HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-06-10, Page 10.11,44
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celebrations She /fiats
congratulated the corn4
lite in the Village for j* s
Ali +fne, and wrote a Tittle
at to convey herr sen-
Hayfield's 1$tb Anniversary
Come one, come all,
-Hear Ba :field's ca11,
the villages 100th an-
niversary Es taking place
That . can be enjoyed by every
t ce.
this friendly village is on
Highway 21,
Easily accessible tei
A hearty welcome is being
given to me and you,
By establishments old and
So remember on July 1st, 2nd,
3rd and 9th come and see
what they present,
At this their 100th Anniver-
sary event.
Three girls new up from BroWnies at Bayfield last weekend. They are, left to right, So when travelling upBayfield way,
Allison Postill, Cindy Talbotand Cathy Orr. (photo by Mllvena Erickson) Please stop a to havepleasant
accepting. donation
to cost of it, When. th+ et
recovered, it will
prey! fe4 to the Church
behalf df, ase citizen
were interested in
significance as a piece of
history belonging to t
church and indeed to type
We should also say thanks
to Mr. Amy for acquiring the
ledger as part of the Village
history and to Doris Hunter
for purchasing it and holding
it in "trust".
er.'from. Mr. Amy for
e price which Mr. Amy
to aCettire it.
e ledger had belonged to
Campbell, who was -the
Anglican missionary to
inister to the villagers in
f ie d. He was the Rector
5t. George's Anglican
urch in Goderich in 1834
den it was founded, a
Other church of . Trinity
giican in Bayfield. In 1899,
everehd.,Campbell moved
Townies given awards
A Brownie enrollment and
,Fly -out took place on Thur-
sday evening, June 3 in the
iunicipal building.
allowing opening exercises,
eiiy Knights and Tanya
rillmayer were enrolled by
mown Owl Carol Penhale
ssisted by Tawny Owl
arsha Triebner and helper
Bonnie Makins.
Collectors badges were
awarded to Chris Westlake,
tarbara Hutchings, Cindy
and. Lisa Talbot; craft badges
Barbara Hutchings, Cathy
Orr, Lisa Talbot and Lisa
First Aid demonstrations
;were given by the older
Brownies for a sore 'knee, a
cut finger. nose bleed and a
person whose clothes were on
fire. Several of the younger
brownies showed the parents
and -grandparents attending,
how to set a table, and the
newest brownies, Kelly and
Tanya demonstrated how to
, brush and comb their hair
and how to braid.
Golden Bars were awarded
a¢t G Debbie Valli • a
"Taman and Leanne T
and Golden Hand to Cathy
Orr, Cindy Talbot and Allison
Bisalt. Before the girls were
*warded their Golden Hands,
they had to pass their
Courtesy Tests, which they
did at the meeting.
Service stars were
presented to Leanne Taman,
Luanne Erickson, Lori
Phoenix, Jayne Sturgeon,
Tracy Fansher, Annette
Garner, Christine Westlake,
Anne Bernath; Lisa Taman
and Debbie Valliere, their
second year stars; third year
stars to, Barbara Hutchings,
Allison Pestill, Debbie
Siertsema, Darlene Smith,.
Lisa Talbot and Lisa Telford;
fourth year stars to Cathy Orr
and Cindy Talbot. Gifts were
presented to Debbie Siert-
sema, Allison Pontin, Lisa
Talbot, Jayne Sturgeon and
Darlene Smith who had only
missed one meeting all year.
Saxer gifts were presented to
Cathy Orr, Lisa Telford,
Allison Postill and Cindy
Three young ladies flew out
of Brownies, Cathy Orr,
Allison Postill and Cindy
Talbot. They were presented
with their wings and wished
the best by their leaders and
friends. Lisa Telford was
chosen by the Leaders as the
best all-round Brownie for the
year a *, s.W. also had a
perfect attendance record.
She was presented with a
special gift.
The ceremonies closed with
the Grand Howl and the
Brownie Prayer, followed by
a lunch of delicious fancy
cookies and coffee served by
the brownies. -
Council accepts equipment ACW
for playground from Lioness plans sale
Council Meeting
Grahame Backhust and his
father approached council at
their regular meeting
Monday evening in regards to
a. roadway into their
property. lot 551, in order to
build a permanent home.
Council agreed it was most
necessary, but could do
'nothing until the survey of the
Village streets is completed.
Council accepted the very
kind proposal offered by Judy
Huntley on behalf of the
Lioness Club to purchase and
install more than $400 worth
of kiddies slides and gliders.
as playground equipment to
be erected in Clan Grego'
Square fur the enjoyment of
youngsters eight years and
Coelncil members were_
given- a booklet on the.
proposed reform of property
taxation in Ontario and were
asked to carefully study it
and report their feelings next
meeting. They also received
Another "paint -in"
planned for arena
The Community Centre
Board met Monday evening
with chairman John Siert-
sema in the chair to discuss
ways of smoothing the
asphalt floor in the arena for
roller skating. It was decided
to try a driveway sealer on a
Bayfield social, personal
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lance,
Royal Oak Michigan returned
to the Village on the weekend
after spending a few days at
{ their Michigan home.
Mr. Bernard F. Sturgeon,
. Orangeville was with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
B. Sturgeon from Thursday
't11. Saturday. On Friday he
Was on a business trip to
It has been brought to the
attention of this writer, that
the Clinton Horticultural
Society has given the Village
a very generous donation of
$100 to --beautify the village
With flowers for the Cen-
tennial. Mrs. Bill Parker has
the donation and has said that
the different flower beds
would be financed by the
The .readers are reminded
that the Annual Pioneer Park
Rummage Sale has been set
for Friday evening, July 9 in
Vie. Arena. As in other years
the Association is asking that
rou save ybur rummage and
nate it to the sale. Moneys
collected at the rummage
le goes towards the upkeep
ipf Pioneer Park, overlooking
beautiful Lake Huron, where
you can sit and watch the
*Onset, relax or enjoy a
picnic. There's no charge for
e use of the Park, residents
and visitors alike are
w lcotne to use it.
Mr. Bud Sturgeon and his
fiance, Miss Barbara
Davidson. spent the weekend
in Windsor with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson.-
Oh Saturday evening Bar-
bara was the guest of honor at
a bathroom shower hosted by
her aunt from Detroit, Mich.
the home of her parents.
Bishop W. A. Townshend,
et.) London and his
tighter Nancy. Mrs. John
igheed of Barrie, visited
1t Wednesday with Mr. and
lbert Haw.
Charles Rogers,
is spending a few
the village making
ready her "Night Owl" Shop
which she intends to operate
this summer season in their
home on Main Street, for-
merly the Gairdner
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lecompte
and Chantelle. Toronto spent
the past week at their Village
Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Gemeinhardt and Mrs. Anne
Martin visited for a few days
in Saginaw, Mich. and on
Saturday, May 29 • attended
the wedding, of Gavin
Woolever to Betts' Jean
Burrill in St. Matthews
Lutheran Church in
Bridgeport, Mich. and the
reception in the Thomas
Township Hall. While in
Mich.. they were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown
in Saginaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm
Knoble of Vienna, Austria
arrived on Saturday evening
to visit for ss`weeks with
their daughter, Ilse
Grillmayer and grand-
children, Richard. Tanya and
Tuley. Although the trip took
almost 13 hours, the Knoble's
enjoyed every minute of their
Mr. and, lyIrs. Bruce Lynn,
Etobicoke, spent a few days
, at their residence on Bayfield
Mrs. Gayle King, Matthew
and Timothy ,are visiting this
week with . her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Turner.
Our very best wishes . to
Mrs. Jeanette Huffman. who
is presently confined to
Victoria Hospital in fond
Mr. and Mrs: Dave
Overboe, Windsor were
overnight guests Friday of
her ,parents and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald McLeod,
Dawn Emma and 'ohn.
-Mr, and Mrs.. Bill Latimer
of Downsview visited for the
weekend with his grand-
mother Mrs. G. L. Knight.
Mr. Tom Orr and Mr.
James Anderson of the Perth
County Historical Board will
speak at the, regular meeting
of the Bayfield branch of the
Huron County Historical
Society on Monday, June 14 at
8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cluff,
Rob and Tara. London were
the weekend guests of their
parents, Mr: and Mrs. Fred
Mike Beatty of Toronto was
a weekend visitor in the
Mr. A. F. Scotchmer had as
his weekend -gusts, his family,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Scot-
chmer,Molly and Jody of St.
Catherines and Mr. Michael
Scotchmer of Toronto.
small area as an experiment
The chairman reported on
the progress of the paintingin
the arena and set another
"paint -in" for Saturday. June
12 starting at 9 a.m. Everyone
•is asked to come out and do
some painting to clean up the
building for the centennial.
Some interested persons
who are unable to be present
on the Saturday, and want to
become involved. have
decided to paint on the
Stinday following. June 13. If
you can't make it the one day.
come out the next.
The more painters that turn
out, the less cost to the village
for, tabour and maintenance.
Pride or pocket book, which is
your choice?
Reeve Ed , and Mrs.
Oddleifson have returned
home after a three week
holiday in England and
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Talbot enjoyed a
family picnic at their home on
Sunday. All the family were
home for the Occasion, in-
cluding Mr. and Mrs. Les
Talbot, and Cari-Lynn.
Thompson, Manitoba; Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Talbot.
Deanna and Marshal, St.
Thomas ; Mr. and Mrs. David
Talbot and family, London;
,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Banta
and boys, Woodstock : Mr.
and Mrs. Dog Talbot and
family and Mr. and Mrs. 13111
Talbot and family of
Bayfield: Mr. Ray Schell,
Hayfield and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Cassler, Lansing,
Michigan. The Talbot family
all camped at the Old
Homestead for the weekend. - .. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Marks,
London; Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas H. King of Kitchener
(formerly' with the C.N.R . in
Clinton) ; 'and Mike Rosso,
London were registered„
weekend guests at the Albion
Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Erickson, Andrew, Luanne
and Lydia visited friends on
Sunday in Port Huron,
invitations to attend the
Ausabie-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority official -
opening of Port Blake con-
servation area on Wed-
nesday. June 9. They also
plan to attend a County
Council session on Friday.
June 25 at 10 a.m. in County
Council chambers in Court
House in Goderich.
In ogier business. council
acknowledged Canada Week
from June 25 to July 1 and
decided to erect more signs
regarding parking areas on
the Long Hill at the River.
Fire Dept., was discussed,
and by a request from Mr.
Owens of the Fire Marshals
Dept.. and council passed a
resolution for a confidential
,fire protection survey to be
carried out at no cost to the
Village and set up a special
meeting for Tuesday. June 15
to meet with Mr. Owens.
No one has volunteered to
write the meetings for the
column starting in July, won't
someone please take on this
Mrs. Delbert (Nina) Haw
will do the personals, but we
still need someone to write up
the meetings.
from our
David Alexander
who will be at:
Parker House Motel. CLINTON
ON THE 3RD Thursday of each
If you require financing to start, modernize or
expand your business and are unable to
obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and
conditions or if you are interested in the
FBDB management services of caunseliong
and training or wish information on
government programs available for your
business. talk t,, our representative
For prior ittf :r`cnration call 2713610
Or write 1036 Ontario Street. Stratford.
Opening new doors to smnil business.
. The monthly meeting of
Trinity Anglican Church
ACW met at the home of Lucy
Diehl with the president.
Edith Smith presiding.
Several items of business
were discussed,mainly the
annual bake sale to be held on
July 17 at 1I. a.m. in the
Parish Hall.
Ev Earl gave a splendid
report on the annual meeting
held in London at St. Paul's
Cathedral which she and
Jeanne Bennett attended. The
guest speaker was Dr. Jean
Dewart, Professor of
Theology at the University of
Toronto, Her theme was.
' For Freedom Christ has
made us Free." .
Lillian Higgins was acting
secretary for the meeting and
Treasurer, Cecelia Ager gave
her report. Prayer partner,
Sister Dorothy Tykes wrote a
lovely thank -you note for
funds sent to her. , ...Olive
Rivers served lunch.
Some grandeur was added to the Clinton Spring Fair
parade last Saturday as Tom Penhill of Hayfield drove
his team of horses through the streets. (News -Record
Ceitennia:Iparty success
One more Centennial event
took place in the Municipal
Building at Bayfield on
Wednesday afternoon. June 2.
when the afternoon Bridge
Club sponsored a fairly well
attended dessert bridge and
euchre party with the profits
going to the Town Hall
Restoration Fund.
Great enthusiasm was
shown in the many gorgeous
Desserts planned by the
Bridge Club and assisted by
the Euchre Club. The .floral
Scouts t0 meet
John Siertsema, Troop
Scouter of First Bayfield
Scout rroop has, advised that
at the next regular meeting
today Thursday, June 10,
Ross Knight of the London
Humane Society will be
present to show a film ex-
plaining the need for the
services provided by the
Humane Society. This will be
followed by a question and
answer period.
The presentation will be at
arrangements by Jeanne
Lindsay were outstanding.
Prizes were as . follows:
door prize, Margaret
Dowson, Varna: euchre.
ladies' high, Annie Fink-
beiner. Zurich: low, Dorothy
Cox. Bayfield; lone, hands,
Annie Finkbeinerl Zurich..
Bridge prizes: high. Olive
Rivers; low lady, Evelene
Earl; high men. Gordon
Graham ; low men, Dick
the United Church com-
mencing at ? p.m. and
parents and other interested
individuals are welcome to
attend. I'm sure you'll find it
a rewarding event.
God wouldn't have
given us feet if he
didn't mean for us to
use them.
W.ra ., N..d t..$..'
Get Dad loaded
this Father's Da'
Not that way...but with everything
Dad needs fortis work bench.
Doug has a great selection of Black
& Decker and Skit power tools, in-
cluding Drills, Circular Saws,
Finishing Sanders. Reuters. Jig Saws.
along with a complete line of Hand
Tools and accessories.
Come in and compare our prices
and selection.
Get together with us for a great
Father's Day. June 20.
011 LTD.
PHONE 41124441
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