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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-05-20, Page 14r•It I I I • A was most of the Centenflia even informationand schedule of eventsfor the Centennial 2, 3, and 4 d be ready for 'Litton this week, July 1st Will see istration in the 014 Town I, a Chick** barbecue in late afterneon and a Talent Night In the arena in the evening. Several entries 'ave alreAly, leen received Or TalentMight, and you are nvited to participate in this interesting evening. Just call the entertainment chairman, Doug Sinnamon at the Village Market for information. Italy 2nd will see registration in the Old Town Hall in the morhing, a paint -in on the Main Street in the morning. a fashion show in the afternoon, and a young and young at - heart dance in the evening. Also the finish of the Lake Owen 100 .Sail Boat race (formerly the Canada Trust 100) will be held in. Bayfield Harbour with the expected arrival of from 60 to 70 sail boats who will remain for the weekend. Saturday, July 3 will be a busy day too. in early mor- ning, a Pancake Breakfast is planned,....10 a.m., a welcome home and back to school day in, the .Municipal Building (formertr-the school). At 1 p.m. the gigantfc Pioneera '76 Parade is scheduled. Many interesting entries are already being registered. Word has been received that the Shriners will be taking part with their mini-kars and other exciting things. A group of antique cars are expected and the Trailer Camps and organizations have promised floats in the Pioneera theme; antique fire trucks are also expected...just to name a few entries. In the early af- ternoon, a -fish-fry is planned and the Pioneer '76 Cen- tennial Ball in the evening. On Sunday in the a.m., all the Churches will observe regular services; at 10 a.m. a Sail Boat race from Bayfield Harbour into Lake Huron will get underway at 2 p.m. Gospel Sing will be held in Clan Gregor Square, with sail past and regatta to include an boats in the Harbour. At 8 p.m. an Ecumenical Sunset ChurchService will be held in Pioneer Park overlooking the beautiful Lake Huron. Following the Church Ser- vice, the closing ceremonies will be held. During the weekend, the Old Town Hall will be open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for registration. information, a place to purchase souvenirs, see pictorial displays, see fishing equipment displayed FRONTS OF BEEF 79c LB. SIDES OF BEEF 98c L.B. HINDS OF BEEF 9.22 1.13. SPECIAL - HAMBURGER 8 5c Ls., NO. 2 CP. , WIENERS 59c L.B. ALL CUT. WRA PED A FROZEN TO V R SPECIFICATI' 5 NO EXTRA CH RGE Custom CUTTING, WItAPPING SLQUIOI FREEZING 8 c L.. FARMER SI Osr fig.Greiing Stader Is still open 1st yowl cesysidisca NOTE: WE NOW ACCEPT UNWASHED EGGS LiNDESSORO LOCKER SERVICE 4$2.0s1 r SCtS1P. Agricultural grounds 1)* shingle - branding,, nail driving, horSesheeing, horse sboe pitching, tug -0 -war, ball gaMeS, antique equipment and displays..official opening ceremonies with dignitaries taking nart...aeeePtieg the , Scroll from Oeltinnd County Michigan, U.S.A. bicen- tennial committee as a Hands -Across -The Border gesture...and many many Seniors feted, The executive committee of the Bayfield Ever Young Senior Citizens -were en- tertained along with other committees from several districts by the Grand Bend Golden Age Club, at a seminar held in Grand Bend on Wednesday May 12 at the Village inn Retreat Centre. Registration was at 10 a.m. with coffee being served. The group was welcomed by the president of the Grand Bend Club William Love; and the Reeve of Grand Bend, Robert Sharen. The "Jolly J's" of London provided en- tertainment in the morning. The "Jolly J's" are a group of 12 aged 65 to 79 years and so musical and full of life. Mrs. Augusta .Ceislar played beautiful old time music on the saw. and the popular 79 - year -old Mr. Brock sang in a lovely Scottish voice. two old time Scottish favourites. ' A beautiful lady of 73. Mrs. Sambell sang two lovely solos and danced to all the music. She has more energy than many people half her age. Miss Doris Dunn Dunn sang "Bless This House". Many selections were played for a sing song until noon, when a delicious roast beef dinner was served. After dinner, for a short while, they made many new friends, shopped or walked to the beach. and at 1:30 p.m., the afternoon session began. The guest speaker. Miss Angela Armett, of the University of Western Ontario "en- tertained". They all prob.ably expected a rather dry talk, but a funnier or more en- joyable speaker, many don't believe any of them have listened to before. Her subject was laughter,. She said there were three things in life; God, human folly and laughter, and she chose to speak on the latter. She said she had a plaque in her kitchen which reads, "When you are down in the mouth think of Jonah, he came out alright." She had such a repertoire of hillarious jokes, that many in the audience were laughing and wiping their eyes. She said middle age is when you know all the answers, and nobody asks you any. questions. Ella Wheeler Wilcox in her Guild meets The May meeting of Trinity Church Ladies Guild was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, May 11 in the af- ternoon.The meeting was opened by the president. Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons, who called on Mrs. Lorna Merner to read the scripture lesson. Mrs. L.W. Scotchmer then read a poem by Emmerson and the Lords Prayer was repeated in unison by the 14 members and one visitor. The secretary's report was givenby Mrs. Berthena Hammond, and correspon- dence was read and moved '—furflling. sianlia- Monster read - a letter on the change over of propane gas, and also gave her treasurer's report which was accepted. It was moved that all bills be paid. The hostess for the June meeting will be Mrs.. Ruth Mutzelburg, who again in- vited the Guild members to her lovely lakeside' home. Mrs. Fern Baker will take the scripture lesson and Mrs. Bessie Hulls will give the poem. Ruby thanked Mrs' Margaret Lynn for being the hostess, and thanked the members for their help at the recent card party. It was moved by Bessie Hulls and seconded by Greta Scotchmer that the Guild authorize Terry Fitzsimons to purchase the necessary parts to repair the vacuum cleaner and Jeanne Bennett reminded the Meeting rif the presentation . of the Albanaires at St. James Middleton. Birthday money was paid by Margaret Wain and Jeanne Bennett. The meeting closed with Grace and Margaret Lynn served a delicious lunch.... more things to interest ever$one. • At the river you vitt se shing, nets drying on the reels, memoribilia, oid an modern fish houses, friendly ik to 'welcome, :1;M afid answer questions„,Marinas oo bob skies of the flaYfieht River to make you feel at home and be glad you came back itonly for a few days. Next centennial Committee meeting will he Wednesday June 9 in Municipal Building at 8 p.m. you are welcome to attend. book of poems wrote, laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep *one. Talk happiness. the world is sad enough without your woe. Laughter is being. alive. cheerful and seeing the funny side: One little story she gave she heard in France, which maybe shouldn't be quoted. When she asked what a French breakfast was she was laughingly told, s'A French breakfast is a hot roll with a little honey". She mentioned her ad- miration for the majority of the teenagers. and said, our grandfathers sniffed snuff the young people have gone a little further, but perhaps not as many as are believed to be. After many more stories, she left us with the Irish Blessing, "May the road go with you, may the wind be always in your back, May the sun shine gently on your face. May the winds blow softly in your fields and may God hold you in the hollow of his hand until we meet again". She was certainly given a standing ovation of thanks. The "Jolly J's" then took over the remainder of the program with music. A sing- song and MissDoris Dunn and Mrs. Brock sang "When You and I were Young Maggie" and were dressed suitably in costume for the song. The words could hardly be heard for the laughter from the audience, over the play- acting which was terrific. Mrs. Ross Love. M.C. for Grand Bend, thanked everyone for coming and they closed with the song, "Till We Meet Again". One regret was that all of the members could not have enjoyed the day. A lovely supper was served before leaving for home at 6 p.m. • The Baylleld Community centre Board wasa little disappointed last Saturday when only a few people turned out to/their paint -in to spruce up the arena for Centennial. They wish to thank those who dld help and another bee Is planned to finish the job; Pictured painting are Don Johnston, left, and Mrs. Kathleen Siertsema, while Mrs. Johnstomnd young Mark look on. (photo by Milvena Erickson) Do you have pictures Seems we are always ap- pealing to someone for something and this week we are asking our readers to look up and loan us their old school pictures or anything per- taining to the Bayfield School (s) for our "Welcome Home" and "Back to School Day" on Saturday July 3 from 10 a.m. to noon. Also . we are seeking volunteers to assist in the Information booth: message centre, registration booth and souvenir table in the Town Hall for Thursday July 1st. Friday. July 2 and Saturday July 3. Anyone who is interested in helping out whether you be young persons or senior citizens please call Milvena at 565-2634 as soon as you can. We need you. Correspondent to retire Your writer because of a cornitsittment, must, the second week of July, give up writing the column for the papers. 1 have spoken to Mrs. Delbert Flaw and she has kindly consented to write the personal column, but we need someone to write up the meetings. Most of the organization will do their own write up for you. but SOW you must at- tend. or if not. perhaps you nrr•Val I upon the sesroarytOOSSISt- LIWW0 have someone In the Village who would like to d - this? If so please call me as soon as possible. Mrs. Berthena Hammond has been at the home,of her sister, Mr. and 14144. g Florian and Dennis in ClInton for the past couple of weeks or so while her sister Audrey - was confined to Clinton. Hospital for nine days. Best wishes for continued health from all of us. Bayfield personal notes Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scotchmer. Robert. Lori and Carolyn of Chatham spent the weekend with his mother and on Saturday evening attended the 25th wedding anniversary celebrations for his ister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Arm- strong, newlyweds of Ottawa visited for a couple of days with his parents and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Arm- strong. James and Julia and were honoured by the family on Friday night when 65 relatives and friends gathered at the Armstrong home to wish the young couple all the best. Mr. Robert T. Parker and Mr. Bob Pavey and son Brent Anniversary eelebrated Mr. and Mrs. John Pounder . Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fisher and Miss Mary Pounder en- tertained their mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder of London and Bayfield on their 25th wed- ding anniversary in the Community Centre on Saturday evening, May 15 with 60 guests present. Guests were from Bayfield. Woodstock. St. Catherines, Michigan, Ohio. Windser. Stratford, Toronto and Chatham. Music for the evening was provided by a disc jockey from London. A delicious luncheon was en- joyed and the party was a very happy affair. of Dorchester visited Saturday with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt, Tommy. Ronnie Jeffery and a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smith and baby. all of Woodstock and Mrs. M. Gray of Toronto were at the Burt family summer home for the weekend all attended the silver anniversary celebration of his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burt and Diane and a friend all of St. Catherines were with his sister. Mrs. Ted Morely, Cleveland Ohio at her sum- mer home in the Village for the weekend and all attended the celebrations for their cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lambe. Toronto, visited her sister-in-law Mrs. L.W. Scotchmer and her niece, Mrs. Jack ( Bev) Pounder and family on Saturday and Sunday and were guests at the celebrations honouring -the Jack Pounders on their 25th Anniversary on Saturday evening. continued on page 19 KEM WOODSTAIN — PAY NO MORE THAN A GALLON Panting is a bg part ot the Spnng clean-up cycle And your Kern dealer has a big assortment ot top quality exterior paints and stains to help make the ;et) easter and taster and the ttrnshect ;ot realty attractive Check the prices. then spnnt to your nearest Kern oa/tts dealer to, your Spring supply. Mayt9th-toMay 29th KEPA . LATEX GLOSS PAV NO MORE THAN 99 A GALLOk Friday 7-4 p.m. Sat. le -12 -1-5p.m. Suncoast Mall Our Sterne ear studs form a straight canal. These fashionable safety shoulder starter studs are made of Gold over surgical grade stainless steel. Clinically proven and tested with instructions on care of ears. All minors must be 'accompanied by a parent or guardian. 510 .00 includes everythina. *EM -1 -COAT for trivne who don I WI* p.Nuoto,3 mot. !two crtm Chn?:& Wet cra arkvet bake al ttrght:y, KESS LATEX GLOSS paten*, romete cg.,1 goi6s on vnin at t* yOl torAs and Lis.% f/Kmatrep7 (1Pan WI, are eatliv trttrut,2 Qap a' oraTee KENWOODSTAMS ni..... Intforsor P'tar o Me. beauty And 4%vs vtatto al amr-41 c.P.4 • • El(4,11, transpairer0 clea, Eve korruturp And c,utucle t'L'14 .-tt vaVot Also avallabloin quarls. 0.00* was. tom kyr rea if arm ...IV I. ta91.70.13 sew I4h43 ty.• P*AVI ertantstar Wird by WlerwarWIT:iisniCamr,....vry I CaNK12%....teLt PAINT PAI utussne KEM-1-COAT ALKYD PAT NoiliTORE THAN AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING PARTICIPATING STORES: OPEN: Monday to Thursday. if a.m. to *p.m.; Friday S a.m. tti • p.M.0 Saturday Sean. to4t3p.rn.