HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-05-27, Page 16PAGE Ii.=ct,1NTON $E11/5 -RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 27. If7$
Nlassive vaccination program planned for Huron to combat swine flu
- About 2S.3$,SSS persons will
he vacciaated against Swine
Flu in Huron County within
four weeks this fall. members
of Huron County . Council
learned Thursday at the
regular May session. • I of the chairman of the Burd
Deputy -reeve Biii Dale of of Health. Reeve
Se torth, speaking ow behalf Oddleifson of Bayfield
was absent. said it was the
board's understanding about
5.814.080 persons would be
inoculated an Ontario within
a four week period,
"They are going to need
Takes about one fourth the space 01 other
Barbecues yet can cook up to 12 hamburgers
at one tuna' When the unit is closed after
cooking. the charcoal smothers thus
sav ng it for re -use For steaks or him -
burgers. the same charcoal can be
used again and again
When unit is closed after cooiung. ashes drop automatically into lower
tray for easy disposal and trapped heat incinerates grease and
scraps on the gulls — just like a self-cleaning oven'
Cooks Up To
12 H.mburgers
Yet You Con Corry
NOW any home.
apartment or cottage
can have a real
Our B1.28 Regal built-in can be installed at less than half the cost of a
masonry fireplace Comes complete with refractory base 8 firebrick oack
porcelanued side walls high temperature insulation fine mesh pre -
pleated ftrescreen and positive seal damper Comes complete in one
carton. aN ready to set in place and frame
in Our usual cash 8 carry price 339 00
With 3 -Point
Advanced Design
Built-in humidifier cir-
culates warn. fresh air
throughput the house
State air teeds the fire
and Sunfire exhausts it
outside Our usual C 8C
pnce 249 00 •
An cast ?n 1a •'-.t D .•,.•• .,•..
Mrd' bt.I;r n•.. •.•.,• • , .,
teMerlfC %C 49 c)(.;
Comes complete with steel grate. pipe collar and
damper ftrescreen and ornamental brass balls
Overall dimensions 37'. wide by 26 inches deep
Our usual cash & carry price 249 95. you save
over 50 00'
►n h.lydrome Mea Red der Easy to
•.'stain Use ,rcloors of cul Ou* usual
C SC faire 5 99 to a vat: «.ape
coverr'g 5.6 spa,a a feet
Fat' CA "t'r 1SGr.•w SAI ..•S 'i:elf
arca safer• •. • -•••. a,••• ;int
heat 'hp
••+ r f (. i • 9 Adiust.lble safety cradle A
// ` •-e++re hnrc.eht draught des ••
/ Set'Ped np breath...
�,. sto.yfy Our usual C SC 24 95
Ask About -Our
Cast iron swmp•out model
complete with cover Fits
mounting bracket ' all
Franklin ftrcplaces Our
usual C &C price 19 95
Grill steaks on your Franklin with
the swing -out cast .iron gull. 6
cooking levels Our usual C SC
They burn 3 hours vwth multi
colored flame Can not be used m
Gast iron fireplaces Our usual
C SC 99' each
EXETER 23'5112?
(ODERi04 524 8371
GRAND REND 238 2371
,UN ARDINE ,396 3403
R►tVt:5VIll E 733 ?iii
wITCNENER 741t6371
Nog. hours: Mat. - Frill S.M. to 5:30
&N. tiN 4 p.m.
many. volunteers." Mr. Dale
The deputy -reeve then
smiled and said that if his
services are required. he
would be pleased to voluatteer
to inoculate the staff at the
court house first - sad then
each of the county coua-
It was teamed the musty
Will 'make application to the
Ministry of Health os behalf
of the steeriag committee of
the Children's and
Adolescents' .Mental Health
Services. for funds to finance
the employment of a fulltirne
director of the Huron Centre
of Children and Youth.
This facility was promised
by the Ontario government at
the time the facilities at
Goderich Psychiatric
Hospital were closed. I t- w i l l
be financed 10! percent by the
province, but the county has
to make application for the
No site has been chosen as
yet for the facility. It is
believed that when a director
is secured, that person will
make all the necessary
arrangements. .
A new Chief Public Health
inspector has been engaged.
He is Ed -Harrison who begins
a six month probationary
period, with salary based on
$17,000 per annum.
County council authorized
one member of the health unit
staff to attend a Ministry of
Housing property standards
study session in Toronto at
the end of this month.
Reeve Gerry Ginn of
Goderich Township urged the
health board to send "some of
our inspectors" so they can
find out "exactly what it is we
do need" in the way of
housing standards.
"They might be putting us
out of our homes now," said
Reeve Bill Elston, Morris
Township. "They may con-
demn our homes like they
have the arenas."
The Executive Committee
reported to, council that the
Howick arena. built' only two
years ago, requires addition
reinforcement according to
recent regulations.
Council agreed to forward a
„request to the Ministry of
Labor to review the criteria
beinrdsed relative to snow
load and wind resistance of
arenas in the province.
"We're not worrying too
much about our arena ever
being closed," commented
Bob Gibson, reeve of Howick.
He said the building plans
were just approved by the
department of labor two
years ago. and that the roof of
the arena "doesn't carry any
Reeve Bill Elston told
council he "resents a
statement attributed to the
reeve of Goderich, Bill
Clifford that the county
representatives "love to go to
conventions". He was
specifically questioning a
beard of health report wbhck
said Dr. Freak Mills. Hum
County 'Medical Officer et
Health. had' bran authorised
to ahead a cowveatios iw T
Moactoa, New Brunswick fist
June. '1
"This is :tendert
procedure," said sill Dale 0['`
the health board.
Earlier in the session. a*
question was asked about aa''
Ontario Ministry of Social'
Services Convention beteg-
eteg-held in Owen Sound in early •
June to which Huron field'.
workers will be going.
It was learned there are ;
still "openings" for county •
councillors who may wish to
attend this convention as '
In this connection, Warden •
Jack McCutcheon told council
it was policy that if all the
convention places were not
taken by committee mem- •
bers. any member of council '
could attend any convention
of his or her choice.
The warden further ex-
plained that conventions are
considered worthwhile
educational opportunities for ,
councillors who are expected '
to learn all they can to help
them in their deliberations at
county council.
Miss Debbie Argyle has
been hired effective May 17 to
replace Mrs. Ivy Fisher who
• has resigned as secretary -
bookkeeper for the Social
Services office in Goderich.
Deputy -reeve Frank Cook
of Clinton questioned whether
this position had been ad-
vertised. He was told that
Miss Argyle had filled in for
Mrs. Fisher during vacations
and illness periods, and that
when secretarial help Is
needed in the county offices,
many times names are
merely -selected from ap-
plications on file which have
been received from person
looking for work.
Council was pleased to n
that 58 welfare cases wer -
terminated in April 1976 in
Social Services office. Only 2
new were added.
"This is the lowest num
of cases that have been add
in a month in recen
memory." boasted chairma
W.M. Williamson, reeve
Grey Township.
John McKinnon. director
Social Services for Huron
attributed this to bette
employment opportunities.
publicity for new welfare
regulations. and changes in
the distribution of unem-
ployment benefits.
Beginning as soon as
possible. the county will be
switching to the payroll ac-
counting service of the
Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce. The annual cost
will be about $6,000, but.
county administrator Bill
Hanly hopes to offset that cost
by reducing the county
clerical staff by one member
within a few months.
News of Brucefield
By Mrs. N.F. Be
The May meeting of
Tuckcrsmith Unit I UCW was
held in the Sunday School
room on May 10 with 20
members and 10 visitors
Mrs. Margaret Broadfoot
and Mrs. Grace Chapman
were in charge of the fun
night and plant sale. The
meeting opened with a
• reading by Mrs. Broadfoot
and then was sung with Mrs.
R. Scott at the piano.
Thank you notes were read
by Mrs. Broadfoot and a
Mother's Day card by Mrs.
Chapman. who took as her
topic. "heart" which was
much enjoyed and vety in-
The business portion was
chaired by the president.
Mrs. Jean Henderson. and the
secretary and treasurer's
reports were given.
A discussion followed on
%ending good clothing to a
girl's home in London. The
parcel will be left at the home
of Mrs. Berry.
Plans were made for
Visitors Day. when persons
are invited from the local
UCW organization% to help
celebrate the 100th an-
niversary of Brucefield.
The next meeting will be
held on June 14. and members
and friends are invited to the
home of Mrs. Mary Haugh to
see her beautiful flowers.
The ri.oetinn ringed with
prayer and a delicious lunch
was served. Mrs. Broadfoot
and Mrs. Chapman were in
charge of the games. and the
plants were all- sold with
profit of S22 realized.
Jane. Karen. Liz and Claire
Davidson entertained at their
home with Debra Broadie
when 35 guests attended a
linen shower for the bride
elect of June 12. She received
many beautiful gifts.
Mrs. Paterson returned
home after a few days with
relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. Sholdice returned
home after spending a few
days with her sons. Ken
Sholdice. Muncey Sholdice
and families.
Mrs. Berry spent a few
days in Stratford and
Bluevale last weekend.
Brucefield United Church
was broken into on Monday
evening. May 17. '
Plan to attend the
Brucefield United Church
UCW-Centennial visitor's day
on June 1 at 1 p.m.. when
visiting societies will help
celebrate our 100th an-
Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Mustar,
and family attended the
convocation exercises at
Waterloo University.
Saturday. May 22 when their
son, Stewart; graduated in
Civil Engineering.
Ne skunk pelts
The supply of skunk pelts in
Canada is almost nil. These
are too many other more
appealing and more
remunerative occupations
thaw sktatwk trapping.