The Exeter Times, 1886-8-26, Page 3merle' Berl sad Their Prospeotfp �'ltx' Y taattlby heard utter ace numb of opinion entertained by a large he r number our most enols reepoota of: o farmers Bald that the P t? boys were daily growing lee bight, and in the near future h le for narrowed down to a more struggle the bread." 5' Laek," he continued, Profits aooumulated by the merchant, the ea of men wi h lawyer, and other o, tae gilled to transact a waits whom the farmer is comp armor hie no, died before her home was reached. r was un- itise bettering Absolutely the f .on • but on When an Elkhart, Ind., fa cho oo r totteeim must, o)the Very nature loading a load of hay which hde blively driven of oontrarvs: he must, by the he naturally atoll rawer t the to market and the mold, and in tiro veryerpent of things, ale " This talk is � tel tusks d TIL ORD aVR " ' Litchfield Suedey.scl?•ool teacher in L tc bhed told n infanta to sok ariland a li Git one asked I had in their (elude, u When it the thous coming?" 4. New louden oyster dealer haee invent,rtt- ad a dredge with which starfish, an the taken ort onaspoe of l without dishe turbing the ey- from a bed t stare. Nits. Elauson, while picking blackberries near ()Arland, Ili,, was bitten in the ankle d in bya blue racer. She was aG once placee n and driven homeward, but she The Letson of Dream. re and to the dippo>yi�tien of the . Porton; neo e a the entirmel of each In referenced oa future e happineee oIr punishment, 4 night, tianspcetftd"him to tp Alae qa bboll "" Are;there any Homan asked the thoughtful 'Keeley. Yea,"' was the reply;, i Any Epfeeepaliane r u yea," "Any Deesbyteriaoe 1"' d elan Wesley war epee troubled in t g and al eo see and e lial tenden- cy is —evil wind, evil in t eytomerely windriaal- to degrade the noble pursuit oft rn the ture, and evil in its drift toom agr pultur e minds of our young men overcrowded 000upatione to the already professional red mercantile channels. but it to We can not- this talk anarchy, extremely de nental to the bestmLutereete ind the of our laborie element, To my prespeots of ferbiers' boys were nev raer so en - tieing as now. Years age, few, a boy was expected ttoh o fromoil y timeore dawn till after dark, partake of his meals. Even then to ask for a horde would have been all his day this worth. Mind, .I do riot l to d to ority were waEve s. true in all oases, bright Now itis8 nenor. otthersmu tot in- strument, - bright bynt a ere come Btrament, Good beaks and p p the in- tellectual the house to aid in developing faculties and oullly tt g the mid, Holidays in succeeded re more hand labor en thefd farm so g the bey'e Aho farm in so large a degree, life is rendered far easier. 0.se who can be willing to be oontent with a fair return for eohis d livinorg i than ever tter mutated obtpnroduce duce is much lower in before. True, p prloo, but provlelona'ars reduced in a cor- responding Dor e a >itTransportation a rgee are hdryathe of the former cost ofoon co n- veyance, and the modes of carrying to- gether with the possibility of eecurtng d dailyl market reports have practically placed the markets at aur have done a vast amount ved methods of farming agriculture, In to ad.ano0 the Daus$ of raising any product for our markets it must be borne in mind that only first eau produce oan command d a esa ies, It will not de to put up butter in ll sunless per- fectly packages, or to trendy agg freale. Fruit and vegetable must be assorted and neatly packed, d perk must be fattened in a sup� rhe paoauo. a Have a atandard and keep your preapdate up to that etandard, and p are as bright tto-daydaas they would have been fifty y Practical Poultry. Rloe is excellent to feed to young, grow- ing chicks, and ie not very expensive. after -___r..,. to lay. ra o e•an 1[v till a meadow moles B om ea red ttv he fou kloklog. Tom Higgins of Spirit Lake, Ia., bad a gg sunstroke the other day. His brother started for the dootor in a hurry, and tho over borne he rode .atumbled, thon rew e etee boy ler, ever his head, and stepped lag injaries from whleh be will probably die. & hors) owned in Springfield, Ill„ ohokod while eating corn. Ita ownerthrust a whip otoek down the hernia throat to remove the obetraotien, and the foot normo more t ere tokhn two, leaving throat. A horse doctor came and cleared out the much obstructed channel, yea" "Atte- Congregationalists 1" 5r yet," again was the aaslver n A iy�saptlste !' "' yea, of a olinohorr, "" Any Mothodiestet'" by asked the piens Wesley, in was s tube' oto ""yea,,, to brs. great indignation, wered. wayet dreamt, a sodden the mystic InYgates of to me before befo L; transition, an pro stood opportunity, he heaven, Improving his again bequlred; "" Are there any Roman Oatholios hare ? "" NO," wee replied; "" Any Bpiaoopaliana ? "" No." "" Any Presbyterians!" "" Any Cougregativnallete?" They tell of a clergyman in Lynn who hired out to a ohuroh at a nominal salary of $1000, agreeing privately to make the - ;soon% of $1,000 of it, A cones:e;Ia• tion n an preaoher, thought must be him, extra offered him $,4,500, and gothehathe Lynn people understood whypretended his salary was $4,000. Ralph, asix-year-old in much impressedile miaalonary'e family, sewrth vants, After After o et rof these domestic ea of theta a sen- sations, he indirectly confessed ont, e e di it to his peooadilleea of his own, by , usual nightly petitions : And pleeee God, give me clean hands and a pure heart, and don't let me tel anybody's things or take the monkey's peanuts." ohuro a p " t Connecticut hoard of ,theera 000 it Na." "" Any B.lptiats !" ,, No.," "" Any Methodists?" "i No. ,,. " Well, then," he asked, lest in wonder, "" who are they inside ?" "" Christiana 1" was the jubilant answer. wi a POISON ' L WILSON'S FLY W� THEM L., w• Jac DO es A -, KILL SOL) RY pB GGIBTs ladles—at conveners �ielpb B111Usss College GtfEIRE, ONTOf431eb patr4a The Tided iloholee9ioTeerbegins Soot. tree drawn from Tee elves a airiiqaq a Ya!, Touts Moe mid boYu ta•rouRtlY efrdit nqo pu ?Jre. 45adueteewiA99Air tietootaiul. P001014 ?Jermoderate e ecberee Onto the foelAn,nand *deitedFerWoo untlnu adtSrosa 1t1 1vilcOvEldigK, P 4 G '416.11Elf; co A-gricuitural Ccalege Wild REOPEN ON FIRST OQTOB4R.yay Course in ag,laulbure, Live Stook, Dias p adapted a *lour t8 01Bakeilee, end onset#bFor elremlar glriDg 1n' Aho wanbs of farmers' aoto. a 1 Sorma4lon 18 to to IAS beR LI.$t M. A , Peasideut, Guelph, Auguat.1880. a asw tilts advt, Ploase mestioa she paper to whiter yo t $N•-•'C1IR4�it—aAd two a food pay. 1� B. gjirlxi,DY. Toronto. Ont. _ o Fa $e sora warm --0500 ends a Acre Air ilundalk-100.000 modus cents; . instruments Toronto- i •at, . To ea 1 nILP AIT .— ATR y_...----�•- Ela 1, e 8IZ 2 etrao imostseme at, brae 0 erect neat, oi3oa and durable ; senr a b p sten Piece, bad.. IIS pp O or4u 8 tl „ NOW. RAIiALLEL FAMILY • C TE} FAR a t e e lundid maps. boeutilnl u t10flB con4al Yp � p naetloneand answers In Bible T icsI 00114510a C000 International on Bible T4olae Book and Btele Fredet. Toronto, FPRE91bN t £, oU9 In each county +o sell "Pro- wl, kr t- poeat ted Eepausal"—a book on Love, °ouri- circulaMatrimony Int9 netionafkindred Book theme. Bible Rousetor E �70Q I entre 'tom 1 15 is ; 190 000 5 Dent -�""" 1 mm B10 Vats, From Sam Jones' sermon in Knneas City : I have not chewed tobaeoe since I left Cal oago. If I had done everything I am ao. oneed of I ought to be in the penitentiary. I am a great deal like the man whe was met by a friend who avid ; ""Why, I heardbat u were dead." "" Yes, I heard so, too, did not believe it," When at he thethese ere stories I don't get mad, true I feel so bad that they are lies i na so oan't get mad, and if they glad they are lies I can't get mad. in the fill The Splendor of Dress mud the artificial tirade of cosmetics, no ;natter hew deftly applied, oan never make beautiful or attraotive one who is subject to emaolatfon, nervous debility, or any form of female weekeega- Theaea d net bereached by inward applfoatlon, and the la- dies attempts. at concealment, dies natty take hope from the fact that thou- sands of their slaters have made the useoee f more radiant and beautiful by the Dr. Pierce's ""Favorite Prescription" ot than they could ever hope to da by the e appliances of the toilet. A woman was lately drowned.-. r New 3ersey cheese Notary bv,fallinlg inaha vat of Y D 8 R al t No BU AN , � p 1? p �T.L 4« TA RO EB A IN I1R AOR "�n. � matt A �A NIA TER {� Or h Q aw CJ d s ked ban e U A lata JOBS UILLIE bs ITER FAILS SNOW Qji Zr�iTI~II POWDER,p.,?.21.. UP/J(11\1G 421 ,"flit BaWoe Pewter Coe 1300100.. 0 OPXY '* dial: r ride Weekly,. S h o arra StozYi,aperrT storiesbofi terestintComplete Te1e oflove, e. A number Roma/lee, f interesting e roetr_y� Short x ketch4e, unci Adveu, u o Science, wit and Efinar, e„ coutai ,lt4aip a f'' is ue of The Rumor, etc,. oontainod r opyt, a wit 2 q0 of 'Ie most 'Weekly. 5e. rn sof yti l'. t;he *post deniraabie wontx!1 of "Alla day', $, year; elx.months mid 50O Pieces music, g ; menthe end 10 pleeee music,.00a.' EinLrordiue now,. Agontewanted ever ywl�ere• 'Liberal pow p2iseiou: elanaplo copieN Free. Tian ilIeni From. Waotaxix, 2S Golborue St., Toronto, Can drop ene egg very regularly every 21 home, al- most inv,aviably after night. about a *eek or ten days old, examine them carefully under the wings and on the head ; you will aeon find the canse—lioe. Mix a little sulphur and lard together and apply to theee points, Oae applicetion is uetially sufficient. If your hens lay soft ehelled eggs, give your fewle plenty of cinders, oyster Shells, lime rubblekt, etc. This semen of the year is a good one to set Bantam eggs. Those hatched in Sep- tember and even antunan are however, often the beet, as the lateness of 'the seeson tericie to Reep down the size. Australia le again world's fair which she heel appointed or next Jane a't Adelaide. It might have been supposed that with her doable don ef inter- national exhibitions less than seven years ago wkien she held one at Sidney in 1879 and another at Melbourne in 1860, she would have had for the present a surfeit of there. Bat these ehows have come to be tralla finds that ousiness purporeas will be served by holding a fair in 1887, Doubt- less Amerioan menufaothres will be well re. presented, as before, in the antipodal ba. Toronto, Ont. TOr C { IIerin Boad ys ,k Students a of private ,,r During Roliaaye a 9 Dotal comae o2 p 1eaeane, by highest mean*. wilt be given Schor ool Teachers Painting. a M1nd who oan 'should coma. on Send looredi- ately for epectat oireelers, Tel Uxtos Baur. neemBas' AcAD8$Y. Arcade, Toronto. whey. She went the ' OnlyThirty.six Per Cent. of those whe die from oonsurepticin inherit the dieease. In all other cesee it must either be contracted through. careleeenees ; oularpo.rasites, received dixectlY from ethers as an infeetious disease. But In either ery " is a poeitive remedy for the disease in its early ;images, It is delay that Is danger- ous. If you are troubled with shortnees of breath, spitting of blood, night sweats el a lingering cough, do not hesitate to promise this soverign remedy at once, two heeded more emaciate, on Shorthand, Tree - writing, Book.lseepieg. Writing, Arithmetic% Gram. tlaaT, Drawing. Painting and Otrepootive, wed all otherCommarolal end englien course*. An grade Mem helped in procuring good titaati000. Apply Inn. medlately, 8I, 89 and 41 Adulate Bt. E.. To oato. Lila givee better eatisfamion or thin you can make money taster with then " World's Wonciere." Benet) all classes—Christians and infidels, Catnolloe and Protestants, old and young ; old agents who have not canvassed for yeare are going into the field with save ; " The fleet week with "Wonders" netted me one hundted and sixteen dollars." A good chance for unemployed persone ; outfit. free to WAWA eatl. 'masers; write for terms. %%ADM, 6.4.1110121406 ce H. VFILIA-111Se Is the mrtry business overdone ? Does thie, from a trades paper, indicate such a 'state of affeirs " About forty million dozen more eggs are needed in Ameriaa this year then are supplied by our fowls ; eo we will have to Bend across the water or thenieficienoy." Alwaya have a tight roof to your chicken coops ; cold rains are very destructive te young ohieki. Keep young chicks growing steadily •, do not feed them too much at a tinae, but feed them often, and with good, tiourilehipg Those tieing brooders should exercise great °ere about getting them too warm ; the heatedeend relaxed. ohloken rune out In- to the cold sir and gets inflammation of the Cgan out your chicken house's at least once a week, Thinning Root Crops. 11 triav seem sometimes a hard thing to do to pull up promising plants and throw them away, and a farmer is time tempthd to penult the roots to stand too close in the rows. Bat it is indiepeneable to success that the plants have plenty of room. Large roots weighing ten to elitism p.ounds cannot be grown at less than sixteen inches apart, and eighteen incites hi better still, At title distance, with full raves there will be forty-nine tons to the acre. 'Athalf the distance the roots may only average three pounds!, making only little more than twenty-nine tons to the more. The same applies to corn, for ell plants need %bun& ant feeding dram for the roots, and must A two.foot alligater and two big artificial swarm are in a fountain basin in Macon, GI, 'the other day it was notioed that the elli- gator was not to be seen and that one of the swans seemed to be anchored close to some bop had tied the alligator to the BWall to see him drag it round the basin, and that the 'gator had wound himself up around the fountain and eould not come to the sur- face ; and not only that, but had wound the etring tightly around his mouth. When releesed he showed great pleasure opening his j/Vili to their full extent, laling the water with hie tail, and barking like a Almonto, druggists are allowed to sell dog. but one gellon of whiskey at a time. Ream- ing thie tact, a thirsty man went to a drug store with a two.gallon jug and anked to have it filled. The druggiet said that he couldn't sell but a gallon, The man said he must have twe gallons, and if the drug- gist would put one gallon in the jag, he'd try And get the other at some other store. This was done, Soon the man returned and 'raid the other druggist wouldn't sell the other gallon. The man seen:red sad. One gallon was no use to 'him ; would the drugglet kindly take it back and let him have his motley ? The druggiet would, and did, But he didn't take beak the whiskey after all, For the man had not been to an- other store, but to a converalent place where he took out a big half ' of the gallon ef whis. key and replaced it with water, lie then returned the whiskey and water to the obliging druggist, Col. Undo. commands the Mexlcau toms et El Paso. In case ef war he would be the -Ueda deg in the fight, perhaps. The oleaneing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Romedy are ASK FOR THE BE Washboard. ���� ©GFRs KEPT WALL GR MANUFAc ruRED BY HAMILTOFI WalterWo0dS&C° &TORONTO Scale Factory. Il �Ca Hamilton The Beat *rail CNer!:1M" took red fY vat Ha a r 5.r , in the -market, q" iS44- petLee ee de igerad and or ter F . w' "nod. era 1 � inti Yrt� .! 6'm y , d., +® Farmers, dairy g P4 kd ;,.t_•' r' able platform Saalea Dormant, Hopper 84 Warehouse ]i1 -.-.... _. _ no Elevators. si ales for W e manufacture all styles of SCALES, which are unoquelled foa accuracy, durability and elegance of finish. rmstrolat's PATENT TEMPERED KEIL Glitter & Sleiti Gears, Felt & Slate Roofer. Manntacturer and dealer In Tarred Pelt, ROOling Muni, Building papers, Carpet and Deafening Felt. Ready Roofing, etc. For low prices address 4 Adelaide_ H. WILLIAMS, Msde from Best Tempered SODS Stool. we are having a lustre demand this seaAon ttour sections where temple loti were sold last winter, aud orders should be pawed eerier to secure prompt at, tantion. Corning, Po4land, J1104, gent .' PorDet te. suit and ell at very roorter...ta prices. Have you uteri our ,9teel Bolenteigiee ? Bend ter wit) elomi NI, J. B. ARMSTRONG rd'F'0 Dairy Salt. Finest brands of English Dairy Balt in quarter noes. Biggins' Eureka, Weetkineton Brand, Worth. ington, also the Celebrated Ashton, and leadiag brands of Canadian Dairy Salt. Sutter Wedeln), Ao. Bend for Mee List. JAMES PARK & SON, TORONTO Surprise Thresher Da Boggs : " I know how to teenage my eon manage her 7" De Boggs:: " She won't Don't use any more neneeous purgatives such as Pills, Salts, 8cc. when you cen get in ,Dr. Carson's Stomach' Bitters, a medicine that moves the Bowels gently, cleansing all im our. ities from the By stem and rendering the Blood pure e.nd cool. Great Spring Medicine 50 eta. wife," Bagley : " You do ? Then why don't Wheia yon drive pad a big house in the country, and eee a lot of people waving do not think it an insane &whim ; it le their hands and dancing around the piazza, /vIANUFACTURE ONLY SILVER PLATED Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability. and Finish. only a eummer hotel, with the boardere go- ing through the fly drill. I ever saw." Smith : " Correct." Jones : JOX1013 Smith. yea 210 the laziest man " They sey you edeep 15 homer ant of every 1E-Tamilton, .• Cont. economize. Yon see it coots yea nothing to sleep, but the moment you wake up expen- se's begin." Thrice Boma the Globe‘ The ocean steamer, Tonqariro, belonging to the New Zealand Shipping Company, has finished her third voyage round the world in a eirgle year, Her round trip," whie ts round in a literal Renee, is from London te New Zealatd through the Suez Canal, o ,seround the Cape of Geed Rope, and home again by way of Cape Herm On her maiden voyage ehe left Plymouth, Breland, en Ootober 29, 1883, and reached Port Chelmere, New Zealand, ley way ef Cape Town, on Decenaber llth. She was bank again e,t Plymouth, by way Of Rio Janeiro, on the fith of February. She re. tinned from her 'amend trip on the Ilth of June, field from her third en the 9th of ()Arbor, making the three voyages in twenty days less than a year. This time includes all detentions in port. The time actually °coupled by the three lees than two hundred and forty days, Theo it le clearly poesible to make the cir- cuit of the globe --net only of the mestere and weetern, but Cd the leathern and -southern heralepheren--in eighty days. It h t the outward and the esi are 0, Me p An 'Expert in Human Hair. Mine. Shaw is an expert in human hair She studied the subject. " Ain" said she, " why. is it you ladies of New York, and the AMerlOall women gener. ally, are so careless about year heir, and 11 you heve boat it, why se economical in pia. charting thie adornment ? You do not heti- tate In giving ten, twenty or mere dollars for ' love of a bonnet,' but will hesitate in buying the artistic, arrangements in hair made to su2ply nature's defects, and that are ISO essentially neceesary for your good " That is a novel idea," sold the reporter, " but doubtlees yen are correct, Tell me why we rose our hair while young and ether - with hearty." " Oh, for many refuse/1m First, you do not take proper OEM of it. Foreign women of ail dames wash, comb and brush their hats frequently. Take a practical illustra- tion. Mrs. Blank notices that tkro tails of her marine home grow shorter and thinner every day and stoke John the reason for it. lEte peofeseee not to knew. She then gees to the dealer from whom she purchafied the leases. He quickly replies, is because your methanol neglects to wedeln out, comb and trim their tails," " So." says madame, " lt is gess neglect With yott ladies. You give mere attention to any other part ef your person than the Arid you are in a hurry ; you have so many dletraetiene, Your mothers and vvortiono twice your age have many of them ltomrient hair, for vile= they Were young it was etill the angora to brush the hair at night and Wash the wall) frequently. Ladlet oover their bald head% bus if they did not what droll eight any ordinary audienee would A Free Fight. The great repntasion of Briggs' Electric Oil is such that it eas Inauced unpeinciptel per. sons to' adopt other names as near like it as possible. The proprietors of Briztre Electric 011 have the name and style of the Electric Oil registered. both in Canada and the United, States, and no enema use it but themselves. Others hearing of the success ot Briggs' Eleo- leetrio 011 have adopted. other names similar, and ars striving to induce the public to buy them instead of ths genuine Electric 011. In fact so determined were they that they brought a suit at Law, in the Big1a Court of Canada, to deprive I3rigg3 St Sous of their right to control the same ; but the Courts and the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa fuRY sustained their registered trade mark. Briggs' Electric eil cures Rheumatism, Neu. ralgia, Sprains and Bruises, complaints aerie- . ing from Colds sttnn as Sore Throat, Cough, A wife should be like roast lemb—tendsr sweet, nicely droned, plenty of axing, lent without sauce. " Talk I" exolaimed the barber in an in - don't injure anybody. I am roue I never say anything," opium, morphbee chloral, tobacco, and kindred habit& medioine may be given in tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it if 80 desired. Send 13o in stamps, for book and testiraordala frern tholes who have been oared. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Oet. Cut this out for future reference, When writing mention this paper. Maud : " Mr, Antenna is a soit of uni- versal genius ; isn't he '1' Mabel : " Yes, he is exceedingly clever.' Maud ; " Ho is something of a lawyer end !something of a " Well, the milers call him a musician, and the musicians call him a lawyer." Consumers win find it to their advantage to ask tbe trade for onr make of Files and Rasps. me-eatting a Specialty. Bend fin price list and terms. - Ontario. Manufactured in 3 Sizes. Ally opt:deities No. 3. Thresher and rovrer Compute, 114306 No 5, do do do seo No 5, do ger littoral) 31S Discount for Cash. , Then machines are the fastest and lightest nin• Ling, and make a better separation than env other style in use. invite coneepordence [TOM hir011aTa ann throe:seance. In writing mention what you ts wanted. identical thls paper. `-'0) James Sharman Stratford, Ont. FARMERS & THRESHERS., 'Use on your Machinery only:Abe Well-known PEERLESS OIL six COLD MEDALS h.v. been awerded it during the last three years. Try also our PEER LESS AXLE GREASE for your Weggooe and Horse Power& Manufactured at Queen city Oil Works, by SAMUEL ROGERS gr CO,, Toronto, NEIN HARRIS AND MAMMOTH sarnii DOME HOT-AIR TURNAOES. 0 0 &Ilan Luau !loyal Nail Steamelall31 Sailing during winter from Portland every There day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and tr summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land Mails and passenger', for Scotland and Ireland; else from Baltimore, vie HaillaZ and St. John's, N.F„ to Liverpool fortnIgline duting eummer montias. The steamers of the GINS govr lines sail during winter to and from Hallian Partland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and dining sum mer between Glaegow and Montreal weekly ; Glee gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow end Manadel phia fortnightly. For freight, panage, or other informetion apply It A. Schumacher a Co., Baltimore ; 5. Genera Se Co. Halifax ; She; A Co., St. johme, N.F.; Wm Thome, eon ee Co., St. John, N. 0, ; Alien se Co., Chicago i Love ez Alden. New York ; IL Ballast, Taranto; Wei E. A. Allen. Portland. Boston, Montreal. CITES FOR DETNIEENNESS, II WI It g_.,b741.oki., a , 449,arr., II', 0 The Most Effective, Mali, Dtirable and 1Reonomical Mester" fit the Market WI:tanning end ventilating Churches, Schools, Publlo Buildings, Storee end Private Residence's. Simple in oonsime. non and easily managed, capable of giving more beat with lees oonsumptIon of fttel than any other heating apparatus. Vie Atemiutely Gas Eight.15! Eight sizes "Barrie" and four'elzes "Mammoth"' are made and cen be set either in Bier* or Porteble form. Correspondent* solicited. row Catalogues ead furthet information address HE 412110RIGINAL WOOD 41004:: 1.3 le v. little quo I fit exactly ef ectami resent.' —.Nets return Zealand WWI forty-one days ; tile average homeweed, on the other aide of the glebe, was thirty-nin: days. The longer peoSeige wee that Which was mule by way of the Sue Canal. SO fern hoareebtiolt) Shag we take the ter the bridal path, Itbink," For the Dab es It le not neoessary to bay corn curee. Men Painless Cent Extractor le the only safe, intro end painleSe worn remover extant, It float ita work gulohly and With certeliety. Sae that the eignature.N. C. Polendl te Co. appears en °soh bottle. Beware of politen- one Imitations, A, GENTS WATIITED—IN EVERY TOWN AND Candy, for the O. H. Parer and Best thing oat; sells at eight ; sample Hone eent on teeeipt of price, 15co. ct D. DAY, Agent, Yonge Bt., Toronto, Ord. MONEY TO LEND Productive Town# Village & ram Property SEND rOR PRICE LIST 100 ',ONCE STREET, Toriopeen MEMO &STEREOTYPER'S. TORONTO, 4: F4 0 stt 4-1 CA 0 PLEA1.1'11101_ ALAI 111111111' W1111111111111' 1111 it 11111111 seareas 1119CAS WHE XmARGES THt LoNoEsT AND BEST FIRE -BOX, AND A PERFECT B.A.X.Ett. And is the Cheapest First ClaSs Stove ever offered. tor sale by all dealers, VI AN Unfl:t1T2BED The E. ik C. Gurney Co., TORONTO. ul CO el• td Pt 0 VE