HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-06-17, Page 2A, Sent .
Iast Wee
IN an effort to
, tneterY0'
:- enlisted 4P,
bated re
BrOWO at 0 •
R.A,..r • radar it*IX,CtOr 'a, Three ' iPg to* bar",
0010 to R.C,A"; Station,' prizo . from the Clinton.
chatoa in the early Years of Spring Fair . in the ' Tup-
the war, was killed in an perware .1Jraw. Winners
automobile accident here in were: Mary Ann *WIMP,
,.. RR 3. Clinton; Mrs. W. B.
+ + + Olde, Clinton; and Rita
August 1942.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jewson of Cracknell„ Dresden.
Rattenbury Street East at- + + +
. tended the graduation and Ever hear of a teetotalling
convocation of the Medical locust tree? Well Clinton has
School. University of Western quite a few of them gracing
Ontario, recently when their our main street by the kind
eldest son. Fred, graduated sponsorship and interest of
with his M.D. Also attending the Environmental Com -
was Mr. Dick Jewson, of mittee. These trees much
Tweed, Ontario. Dr. Jewson prefer water to the dregs of
will be interning in St. beer bottles, soft drink cans
Joseph's Hospital, London. etc. Perhaps we could enlist
+ + + the support of the.merehants
Attending : the Nursing whose stretch of sidewalk
Graduation ceremonies at these planters adorn. In the
Conestoga College, Kit- '*cool, cool, cool of the
Owner, on Saturday, June 12, morning", when they first
• at which their datighter, open op :- may we suggest a
Karen, received her R.N. bucket of water about twice a
were Mr. and Mrs. Keith week - over the planters not
Tyndon. RR 1, Clinton, Susan your writer.
and Wendy, Perry 3'0W and + + +
Dan Weber, also Vincent The First Cub Pack of
Mayne of Drayton, Ont. Clinton wound up its year's
+ + + activities with a camp
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bond, Irvine Tebbutt's farm last
Mr. and -Mrs. William Irvine, June llth • dnd 12th. There
Ottawa, Mr. Doug PeterSOn, were 25 cubs and eight
Kitchener, and Mr. .and Mrs- leaders in attendance. They
Andrew Peterson, Clinton, enjoyed swimming, hiking,
also attended the Convocation nature study and an alt round
cerenionies at Kitchener_ The Cub
Memorial Auditorium When' The Cub Pat*. is looking for
Laurelanne Bond received additional leaders for next
her Nursing Diploma from- year. If you enjoy the out -of -
Conestoga College. doors as well as working with
+ + + young boys - then please give
' Mr. and Mrs. Edward leadership a try. For more
Grigg were honoured guests information phone any one of
at the home of their son an& the following: Graham
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Boviker 482-7763; Bryan
Mrs- Robert Grigg, Kit- Lavis 482-7747; or Don Jones
thener. an Saturday, June 12, 482-7970- Thank you.
in celebration of their 40th + + +
wedding anniversary. The following poem.
Relatives were present from brought to our office by Mrs.
Clinton, Auburn, St. Thomas, Lucy Bezzo, was written by
Peterborough and Ottawa. her late daughter. Myrtle
+ + + Quackenbush:
On the evening of June 8, 40
friends and relatives My Father
gathered to hold a surprise Who's the. man I loved the
party for Mr. and Mrs. best?
George Colclough on the Who God has called to rest.
occasion of their 30th wedding To whom my troubles were no
anniversary. A very pleasant bother
evening was enjoyed by all. You guessed
+++ Father.
Shades of our 1975 Cen-
Of streets all glittering with -
gold -
A nursery rhyme for my
You guessed it friend. My
Who worried and would pray
For his soldier boy so far
Who gave his love , to
You guessed it friend,
Who with heavy heart would
<Close by me while ill I lay
Would bow his head with my
' You guessed it friend, My
Who now that he is gone
No brighter star has
To me there is no other
You guessed it friend. My
Mr• , Cb-lesan 1I
Themas,,,F. Campbell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell,
Clinton receives his 11011011r5
Degree •in Business
‘dministration from the
University of Western
Ontario. London today June
4. (Erik Singer photo)
Clin.e- -
By Ross Haugh
Four resolutions were
passed Monday by the Huron
County Board of Education.
The first involved
curriculum guidelines.
Recommendations presented
by committee chairman John
Elliott said present
curriculum guidelines
published by the Ontario
Ministry of Education are
more of a philosophical
statement than a teacher's
guide. ,
The resolution asks to
develop core curriculum
guidelines of a more detailed
nature in all areas of stddy
that provide specific direc-
tion to teachers on the work to
be covered and leave room
for the inclugion of optional
topics at the leant level.
The second resolution asks
that ,board ,policy, require a
forrnal 4ndof-theyear
evaluation of each teacher
that the said teacher is on a
probationary contract and
that such evaluation shall be
based in part on a tninimum
of one formal classroom
visitation per term by each of
the principal and superin
tendent during the first two
terms of the school year. •
The next resolution asks the
board to require a cyclical
formal evaluation at least
once every three years of all
teachers on permanent
The final motion asks the
director of education to in-
vestigate the feasibility of
introducing a performance
review system for all em-
ployees of the board.
Posts at Clinton School
The board took action to
prevent vehicles from
gaining easy access to the
sports field at Central Huron
in Clinton.
The plant superintendent .
was authorized to install
cedar posts on five foot
centres at both the northeast
entrance to the sports field
and along the southwest
frontage of the sports area as
a means of" impeding
Vehicular traffic onto the
sports field.
IZ Elen P
'eter; at'tlieitteSehmatitZsehnessY to St- •Seaforth and Sister Jean Doyle.
'OK 41',
Intdette PerrO4 itenoant oral French,'
00 in teacher; Aileen Craigprincipal's relief
at Clinton; Mary Cneelt. at Exeter;
percentr Gertrude Pearson at Mourtt Cartnel;
*ireliet 14 Melba Park, teacher, And clegt0111;
percenti. Steffier. principal. at Kingsbridge;
• 0,4t, ,..
r were Victoria Zyiuk, at. Zurich; Helena Par -
r',41* tridge at Kinkora; Sister Maureen
SC4t Shearon at Goderich, Thomas Keeler at
ExColumbafl Sebool; Sister Jean MoYian to The meeting, adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
St. Mary's School, Gederich; Barry when board went into committee of the
Libden, to Ecole Ste. Marie; Edith whole.
MCCarr011 to ' St. _,_ Patrick's S011091*
KinkOra; A. Lorne Rideout to to Our Lady co,ntintted4rorp •page I
to. St. Pa.triek's School, Icinitora; Mar- ' Rec board ...
of Mount Carmel/School; Susan4ohnson
, le Garneau to St Amborse School,. Smith donated uniforms. but we. still
Br passes 4
Stratford- Terrence Bullen and
Kathleen McMillan as itinerant ora
French teachers.
Marjorie Glindinning, principars
relief at Our Lady of Mount Carmel was
given a leave' of absence for the year
The following Wachers have resigned:
Amy Duskocy at Mount Carmel: Ber-
continued from page 1
Teachers • • •
The mileage rate won't change from
the 18 -cents -per -mile paid to teachers
who use their own vehicles while on
board business, and board contributions
'to the Ontario Health Insurance Flan
premiums will increase from 80 to 90
percent. All other benefits will remain
the same as in the last agreement.
it friend. My
ennial came to life again last -Who told tales of knights of
Saturday night When the
Clinton Kinsmen held, what
,they hope, will be an annual
barbecue and dance. Tagged -
"Centennial Plus One" the
event was a tremendous
success with nearly 600 in
attendance. Our local Kin-
smen received manual aid
from their brother Kinsmen
in Harristan, who came down
to cook — "'mainly because of
the beef".
practise Breast
Self -Examination
AAA' rri
e ' love and bails And.
need a catch r
bats," Mr. Marriage said. •
When asked whtther"-; he had, ap-
proached any service clubs, asking
them to sponsor the team, Mr: Marriage
replied, "Most of the teams in town are
sponsored by service clubs. Unfor-
tunately there are more teams than
service clubs. Couldn't the rec com-
mittee do
The tee committee is waiting to see
what the provincial government will do
for the team before committing them-
The committee agreed not to charge
all in -town ball teams for the use of the
bali diatnond§ and soccer field, except a
charge. of $5 for lights, when they are
used. All out-of-town teams, ,however
will have to pay a fee of 815 and mark the
field themselves.
CI ssic Fragrance
lassie Gift
Gift Sets by
Monslow Itoubigant
Swaim Vogl BONI mans a
14 4413 hinti; guy -17th
and vou d tate to snow it A gilt horn 'Home
is lust the thing But hurry these special
pricei available by personal shopping tor
Days only!
• Cash and carry
Make a -Home- handyman out ot
Dad with this beauty' Feakrres
9 -amp burnout -protected motor
cutting depth of 2-3/1K at 90
-7/8' at 45' Top Quality from
'Black 8 Decker top value at
Home Hardware'
He* s st-meth,ng Dad ti
days .0 SummerL)pen Weave
onstruchcsn 5.2,at 10 keep hen
oe, trw ^tree, Mutt,
c otour ed plastrc ,zetcl seat
and back
The economical
efficient 'may to
Matt barbecues Leaves
ri0 taste or odour A super
gift idea for Oad!
Just the thing
make Dad s
garden chores
easter Cordle
hand held shear,b
cul 1 swath,
culs 'Thnute
10" ‘x 17" HIBACHI
Great 911 tdea tar the outdoor che( Dad
SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1976
FROM 6 A IA. TO 9 keret
The m00% outs wilt he effected:
West Side of Albert frorn Hwy. eta Princess St.
Rattenbury St. West from Albert to Shipley
Orange St. from Hwy. $ to Princess'
10 make necessary repairs and changes to Power Lines
-Hibachi Wire Stand"
toY above htlaacht a great
Mlle hewer
Change tier» hand shears to
upright in 15 seconds to take
she drudgery and st00619
Gut of Dad s grass trimming
Outdoor milking the fast
easy way' Portable table
MOW hibachi with 25
.adiUStabte height grills 5068510 4
Watch forthe Grand Opening of
Clinton Home Hardware & Radio Shock, June 23 26
Details in next week's paper. Come in and see
our nWIy renov�ted store!