The Exeter Times, 1886-8-26, Page 4TH. {' EXETE le published everyThursday morning,n'.t the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Main-Streot;necarly opposite 1^ittou'S Jotivetery Storo,,ltlxeter,Ont.,by,fohu White & Sou, 1?ro- urietors. 118O1 auve ltrtsLN.G: First insertion, per lino ..: .. "10 cents. Each subseque,lt insertion per line 3 cents. 'Po insure Insertion, advertisements should be sent in not later than �v?eau eslay morning QuraOil Plt(NJ'IA($ 1)I l'tItTXLIt) N'1`is one f the largest and best ceutppect in the County f Huron, All wort, intrusted tows will reeeiv r1r prompt attention. Veeisious Ile ;ar(ting; Papers.. Any person who tal;osm 11aiaortegnlarly from he post-oilice,whether directed in his name or another's. or,whotherhehas subscribed or not rs`responsibiefor payment. e If a person orders his paper discoutinued tie must pay all arrears or the publisher may continue to send it until the paytuent is made, and Hien collect the whole amount, whether ole paper is taken from the office dt not. 3 In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be iinstitutediu the place where the paper is pub• lisped, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of utiles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to "'aloe newspapers or periodicals from the post• office, or tomos lug mud leaving theta uncalled for is prima facie ovictence of intentionalfrau•1 Trews - NOTICE. We have a large number of outstanding accounts scattered in different quarters, which, if paid would amount to several hundred dollars, and assist us greatly. There are a great many subscribers a lox gg time in arrears, and we hope that they will stake promptsettlement, as crops have been good this season, Id'efer dates. THUSRDAY, AUI*UST Qlth, 1886. A POCK DR!a't:\CF. The Clinton New Era, no doubt, being' ashamed of the course Reform leaders have taken in the Riel issue in Quebec, en- deavors very earnestly to persuade its 'readers that the execution of the murder- er and rebel was not the main issue in the result of the Chambly election,.anc1 ac- cuses'the Conservative press of claiming that their only issue, by coating from the Huntingdon Gleaner a Reform paper in the province of Quebec, which . paper the editor of the New Era says must be very ignorant indeed, or must have recently been bought over by the Conservatives to supporttheir iniquities and make the English settlers of the eastern townships rediculous in the eyes of the public. Now to give the editor of our totem. another opportunity of presenting to his readers his opinion of the intelligence and purity of the motives of another Reform editor, we give the following from the Coaticook Observer, of the 7th inst., which is a staunch Reform journal :- "We regret to see that the battle in Chambly was fought chiefly ..on the Riel issue. This was the main issue made by the French Liberals in the Chambly election and it will doubtless be the main issue of of the,party in the approaching general el- ection. We think this is , to be regretted everyway. We clo not' regard the Riel question as a legitimate issue, and if press- in city at a slightly slower rate than the population Manitoba, southeast of Winnepeg, mine ,or�Careon'e Catarrh Cure at S'carlettas .Dra: stem, giving itntuerase satisfaction. Guarantees issued only at acarlett's Drug store. MAIZRIL D. - Cetrrlrr-Giurast—ln Soafortlr, on Wednos- dsy lost by, the Bov, Father O'Shea, fir. John Carty, of Hibbert, to Bridget, 3rd daughter of'Titnothy Giblin, of I1oKillop. eni,nligrants front, Labrador end the forth shore of the St Lalu'rence have token up farms. Further west seven hundred females -•Germans, Scandinavians and litmgarians---•have found 1iOmes, alld the Calgary district has been invaded by first chase immigrants, liven in the valleys of the Rockies, settlement has commenced. A 'i•;w weeks ago an item went the rounds of the press to the cfrect that Sir retire Joliti Macdonald would possibly front public life. The yara was set afloat by tate Montreal Witness, and notwith- standihla the absurdity of the story, and the improbability of the Witness being the first paper in Canada to learn the press Crew important secret, the Refortitpt a I up their hats with joy over the announce- ibelieving•L at. utwtt that. the time was near, hand when they would assume the coli- trol of our public' affairs; but the hour i •redemption from the cold shades ofthez of opposition has not arrived : Sir John Macdonald has not the slightest idea of resigning, his friends would strongly oppose his retirement' from public .life, and so, we believe, would a very large majorityiof the people of Canada irrespec- tive of polities. And why should he think of resigning? Has he not the confidence of the country, so far as the confidence of our people can bo expressed under our system of Government? His age is no bar tb his'usefulness. His grand work is. not yet completed, and the country re- quires him to -remain at the helm of the DIED.. outhe 20tis testa Dr Exeter, 2 h Hoorzrt.-•-,In ,. or,t Q i Luther Lawrence. Houper, aged 21) years and 3 mouths. S'Lztirr.—Tu Exeter, ou the 201h inst., Maur. ico Southoott, infant son of R. 11. Verity, aged 2 ,months and 21 days. ,.. GENTS WANTED. --Stead\ good a None need.. Employmentatcuou, AGE be idle, Previous experience net essential We pay either salary or commission. 100 smart men wanted at once to canvass for tPe sale of Oanadian Grown Nursey Stook. The Font - hill Nurseries. Largest in Canada; over 400 acres. Dont apply unless you can furnish first-class references and want to work. No room for lazy men, but elm ennployany num• ber of energetic men who wantworic, address STONE & WELLINGTON,, Toronto, Ont LOVELL'S GA,ZETTER AND HISTQRY or THE DOMINION Of CANADA, • Iu Nine Volumes, Royal Soo. ' ship of state, Andwhyunder the existing ToB3ECOMMENC61Dwhenever a sufficient circumstances, should Sir John 111acdon- ntamber of subscribers' is obtained to cover told think of resigning ? Don't illtertairl cost ofuublicatien. Subscription to: the Nine a gVolumes $75 00, to the Province of Outerio or. the idea. to Quebee812.50, to New Brunswick o. to Nova, Scotia 311.50, io Manitoba ox British Columbia orth- west Territo ories 89.50.ce aid Each Island Province to have a Map. Please Send for Prospectus. JOaN LOV ELL, Manager and Publisher.. Montreal,' 4th August, 1880. aug8dihtr3 Progress of Methodism.. In view of the approaching General Con ference of the Methodist Church in Toronto, a little hand -book has been prepared for the guidance of delegates. As showing the stand- ing the Methodist Churn occupies in this Province, the following statistics are quoted : Rank Rank 1881. Doromivatiou 1881. 1871• 1871. 1 Methodists. 591 a03 462,204 1 2 l',eeb yterians „ 117,749 556,142 3 Church of England..,......,360,539 330,095 3 4 Roman Catholics.....___320,839 71 16, 4 2 n 6 Baptists 106,006 86,430 5 6 Lutherans 97,971 32,899 6 7 Congregationalists 16,840 13,808 7 8 Disciples 16,031 . a 9 Brethren 7,714 3,800 10 10 Quakers .... 6,307 7,100 8 Protestants 2.978 5,758 • 11' No religion 1,756 4,908 4.9 12Pa alis 1,409 1,884 11 13 Universalists 1.333 1,722 12 14 Cuitariane ........... •, 1.213 1,088 14 15 Jews ......................:1,195 518 15 16 E, piseopal Reformed .., 089 17Adventists 696 1,449 13 ,..:Other denominations10,982 23,019 Not given 12,965 13,699 Table showing the relative growth made by each of the fire principal denominations in the Dominion, Province and Toronto, com- pared with the growth of population : Dominion, Province, Toronto, per cent. per cent. per cent, Methodist... 35 28- 731 Presbyterian... . 24 17 62 Baptist ... 21 23 88 Church of 'England .., ]6i 10i 49 Roman Catholic ... 21 17 32LF Increase of populat.on. 25 18i 54 The hand book says : It appears from this that the Methodists are increasing at a much greater rate than the pcpulation in Dominion, Province and city alike ;that the Presbyterians IIIATURE'$Eo scckStomREMEDY ach, CURE FOR Torpid,Llver, he, CONSTIPATION, Tara costive..., i Effervelious scent RAN Seltzer Aperient. �' It is certain in its of �r TTT p tecta, It is gentle it; its SL, L 1 ZE R action. It is palatable to the taste. it can be s,I a relied upon to cure, and A it aures oy assisting, not e RIFase,' tryo.itragiugnature. Do e.- mat take violent purge. - 'lives yourselves, or al. Sick -Headache low your children to take them, always use this. AND elegant pharmaceutical DYSPEPSIA preparation, which has boon for trove linin forty ayears a'public favorite. Sold by druggists evei7lwltere. NOTIOE TO CREDITORS. Of Louis Holman, Deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 107, Section 34, R. S. 0., amended by 46th Vic., Chapter 9, Section 1, notice is hereby giveu to she creditors of Louis Holman, late • of the. Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 8th day of May. 1886, that they axe required on or before the 13th day of September, a. D. 1886,to send to Lewis H. Dickson,. Exeter, soli- citor for Joseph Holman, executor of the saki deceased, their names, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims,'a statement of their accounts, verided•by statu- tory declaration, and the nature of the secur- are increasing faster than the population in lity(if any )beld by them and notice; is. hereby the city, and at a slightly slower rate than given that the sate executor writ,-ntf,er the the pbpa[laticn in ' Dominion. and..Province said 13th day of September, 1886, 'roosted to that the Baptists are increasing fabler than distri-ate the assets of the said deceased p g amongthe parties entitled th t h' ed' by the French Liberals as they seem dis- the populationthe and Province, butin the whole Dominion ; that the Church of posed to press it, they need not look for the support of the English Liberals of the _pro - Vince. Moreover, the raising of such an issue will create a batt impression in the pro- vince of Ontario and the other British pro- vinces, and may cost, the Liberals there as many seats as they mill win in Quebec by raising the Riel cry. Kiel richly merited his .fate, and it is simply bad policy or worse for the Liberals of this province to try to make hien out a martyr. It needless for us to repeat that the main and only issue of the Reform party in the Chambly election was the Riel affair, the New Era, to the contrary, not- withstanding. h:PIT0la G .V AS. The wheat harvest in.Manitoba is aver, the yield will average about twenty bush- els per acre, which is very small for that province. The shortage being made up by extra quality, the grain being blight and heavy. • England and Roman Catholic are not in- creasing as fast as the population m either Dominion,. Province or city. Scott .Act Enforcement. Palmerston , Ont., Aug. 24.—To-day three constables arrived intown from Dray- ton for the purpose of collecting fines under the Scott, Act.. They went into Watt's Hotel, and goingup to a man. named Wilson who, it is said, has no connection with the hotel, attempted to arrest him. Wilson re- sisted, and in the melee one of the three, it is alleged, fired a revolver, wounding a roan named Douglas. The ball entered Douglas' breast and the doctors have, so far failed to remove it. The crowd then closed with the 11 t k th it batons from them and put them to flight. Warrants are issued for the arrest of the constables- One of them Mr. Sheik, of Drayton, photographer, was arrested and brought before the mayor, who remanded him till Friday next. Mr. Sheik was admitted to bail in $800. et a meeting of the Ontario school - The allowing references to other -visitors, teachers held in Toronto last week, a res- at the Colonial Fxhibition during the past ulutioii Vita pulsed eonclenuning the system few days fully bear out what we have said as of giving prizes in public schools, as well to the beneficial outcome of the exhibition!— as medals ancl scholarships in the univer- Captain ,late of the Hussars, obtained sities,and.suggested that the moneyex- informatiofi rrliative to a tour he purposes making through Canada, . Ile 1ntend4 to pendd re such 'be applied to advancing settle several relatives as farmet's hi the deal - the interest of education, adieu Northwest, Mr, of 1Croydau I has a son farming near Brandon in Manito- T;le C•LL;adian§ W11Q Were induced by btu, Ho is r'eceiving'enioouraging reports from hilt gltlwillg a eolllits of the Grit papers to lrii sou and was mucti pleased with the ag go to Dakot,t?:'y aro digested with the coin- 1 iicultural exhibits. Mn a large far- try,; I3etweeii. floods, wind stoi^lns, and mer flora Porfarsbu'e, Scotland. carefully.ex- drought, they have had heavy losses, and mined the' Canadian products, and made, d bitted denouiitle those who led them as- 1 PPeelnl inquiry regarding stock-raisingn tray. Those who have any means are the management of cattle. He purposes visiting the North-west next, year, and pre - leaving for Manitoba and the Northwest. chietsa large emigration to Canada from his county as leases expire, fir.—=, a toll- lery owner of Lanai kshit'c,Scotland, express- ed himself as much interieted in the Can- adian t the Can- adiancoal exhibit, and, indeed, a Section generally. He stated lois be- lief that it must do toad, to: promote cmi- teatien from the Motherland. Relative to the sarnples of coal shown limn Lethbridge in tyle Nof•th west, and from British Colum- bia, he expressed his Confidence that the pro - While the 'movement for the lugher ed- ucation of women is making rapid pro- gress +�zess in America and several European countries it .has met. with a decided re• verse' in Prussia. The Minister of Edu- 'cation; there has decided that :the future waiters are not to be admitted either as, students or even to attend the lectures of the Prussian universities. ' The reasons hkrm m the North west was practically sol - or this backward step bus not been z11- vet This gentlemen intends paying an ex pounced. tended visit to Canac:a next year, going as -- - far west as British Columbia. ' Mr, Last year, 'when the .American fisher- wino visited the court some weeks previously men ebuld, catch the small hearing which called stating that es a, result of his inquiries t to do duty Las sardines in.'Canadian waters 'lie had tIkrn passage, fur himself and family the fish sold at $5 a -hogshead, This year for bl,tnitobn. 1'1i.----, 0 grain mmeht ut the Ctanotd i ni lituve the monopoly of the of Lo eipolti he spade: frequent vises to' the poplin obtauou, information x•tte a view to catch, and the fish are sehinb franc l.L ,r ttii::g in \ nnti(pe,; iu the rain trail . \11'. to; • 0 a hogslieaa. Our,.fishermen tire —1v 12„ trans ou J;lit1 n.r,tes at llntlg- certatnly Met with all American import, aaa-astroth, ,u�ascxrcc`e.ntly called vill a view to .duty, but $12 a hogshead with an in:rport o lint et.t e010(:10rt i,f'tl,r. A'luiou:; Canadian duty is much better than $e a Hogshead groins tit tilt elose of the exhibition, to sow With the fish passing into the United tit,ou tiff fa 101 117:111 4laing, illy, , of States free. The abrogation: of the fish- Not toll:, called to ,)tate tine ea has grow'ri '4Vt liiegtnii treat y is reit 1+,yfe. i'heat upon .his farm frurn scrod son, 1(01 c ithoites of the is } .. ,; ,is settled in Mi oitul,ti, riot wrthntt6 its advantages. by his ,r)1.r, i11 �• The finaiity Lias been lr enovneei "by+ "— r1 ,l e r 11 70.1701• i0 at" 'titlla ! faired In taken r hiill,ira t , , E This; season moire settlers have 'r1 last year, tlhri Rev, r)r.--=- rev� _ groat l3t•ik(oi } it p Laud 5, the North-west, than 1a1 prey - ells of Sonth Telfenham, whe helms' e erne iii ktal; I )'01i,rs. in the Ni » ,9stilg clisto et .0 he lolls ,} �. I n , ta11u, visifed,the coast last Iver h, ainl°'olirain• tlreie h a5 lotoot ;a I;arge ndcl%tont tr.) the id n I'n1 , ct ut 1liihlicanons fin di, tribtitirau hundred families, )'v . i1(itlt itr:+iaalc0t4 pt,lnil,ttirnl, Scveiitec;n Ilunc art„ ��ir lii;a 1„u t. ln, ut, >, gc e settled there, ;raid' the (fright (,raeeeiiielirrd,+ stew. tgl, nrtt iceil altogether tltcir ltttt r .., ra that I - i ., l(.nirD1nt.,, 1d t the Tail awl cel( ` h a n n l ,r ( I ' little dtdpot� done i,.l� lifts ,; 1 At"r., g,, '_t f :,:mutt l'tprla itr`a^;. iii 1 .)..., ,,., .,at •., ', .-,di,ktrdi>,pla}'. a t n r - ere o having re. only to the claims of which such executor has their notice, and the raid administrator will not oe responsible for the assets or •any part thereof to any person or persons of *whose claim notice shall not have been 'received by said administrator atthe time of such distribu• non. LEWIS H. t1ICKSON. Solicitor for JosepbUolmau• Exeter, 24th August; 7886: CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR AND Agricultural Exposition, 1886 TORONTO SEPTEMBER 6TH TO 18714. An. immense Programme of Ncw AND Gassy ,1 ' vic'Ns is prepared for this Exhibition. fou res and E',CC'll7:YLOnS on all Jty's t Wits or Prize List and Entry Forms sent to one on application, by post card or other- , e. to the Secretary at Toronto. Entries close ,na•day August 28th. H. J. HILL," IN O. J. WITHROW, Manager and Sec'y. President. Tososra E!T!PI1 PA!R • TAS— --AT - L>SNDO, CANADA UNDERTAKER & Sept, '27th to Oct. 2ad,'86. CAB :INET -MAKER, 'rhe eyes Are always in sympathy with the Way, nud itiford an excellent index of its condition. ',Vhcu the eyes become weak., and the lids iniamecl and sore, it is an cvicience that the system has become disordered by Scrofula, for 'which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy, Scrofula, which produced a painful ig- Ilanzntation in ley eyes, caused me ,ouch suffering for a number of years, By the advice of 0 physician I commenced Whin. A Ayer's Siusaiarilli, .After .sin • hi medicine to short tilne,0, was completely s Cured My eyes are now 10 a splendid condition, r ant " am— 1 1 ns well and strong as'ever, \ . e Mrs, William Gage, Con,oui,cN. FI. For a number of years I was troubled with ahutnor in my eyes, mid wits unable to obtain any relief until l: commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has eifectecl a complete cure, and 1 believe it to be the best of blood purifiers.- C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. 11. From childhood, and until within a few months, I have been alilicted with Weide Sore a E 'es I have used for these complaints, with beneficial results, Ayer's Stirsaparilie, and consider it a greet blood purifier.—Mrs. 0. Phillips, Glover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflamma- tion ho niy left eye. Three ulcers formed on the ball, depriving zne of sight, and causing great pain. After trying many other remedies, to no purpose,:I was finally induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ancl, By Taking three bottles of this medicine, have beep entirely cured. My sight has been 're- stored, and there is no sign of inflamma- tion, sore, or ulcer in my eye. —Randal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge,' Ohio. My daughter, ten years old, was afflicted with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. During the Last two years she never saw light of any kind. Pliysioians,of the highest standing exerted their skill, but with no permanent success. On the recommendation of a friend I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Sar- saparilla, which my daughter commenced taking. Before she had used the third bottle her sight was restored, and she can now look steadily at a brilliant Light with- out pain. Her cure is complete.— W. E. Sutherland, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. u Meld y all Druggists. Price $1; sir bottles, $5. MACKINAC. The Most Delightful SUMMER TOUR Palace tsteamere. Low Mates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day Between. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our Picturesque Mackinac." Illustrated, Contains San Partioular.. Mailed Pref. , Detroit & Cleveland Steam' Nay. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, GEN. PAGE. ACT.. DETROIT. MICH. WILL CURE QR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZiNESS, DYSPEPSIA, • DROPSY, ! "t DIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUiM, THE, STOMACH, HEARTBURN,. a DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE. SKiN, And every species of disease arising fro disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, putt t I�BO&WELS OFA BLOOD, T. MILBURN gO:, PropriT ROP;Tt".1. LEAKING SALE 24d341Tb f sac**, BARGAINS EVERY DAY. —) werisaariaNatataitatiaNINNiairaialaa DRY -GOODS, RES C.A.SE;M:.� , SILKS & SATINS, PRINTS, &c., TRUST BE CLEAPMD OUT TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL STOCK. .EVERYBODY COME! IT PAYS TO GO TO RANTON Oi® BROS. MIMS Buy HARDW'RE Buy "OLD ESTABLISHED" To be Sold at ;Enoch Bottom Prices, Wholesale and Retail Car Load of 'Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes• ;;qtr load of German window Glass, Star, Diamond Star, Double Thick ; Car load of Binder Twine now on hand, Flax, Mixed & Pure Manilla, cheap for cash Car load Water Lime, Calcine Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick and Clay Five car loads of Iron and Steel, two and four barb, Buckthorn and Ribbon Wires; 25 car loads Blacksmiths', Chestnut, Stone. and Soft Coals. Orderr.Binde -. Twine and. Fall supply.'Coal;.eari 'rr � y HARVEST TOOLS:—Spades, Forks, Rakes, :Movers, Reapers, Binders, Scythes IN BUILDERS' ,HARDWARE- -Rim, Mortise and Dead Locks, Hing" Hanel Saws, Sash Weights,; a full line. • IN CARRIAGE GOODS.—Patent Wheels . ConboyTops, Bent Stuff I."riminin s and P, , Dash Leathers, "Muslin, Drills, Ducks, Oil Cloth, Buckram, Springs, axles, Circles, &c. IN PAINTS.—Elephant and James' Lead, Raw and Boiled English Oils, Ready-made Paints, Tubes, Colors, Transfers, Drop Black, Oak Varnish. and Shellac. IN MILL SUPPLIES,—Asbestus; Jutes ancl Hemp Packings ; Leather and Rubber fBeltings, Rubber Hose. Files, Gauge Glasses, Pipe and Fittings, Angle and GrobeSValves. 1 Above goods, having been bought at manufacturer's prices, will be sold cheap. JAS. PICKARD. Hay Forks Ropes Pullies Machine Oils (all kinds.) W 1 'Z A. R D OIL ---AT SCARLETT'S DRUG STORE ! CaRSONS , INDUSTRIAL AND ART EXHIBITION' JOIEN 1e3B.A'°C:9'' LIBERAL -: PREMIUMS Competition Open tb the Wort(' Western Lair The est is the mast at .oveaG of the season for the people r f WeObetlu Ontario. The Directors ere determined that the forth. coming Exhibition ehall'egva.al, if not surpass, any Of its p redecossors, The :Jommitteo on Attraetiou, are predating a 19plendid programme for oath day of tiro Lair, full particular s of which will be.ila.V,lisit- cd later on. Write to tho Secretary[or Prize lists, let ers, Programmes or other informatics required. P. \I/BETPPP, I;PO, \IciAgIie'0NI, President. Secre tary E THE : SEVENTH ANNUAL UAL XHUItl1TION -'--01 THE -- Southern Do'inties' Fair Association, \31lSL 131E 1 007) AT TILE CITY OF ST. THOMAS Sept.21,22, 28, 21: 1886, ..ep Walnut ii,08ewood Caskets &)I45 (i(elsY83s OF EYEitk bEBORXPTION. ' complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Alway'son hand. T CON- DUCTED FURNISHED AND CON- DUC'rEt) At Low RATES. VERY LIBERAL PREMIUMS. luciiuliugmalty ValunMe Special l'rizes. SV F 01/ 1, ATT 1,• armor `` pram 7111 race ;' trial of snood for {+entleinu.0 s rot; 11 horse:, ; ruuninr{ tutee for tarrrter`s lots rs; ran ;ling race for lads irlord ; sta.11ttt 107(1 race 1'r Lod v. drivers, single aoadfitbi•race town. ra0o.(fret to 1011 trotters.) A rrangerrients arc, beingI made for a ,grand ballona ts00 1 1bt1. Smn'1. ,OTII MQSTmmE,. 71;''1) Volt .1 0.70'511 LI977:' Cheap Fares, &c., on all Railww.iio, tJ ..%10c11 nr,n, .7t".11‘: A. if VIER, PIT 1slell tu My COCK � ' t Fulltitu'o e vs un- excelled. r.W-'UIVF OlE :\, CALL natiaa2M:4.2MAt/IntX ttatit'i3atait' rars.v-se44ar.t AT CTfI stAiletzvil•os, DRU131 STORE! POR _AY S NIii ain30 Great Clearing Sale AtZSJ TT BROS. A.s we are going to enlarge our premises to accommodate our rapiPrlificreasing husi ness, we will of1:'er. AT COST the following lines Scythes, Scythe Snaths, c-+ Spades, 2 & 4 Barbed wire, Steel Barley Forks, s Buckthorn Fencing, ADVE TISERS can learn the exaot cost Ol llle of �a�nY h ><o osed P advektisirin American lCa n ''paper.::: P::: Y addressing ��:•'b g Rowell & Co., Advertising of Bureau, 10 Spruce St., Ncw 'fork, 1.<...aii .0cts, for 100-1 ago Pltrrrphlet, Steel Hay Forks, Q Plain wire, Manure fonts nos Forks .1arrud Felt Paper i Hoes 'Shovels of all hinds ? H Plain'Telt Paper. —Pure .�S�l,nllli�t, Binder Twine, Building Consistiu 7 Also a full stock of. 'General . Hardware, of , rr�a� Putty, White TJe�,d Raw rind Nails, Locks, NKl) c, Glass 11 �, , Boiled Oil E iglish.; '.1.uh peiltine i 'ti., Sze, Stoves and Tin- i o, t A encs for ware a"full stock it‘our 4is>_'all ova prices. the Montross Metallic; STlilhgle Roofing -a light, durable and Cheap roofing,bdwellings anti out outbuildings where (�la ..i p suitable for b � there is a carter' pitch or''over, Dive Trot -whin (Y a Specialty Call and see l31:1'm i, 'we are ;advertising ta•cts and N 0 SHAM,. 1 , n. r, c c, -