HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-06-10, Page 18UNT cup..... fsian• Wheal activities. Mr• lob: Linda outh, Mr. Whitely, Mr. The Spanish C Ig, Mr- Cook, Mr. Mann. Webster, Pam.DeGroot, Julie . Jewson, Mr, Weber, Mr. Armstrong, Kathy Wubs, Bev Robert Stnith and Sue Tyn- Cantelon, Patti £kahashI, dail were on band to present Jackie Thomson, and Sharon various club bars and K'The ad. French Club: Jan • 'I Jamie Better r �► .ofCRSS, Ghrte �. �e C►:e +ogee "e' ' �F" ii ida , York,3 lei. Bole annual :. Wilson, Philip Brea for the ^`a rrout hs;,Danny Arts, ll'va; Ri:osen# and El , . roehu, Debbie Alalaa : i l;g Cluir, 'Lori Elliott, Paul Galacbiu , Wee t Mike ThpsQin, Mark J,udy'Step, �ssetnbly, where • ,, '.1i�iltnar l�r� students, received; due Raiter„ Bill Mn hy,, S Wend o!n. Tor'. their par- DLh'ok, " Scott D.oherty, ,Pat ntd- Anstett, and . Veronica Rut, Kuehl,, Susan ;P,a,�rke*, Paul atldn' In extra -curricular Priestap. Kim Watson. Infey, Terri i Rau ns . n, DanWeber, Marlene Date,. lugs, Nancy awards, wui a Divok,Patsy Brenda Thompson, our student'sr. Brea a ; +chilb Doris Hemel, Clynick. Joanne Gibson, Tim Mun* pings, Paul Robinson, Cathy Madill, Marilyn Taylor, Diane Schilbe, Dave Counter, Robin McAdams, Tim Jewson, Janet McKinley, Ruth Colclough, Marianne Dean. Larry Howatt, David Brenda Lee, Anne Van 4I ngen. Dratna Club: Philip Street. Michael : Thiomsuh. Jackie Thomson:, John Va tkenbUrg, Chris Vatkenb'urg, Sylvia Wilson, Doris. Heipel, Scott Doherty, Mark Baker, Mark Battye, Jill Clynick, Kathy Penfound„ : Joanne Collins, Lorry York, Cheryl Jef ferson. . . Public Speaking: Scott Doherty and Bert Arnsing. Girls Chorus: Bev Can- telon, Cathy Madill, Ann Snell, Brenda ,Fee. Kathy Penfound, Laura Taman, acedpresidentaforathis year Schilbe, The 75-76 Prefects were Sylvia Forbes, Julie Arm- act'ed as master of Clynick, Judy Jewitt, Betty► +ere. onies. Konarski, Michele Corbett, next to receive bars and strong, Brenda Dowson, c h Martens. Jane special recognition in the Nancy Hearn, Kim Watson, Mr. Hopes s presentations wt • Bev Cantelon, Education bars being given to Te ar hay Stow rs and Elisabeth the � following students: gNancy Reid. Andetrson, Dave Armstrong, The Yearbook Club: Julie Roger Barrie, BarbaraBarb Blake, Heather Bowie, Dave Armstrong (editor), Brodie, Mike Cochrane, McKenzie,. Joanne Collins, Frank Classens, Nancy Patti Okahashi, Betty Ann Postma, Janny Zandwyk, Clynick, Cathy Cronin, Mary Angela Duizer: Kim Tomkins, Ann Cummings, Mike g Brenda Denornme, Danny Eckel, Joanne Gibson., Heather Fothergill, Paul McKinley, Marian Doucette, Janet Postma, Mary Rapson• Galachitlk, Iasi Gibb. Dawn Street Michele torted off the Kathryn a , th the Driver Allan, Debbie Hunking, Patti formofa pen set each. Dave Ruth Gingerich, Daren Ha the presentations to: Pat Brenda Galchiuk, Laurie Anstett, Dave Bartliff, Dan Keys; Janice Millar, Debbie Campbell, Dave Clynick, Wallace. Bev Sample. Dave Counter, Marlene Dale, Music: Andy Battye, Marianne Dean, Geoff Gibb, Charlene Dejong, Brenda Wendy.. Gibbings, Steve Galachiuk, Cathy Madill, Ann Gibbings, , Joanne Gibson, Snell, Jane Allan, Nancy Alex Harrett, Wendy Hearn, Janice Miller, Kim Hesselwood, Gary Watson, Rick Brown, Bert Hesselwood, Greg Holmes, Amsing, Kevin Hulley, Allan Tim Jewson, Perry Jutzi, Lavis, Jane Symons, Greg Nancy Kuehl, Cathy Madill, Wise, Jim Crai , Jeff Hearn. Thomsnn head prefect, made Cudmore, Nancy Taylor, Giogerich, Lisa cladding, Philip , Robert Flowers, Louisa Martins, Pat Robin - Mt Adam, Janet Phillip Street, Ike Heard, Laurienus, Anstett, Nancy MacDonald, McKinley, Fred Mom- and John Vakkenburg and KKeith Laurie Henderson, Tami Thurlow, Scott mersteeg, ' Brian Murry, Kathy Penfound. Connie Howatt' Mark Huiper, Doherty, Doris Heipel, Pam Charles • Mustard, Paul Cross -Country Ski Club: +Connie Robertik, Joyce DeGroot, Jan Divok, Shelley Robinson, Marty Rutledge, Allan Lavis, Larry Hicknell, Leppington, ngta Lep- Ruth Martin, Deb Bev Slade, Jamie Thompson, Teresa Hicknell, Debbie Manning, Kathy y Burgess, Lyon. Lori Susan Tyndall, Kim Watson. Switzer, Nancy Hearn..Jeff Larry MarCl�ott Snider, Linda Webster, Debra Meyer, William Delier, Marguerite Snell, Pete Wise and Lorie York. Hearn, Marion Doucette, : Scott MacGregor, Mike Denomtne, Debbie Bars were also given to the Dave Clynick, Nancy "` Murphy, Karen McGregor, following clubs - Clynick, Jill Clynick, Mark Rebecca McCabe, Robert Cathy Anstett and Ann Snell. Decorating: Janet Baker, Scott Doherty. George Emilyre, Stan Mc hy Club: McKinley, Nancy Anderson, Collins, and Brian Drager. Emiily Nonkes. Patric McClure k The Photography O'Reilly, Gayle Patterson. . Mary Rapson, Janet Postma, Pat Anstett, Julie Armstrong, Hostess Club: Irene Cathy Peel, Tom Pollard, Linda Campbell, Doris Dave Bartliff. Elaine Heykoop, Angela Mazer, Ann Postmna, Wayne Heipel, Jeff Wise, Cheryl Brochou, Dan Campbell, Betty -Ann Postma Helen PryceBetty Flynn, Margaret Haak, Grant Linda Campbell, Lorie Hartman, Carol Rueger, William Mary RLaurie Morgan, Diana Brand and Campbell, Beth Chatterson, Sandra Plant. Nancy Stackhouse. Roy. Julia Armstrong. Steve Cook, Brent Craig,' Wallace, Shirteyann Gilbert, Stackhouse. Philip Harold Van The Junior Math Club: Mary Anne Cummings, Gayle Shannon Cook, Mary Pickett. Tony Van Bakel, Harold Van k Baker Raymond Cunningham, Liz Davidson, Cheri Harvey and Martina Doornik, Ann Van Spengen, Mar • Drost, Randy Eckel, Helen Marianne Dean, Jan Divok, McFarlane. Richard Verberne, Jayne Hartman, Betty Ann Kaptein, Nancy Fawcett, Joanne Hunter Safety: Jo Stephen Flowers, :Philip Street, Watson. Daniel Weber, Betty Glen, Geoff Johns; Brian McGregor, Ian Madeline Servers, Wendy Connie Westberg, Paul Wise, Debbie Switzer, Freda, Uyl, Gibson, Zandw - k. Nancy Clynick, Trina Con- Gibb, Dave Hanley, Greg Hulley, Mike Warner, Steve Mustard. Julia Armstrong. Alan Young, Janny Y Holmes, Wendy Hesselwood, Blair, Jim Craig, Steven Geoff Gibb, d Holly, Ian Gibb, Jeff Hearn, I Cher, I Jef- S er Bill Jackson, John Hesselwood, Marion Doucete, Anstett, Susan DeGroot, Dianne DeWe rd, Margaret Haak, Karen mes, Brian McGregor, Fait Renner, Golda Sewers, Wendy Tyn- dall, Martina McFarlane, David Cunnington, Ierry Sims, Charlene Blanchard, Lois Brandon, Liz Davidson, Wendy - Greidanus, Steve Jones, Robert Leppington, Sandy Marshall, Janet Desch, Barb Overholt. Jackie Thomson, Connie W estburg, Barry Cleave. Lori Delier, Betty Glen. Cathy Madill, Joyce McIlwain, Stephen Rosenlund. Sylvia Wilson, Judy Ives and Linda Webster. Newspaper Club: Lorrie York. Lori Delier, Michele Special recognition an awards were given to the top boy and girl drivers of the year, Nancy Clynick Danny Eckel, Robert Leppington. and Joyce Leppington. Mr. Jewson announced that the 75 percent bars which are usually given out at -this time were not present; but those deserving students will be able to collect their bars when they pick up their report cards. Activity bars were then given out for the various clubs to their respective members. The Ski Club: Nancy Newland, Margot Menzies. Adrienne Wood, Fernand Reinsma, Marianne Dean. Kathy Wubs, Lori York. Grant Morgan. Brad Morgan, Scott Doherty. Cheryl Jefferson. Brian Gerig, Nancy Hearn. Jeff Mayman, Katey Walden, Philip Potter, John Wood, Lawrence Reinsma, Kirsten Harrett. Wendy Tyndali. Paul Robinson. Jeff Hearn, Kim Tomkins. Angela Duizer. Sandy Marshall,Bill Murphy Janet Hunt ey, Y ag Golda Sewers and Steve and Brenda Schilbe. ferson, ' Bill Irwin, Helen .Blanchard. At this tinge, special Kaastra, Nancy Kuehl, Barb Chess Club:: ,' Mark Rosenlund. Pat Phillips, Gary Cheerleaders : Nancy recognition and letters of McKenzie, Brenda McKinley, Nicholson, Howard Hallman. Kuehl, illlieade Smith. Kaley merit from the University of Chris McNall, Cathy Madill, Caldwell, Middleton. Kaley Waterloo were given to Sandy Valerie Merner, Cin_Mur dy PeterRalph and Battye,omson, Andy Walden, Fa'IthenRennlerdy,Lori Delier, Marshall and - Bill Murphy. Middleton, Briany P Carla Brodie. Brenda Both boys ranked above the Susan Parke, Doug Riehl, Rosenlund. 96th percentile in the math Marty Rutledge, Bev -Slade, Greenhouse Club:Mary Priestap. Karen Bolger. contest which they, wrote for Deb Snider, 'rami Thurlow, Brand, Diana Brand. Joyce Marjorie Keys and Debbie the university. Sue Tyndall, Nelly Van Leppington, Linda Blake. Cook. Students council bars were Wonderen, Dorthy Valken- Barry Cleave, Debbie Track and Field: Wendy next on the list to be given out burg, Kim Watson, Paul Wallace, Janice DeWeerd. Welch. Lori Hesselwood, .. to the students, with the Wise, Pete Wise, Irene Wubs, GertieHetli•Wil Arts, s,Te Flowers, following students receiving and Sylvia Wilson. GreidanuJanet Postma.Marlen DtChris , Betty- Teri •yandongen, Sill Clynick, them. Jamie Thompson, Home economics: Angela Karen McClinchey, Charles Mustard, Adrienne Duizer (President), Sandra Ann Postma, and Mary Sylvia Wilson.. Nancy Wood, Susan Tyndall. Brenda Webster (Vice -President), Rapson. MacDonald, Betty Konarski, Ball. Debbie Cook, Janet Carol Rueger, Helen Hart- Reach For the Top: Theresa Hicknell. Jackie Eastman, Kirsten Harrett, man, Mary Pickett, Bev Michele Flowers. Linda Thomson. Michelle Flowers, Laurel Lavis, Brenda Walker, ShirleyAnne Gilbert, Webster. Steve Rosenlund, Jan Divok, Joanne Gibson, Priestap, Elizabeth Reid. Nancy Wallace, Sandra Charles Mustard, and Tim Joanne Collins. Mike Wendy Welch, Janet VanLoo, Plant, Irene HeykoopMunnings. Denom me. Brian Lobb. Brian Mark Bell, Trewartha. Steve Steinman, Nick Rasa, Rick Dalrymple, Frances .Campbell. JulieClass Leaders: Brad Dittmer,Debbie Cook Ingrid Dam- Keith Howatt. Tom Cathy Anstett, Shobbrook, Debra Switzer, , Dave Brodie, Scott Doherty, Giena Datema, Kathy Lyon, sma. Peter Jansen, Jennifer Colquhoun. Pat Philips, Brian ' Garth " Hargreaves. Bill Betty -Ann Postma, Wilma Malpass, Kathleen Phillips. Millar, Steven Reid. Craig Vicki Merrier, Greidanus, Emmy Nonkes, Elizabeth Reid, Wendy Millar. Mark Nicholson, Joe Jackson, `Nancy Newland, Katie Bev Cantelon, Jackie Zwaan, Welch, Anita Bourdeau, Nick Walden. Cheri Harvey. Louanne Nicholson, Janet Rasa. Don McPhee, Pat Rockey Wells. Robert Postma, Lisa Gladding, Sidle, Fred Steele, Cathy Or the Field M et. dere accOropani dig n Cummings Met with:: stiff cotnpcliti*n and failed to place in her event, which oras the junior discus, She did. -'however repiesent our school in the all -Ontario Finals which is a great credit to ani athlete. Mark Nicholson protected Verberne, Garrow, Ken Fraser, Dan Weber, Charles Mustard, Paul Robinson, Michelle Corbett, Che ryl e r l Cunningham. Y1 Sutherland, Jackie Band. Joan Hunking, e Postma, Julie Shobbrook, Doris Heipel, Cheryl Flynn, Mary Ann Cummings, Richard , Verberne, Paul 'Stanley, Randy Eckel, Tim Jewson, Witmar Bakker, Jim Craig, tr Steve McPherson, George Collins, Gary Heipel, Wayne colclough, Ron Smith, Alcan Lavis, Tim Munnings Bill Roy, Ben Munnings Mark Baker. Paul home style cooking! • owing commended, should all talent. The. populac+ - salute these two Tin ,athletes and tha* Mr. L udwi.g for time and effort to c' their events. jus,'askAnnie! In this my last column for )day do need to see this kind f thing on TV and even more classroom teaching. the year I decided to go all out 0 and take on the "News in Record". In a recent editorial in the News Record someone was discussing the problem of sex and violence on TV. This person stated that the sex and violence on TV corrupted the minds of the children viewing it, and that even if it is stated that a show is not suited for family. viewing, the children do usually watch it. This person said that obsenities" etc. should only be shown at times when there would be no children wat- ching. The - writer also said that police stories and crime shows show so much violence and corruption that the children see nothing else and they learn only this -side of the world. Psychologists today disagree with this article and my opinion is much the same. In the classrooms and other such social institutions the children do not see this type of thing. They read of boys and girls playing happily in a yard or a family going on a picnic etc. This is not reality. The crime, violence and corruption viewed is reality ' and it does ' the child more good to see his real world this way than to be hidden from it altogether. One doctor of psychology once stated that we don't live in a Dick and Jane story book and that children can be mentally deprived when hidden from their world. The stage of adolescence was invented because children were protected from the adult world and the problems the world faces and now they rebel in some cities. If the children today are hidden from the violence and sex on TV it is hard to say what will develop next in their maturation. This is one point where I agree with psychologists and Psychiatrists: the children of • FOOD STORES AIL PRICES EFFECTIVE TiLL Tuesday, June 15. r-- Can make it easy to own your own home t ammolimmomign BUS TRIPS Tom Janes 'AT O'KEEF CENTRE INCLUDES M.' SHOW TICKET June 17 .. s23. 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James Taylor of Wingham' had the grand Champion beef herd at the Clinton Spring Fair and wai awarded'the Clinton Community `Credit Union trophy by manager Fred ,Gibson, le[t (News -Record. phot AUTO GLASS LIMITED THE 5t.AS3MEt- OF 01470410 ,p 6y9 Bops 0 c'Oi'VOrt!trki CPU 0 ,co ..g,^')kviato,t, o 9wDC B 40(3 0 b4:431? wow—love mocikdttloo S j AYFIE1D RD. 0ODERLCH • Inittre . alma our free architectural and draft. . • you without a cosh down p t ilt. FOR INFORMATION CAU Ares Rep. George' Ounseith S19-3954020 593952316 Mein Office and Plunt King St. North Hwy. SS (Beside Stockyards) WATERLOO CALL COLLECT Sunday Specials! DRESSED CORNISH HEN OR HAM DINNERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS 52S0 vsommomisiii tot he "Am say► Sun Squeeze Frozen ORANGE 12i01- JUICE 3/1.00 Schneiders Broken HAM SLICES , � 79C Schneiders Smoked COTTAGE ROLLS 1.69! MctAIN Superfries 2 Lk. 150 RUPERT HADDOCK Fish & Chips 2O 99! 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