HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-06-17, Page 12Itughe Tieeves
• IChNews
tOing Prayer was held
WO, Middleton, • on
June 15 with Rev.
ettnett in charge.
.4101eton and Lynn
n played their flutes at
ginning, during and at
cod of the service,
• Rev. Bennett attended the
service of Holy Communion
011 Sunday evening in St.
George's Church, Goderich to
commemorate the 25th year
,ordination to the priesthood
01 eaten Garwood G. Russell.
" The June meeting of the
ACW of St. James Church,
Middleton was held Thursday
evening at the home of Lois
Wise. Estelle Wise opened the
meeting with a poem, "If you
have a garden. Estelle Wise
led in the worship service and
was assisted by Lois Smith.
Minutes of the last meeting
ere read by the secretAry
Shirley Storey. A letter was
received about the Deanery
Meeting June 15 at Wingham.
Vera Miller,presented the
treasurer'S report. Mention
was made that Ray Wise has
the steps to the pulpit made
nd will be cornered when the
pulpit floor is finished. A
church cleaning will take
place June 22 for the 4adies.
Members of each group
Owned in their pennies to the
leaders. Tentative plans for
an outdoor service and picnic
Were made. Sarah Storey
rea graduate
address to
to be back frera titne to e.
Rev. Bennottliemonstrate
the cort'ect pro for
Setting the commOnion
Collection was WOO and
Rev. Bennett closed the
meeting in prayer. 4unch was
served, by the hostess And
assisted byShirley Storey.
The comrntmitY was mil'
to hear of the fire at Borst and
Jerry Bernath's on the$19th
concession, Saturday, The
Clinton Area Fire Depart-
ment were just preparing for
their open house when the call
came in. These boys deserve
a lot of praise, they sure work
hard when they get to these
fires. We should also give
some praise to. Bayfield .for
turning out to help also. For a
fire so close to a house and to
save it, they had to work
Marion Powell is back after
a wonderful trip. She flew to
England, staying two days in
London, then by bus going to
Wales and Off to Scotland,
then back down to spend two
more days in London. Marion
visited many castles during
her stay and really enjoyed
Jake and Faye Strykket
are back from a delightful
four week stay in Holland,
visiting their relatives and
friends and doing some
sightseeing on the side. They
were glad to get back to the
14th again. '
Brenda Cleave (nee Wise)
of Timmins has been ac-
cepted to the School of
Nursing, Northern College at
Timmins. Best wishes from
all of us Brenda.
Harvey Cleave of Timmins
is a very busy person these
days helping to put out the
'forest fires at Hurst, Ontario.
Recent visitors with the
Deeves were Mr. and Mrs.
Mery Bruce and daughters,
RR 2 Southwold.
Gareth Bennett .son of Mr.
Neil Bennett of London is
visiting with his grand-
parents Rev. and Mrs.
Please Note - The annual
outdoor service and picnic
coming in August for the St.
James Church is to b e held at
Stewart Middleton's Park.
More on the date next Week.
1 overheard lest night that
Stewart Middleton, Don
Middleton and Ken Merner
went fishing. we wonder what
you boys caught.
Mike Dupuis of the 14th, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dupuis
graduated recently from
Conestoga College, Stratford
as a welder. Good luck Mike.
Rosanne Middleton of
Toronto and Janice Middleton
were at home with. Ross and
Mabel Middleton for the
Karen Tyndall, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tyndall,
RR 2, Clinton, graduated
from the Guelph Nursing
Division of Conestoga College
at the Graduation Ceremony
held at Kitchener Memorial
Auditorlinn, Saturday June
Office Manager
Clinton Branch
()Mark) Motor League
Carole advises to ovoid the
disappointment of
in the sunny south...
Airlines are already wait -
listing for Christmas
departure and early January
Those who have fixed -holidays
Yeakchers rot example -
should procrastinate no
Dropin today to
Ontario Motor League
482 9300
imam* Runs
Most, revs
WO* hi I
rugene MeAdam, lett PriSeel._
most valuable player aWard.t0 Ian Olbth who lied With
LAM Dalton at the Athletic Awards Night at CIISS.
(photo . Hunt)
The Seaforth Silver Spurs
held their second meeting at
the home of Ann Powell. All
went to the barn and our
leader Rose Flynn explained
the points for judging the
America saddle horse.
They then divided into
three groups and were each
given a judging card for
judging the conformation of a
horse. Each gave reason' s for
their choice and after all got
together and each was told
the right placing and given
the reasons.
They retired to the house
and opened the meeting with
4-H pledge and the secretary
Sharon Thompson read the
The leaders discussed
judging day. which is to be
held late in July, and an-
swered questions.
The next meeting is to be
held on Tuesday, July 6, at
the home of Rose Flynn.
The Constance Foresters
held their Chicken barbeque
on Thursday, June 10 at the
Upolets,regarding the use
facilitiesation school
resulted in an c ose of fees
63inost 2it4"7:1rePiarmtlngithe
the budget committee
headed by trustee
John Elliott that all users regardless of
rental group classification • Ovoid
assume responsibility for identifiable
additional cOsts to the Board over ad
above any fee charged for the use of the
facility. These charges are primarily for
00440 wages.
Trustees were told the fees charged
for use of facilities should be increased
in an attempt to offset increased costs of
heat And electricity.
The coin mittee noted that ,the.
recommendations were made only after
considering a survey of fees charged by
six other boards of education and five
1-14rori County non -education facilities.
Trustee Marion Zinn said she was very
concerned , with the hike in fees. She
continued, "1 will have to do a lot of
public relations work. Brookside school
is used extensively for weddings and
other banquets. There is no other facility
in the township''
Mrs. Zinn added, "This will mean that
weddings renting for about 525 now will
go up to close to M."
Vice-chairman Charles Thomas asked
if it was necessary to have a custodian
present at all functions. He was told by
superintendent Roy Dunlop that "it's up
to the principals".
Trustee Molly Kunder commented,
"With hydro and water rates going up,
we had no choice." Budget chairman
John Elliott said any church groups
would fall into the "A" category and
would be liable only or custodial fees.
hall, it was very successful
with over 1,1.00 being fed.
Mrs. E. F. Warren of
London spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Reg.
Lawson, John and Elizabeth.
Mr. • and Mrs. Bryan
McConnell and Bryson of Mt.
Brydges visited on Saturday
with 'Mr. and Mrs. George
Counter. Richard. Kassandra
and Vicky.
Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos,
Indy and Kathy spent the
weekend visiting with
relatives in the Chatham and
Blenheim areas.
Mr. and Mrs. -John
Thompson. Jim. Sheila.
Sharon and Bob spent the
weekend on a fishing trip to
Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte
and Kerri of Lindsay spent
the weekend with his mother
Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Rill and
Mr. Harold Whyte.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wammes
of Bothwell visited on Sunday,
with . Mr. and Mrs John
Wammes Sr.
Fred Jewson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Al Jewson, Clinton,
graduated from the Medical
School, University of Western
Ontario with his M.D.
recently. Dr. Jewson will be
interning in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
Others have the component look, but TEAC's is by design. A completely new
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Drop by for a demonstration of this new TEAC des*. From the inside out it's a
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Warranty - 2 Years I Frequency Response 30-16,000
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Chairmen Herb Turkbeim 1aid7
"Sommunicipal:0*s cairn the schools,
provide unfair comitketition with lower
Rental of a clasiroorn for group "Jr
will go from $3 to $$ and doubled to $10
for "C" groups.
The balance of the "B" group schedule
is general purpose room, $15, from $10;
secondary double gymnasium, $25 from
$15; single gymnatmtn, $15 from 310;
cafeteria,4115 from $10 and the cost per
100. .chairs set up and removed will
remain at 35.
For "C's groups the charges will be
classrooms, 310 from $5; general pur-
pose room, $15 from $25; double gym-
nasium. 375 from $50; single gym-
nasium. 335 from $25 and cafeteria. $20
from 315. Setting up and removing of
chairs will remain at $10.
At .the same meeting, the Board at,
coa,. $ 1104 P#T 6
40 TO C45 1141 .
cep:, recommendation from the
management committee regarding
rated gratuities for employees railing
before, becoming eligible for a full
gratuity. -
The director of education will now be
authorized to award pro -rated gratuities
where retirement before being eligible
for a Eull gratuity as delineated in an
applicable agreement is caused by the
employee either reaching compulsory
retirement age or ceasing employment
through medically certified ill hetfith•
Requests for pro -rated vatuities for
other compassionate grounds will be
dealt with by the Board on an individual
merit basis.
Pro -rated gratuities are not to be paid
to the estate of employees who die in
service by virtue of the fact the Board
has already contributed to the premiums
of a group life.insurance policy.
Cub leader Don Jones, a 'Queen's Scout shows Steve Nice,
t hris Denomme, John Lavis and Dean Daer the art of
laying a camp fire at a campout held for the 1st Cub Pack
of Clinton by the Kinsmen Club of Clinton. The camp was
held at Irvine Tebbutt's farm last Friday and Saturday.
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