The Exeter Times, 1886-8-26, Page 1al Se. - t., ,.... to es TD ita d, a. n-. Is aiug your e.nd res, LMS, ety. LEGAL. L.DICKSON, Barrislor, Soil- . tater of Supreme Court, Notary Public Conveyancer, exutnitisiene•r. &e, 14oney to Loan. Qfloo1neatIon's B loek,FIC0 ter • 141.0FA.DDEN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.3 EXETER, - - ONT, ' "HEW TO THE LINE, t, ET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY," Odle° qamwelPol3lock flalPs obi ottle00 - . Judge POyie 0121104 the voters' Ms 001191 ' iiSt for the asest riding of Huron., last Satin, 1 day io open court. It wee then traesmitted ,., . to the olea ot the vrowa lAChAnOetY, Mr. W,„ it. Pringle, who repeeeente Herber ne Ellie, Toronto, and who celled at Clinton.' lest week, had an. [unpleeeant experienee on bis wey up, et Miteheliss Aftee epeniog hie eamplos at the Hicks HOUS3,1)0 left the room a few iniuntee. 4 lamp In the meantime exs plodeci, and befere the fire Ives get under control, Leif of Mr. Pringle's samplea were tilined. .If we can judge from what the Argus seys, St. Marys ia a poorly Managed. town, Geese 1886. Pies, sheep, cows, etc, etc.; are allowed to rot at lave), notwithstanding that there le a by.law pro'hibiting such. If merely for the sake of theArgus readereit would be A, prud- ent move to have a now order ef things. The town authoritiee must be very reluctant or the poolopoolting of the Argus inpreeuloos. . On Tuesday Mayor Williams was called upon to settle a charge of bleephemoeue and ebueive language, the parties to the eaSe being residents of Exeter. It EiGOIxttliat Mr. Johus, postmaster there, is also a member of the village council, and a sidewalk that was hed down by the council, gave offence in The insurance claims of Mr. Campbell, of in e,jine way to a mr, aodgins, who expreszioci a ...••••••••••=1••••••POPENONNONM. DENTAL. VOL. XIV., NO, 1. EXETER, ONTART.0, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, CARTWRIGI-IT, L. D. S., Has open ea (loran 1 rooms over O'NEIL'S I3ANK, wherohe will be ptepared to ,extract teeth wtthout pain. All o po ra bloats performed with ease ana skill, Gold 1111i1ms speciatity. Office hours U. tut to 5 p ea. 0 11,111C+ MOVOTWDE. Tnums CA.$11. DENTIST,L.D.S Ext qttOutpzleltlxiltict irit 1.11)1; by ht usin \the New ttooal Antest he - ti() on the gums; makes (Iola Ellings and all other dental work the best possible. Rooms Upstairs in SAMWELIA'S Besocx, Fast side of Maui -Street, Exeter, Ont. 1.1EDICA.L LI.TTZ, M. D„ • oftleetst hiseesidence Exeter, NV. IIROWNING M. D., Al. MPORTANT NOTICE 5 . THE GREAT ENGLISH 11E801111110N Asuccessfulpeedteinetestedover 00 years in thousands of ease)4. rsesolit.lf cures Nervous Prop- tration, Voakneavof Brain, Spi- nalOord, and GeneratimeOrgans of either sex, Emissionsand all ills cause d by Ind is. cretion or over-exertion. Six paekagesis guaran- teed to effect a ourewhenall other medicinesfail. One package ;$1.; six packages $5, bymail. Sold by druggist-% Write for Pamphlet. Address 4U5ERA OtiElatetal. CO.) DTPROIT, For sale by J. W. .Browning, Exeter, and all gg • HONE RULE --MAY BE GOOD, BUT - a. DEA.B.ISTO'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. :Far excells any ever before shown in Exeter. P. , raduateVictOrealia19°18'i1;•° c? If you wish to get any Hair Goods call on Ikcs ndlresiclence Don.fnionLaborn.tor v, Exe to. J. Dearing, at the Central Barber Shop, 'where he manufactures Hair Work so natural that You Would Not Know It from the Original Hair, Suell as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, and the Genuine Water Wave,Switches,Toopies,Cuyls,Pulls and Wigs. Before going, elsewhere, give him a call, at his - TONSORIAL PARLORS, ONE DOO a NORTE OF THE CENTRAL HOTEL. • 11)R. J. A, ROLLINS, M.O. P. S O. 0 51ce, Main St•Exeter,Ont.Rediclen cis howler ecently occupied by P. McPlulliPs, El sq DRS. HYNDMAN AND HOOPER-, Da .Ilynclman, Ooroiaerfor the County of Hit 'rent &O, trte: Dr: Seep car, Licentiate of the Royal. Oolle,m of Surrims, Edinburgh • Li o outlet° in Miawifery,E intim gh (Scotland) Post -graduate Student of the University of Vienna' (Austria) and of the lifoorfteld Eye Hospital,London (England) &a.. &o. Special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. Office, Blain -street, Exeter. -n11. NVOCYDRI.TFF, ...1-ef Permanently located in No. 185 Ceneen's Avenue, Tionclon, few doors east of Post Office. Special attention &sent° diees,sea of the Eye, bad sight, and the pres- ervation of vision : diseaees of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation beiug a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a coramon c 'use of /74)a/ heariug, AUCTIONEERS. , New Pump Factory T-TENEY EILBER, Licensed Alio- tIoneor for Hay, Stephen, and. McGilli- :ray:Township s : Sales conducted atenoderate :etas. 0 me -At Post -office, Crediton , Out. TOFIN GILL, Auctioneer for the U Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly e.ttended, rood satisfactioa guaranteed. Sales arranged at thie office. BINARY. MENNEN% & TENNENT, 'Voted - ..i... nary Surgeons, Graduate') of the Ontario B LA1:711,AINTOE'S Veterina.ry College, Toren- lhis JOHN SWALLOW Wend respectfully inform. the inhabitants of the surrounding townships that he has op- ened a New Farms Faetory J. SOUTHOOTT'S OLD STAND, ZNWirgrs, Or?, POST-OFV102. Where he will keep on hand. all kinds of Pinups, which he will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIA.LTY. Wells and Cisterns contracted for at reason- able prices, and work executed with despatch. . SATISFACTION C's V AliANTgED, JOHN SWALLOW. to,have op ened an office torthe trea tmeut of all s Domestic Animals, on . pectules 86 Eye -glasses 114einstreet - _ Exeter. Cans t _ from a dis ........ -....." -e---tance pronenry aftended to:- Medicine for Borses CattleAc alwayson hand: ENNIEE. ANIMENEEN MONEY TO LOAN. • OliTONEY T LOAN ON REALES 13..a. tate for LteRuron okErieLoan A' sav- y imgaSeeietY• .11 w tetesofinteresi. Applyto Ram Spaektual ,Eseter. lit-ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i p °roan t.adcoreing totemic; . Private Funds, Apply to B.V.ELLIOT , A.ugustls„,aa Exatei Dr. Browning has the Sole A.gency in Exeter, for the above lenses- They are the only ones recommended by the -President and vice -President's or.the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of the age. Theyhave a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which, all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as they are in the market. B. Laurance's S ee- ttreles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., w th- ant which none are genuine,--andpebbtes are stamped Pebbles. 1)o not be deceived by. any goods stamped Pebble.glass-or by any sunil- Jerky in it am e. -DR. BRO WNINee, Sean AGENT TOE EXETETS, OEN T VIAL ONE./ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64- - E Loanieg Companies represented. per cent, $25.000 Private Bands- Best DR c siofl INSIIRANCE. 401111 'WHITE & SON iruhlisliers and Proprietors TREASURER'S, SALE HERE AND THERE. 0 1-11 I, _A. 1•. D Reform against tho voters Bet Bressels eTelse. Items of Inteeest. FOR TAX I -4.S. There are 29 Conservative appeals aud 39 in County Ifuroel p y virtue of a warrant, hearing date the sixteenth day of August, to wit: J 1886, nndeC the hand of the Warden of the County of Huron and having the seal of the said corporation thereto attached, directed to MC and com- manding inc to levy upon the following lands for the arrears. of taxes due. thereon th- gether with the costs, I hereby. give notice that unlese the said. taxes and costs be sooe- er paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof es may be necessary to discharge the same, at the Court lioaeo, in the town of ecoderues os Tuesday the thir- tieth day of November, in the year of or Lord 1886, commencit)g at, eleven o'clock M. the forenoon. TOWNSHIP OF ASIIFIELD, , Lot or pest of lot Cou. or Street Acres Patd. or unpatd, Taxes E. half of N. half of 4 N. E, D, 50 L'atd. $9.150 5, half of W. half of 10 N. E. D. 50 " • 4.93 VILLAGE 01' PORT .ALBERT, IN ASIIPIEL D. 19 Colborne-st, East 4. London Road East 4. 1 , Williem-st. East 4. 44 Wellington-st. East I 45 do 46 do 4 47 do 4. 39 Lydenham-st. East 40 do 4. TOWNSHIP OF Bridge End Place 4. 59 do 39 40 435 386 East part of 5 270 cc 3,27 unpatented 3.05 cc 3.05 3.37 cc 3.37 3.37 3.37 Patented 19 19 COLSOURNE. ct VILLAGE OF liMIELD. cc cc S Range' N, Susan -et. VILLAGE OF 131VOSOLS. 4. 11 VILLAGE OF WROkETER. 3 ' Main -at. South 1/5 6 Queen-st. North North half of 8 Centre-st. East 1110 Gibson-st. 4. 0 • do Halls Survey 1 North pelt c4.80 do 4. County Treasurer's Office, Goclerich, August 16th, 1886f PENMEN.. 9.41 Costs Total $1.25 $11.25 1.12 6.05 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.00 1.00 4.35 4.13 4.13 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 1.19 1.19 1.25 10.66 7.27 1.20 8.47 1.23 1,23- 4 44' 3.20 1.40 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.08 Loa 2.26 2.26 45 1.45 4.28 2.43 1.09 4.80 13.17 1.33 14.50 4.65 1.12 5.77 9.45 1.25 10.73 14.72 1.37 16.09 14.72 1.37 16.09 stand, kiss the . book and .avoyy theins?Ives on to destruction. A short time after Nerds 67..0408 11..1168 87..2566 obneearl:14eocitao Ic,litistetirnogruicsihoitiwth„isity from . g'ngeel, the home was found some miles distant, but . ome °Nile larceuists, who Was scut to estme parts of the buggy were never found, Stratford jail /or burglarizing Lofft c.C.: Co'a this year. The Granton people lrold their civic pic- nic on August 31st, and visit Forepaugh's show at St. Mary's. rkton, who recently lost his cheese factory hie opinion of Mr. Johna in laneuage said to 1- u by fire, have been amicably settled by the b , 1 f '11 tl l' 111 companies with which insured. see vr illiams did. not wish to have anything to clo cheese to Mr. James Slater, of London, 4... paid,. Eight and a half cents per lb. was the price ehipped 34,192 Iolanda of the July make of The West Nissouri Choose Company has defendant pleaded. guilty to the charge, and a sole sof 55 and costs, or $11 in all, was lea - with it, but finally consented to do so. The It is not unlikely that Mr. F. R. Powell of Goderich,will accept the nomination for south Hurou if the Grits and Young Liberals put ed upuu to pay a fine. -Clinton New Era, candidates in the field. Mr. Powell is a Conservative. An aceigent of rather a comical naturehap. to two bashful young men' near Mr. D. Sinclair, of the 10th concession of Parkhill which ended in the destiuction of a Yarmouth, was kicked by it stallion ou Fri. fie'''e new buggy. day night while trying to put the animal But out of respeot for the bashfulness and modesty of these youths, we into a box stall. He sustained a severe cut will at Present withhold their names. How- ie the thigh and a scalp wound. , ever they had occasion to hitch up a horse The bay mare Lady Defoe (pricer,) owned and buggy and drive some distance to salt a by Mr, C. F. Smith, of St. Marys, that was number of cattle which had been put out to blacklisted at Elmira last season for partici. pasture. 'Upon this pasture ground there pation in a "no time" race, has been rein- happened to be a large pond which served stated by the Canadian Titrf ..A.seociation on lo; \valuing the cattle, and they thought it PaPnent by her owner 01 the fine irnP°s°a' would be go od fun to strip off and have a swim, A young man in a neighboring township,' which they did. The first plunge into the says the Clinton Record, has been fined $5 water so frightened this sensitive animal, and gave bond in §100 for putting his arms that she broke away, carrying with her the around a young lady and not kissing her. rail of the fence to which she had been tied. 11 15 presumed that the next time the young The owner of the asinine whom we will call gent mete his arm around a young lady he Peter, came oat of the water in great haste posed. If the councillors of Clinton were to treat all who abuse there Sn a similar way ' nearly every one in town, except the editors 'wouhl at one time or another have been call - will kiss her arid avoid prosecution. Ono of the $15 per bushel wheat inen has come to grief. He played his little ,eatne with Farmer Gauson, of West Zorra. The latter found out in gool time that it vas -a Swindle, had the wheat men arrested, takn before the P. M., in Iugereoll, and made to disgorge Gunson'e note for $210. IT Acne TICA7 WAY limit .-"L'he Chatham Banner says : "One Of the most peculiar of the results of enforcing the Sc. -Pt Act is the lose of tate 'whiCh it has inflieted 'On many good itulees 01 1)1)00)-, who take the wituess t) seeure the aninaal bdra she, woulcl do any damage. Every time Peter approached the critter, she would make a fresh start and run, no doubt ashamed of Peter's nudity. Sandy, his eonapanion, who had been looking on and seeing' the prodicatnent Peter had got into, started after him with his clothing, but minus his OVill,which he never thought of until they were•about to Meet Seine of the female populatiou of that place. When they regain- ed their presence of mind, seeing the naked Condition they were in, they retraced their steps and allowed the horse and. buggy to go WM. HOLMES Treasurerr, Co. of Huron,: stere, St. Marys, broke out on Monday last I and. e4apecl. The exit, was made by the window, the iron bars of which having Upon ROUND THE COUNTRY. By Our own correirdents, Hibbert. FATAL AnOIDENT.-On Friday last, while a, son of Mr. ,7ohn Donnelly, of this town- ship, was leading a horse in the mow of the berm tramping peasethe horse fell over the boy killing him instantly. Caldwell, of Hay, is visiting friends in Exeter and Hamilton. -Mrs. G Dignan, of Hay, left on Tuesday f or Manitoba, there to see her sore, who is not expected to live many clays. -Mrs: Arnold and sons of Ailsa Craig, were in the village this week visiting relations. The teech- - ers, scholars, members and friends of the HenselLSouth Methodist church enjoyed. their annual picnic', at the Lake Zie. Tues- through the ordeal several. times.'" •• sawed. A reward of 550 is offered Lr the .culprit, but as yet his whereabouts eau not be ascertained. J. T. Mitchell, of the Drayton Vidette, ori- ginally ot ..1.31yth; bat lately of nearly every • town in the north, has a criminal libel. suit pending against Claud Dean, fornaerly of Parkhill. By the time Mr. Mitchell reaches, 50 years, he will be.one of the most notor- ious editors iu Canada, having already vass- da of this week- the da bein fine there I I •lin t the voters t of the tos nship Y r g mac g o s v Lucan. was a large gathering and a, very pleasant of McGillivray, prepared by the clerk there time was spent by all. -The Rev. Mr. are 10001ersons entitled to vote at both Mi . Miss unter, of Hensall, is visiting Godfrey, pastor of the Methodist churchl manicipal electione,and elecions to the HLegis- friends in t dem lative A.ssembly ; 44 who are entitled to vote preadhed a special sernionfor the children on 4,1?1,)atli at intenicipal elections'ouly, and 38 who are Miss E. Port, operator, of Toronto, is af41.31.6on last and was listen - entitled to vote at eleetione of Legislature in town visiting her parents. ed to throurchout by them in a vei t 'Y a - only • and. thero nits NO who ars eligible to i Our town band and also ti large mon- h3x of citizens took advantage (if Clio 'cheap excursion. to 'Detroit on Friday last. Miss L. Murdock, who has been visit- ing friends in Blyth lor the past two weeks, returned home on Saturday last. Mr. A. C. Reid, the noted athelete, has returned from Iowa, looking hale and hearty. TELE WATERLOO MUTUAL R. J. Eacrett, who has been attending the firemen's demonstration in Buffalo, FLEE INSURANCE CO. Establishedin 1863. for the past week returned home ou Sat- EAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. -Aft:Ill stock of all kinds of This comeapv has been over Eighteen urday last. FraE.-A fire broke out in the drying kiln of Mr. C. Haskett's furniture factory on Saturday. They succeeded in getting it out before much damage was done, Mr. G. A. Stacey, has been appointed village clerk. Geo. is a very intelligent young man and we are sure he will fill the position ably. A game of base ball was played here one day last week between the Irish Nine and the second Nine, Which result - in a victory for the Irish Nine. Mr. J. D. 1VIcColl. the champion heavy Weight athelete, of this town, beat the world's record in Montreal, on Saturday laet, for putting the heavy shot, he pa- tina' it 37 ft 8 in 0 • • The Lucan Irish Nine go to Ailsa Craig, on Friday next to play a game of base ball with the Stars of that town. The Stars have not been beaten this year. S6 a good game may be .expected as the Lucan team are in very fair condition. years in eucceesful operation in Western On- tario,andsontinues to insure againstloss Or' darnagt! by Fire ,Bundings,Merehandise ,Man - ODA= es gind all other descriptions o f able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System During the past ten years tbis Company has issued 57,096 Policies, covering property to the amount of 840,872,038 ; and paid in loss- es a lone $709,752,00 AssefS, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash n dank, GovernmentDeposit, and the unass- eased PremiumNotes on hand andin force. J, W WAVOIIN VC D. Presidei t. C TAYLOR, Secretary. .T.B. Iltrones,Inspector. CHAS. SNELL Agentfor Exeter and vicinity. .......mpompaPamNEPENENPMEN THE OF CANADA. The Royal Mail, Passenger and vreight Route between Canada and Great Matti', and direct route between the West and all points on the fLower St. LaNsTrence and Buie dos Cho,- Nevv.e unswick, Nova Scotia, P, E. Island Cape Breton, Noiirfolittiltand, Bermuda, aud Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Cars run on through Express trains, Iried Passongersfor Great Britain or Ihe Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. m. Thure. day will join outward mail steamer at Hali- fax a, m. Saturday. jus ighe .0 Superior inevator 'Warehouse 101 Pock ac- commodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and geeeral merchandise. Years of experience have proved the IN T.bilt- LONIAL in connection With steamship lines to and from London. Liverpool and Glasgow to elelifax, to be the quickest freight route between Cadmic', and Greet Britain. Information as to Passenger mid Freight tes can be had on application to ROBERT B. 1VIOODIE, Western Eroight &Passenger Agent 93 Fossin House 131oelz, York St. Toronto. 13. POTTINGER„ Chief Superintendent, to ' N.B., Nov 13,1585. 110.11WaN 0 GI Send to cents postage and 615. 11)11 sena Yoe free u 103, MI, Valhablo sample boa: of goods that will pot you in the way ot making more 71107151/ at once, than anything Meath Ametica. Boehm:me of all ages ean live he Immo and work in spare time, or all the time Genital tot,r6quitud. We will start you. Immense P0): seie for ttiose who sietit once. Sereeme is: 00 ,Portlaite Melee • ' Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Witran's Condition • Powd- er$ the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C LUTZ. C.A.p1-1!! S GROCERY TEAS ! TEAS! • TEAS! TRY MY JAPAN TEAS NATURAL LEAF; MAY PICKING. First Aerival over the Canada Pacific Rail- road from Janine direct. PURE, SWEET, DELICIOTJS, duly 50 et. I still give 5 lbs. Bright Sugar for 25ets. with every Pound. of Tea at ,50 dents, SUGARS! SUGARS SUGARS! Bright, 161bs ; Coffee, 15 ; Granulated„13 ; FOR $1.00, eA851. -seems Atzn SEE MY- - GRANULA,TED SUGAR l'Olt PRESERVING 14 MN, Ton 51.00, °ASTI-. LEMONS, MINERAL WATERS, TO- BACCOS, CIGARS, &c. Sup Cured Hiuns Breakfast Priem , . „ , • 13t con >rated emown flran(1) bologna 11,T.?1,Y,',',Des.. CAPT. IcENIP, .Reynolds, Mieees Wilson and 'Bell, J. I). kin11. Iris money gmle 1).evond tho Wilson and 11. MeAttliut, jr, -Mts. W. hill te of ri vorY, And so tho \\'oi 11 Hansen. tentive manner, the discourse being one Well adapted to their unc erstan ehowe there Arid WO 44 female voters. A few dayS ago while Mr. James Wield of St. Mary's was watching the Foresters' pro - Cession in Stratfordhe was accidently knocked down and tramped on eseeit horse attached to a buggy. Mr. Ofield sustained some slight injuries in the back. A. carriage, in which were Lieut.Col. McXnight arid city elerkLang, was upset by the horse turning too short. The Colonel received a cut across his nose and Mr. Lang had two ribs broken. The Clinton New Era says :-"Mr. Isaac serve as juryttien, libaiysis of the -et, 1 d' and pleasingly delivered. Steve Brodie, the Rrooldyn bridge jum- per, has sent the following paper to the New *York Star: Noticing that Mr. Gra- ham says he will be dropped off the Suspen- sion bridge inehis barrel, my manager, 'Mr. N. Morris, will give Graham $100 for his expenses, and bet him $1,000 that be does not come to New York and jump off the Brooklyn bridge; and that with the use of his barrel. I, Steve Brodie, will go through the whirlpool rapids. London, Aug. 23. -The one 111110 reit- ning race at Lillie Bridge to -day beteValiti George and Cummings was won by 'the former. George had the lead of a yard at the quarter -mile, whie,h he made in 52 sec.', at the Italf-mile, which he reached in 2:02. These positions were not changed until the threeequarter mile post was reached, -when Cummings forged ahead. The time for the threestertarter was --3:074.. A desperate race followed to the seven furlongs, when. Cum- mings slipped, George finishing alone in 4:122 -the fastest time on record. Cunt - ming Wore iweefeetrie stocking in the race. Betting 'opetiderf 5 to on Cummings and closed at 5elfeaa against him. At one time the odds. were; 6 to 4 on George. The - change betting was caused by the rumor that one atilt -tunings' ankles was strained and week.. ..01.0;•••• • Thursday morning, while two children of Mr. Thomas A. Naffed, Goderich, were gath. bring apples in the orchard' of their grand- father, 'Mr. John T. Mittel. some ono. in a party of lads or young men fired a gnu from the other side of the fence, and on41 shot Gobi\ POSITION. --Mr. r, W. Penetrated just above the eyeball of Percy. one of Mr, Naftel'S sons, aged 9 years. His Murray, eecently Principal in the Pict= cries broneht help, and he wae. 'soon taken High School, and who with his wife and family have been spending most of the summer months with relatives near here, left on Thursday last for Brockville, where he has been engaged as principal teacher, at a salary of $90o. The posi- tion is alike an honorable and respectable one, as Mr., Murray will have the super- intendence of SUMO 15 other teachers, and an average attendance in all of about 1000 scholars, but having recently taken his grade A in a first class, lie is well qualified for the task and will doubtless, de honor to Huron Co., in which he first taught. The farmers are gettine their crops into the house and medical. aid seine:limed. The fence in quet.tion is frequently made a 1 Robeets. . argot by both men and boys who have been At"the lest meeting of elle Middlesex Scott , shooting on the Sets, evidently without Act Association the following resolution thought of the darger to eery one who may be was moved by the Rev, .7. 1±1. Moore, seemed. ., on the other side. ed ancl carried : ''?hat this meeting room- - A cortiiin well.enown etockeraiser of the Ka5nd 0'6 r°rinati°u. t't chletaral 1-11.6118 in , County 01 1113100, recently wont to the old 1 each electoral district of persons pledged to ; I support no man who is not a protese,ed and country for the purpose of inverting stock be clime book without any, ma report, 4,4:0 pritaticel prohibitionist for any Millen in that his reason for so doing wee because of county, city, Province or Dominion, and we 1130 being ewindled out of between fifteen believe the time is not distant when we must hundred and two thousand dollars, It 'is use out inflilence tO secure the formation of a, political natty, the main plank in whose the old story, of putting eonfiduce in strang- ers. Tt seems that while in the cdd Numb y, platform, shalt be prohibition be fell in with a couple of young men and A correspondent writing from Southamp- At Grimsby Park, weGreiswd•rosbYanyl5paeroki;leOount.4riAmLlsgby. aNeevteor- day. Saturday- night trains , and steamer brought in hundreds and this morning thou- sands flocked in from the surrounding coun- try, until not less than 10,000 pOOPIO COM- pletely filled the great auditorium. The morning prayer and praise service was a sen - a= of special blessing led by Noah Phelps. Bev. C. C. McCabe. D. D., of NeW York, preached to the largest morning congrega- tion ever Seen in. this place, front the 'text, ,..The, world shall be fin.ea vital the knovir-; ledge of the Lord." It wag a sermon of wonderful erafnuml lemwreeraD, sottiirdesidn,g th,A43 ravicenst, assriemdbilsy. ' o bilahis' again ancl ftgein. Long before 2.30 10,000 faces loolsee te the speaker's stand, waiting the coming of Dr. Talmage, who took for his text, the, meee. "Entreeit me not to lama thee." Rey, Manly &neon, wn31reb.24 At all the services, asked at the close of the sermon for any who de.sirecl the prayers of the church to rise, and, many rose. At 7.30 7,000 people again listened to Chaplain Mc- Cabe, wao spoke trorn the book of Ruth. "Let her glean after thee," aec. Rev. Dr. Talmage closed with prayer, and the Rev. Dr. Sutherland took the after service. Many stood for prayer, and a number of happy indentified with tit» early history of this Carling, of Exeter, is a man who was closely thronghout. countu, political and otherwise. We were day. The order in the park was perfect conversions rAesui)ltaedrifnro:iptli........_seesde.rvices of the ainfsevrmeleodpyaersatleyrtaicaysttrhoakte thferoisin Ileac erffi liege tfse °on; avers Pans, Ont„Aug gen. -- which he is not likely to recover. His slain of Boston' Massa to -day swain succees- friends in this .part of the country will be fully the Whielpool rapids, Niegara river. sorry to Lear it." Mr. Carling is around RS The trial was td sebtle II wager of $10,000 usTuania. following are the names of the gulls of the stakeii. They were few speetetors, the made by Boston parties, he to 1000110 01,000 of S. S. No. le. McGillivray, Who were sue- affair having been .kept quiet. Ete relates cessful at the last Promotion. txamimaimr:- the following exnerietice:-When be reached From third t4 fourth, Mat, Hedges, 399;" Os- the spot whore Captain Webb is supposed to car Patrick, 363; Sarah Patrick. 359 Lizzie have lost his life, the water seemed to go from O'Neill, 349, Isaac Bowden, 341.. From ander him,. and a huge wave struck him on second to third, Carrie Patrick, 392; Ohas. the head and shoulders, knocking him no. Reeder, 363; Alice Turner, 347; Sarah Mc. conseions for a few moments. He found his L30e1od , 31,4r4o; inE rfiarnskt iLoaTegaloinlina: 3J4a2c;.ETttuarNnejer.h105116s! ,sawevimermeir216pgeacbteilaitietos, ofnouosuet wahlaity. erw, haneud Munk Stnithers, 219; EliMasvson, 207; Lena anti partly anconsciou that he could not use enterbeg the whirlpool he was so benumbed LaTungehlifuei2101wling candidates 61110 wrote at a limb. and didnot know what he was doing. St, Mary's were successful in obtaining cr- The emrent took him righ:. into the main tacates ; Second class -John Baird, Charles eddy aud suhked, down like a flash, keep - Bradley, 3. N. Brown, James Switzer, MarY ing him under fully &teen seconds. 'Upon' Lortun, Kate McLaughlin. Susie Uren, Annie reaching the under current he was shot out Watson, Maggio Patterson, Elizabeth Wray, of the pool flatly fifty feet from its centre, and T. Stanley. Third class -Fred. Delmaget when he reached the top of tlie water he had Isaac Moore, D AllMEOGy 11, Uren, Maggie pattly regained consciousnes, and kaoivin.,' Wilson, Adelaide Lindsay, T. Wilson, E. there St a not time to spare before he woula Perry,li. Gill, Alexa Atcheson.LydiaCletneus, again be dashed down the lower rapids he Annie Cameron, Christina Kirk, Lottie Lang- swam to shore. When landing he was so foi•d, Sara Delmage, Lotto. Hall, Rebecca Mc- overcome that he again became unconscious, and his oAsistante were fully half an hour bI inging him to with stimulants and rubbing. When asked if he would ever make another trip he said; most mu phatically: -"No; there% not enough money in the world to induce nee to ret eat my afternoon's experience. A child WOOld balm the same ellatice to go through the rapids and come mit all right 05.1 16(1 expert SWilllillet." i0Olt 1) 01 three Iniuntes to go , frotu the railway bridge to the whirlpool. Kendall twenty-fout• years of age, six feet two file 108 high, weip hs 105 pounds, and well proportioned, was born in New York, but spent most of' his life in Boston. His cork vest consisted 411 h VC' pteees of cork six- ton gives the 'following interesting pet Genial's teen 1001108 long four wide, two thick and of the Crusier's at that port, :-The wag sewn in white eanvas similer to a life yaelit arrived at this port on Saturday even- preserver. ing, and Mr. Vidal, the commander, came ashore for mail matter, returniug to the A. Wicked, but well posted exehange re. vessel ebout 6.30 p. and the wind being marks: „Girls of a martiageable age do not ttay light, they ran alongside the islend like to tell how old they are, but you can breakwater end God op for the niglit. About Lind oat by following dm sub joining, itistruct- 5 a, 111, Sunday they made a request to the hag, the yeinig lady doing the figuring. Tell hoe to put down the 11111)11)er of the month in 2, then to teld 5, i1l00 ic by 50, sho was born, then to multiplyb 9 • thou to 0(1(1 1(01 age, then to btract 365, then to add 115„ then get hue to tell you the The two ileum,. on the right denote her ago and the remainder the month of her , thoughtlessly confided ) 1 " to thia, well and quickly housed, int'this vicinity. so is said, 01 econrseit';10)371"tyneTehrscliej _Miss Nicholls, of LcMclon, is visiting too, eesteeeso al 9 01 tho hor sc:.,ster, Mrs. D. Urquhart, of this horses, (as they also i0der villat,e.--1VIr. J. Nichol, of IVIanitoba, intimate with the 8 t%bici0110olunf,())61,fli011,1!1,tye formerly of Wingliam and well know became equally intimate wi 1 rititt, 'Taut - here is spending a few weeks with his jug to make psycliasc eI.1110,3,(11,1ya ii3e.t. ;To n 0( clf gfraiitidiffither, Me. J. pentium), merchant tAloY had 110 1001110Y ; 111 o et gerville.---The Rev. D. Raania.ay, chhict•eltclsoatiildoddratett141,;,111o.r Lambert, for :tbout of pindeeboro, preached. in the Presoy- lend there soine, taldng ast secro ity erten 011111011 llodgerville, oil Sabbath drafts, until they could got tiloin c,vdted, Of 'tor", stathle the \bIOs >jnsr of 163 0v1' 110 C°°kilig last. -Quite a large number left here on 0 isir fatal trip. The wirel owm, from 1,111 titthout hesitation he loaned thetn, ell 'red", il"bt learned of the foil w lay tee, 0 ‘; wind (IN et the etemeest p. tn. lied melee:eel to gale yell eola and e course --would, He never dortattel bet After roceivine o"(r0 11(1)w '100' in Elarrdl, Saturday Morning on .the excursion to 11)4 , ,,p ,p. ma when it too 7eultIenle herbed to the north.west end by 5 ' e'sese, ses 11109 303>3 legit ell the `3:'" de 1 ."s i` thc ., eaesesc.. ry Fdis, amon, wimni 000 that they Wht0 h'S 1101)0Si lig ti 1 tho, ,j3 i11,10(1 t1^ 1 to 3 h11( saying good-bye part, and Mrs, Cond,t'Mr. and MrS: )11.1ttO ,Iljt1)11:1,1(11 t1. 11 e 11 fl)'1111? \'‘.1101:1 10 w (I'S11 CI.CrTry Elook, South Store m1,1 uou 1111umg In T1.108tiRv m)01,,, 0,1L !.,.».,\ninplo. the timw-int is 822.