Clinton News-Record, 1976-05-27, Page 17PP
Red tesel,' es in
financial difficulties
e upcoming, 1976-1977
Ele year, The students
eager, versatile,
ysically capahlet and
'eaIl,'Want to work:
urge prospective ern -
to contact their local
Manpower Centres
ut delay.
nts,w too, should use
aitiative. Every
lcing person you know is a
connection. Your school
.college placement centres
can help you. You should talk
to your guidance counsellor,
read the want ads in the
ewspapers everyday and
all previous employers.
nit wait. As soon as you
ar Of something, check it
Yen won't be the only
tdent applying for that job.
hesley and District
emorial Hospital and
illett Hospital in Paris
pear to be on solid group
seeking provin
ancing to continu
ation for a fur
oaths. The Actin
'ster has indi
wo hospital
same co
oronta's D
r six
ated that
will receive
ideration as
ctors' Hospital,
lic Hospital and
emorial Hospital,
will be receiving
cing to continue
rating during the
ernment's appeal against
irrisional Court ruling on
legality of its , hospital
rising procedure.
Incidentally, the Ontario
edical Association has
ted that it will demand a
in any future decisions by
e provincial government to
we hospitals. A spokesman
✓ the OMA said the
ganization is violently
pposed to the way the
;vernment attempted the
°sings; and that if future
osures are contemplated,
pital workers and people
the community in which a
Ospital is located must be
gnsulted because the
• edical association would
et tolerate "these
estapoesque type of
anoeuvres" in the future.
e also said the provincial
government has never proven
the hospital closing
programme will save *50
million, especially as patients
will have to be treated
elsewhere and workers will
have to receive unern-
ployment insurance.
Liberal Leader Stuart
Smith has called upon the
government to impose
stringent limits on levels of
vinyl chloride gas within
industrial plants. The Acting
Health Minister has agreed
that permissible levels of
airborne vinyl chlorides must
be dramatically reduced.
She has indicated, however,
;hat although reports from
de ex-
s no
nee toy
Case in
ister told
cupatlennl llealth Branch
d reviewed statistics for
the last fire or Six Years to
determine whether liver
cancer: deaths in Ontario
aright be linked to exposure to
vinyl chloride gas among
industrial workers, but that,
this survey had shown no
- connection between such
exposure, of workers and
angaasarconta, a rare form of
liver cancer which has been
linked to exposure to the gas
in industries in Quebec and
the U.S. Subsequently
Ministry officials indicated
they had no knowledge of the
survey to which the Minister
The Ontario Government
has spent $6 million on
preliminary designs for a
successor to the ill-fated
Krauss -Maffei magnetic
cushion train. The Urban
Transportation Development
Corporation Limited is
seeking substantially more
money over the next three
years to bring the
preliminary designs to the
brink of production, although
the corporation refuses to say
publicly how much it Is
requesting, partly because its
request has not yet gone to
the Cabinet and partly
because it is still negotiating
with the suppliers of com-
ponents. As a spokesman for
the UTDC expressed it, the 86
million has been spent over
the past year "to pick up the
pieces of Krauss -Maffei."
Seadiy Specials!
SO 00'
The Minister 01
and Coin nerClai
the Honourable
Randleman, sald that nth
article In the Gfohe and Mail ,
which reported that the
Travel p Industry. CoM
pensation Fundis rUnlltng,9ut
of money, is absolutely an -
Mr. Handlemen said that
the Compensation Fund is
very healthy. He had a
statement in hand which
reflected thatas of May 11.
the assets of the fund stltood at
$542,267.80. If the amount of
claims paid or approved is
deducted then the total
balance is $475,262. 0 the
combined outstanding claims
of both consumers and agents
totalling 5137,410 are
deducted there still remains
an amount of $337,852.,
Operating expenses charged
to the fund up until the end of
March were just in excess of
511,000 so thatattrc bottom-line
figure after all deductions is
still in excess of $325,000,
The Minister said this is not
a static figure which con-
tinues to diminish as more
claims are made against the
Fund. It is hoped the amount
will continue to grow as
agents and wholesalers make
their required quarterly
contributions. He said the
Fund was established under
the Travel Industry Act to
compensate consumers for
the loss of prepaid travel
According to the Minister
the Fund is in" good financial
shape and he is confident that
it will be able to meet any
commitments levied against
it in the event of further
problems in the industry.
japed' ni rata will
gyp' •6 mill.
l►cr e i t1h cnunty
u tion ler
ill coanty._The
News of
Rena Ca11weU
The May meetingofKippen
East W.I. began with dessert
served by the hostesses Mrs.
Grant MacLean and Mrs.
Robert Bell ' and the com-
mittee in charge of lunch.
Mrs. Grant MacLean
chaired the program, and the
4-H girls presented their
program for Achievement
Day. One club showed the
needle work which was done
during the club. The
Provincial Honour Winner
Diane Oud was presented
with a gift . and the Club
Leaders Mrs. Jack Bell, Mrs.
Laird Finlayson. Miss Jill
McLellan, Miss Linda
Vanneste, Mrs. Don
McGregor, Mrs. Larry Bean
were thanked by the Public
Relations Officer.
Mrs. Campbell Eyre gave a
thought-provoking motto for
old and young alike on "It
matters not if you win or lose,
it's how you play the game-"
Mrs. Ai Hoggarth ; the
president, chaired the
business portion of the
meeting and read a poem
"Housecleaning". The roll
call was answered by, a
favourite childhood game.
Mrs. Harold Parsons
reported on the state of the
finances. and Mrs. Robert
Kinsman gave current events
of interest.
It was decided that the
members would go to the
Huron Country Playhouse
instead of taking a bus trip
and that the plans made by
the executive meeting would
be adopted.
Mrs. Grace Drummond
gave a prayer for the han-
dicapped and two readings.
Plans were made for the
rehearsal party on June 11.
The meeting closed with "The
Farmers in the area are
busy sowing corn and
asparagus crop is in full
Rabbit meat
In Canada, the New
Zealand White and the
Californian are the rabbit
breeds most commonly
raised for meat. These breeds
' will .dress out at up to 60 per
cent of the liveweight at eight
to 10 weeks of age. Good
quality pelts of white rabbits
are usually worth more than
colored skins.
Nancy Fisher does someuilting and Susan McKay works on a braided rug at ,Clinton
Public School's grade seven history project, "Pioneer Days" held last week. (NewS-
Record photo)
IOOF and Rebekah's
The IODF Lodge members
of Hensall, Amber Rebekah
Lodge accompanied by area
Grant Masters, Cantons and
members of the Encampment
attended - worship in Carmel
Prnes.byterian Church on
Rev. W.D. Jarvis' welcomed
the group and delivered an
inspiring message on
Turning It Around": The
choir under the direction of
Mrs. Malcom Dougall at the
organ sang "Saviour Hear Us
We Pray'. The flowers in the
church were in loving
memory of the late Douglas
S.M. Sangster.
The guests marched to the
Ledge Hall where a social
hour followed and refresh-
ments were served.
The W.M.S. of Carmel
Church are holding their
annual Birthday party on
June 7th. The Gideons will be
in "charge of the service next
Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
by Bertha MacGregor
MacDonald of Goderich gave
her report of the recent
synodical at Chippewa. Mrs.
Malcom Dougall and Mrs.
Edith Bell favoured with a
piano duet.
The guest speaker was Mrs..
Murray Garvin, of Weston,
just recently returned from
Taiwan. She gave a very
interesting talk on the
changing life style of the
Taiwanese people with their
social, economic, political
and religious problems. A
'social hour followed.
Huron Presbyterial
Spring Rally
The Huron Presbyterial
Spring Rally was held in
Carmel Presbyterian Church
on "Thursday with W.M.S.
Societies attending from
Goderich, Seaforth, Auburn,
Belgrave and Hensall. Mrs.
Elmer Rivers of Seaforth
Goderich Auxiliary had the
Devotional Program. Miss
Ida White Missionary on
furlough from India gave
greetings. Miss Hazel
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton
returned home after a
pleasant holiday in Texas.
Mr. and Mrs, Rick
Mellinger of Thames Road
have purchased the dwelling
from Mrs. Gladys Wilson and
will be taking up.residence in
the near future.
Messers Jack and Al
Corbett spent the weekend at
Silver Lake on a fishing trip.
Miss Catharine Christie
and Miss Kathy Mount of
London visited over the
weekend with the former's
mother Mrs. C. Christie.
Queensway News
Birthday visitors with Mrs.
May Ford were Arnold and
Mary Ford. Mabel Kirk,
Verna Coates and Vera
Pinkham, Exeter.
Jim and Agnes. McQuaid of
Seaforth visited Dan
Mathews and Mrs. Shirley.
Prouty visited with Lynn
increase for
purses Only,
earns a. resident with
assessment which is
average will pay SO more in
fixes this year than last. In
I66 the total expenditure
raised through taxation was
$187,101. —
The new mill rate faced by
a public school supporting
resident is 103.93 mills
compared to 79.77 mills in
1975. The levy for separate
school supporters is 109.47
mills while the commercial
public school supporter faces
a levy of 118.92 mills.
An overall view of the
budget shows Hensall will
spend 858,000 in the village.
890.000 on educ. tion and
$37,000 to the county .
Letter to the editor
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Shepherd, Marg Ingram
W illowd,gle ; Mrs. Jim
McNaughton. Clarence and
Ann Smillie visited Mrs. Ada
Helen Reid called on Louise
Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Adkins and.
daughters, Exeter visited
Mrs. Mary Upshall.
IUa Dunn visited with Roy
McDonald and Vera:Lammie.
Mf. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor,
Kitchener, Harry and Brenda
Walper. Exeter visited with '
Mrs. Adeline Taylor.
Mrs. Louise Mitchell was
visited • by her son Leslie
-Mitchell and Carol Hodgins.
Mrs. Blanche Bechard and
Darlene Stumph visited
Pauline Jeffrey.
Mr. Lawrence Wein,
Exeter, entertained the
residents with piano music
and singing on Tuesday. Rev.
Anderson, Exeter, conducted
the church service ac-
companied by Louise Mit-
chell at the piano. The
Hensall United Church ladies
entertained the residents on
Dear Editor:
It is the duty of an elected
parliamentary represen-
tative to express and support
the wishes of his constituents.
Despite recently
propagandized criminal acts
of a few mentally disturbed
individuals, almost all
Canadians who own firearms
,are law-abiding responsible
citizens. FBI and other
authoritative criminal
statistics show that the in-
cidence of violent crime is
highest where the most
restrictive firearms
legislation is in effect, e.g.
New York City and Northern
Ireland. Disarmed citizens
are relatively safe prey for
armed criminals.
The police are unable to
protect you and your family
against criminal violence.
They arrive after the crime
has been committed. Your
firearms are a safe -guard. To
keep them. contact your
elected Member of
Parliament NOW, by letter,
telephone or telegram, and
demand that he speak and
vote against the restrictive
firearms legislation soon to
be passed as an Amendment
to the Criminal Code.
After your firearms are
confiscated, protest will be
Yours for a free people.
S.J. Neilson.
Carleton, Ontario
a1 G Ill .
We planned • on Winn;
someene ta help with the;
housework and I thought if we
chose a French speaking
woman it would help our
children to learn the French
language. but my husband
thinks Ws against the law now
to advertise a job by sex and
language. Is he right?
Ontario's Human Rights
Code makes it illegal to ad-
vertise a job where the ad-
vertisement indicates that
sex, national ancestry. or
place of origin would be a
"limitation. specification. or
preference" in considering
applicants. -
However these provisions do
not apply where ' such
limitations are a "bona -fide"
occupational qualification and.
requirement. Nor do they
apply when the job is, for a
domestic servant employed in
a tingle family residence.
Therefore you are allowed
to specify both sex and
language in advertising for
the job.
HAUGH alignment tt
1 bought a new hearing aid
in Toronto from a man who
calls himself an audiologist,
personally 1 think he's lust a
high pressure salesman,
because the machine he sold
me is not worth a d-- with the
result I have to use my old
I've had it back for repairs
twice but it hasn't done any
good. I've demanded my
money back but so far 1 seem
to be up against a brick wall.
I'm at my 'wits' end and if
you can do anything for me,
i'll be most grateful.
The Ontario Hearing Aid
Association contacted this
company. who in turn sent out
their branch manager to re-
test your hearing. The result
is, a brand new machine with
which you are apparently very
satisfied. we're only sorry you
didn't write us sooner.
Credit Union
Good Dividends
Convenient office hours
The home of your choice. -- where you
want it --- of a price you can afford.
On June 1st. the Arbor will be owned and
managed by Wayne and Lois Holtzhauer.
You will find them very pleasant. ex-
perienced and eager to carry on the ex-
cellent courteous service that the Arbor is
noted for.
Please come in and meet them, extend
the same warmth that you gave the
Duerns. Wayne's father was born in Clinton
• and a host of relations in this area will
assure a good start in a very exciting and
successful business - thanks to you.
Hoche -evade Speciaf5 -
Every Day
1lreakfast Served.
7 a.m. • la p.m.
%teCra&' Ilesses, esperimeil Wwaciellsts in providing
ClfstOM I . ired, factiry`bvRt hoses cso kelp you save
on aspects of bail log a vaporior home
• R Ile'* art oar I archlte tvral and draft -
;iv' smite.
• Yov nay gluey wart a cods dawn parasat.
Aria lar. Gaga Dwrsiiith
S It -395-5020 519-39S•23$6
PA& Office sad I tt
King St. Nob Hwy. 85
(•o Stockyards)
FRI. and SAT.
MAY 28 and 29th
70 Ontario
" Street
Some time ago 1 signed an
agreement to lease . an
apartment. Everything was
going fine, or so 1 thought. A
few days later the rental agent
phoned me up to say that the
landlord had refused to sign
the lease. When I asked for
reasons, 1 got nowhere. but I
think it had something to do
with my credit rating.
15 there any way I could see
my credit rating to check if all
the information in it is
Strangely enough - until
quite recently individuals
could not see their own credit
ratings. However the Con-
sumer Reporting Act which
has recently become law in
Ontario. win _ allow you to see
your own credit rating.
.Ali you need to do is inform
the local credit bureau twenty-
four hours ahead of time and
they will have your file ready
for you to look through at your
Friday 7-9 p.m. Sat. 10.12 -) - S p.m.
Suncoast Mali
Our Sterile ear studs form a straight canal. These
fashionable safety shoulder starter studs are made of Gold
over surgical grade .stainless steel. Clinically proven and
tested with instructions on care of ears. Ail minors must be
accompanied by a parent or guardian.
SioO0 snciudes everything.