HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-05-20, Page 17,..:...0 .,a, ,.AMM ,, rfllLSi ong ecently. Somme pointed ... T t0 me a striking similarity shared ' by 'most of our Students of the Week - they are almost all male. I really wasn't acutely aware of this (but what can you expect from a female columnist?) In keeping*wiith this idea, 1 resolved to make this week's winner a. female, in par- ticular Julia .11tIPStrong,. 141 4.Y. g 11,11 dirtiest words in the English language.(Sorry, Marian!) But life is not all work and worry,. as Julia knows. Her lighter moments. I am told, are in' Spanish class, where she attacks the language with such vigour that she makes Zorro took like Little lied Riding Hood. Most people tend to believe that Julia is shy. But lately, she has been tearing up and down the halls with her trusty camera. Besides, she is definitely not shy on the bus. I hear that she and Debbie board the hus and proceed to Julia Armstrong "Student of the Week" The main reason Julia is the super student this week is her position as Editor of your "Yearbook, This is a job which requires lots of hard work and dedication. Many days you will see her working away in gaTd old room 208, with co- editor Debbie Snider. The main theme of the yearbook this year was the 1 t' phrase DO 1T(buy a CHSS yearbook). However, many people misunderstood or } misinterpreted the message! Poor Julia - her yearbook was almost going to be rated X! 'Julia's one pet peeve is something 1 can sympathize with --deadlines! As far as I am concerned, ,it's one of the ea giggle. She only uses her voice- to bellow James above the general din. Julia or -Humphrey" as she is sometunes called. is known for referring to pertain experiences as being. "The pits'".. One thing for certain though, is that with Julia heading this year's yearbook it will not be "the pits". but in all probability one of the best we have seen. Now you can say we are striking a note for equality as the title of Student of the Week is awarded to Julia Armstrong. Just ask Annie to Try Diamonds -q N �a'ALL • This week I am going to sympathize with everybody that has a younger brother and sister that want to know everything that is going on and won't let you have any privacy. All teenagers need to be alone, and for younger brothers and sisters, this is hard to understand. The want of privacy is first shown when a teen wants his own room or at least wants to be left alone in his room. To some girls especially, privacy is almost an ob- session and no one is to touch what, is theirs and what is in their rooms. I know what this is like and I go along with them 100 percent. There is nothing worse ` than knowing somebody has been into your private things or that possibly some little sister or brother is going to walk in when you are dressing. In the Saturday, May 8 edition of the London Free Press, Ann Landers stated that she didn't think a 14 - year -old boy needed a lock on his door. She said that if the door was shut that meant privacy and he would be left alone. , I don't know where she was brought up, but I'm sure she never had a younger sister. To some younger children it doesn't seem to matter if the door is shut or not. If you are lucky, they may knock but they usually come barging in without waiting for a reply. All- I can say is someday they will be sorry when they have somebody doing this to them. There isn't much you can do except lock up and hide everything you don't want seen. If there is nothing to find there won't be anything to look at and they will soon take the hint. (I hope) . But who won? The candidates for yesterday's Student's Council Executive election were introduced to the student body at an assembly last Friday morning. The candidates were : secretary, Debbie Elliott. Cathy Madill and Susan Parke ; treasurer, Paul Galachuik, Bill Murphy, Pete SHUR.GAIN DOG FOODS Ciore Nimes 5Homb Emve The powa, OF I Emma a ',5►" PJT Cotam- emorritIES. 1.10waieit, ITT WoRK THAT VtA�► 11'11-' i t VOTE tkit �1► /Ic iiiill111111111111101 .11.• Tk I Come To 1111.. 1111. «1111 .11111• 1111. X1111111 1111. 1111. 11.11. 0.111. MOW 0010 000 011.111 .1111. w 000 • 000000 •0011 e ms ems 0010 000 O 00 Thompson and Katie Walden; = vice .president, Scott Doherty, Brenda McKinley, = Judy !'Stephenson and n Watson; president, Jan = Divok, and Charles Mustard. = At this writing however, the results of the election were notknown, and the school was still plastered with campaign 11•••• posters. mom vow f0• .11., 0010 0010 000 11000. 00000 0016 .011. 00011 0111110 NNW 01010 01010 0010 Imo 000 0110x00. PROTECTION: 0 you value your dog, you want to feed a quality product at an economical price. That's why you'll like the protection of Canada Packers' quality control that governs every aspect of Dog Food manufacture. The Canada Packers' insignia is your protection against an inferior product. You'll find it on every bag of Shur -Gain dog food. KENNEL TESTED: Working dogs do well on Shur -Gain. Test work carried out by independent kennels show Shur -Gain has the nutritional clout to support working dogs that run. swim. search and fetch all day long, in all kinds of weather. Shur -Gain keeps them fit. not fat. ."...' ►E,RfORIMICS:'"Shvr'-Gaisv-is-,a- eat dormer., in fitting out dogs for show and competition work. The Shur -Gain formai puts on gloss and brings out alt the bloom you love to see in a doggy coat. ECONOMY: Many kennel owners like the economies of Shur -Gain Dog Food. It's available in kibbted form in 10 kg. or 20 kg. sizes, or in pellets in 50 Ib. size. Great Value in nutrition at modest prices. EXPERIENCE; Shur -Gain is the largest manufacturer bt animal #eeds in Canada. That wealth of accumulated nutritional research and experience goes into every pound of Shur -Gain Dog Food sold. And dogs Love the all -beef flavour. 010 100• i +4�.,y^1 4 1/4 t, i ,1'�i I J� / %r� {,✓ j��,* f�, ��� �i;�,'r.//,' )' )r)))•}/l�40, for Sac the purchase is f �urasin t: coupon good for Dog food. Your dater will greet you with a smile tend redeem this coupon cheerfully. 5Ocon any bg • of Shur -Gain Dog Food. Redeemable at your Shur iiih Dealer umme s ee 35 Mary St.. Clinton 442702 Saturday • S:00-!2 Mal OPEN: Mon. • Friday MOO - COO p.m. t 4 t f v $ 4 , t - tt 1 1 V<d1111�" 1 1 ♦v, 1 r 00.1 E t ' e HUro n'Pert h + meet held- last wee k,» entry Huron came up with a very excellent showing. The boys team OM - cumulated 161 Points and the ' girls team 133 points. The total of 294 placed Central Huron in third place their best performance in the last few years. Altogether 25 students qualified for WOSSA com- petition being held this week. The senior boys .and the junior girls picked up the majority of our points: *" t li tong Mimi► triPlejump. David cly eh finis a. a In javelin third is long f p,. Mark Nicholson won t javelin event, Brian I' i ` won the discus, Faular ±! ` ltea second o shot put an Levis finished second 10'4,500 m and third in1100 m. In the junior girls'division. Teresa Bicknell won the long jumsecondQan third anHtmkids fin ed discus, javelin and shot put,, ,and Gayle Cunningharn aced fid i* end in fou The answer was The winner of the "Chronicle's recent match the queen contestant to her baby picture contest was Brenda Bali of IA homeform_ Brenda was one of ten contestants who picked the correct combination of (C,E,A,B,D) to be their an- swer. Mr. Hornuth drew the winner of the pair of free passes to see Charity Brown, live at C.H.S.S. tomorrow night. Just because you were unable to win a pair of free passes is no reason for you to sit at home looking blue and miss the fun. For the nominal fee of $3 you can purchase a ticket to attend this dance, today or tomorrow outside the cafeteria during the lunch hours. Remember to purchase your tickets in advance as the Ike price will be $3.50 per person at the door. So come out to CHSS tomorrow night to attend this fantastic dance 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tN111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 11 gie 1 i !even Reid c• ked t poi is or #e tea> m- �.Van Doogenh points in midget girls Terry Flowers 12 points In senior girls. Good tuck to all the corn, petitors at the WOSSA meet. -t-++ Intermural VoIieybail In the senior intermural volleYhalh 4A placed, first Ege after defeating 3C in a well - fought battle. Charity At'Blown. featuring w arden Centre aq Roth's Food Market Seaforth Open Sunday and Monday to5pm. May 23824 000 001 001110 0010 01011 1111.. 100 00101 0.1101 0010 0010 0100 100111 1/101/10 ONO 0100 0000 .000 000 000011 .1111.. ewe Ono 0010 mew ..r ewe arm wale ems 011.0► 1110 000 001110 .1100. 000410/0 0101▪ 1010111 111100 011110 1011111 0100 011110 .000 «0111. ONO 00000 1111. sum ..111m arm N OM awe . 1111110 0100 000. 1110.0 O 000 011111. .00 0111111 .111111. Our 10011. 0x011 emir IMO 0010 01000 011. 0111011 ONO 000 IMO IMO IMMO .00 .1011. 010 x+011 .11110 war 0000 00.0 1000 111111. ems 000 mumloom0000 1100. 1010. e lm ._ own own ewe w oo wimp 000 ems "* 11101 aeon sum O 00 40 0000IMO1111000 1000 00 1000 000 01101 010 0 0100 010.OMB0010U 01001 3cuf1 Bag 7 a.m 1111. 4 re • 1.. . • 10 � 0w 1, f � .� ♦ • •o T1Y While The% Last CEDAR BARK CHIPS $4.98 1111 9y tirI42➢..1 wa a - EVERGREENS « Mounthattan Junipers « Pyramid Cedars • Andorra Juniper. And Mart • Mare ai. • r ,1Y • .' ?' If WIN j.4, • LET'S GET GROWING Rose so 9� Sen7'n:hes �aS ohieratoesxstable la seeas ori e Se,c�� Vat v$`pn `��`�tsts (r 6 Gatdg� Thousands of Top Quoins BEDDING PLANTS To Choose From Annuals. Perennials. % c itetahics and Geraniums •. �� 1111. �.. 1111 1111. * Peat Moss Marble Chips * While Supply Lasts ! 1 0, H.ta.FA. tel 4 of COCA-COLA 26 o.'. Returnable battles 6/1.19 Sun and Monday Ont% White Suppe. Latts DUTCH SETS 59!. Sunda} and Mondan While Supph Lasts Help the Leo Club raise money for our Arena AT THESE OLD FASHIONED PRICES Pancake Breakfast5OC 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Dinner of Hot Dog 8 Coke 250 ice Cream Bars ?IOC ALL PROCEEDS TO ARENA FUND Qfl F-Tai.inumininimmuummomm111lIINltllllt�lfi�lliIqllq11111111111111111111i11111111il111111liIi1ltN�lli1111ti111111111111flllilillillt{Itt�l111ft11 • 000 41100 01100 ..1111 IMO 011010 1111. 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