATES . • SECOND MORTGAGES . • BUILDERS LOANS ANYWHERE IN SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO SERVING ONTARIO SINCE 1959 GRANITE REALTY CREDIT LTD 311 CENTRAL AVENUE. LONDON Call Don Steepe 438-2155 T.F.N. A- FOR SALE - 10 ACRES alfalfa hay. Phone 482- 9214.-24.25 15 ACRES of standing hay on Highway 21. 35c bale Phone 482 3120.-25ar COCKSHUTT 5555 combine 150 hp. V-8 engine. bin extensions. straw spreader, hydrostatic. drive. cab with heater and pressurizer. 12' pick up heather 4 row cornhead. Phone 523-9208. -24,25.26 40 ACRES Red clover hay S60 an acre. Phone Greg Brandon, 482- 3129. -24.25 STANDING hay for sale. Apply to Harold Adams. Phone 482- 3 88 . ---25x 15 ACRES of good standing hay. Keith Tyndall. Phone 482- 9186. -25 E - FARM SERVICES CUSTOM swathing: conditioning hay. harvesting equipment for doing hay Phone 482-7116 -25 Clinton LI/vestscii Exchange FR1. EVENINGS 7:30 FOR INFORMATION OR CONSIGNMENTS CALL LEO GLAVIN 234.6254 HOGS. CATTLE.. CALVES. DAIRY COWS & FEEDER t ATTLE A- FOR. SALE McKEE harvester and 22' automatic unloading wagon. in good working condition Stewart Middleton 482-7525. -24,25 FARM FENCING . hardware, fly and rodent control prod.uctse livestock feeds -bag or bulk. Your PURINA Dealer -Durst Farm and Garden Centre. 22 Isaac - 5t . Clinton. Phone 482-9333.-23tfnar 10 ACRES of standing hay. Phone Norman Vincent at Londesboro 523-4588. -25x An - ONTARIO FIMAWCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. We specialize in arranging and buying -Furst & Second Mortgages. Any amount. BOX 309, NEW HAMBURG • 1-662-3110 K.iTCHENER 1-743.5361. • Rea! Estate 02 Albert Street Phone: 432-9371 MASON DAILEY- BROKER MANAGER 4. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE 14 acres on the edge of Blyth. 2 storey brick home: 8 rooms 4 bedrooms, carpeted living,' dining and den. 11,; baths. small horse barn. Creek crosses the property • 2ls storey brick home in Clinton. 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms. 11/2 baths. carpeted living and dining room. sunporch. Shop at back. Located close to uptown. 3 choice buileii^,Q centrally located in Chi '21‘."?' MUTTON Clinton - Storey and hall 4 bedroom home close to downtown having i iving room. dining room. kitchen. 3 pc.'ba'th and sun deck / s hot water heated with nearly new furnace, full basem .1{!i and large tot. Mel Mathers Wingham 357-3208 REPRESENTING LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD., Broker Kincardine 396-2061 1- CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SWATHING and conditioning for hay around Clinton and Goderich area. Phone Henry Reinink 523-9202 Blyth or 482-9948 Clin- ton -23tfnar SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1.,10 P Mi Alf Closwes of LhrsiIIOCk WE 4NVITE, YOUR CONSIGNMENTS FOUR bedroom home. living,. room. dining room, kitchen, fun. basement. 9 Regina Rd. • Vanastra. Phone 4821727 alter 6 p.m. or weekends.---20tfn Large 2 storey red "brick home in Clinton on 1 acre lot on Raglan St. Lots of trees and small barn. 2 choice building lots in Brucefield. EVIRETT La uckner MLS REALTOR - Open House. Sat, June 5, 2...p•m• Winterized home. aluminum siding, electric heat, landscaped lot 10' x 150'; asphalt drive, 1 yr. old; living room 1.1' x 15'; dining kitchen area 11' x 18'; three bedrooms; 4 pc. bath; carpeted; 4 tool shed. Canadiana home. Owner transferred from hospital to London, would consider ex- change. Five year old lakefront, ins cottage; treed landsca living room. dining room area 20f It 24'; kitchen 15' x bathrooms; two bed_reoms; electric heated; air conditioner; fireplace; deck patio facing lake. Completely furnished; good beach; extra storeroom, could be used as bedroom; utility shed. Gentleman's farm. S3 acres with excellent buildings, brick house, 50 miles from London. 14 acres, development prope in Bayfield village with access t lake. Nearly new 2 bedroom. brick bungalow in Blyth. Excellent condition. 20 acres in Stanley Township on the Bannockburn River. Fully equipped restaurant Clinton. doing an excellent business. ideally located. in 2 acres Just south of Clinton on No. 4 Highway, steel work shop. heated. concrete floor 11, storey frame home in Grand Bend. 5 rooms. 3 bedrooms. oil heating. carpeted living and dining room. Year Round Home 11, storey insul home in Lon- desboro. 6 e• O`Dbedrooi"ns. oil heating mi Kitchen. Located not too far from school Country living on 2 acres Just north of Blyth, 2 storey stucco home. 9 rooms, 5y bedrooms, oil heating PETER S. MacEWAN Clinton Office: 86 KiNG ST. CLINTON 482-7306 Goderich Office: 38 St. DAVID ST.. GODERICH S24-9531 Member of the Huron County Real Estate Board General insurance Peter Damsma 482-9849 Leah Kuehl 482-7304 CLiNTON HOMES 2 Bedroom Bungalow close to downtown 4 bedroom 2 storey Brick home excellent condition 3 bedroom very attractive Ranch style bungalow ,3 bedroom split -levet home with swimming pool 3 bedroom bungalow, close to schools 4 bedropm luxury home. natural stone fireplace New 3 bedroom bungalow. Eleectrically heated. 4 bedroom family home, very central. Duplex - 2 x 3 bedrooms. Priced to sell. Century Home. 10 rooms. beautiful lot. Gracious 3 bedroom Bungalow • excellent condition. Several building- lots available in Clinton. • FARMS AND LANDS Silos DAIRY FARM 3119 acres. 2 homes, new barns, pipeline. DAIRY FARM -240 acres with or without stock and equipment HOG FARM 200 acres. brick home. barn holds 400 hogs BEEF AND HOG FARM 250 acres, good buildings BEEF AND HOG - 156acres - brick home BEEF FARM 150 acro, 90 w+grkabte. Priced to Sen. HOBBY FARM 121 acres. frame house and barn. Cash crop Land 50 acres, no buildings. POULTRY FARM. Small acreage,new home and buildings ' INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES TOURIST CAMP 64 acres with lake frontage MOTEL. 9 units, good, home, Goderich-area. Bush property 37 acres near Bayfield Gravel. 25 acres with lam; e osteo, davel eatits. for office. smallCCommercial property - e business. A SiTE. TO BE SOLD1 Near Clinton. 10 acres, 3 bedroom Home. above ground swimming pool. large barn, only 34.5.000. Near' Clinton. 4/ acres. 3 bedroom Home. large bartyonty 331.000. Near Clinton. 2 acres, 3 bedroom Handyman special large barn, only 520.000. Near Clinton. approx. 1 acre. 4 bed'ro'om home only 323.000. COTTAGES AND LAKE, FRONT PROPERTY OVERLOOKING LAKE NUR New cottage in Bayfield; bedrooms;• 3 x 12 living room_ dining room; with fireplace a cathedral ceilings, kitchen 16 12; utility room, winterized electric heat; sundeck with pati doors, rosewood plywood; tan scaped lot 65 x 165. Real good lots in Bayfield, wi water privileges. 103 acres with 1200 ft. 01 oak front. Very suitable for traile or development property. Lot miles north of Grand Bend. b 21, 80 x 250 with water rights. Please call ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 58s4513 SA. ROOM & BOARD ROOM and, hoard fi.r tuo gen- tlemen Apply 106 .King St., Clinton -'25x NM ft. 6. ACCOMMODATION TO REN 1 1)l R bedroom stone farm house. fireplace approximate-lv5 mile. from Cientem Phone -25.26 TWO BEDROOM heated duplex. a‘aiiable Aug 1st rent 5175 Phong 482 9554 -25 WRITE- R need. quiet Wishesir tent house to Blyth. June 15 to :August 1:, Please call 523-4452 and lea%e name and telephone number -2.Sx NTR Real Estate Board Member of Huron County CLINTON HOMES 2 bedroom bungalow on Townsend St., reduced. 2 bedroom home on Huron St.. paved drive, garage. good condition. 2 bedroom home on Princess St. W. 3 bedroom 1 yr. old home on Townsend St. 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms. on Orange St. 2 2 -bedroom apts. in good condition on Kirk St. 12- bedroom and 13- bedoom apts. on Fulton St. 2 bedroom.1 floor home, good condition, dote to schools. 3 bedroom. 2 storey brick house + 2 bedroom brick house on same property. close to schools and downtown 3 bedroom brick bungalow lovely inside. rec. room on Queen St. Fabulous 3 bedreem brick and cedar split-level home. fireplace in Family Room, double car garage. poo . 3 bedroom. 2 storey brick home. targe lot. close to Schools COUNTRY PROPERTY AND NEARBY Vll.,t.AGES 2 bedroom modular hprne, carpets, electric fireplace, in Hensall, with 3rd bedroom being added 3 bedroom brick horn a on pawed road near Bayfield 3 bedroom new home near lake, south of Bayfield 6 large building tots, water available near Kinburn 2 storey brick store with large lot in Kinburn 3 bedroom home on 1 acre on Hwy. 21, south of Bayfield 3 bedroom neat home. rec. room. large lot in Brussels 2 bedroom home. good -condition in Blyth Cottage on Lake Huron. 3 bedrooms, good condition. FARMS 50 acres with (toed buildings near Auburn SQ acres cash cropland. 47 workable. 3 acres bush, pond. Maitland Conc. 97 acres without buildings in Hultett Twp.. near Clinton 250 acre beef and hog lard, near Londesboro oral s ornmercial properties available in Minton; Seaforth and Vanastra Canton Office Vic Fox 523-9525 Phone 482.3821 CLARKE ZINN 524-8620 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658