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The Exeter Times, 1886-8-19, Page 8
1NSURANTCE. ilitanaway, ,;T. - 1 Satt rcay night considerable excitement iB•IVEST tT,GTOT AGr,NL.FOR , - sills W8STEliI ' ASSUIiANC1:11 001.41. PANT, °Mexgnto Ielse for the Pdite1N1X VIRE x tEngland, ond0i , al A'IYY,oi A OE C011ll xNSUIi 1T. 1 rol. and the IA.N.ofltloxt u, li CANADIAN,' he OYA the Y o1'LI1 Irll l nes U1AN01: OOA- PAN,of Tondcu. LrFgland,, estalilisltod 1817. Assets over $5,000,000; claims and bonuses paid, over $10.00040, prevailed around the Central Iil'otel. Abqut 10 o'clock there could be seen a gray horse 1x1 itsdriver fiver i akilg their e'n ea' t from the 9 l11cw<y ata o.40 gait, theo1€ gray horse,e , at every jump, consigning his hind feet The Lucan second nine, will play a match game with the Exeter junior club, here, some clay this week; It should have labels place last }geek, but owing to some haver. tart Matter the game was deterred. Last week,Ai. Thos, s. fissct t sr., , urs 4 1 buyer, shipped from this station seventeen lover the dashboard. Immediately follow- of the choicest horses that have ever been the ilei hborllood. They went ing, cainc a bay horse with a enroll portion taken out of g LOCAL NE!VS.-•-T eshoZt be happy to , re- ceive tan tinLes, from any part of the County, items of loeat,?aetvs, such <as as• o•idelts,or any ieterest ig, inoideut what ever, front any of o.ur Siawribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of pi:We- «tion. , TRU RSDAY, AUGUST nth, 1S80. TEXO:ENT5 Oerliuetor firstins ertton , ant FOUS, CENTS per line for each subsequent in sertiouwill be chargeclto notices apLFearin( iu this column. 1.4 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Rainton Bros. dress making department reopened, Mies Wood, in charge. Charges moderate, mid satisfaction guaranteed. Servent girl wanted to do general work - at once, or at 'Messrs. Trickpand. Cu to Mrs. elley's store, Main! at. Exeter English, French and American trusses, shoulder bracee, abdominal supporters, child- ren's trusses, suitable for all sizes and ages, Ovr water -pad truss is the best fitting and. most comfortable truss made, at the Central drug store, C. Linz, Pro p Without exception, the best and cheapest lines in Boots and Shoes we havo as' yet seen,' can now be bad at 0. Eacrett's. Chil- dress Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys Bicycles of all sizes, Men'sHand.made Boots; also harness, trunks. valises of every descrip- tion constantly on hand. Call • and see them. Butter and Eges•taken in exchange for goods. It Will be Rewarded: The following advertisement appears in a contemporary :-Strayed from the premises of. auggy attached, i b tt h d t 1 vine left the box to u a • 1FL a i hnlents in the .arcs behind•I Before the heavy rain on Friday,- bosh Find upper Cllr c Y it turned southward• and ran furiously as fires the west were developing to such an far 14e the Commercial, r vhe •e it was caught extent, as to make. it perilous for the citi b ' a eonple of bold adventurers. The bay I rens of Dashwood. They continue however, colt belonged to Mr. Tilos, Willis, and was `b'tt considerably subdued, tied in the shed, 1't in some manner. or Monday was the first day on which wood. other became untied, and backing ont of the ' nock could.beshot or killed, A:number of shed, set off on a run for borne, Mr. Stan- our local sports visited their places of resort, ' galleyway• tuber yore bagged, c, lairs ho was in his,ri in the talk- and although the bird is somewhat scare iln to another person, heard. the t unapt ay a number coining incl in order evade the equine, The tax collector, has received instruc• . he was forced to push on the lines. Ile tions from the council to commence at onu,e escaped miraeulauslyfronn what might have to collect poll tax Lid also to collect first been a serious collision. Mr. Willis' baggy instalment of water tax, which was pa upon a ole was the only thing damaged, and it was 16th inst, If he has not already c p considerably smashed up. .of the under- about the middle of July. Three ewes the middlle of July• Three ewes and one lamb. One of the ewes has a hole punch- through her ear and two of them rings in their ears Information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Itis a somewhat difficult thing to rewardinformation, and we fell assured that if any one fotmd the middle of July straying about, they certainly would expect a heavy reward. The "ad" is a conundrum from beginning to end, and ought to be sent to a Montana editor to solve, and for the solu- tion of the same a handsome reward given. Garden Party. The garden party announced for Friday evening, owing to the inclemency of the weather, was postponed till Monday, 16th. Notwithstanding that this latter evening was threatening, there were a great many peeps present, and judging from the many jolly looking faces one would imagine that a pleasant time was being spent by all present. The residence and grounds were allnmin- ated with Chinese lanterns, which with the promenading of the crowd, presented a beau - yon, bewate . Mr. H. Kinsman, who has been attending the Clinton High School for some time, has succeeded in passing for a third class certifi- cate. -Mr. Geo. Treble, of Windsor, was the guest of Mr. Trick, Sunday Just•-:ilr, N. 3. Clarke, leaves for his home in Cali- forma this week. An Exchange mournfully says :-"Refer- ring to an heroic attempt of a young man to save a drowning woman, we began the article, Grander heroism has never been exhibited. The intelligent compositor got in gander• heroism, Rea„ It is a wonder nde rte ft GOODS AND PRICE WILL ENQTJIRY THECLOSEST STAND We have now opened out our place of business of Fanson's Bloch, and are in the north store ready to take e C A.SH for all purchases of any class of goods we keep, and by quicklyturning over the goods to customers,we can afford to sell with very light profits ; or even a small commission will sat- isfyus. Anyordinary calculator ,can count: up, that a very litle or everything passing through our hands must amount to a fair return. We would like to have all our old fries s, cone and , r Groceries, receive our rices. our stock :and p see o s . Glassware. er and (ala S Crockery J NEW PR y Butter and Eggs will be taken in exchange for Goods. Yours Respectfully, ROBERTS & CLARK. NEW FIRM, NEW ODS NEW STYLES, tiful scene from the street. . Refreshments i us that so few homicides take plaoo nn printing offices. ; 'Harvesting, with the exception of pulling peas, is completely finished in this neigh- borhood, :several farmers having finished two weeks ago. It is said that this year the harvest has been at least, three weeks earlier than any previous year. The wea ther having been most favorable nearly all grains were housed in excellent condition. Spring wheat was .considerably rusted. On Thursday last the body of Vidal, one of the missing yachters, was found on the shore of lake Huron, in the vicinity of Johnston's Mills, a few miles west of Zurich. Another of the bodies was seen on Sunday, some distance out, but owing to the heavy sea, which prevailed at the time, it could not be reached. It disappeared, and, as far as we have learned, has not since been noticed. Judging ig from the manner in which some of those who drive, treat those who walk, or who may be standing on a crossing, they evidently do not understand that the law gives preference of the right-of-way to pedestrians.:: A woman or child, who is crossing the street is not obliged to look out for the man who is driving a team, but to the contrary. The same applies to crowds who are standing on crossways., Returns from the Branch ,Agricultural Societies in the South Riding of Huron show the membershipof each society, upon which Government money is drawn, to be as follows.: -The Hay Branch has a mem- bership of 156 ; the Stephen anti Usborne, 258; the Stanley and Goderich township, 308 ; the Tuckrermith, 283; making a total membership for the several branch societies in the South Riding of 1,105. No doubt many of our readers will re- member of a sharper, who travelled through this part of the county, a short: time ago, selling shoddy cloth. Many of the farmers in the immediate neighborhood were vic- timized by him, but did not realize it for some weeks. A great anxiety prevailed amongst the deceived persons, and the mat - were liberally "served, and from the appear- ance of the tables at the close, were thor- oughly appreciated. The long and varied programme which consisted of choice selec- tions, tions, occupied considerable time and the rendition of the different pieces, was re- markably well done, and thoroughly receiv- ed. Those ladies and gentlemen of the church, who, so successfully carried out their undertaking, deserved praise, and we feel assured that all present will coincide with us in the commendation. The hospi- tality of Mr. and Mrs. Verity and family, is too well knownto require any comment, suffice it to say, they did all that could be done for the comfort and enjoyment of any i gathering. The proceeds amounted to $50. Brevities. Mr. R. ,.Davis shipped a car load of cat- tle to the eastern market on Monday. A case of typhoid fever is reported in the village. Mr. A. McDoneil purchased a lot on John st., from Mr• R. Davis,' and has moved. his livery stable thereon. Mr. Dugdale and Mrs. Acksford, of St. Thomas, who have been visiting Mrs. Hugh. Spackman, returned home Tuesday. The new poultry shed and grandstand, in cormection with the Stephen do Usborne AgL Socy. are in the course of erection. The Salvation Army have commenced the erection of their new barracks, on Sanders - street. Inspector Tom, who hasbeenattendingthe. Ontario Teachers' Association,' Toronto, for the past week has returned. home. The proprietors have finished flax pulling - and work has begun in the mill. The busi- ness has been considerably revived' here. Messrs. John; Willis and Thos. Coates, shipped two car loads of prime cattle to Montreal, for the English market. Thorndale has got a newspaper. The in- terprise was embarked by Messrs. Steele, & Garner. We wish them success. James Dempsey, son of Mr. John Demp- sey, of Usborne, takes the position of teach ter was placed in the hands of a detective, teach- er of a school in Missouri. iter followed the •pedlar and secured a set Division Court was held on Monday, 1 tiement. The farmers, who got a portion Judge Doyle, presiding. The docket was of the goods, will be a little ahead. small. Western Rail - e name of the old Great -Th On Friday evening last,.. Exeter and vicm- Base Bali. The Mitchell Recorder, in its report of the base ball snatch, played here on the 5th inst., between a club of that town, and the "Exeters," is very unfair. It asserts that the Exeter club comprised players from various places in Huron Co. The accusa- is false; everyman who took part belongs to Exeter,with the exception of a Mr.McHardy -vho occupied the box during the last M- ing. It was not, however, on this account, that the game was won by the home club. -Our totem. has either been misinformed or purposely takes this abode of placing the defeat of the club in a somewhat passable light before the people of Mitchell. The Mitchell team, to a man, as we stated last week, played a . faultless game, and the Recorder cannot rightly say that the defeat of their club was due to carelessness. personal, Mrs.J. L. Hetheringtou,who has been vis- iting friends here riming the past few weeks, has returned to her 'home in Philadelphia. -Miss M. White is visiting friends in Tor- onto. -Miss P. Dearing, has gone east on a visit to friends. -M. G. Southcott, of Tor- onto, is spending his vacation athome, here. -Miss M. Hayes, has returned home from St. Marys. -Mrs. E. H. Fish • and family, are spending a few weeks with friends in Putnamville.-John White, who has been :attending the Windsor High School, for the past tern, has succeeded in securing a teach. ers' certificate -passing very,ereditably in- deed, having numerous marks to spare over I cates passed. The algebra paper was not all other candidates. -bliss Carrie Temple- ! considered in scoring up results. ton and, Maud Palmer, left on Friday, for A picnic for all the Sabbath schools on the Manitoba, the former going to Brandon, the latter to Winnipeg. COMING YAMS.. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 6th to 18th. Provincial, Guelph, Sept, 20th to 25th, o -o- western, London, Sept. 27th to OoL 2nd. BOOMINGlceo• Central Hamilton, Sept 27111 to Oot•sat Northern, Walkerton, Qot.5th to 8th.- • East Huron, Brussels, Oct, 5th and 6th. South HuronS eaforth, Sept. 27th and 28111. , Listowel, Sept. 30th and Oct. let. East Wawanosh, Beigrave, Oct. 1st. West Huron, Goderich, Sept. 21st and 22nd. Stephen a ndUsborne,Exeter, 0ot. 4th and: It harvest time, but things are booming Hay, Zurich, Sept, 20th and 21st. Hibbert, Staffa, October 6th. Northern Fair, Ailsa Craig, Oct. 5th and 6111. 11 Oct. 5t hA and . Marys, St. Perth, P , South Blanshard, Kirkton, Oct. 7th and 8th. Parkhill, Parkhill, Oot. 12th and 18th. Hullett, Clinton, Sept. 23rd and 24th. Scott's ElnulsIOn of Pure. • Cod Liver 011, `with gypophosphites, For Wasting Diseases of Children. Where the digestive powers are feeble and the ordinary food does not seem to nourish the child, this acts both as food and medicine, giving strength and flesh at once, and is almost as palatable as milk. Take no other. Morris, Blyth, Oct. 7th and 8th.. DtIAR+KET REPORTS. (Corrected at5 o'clookp.m. Wednesday. DULMAGE$, KIRKTON Because Good Goods are sold at Their Real Value. Note the following reductions before the arrivalof fall goods :- 30o. Dress Goods to .. .. 250- 25o. Dress Goods to .. . • 20e. 60e. Cashmere, (all wool), .. 500. 12}o: Prints, • . •. - . 100. 10o. Prints, .. .. . 8:Ae. 12,1e. Shirtings, .. .. 10c. 100. Gingham, 80. Full width Prints, 5c. 15 lbs. Good. Raisins, . , $1.00 50e. Tea, at 42o., in 10 lbs. lots $1.00 15 lbs. nice Light Sugar, .. . . Fa11Whe s• r 0 70 to 0 70 Spring Wneat... 0 50 to 0 70 0 50 10 0 55 Gate Barley . 0 2710'0 28 Inn toa2F Glover Sees Timothy ` Peas Corn • •• Buster Fiourperbbl.... ••• Potatoes per bag ••• ••• Apples,perba30 04 to 0 00 Dried&pplespr b ••• ••• .. 0 OG to 0 06 t#eeee per lb. 0 06 to 08 Turkey per lb 0 40 to 0 6.0 Ducks perpr •• 0 25 to 0 40 ;hickenspsed er100" .. 5 50 to 6 P 1 76 co 2 00' 050to050 058to000 010to010 .•. 11to011 ... 0010555 40to040 4010050 way of Canada will soon be obliterated en tirely. When the . fusion of ; the Grand pour, the amount of water falling being 'Trunk and Great Western took place in '83 estimated at 2 • inches on the level. the name Great Western Division was, It is wrote for second only and3i per cent• of those i marked on the Western cars to; distinguish who third class cern- them from those of the main line of the Trunk. Now thenars have been changed, and the new wine -color cars bear simply "Grand Trunk." Also all engines sent in for repairs are returned with an improved will take place on the parsonage lawn, Cen I 1 steam -boat whistle, which is a decided im- *aim, this evening. rovement. Miss,Croley and,Miss Gregory left on P Don't miss the four great foday Excursion Monday, for the Normal School, Toronto. to Niagara Falls and fou,y.d Camp grounds, They have taught in the Exeter Public I on the 21st. You can come back the same' school during the past year. 1 day or stay till the following Monday or Tues- Mr. John Latta, who taught in section 3, d Talmage, Chaplain and McCabe will seen _ speak at Grimsby. This will be the great trip of the season. Train . leaves Exeter at fessional certificate. 29 yds. good Grey Cotton, .. t1.00 AND OTHER GOODS AS CHEAP.. Come One 1 Come All 1 <and. Secure Bar- s. gains for next 30 day Highest Market Price paid for Butter and Eggs at cgs; res Beef 7... 5 00 to 6 00 gidesrou• 5OOto600. s••• •• .. 6 00 to 7 00 Sheepskins each dressed . ., 0 50 10 0 57 "•_ 0 50 to'0 70 oalfakine ••• •.. 0 16 to 0 17 Wool per lb 00 to 8 00 Hay perton ••• •,. Onionsnerbush 0 50 Woodper cord „• 2 50 to 3 00 ity were favored with a tremendous down- ! ,Iore Poli'ing Booths. The vote on the . by-law for Town Hall takes place next Monday, 23rd inst. It is not generally known that there four polling divisions instead of three, as formerly. They are composed as follows: -Polling sub -division No. 1, South of Huron-st. and West of Main-st, to and including the ,south side of Ann-st. No. 2, West side of. Main-st,, from and including the North side of Ann-st., to and including the south'side of Main-st, of C':idley-st. No. 3, west side , :from and including the north side of Gid- ley-st., to the North` Boundary. No. 4, east side of : Main -at., from and including the north side of Huron -at., to the North Boundary. For voting .on by-law polling Booths will be :-No. 1, Jos. Smith's car- riage shop; No.'2, Mrs. Crocker's shop; No. 3, Market building No. 4, Mr. Willis' limbar office. Centralia circuit of the Methodist church, Exeter J3utcher Shop. R. DAVIS, SOU Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and Vicinity ,that he has opened out Book and Shoe Shp iu the Uorner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make - i o•k. •dnvx kinds o. or dote all Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO.MA.NSON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's, Boot and We Establishment. I May 14th 84. Movedto Front D. 1 . DULMAG.ES, Kirkton. 1 TD AIiI IG1vouldrespectfullyintimate to the public at large that lie has moved from. his S old location, an,1 heuooforth his 500 TU' TORE Wallt MONTREAL T., EA S Butter ed h Will lbelocatediu GEO 1 EIEP'S OLD STAND (ono door North ofDrew's Biock,)where e wili - be found, as of old,with a large and well E - eoxtod stook of entirely new goods, consisting of Je athesOf, Ready-made Clothing, Tweed, EXETER 1 OFcTH, Shirtings, English Corded and English Moleskins, Cotton - Our Stock is :Well Assorted. ades,Brown Duok,Cashmere„,, o FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. Dress Goods, all descriptions, LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED ! Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Mus- GROCERIES ! ! lins, L :,was, 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 n ua t ape iu a well -stocked And everytum,ua 1 y We can't be undersold in Tens. from 20e. General Store. I ammaking Seecibl11 tee I General Dealer 1 Bucher & -IN• - ELL 1UNDS Or- MIEI.A-1T s Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS. DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence' ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE'PROMPT ATTENTION. Lots, Lots,:Lots. too 750. per lb• to close out my Bots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. j S Fin Summer Goods- p g A nicely assorted stock of HA•RDWARF. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all' sizes, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal. To make room for new Pall and Winter Gooes, which are arriving daily. I' carry a fine and well -assorted stock of Choice COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. FAMILY GROCERIES, Which j am offering at Rock Bottom Rates, TEA$,TEAAS,TEAS ia-I make this line a SPECIALTY, FAaarPEODUCE TAKEN IN Examinee for Goons. I would thank my old customers for their Imo' A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.775. A good suit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up in Good Style. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. Stephen, during past lour years, has successful in sectiring.a 3rd class non pro 8:51. Tickets $2.00 for the round trip. By The sidewalks are completed, and; it t all means go. would be inferred; from the crow a I Publications Received. were thoroughly appreciated. Mr. W. H. Verity and slaughter, Lizzie, 1o ve returned from their old country 'trip. t -Mr. Will Gundy has returned from his h Hunt and Miss Landon. ridge, Leig 'll' Wordsworth, S T Cole tour. ' A bicy FRANK LESLIE'S SUNDAY :MAGAZINE for September, opens with the second install- ment of Mr. Powell's interesting "Leaves from My Life," with portraits of Robert yp FOIL SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARM LAND FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. 1. CARLING, EXETER. EXETER. A House and Lot, alsoa i arm for Sale. patronage. andhope by: strictly honest dealing prices to merits continuance e p of .cu _ r fair n Apply to and custom and win many new patrons. C n X" and examine goods and prices. JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. T. DEAR NG. CARLING'S BLOCK FOR SpringSc Summer Goods General Dry -Goods, Black and Colored • Cashmeres, Ottoman Cords; Nuns' Cloth, Jersy Cloth, Ginghams, LawnsPlain and Spotted Muslins, Prints in endless variety. , We have now on hand a choice lot of Millinery, lack Colored Ostrich Plumes. Fine display and mark - ably low Priced.. CIIOICE UOGS1 Gents agent to purchase - Southey, i iam It requires the vote of every p holder that can be available to issue of Monday next -that issue is, ther or not we. shall have a town At Woodstock, on Friday, 1liranicIpal Jots. Eacrett, of Liman, formerly of E A new sidewalk is being built around three the tree second prizes for atheletic Lorne hotel --half at the expense of the connection. with the Knights roperty- yery interesting article is, "Why do Church - decide the bells annoy ? by Dr. S. Austen Pearce, Mus. Doc. Olen, which is illustrated with no less whe- than fourteen' cuts. This is appropriately hall. followed by Bnhver's translation of Schiller's Mr. R. J. " The Lay of the 13e11:' with three illustra- xeter, took tions. "Dilettante Days" comps to an end in this number, wi hch those who have 1 ol- sports in lowed the anther in this delightful story of of Labor travel will regret. How much of the story is truth, and how mucic is fiction, the anther auncil. demonstration. - has not Foveated. The other densis, "The Mr. J. N. lloward's property, opposite A game f base ball will be played on the rtoms She Wore, " "Psalms and •'The Tap, grounds a the afternoon e • nes from north and south of tan- are two views, exterior and interior, of the t picked nines, new St. '.rhoma's Church at Mamaroneck, !Drew's Hall, is the proposed site f ,a e o , for town f this'between estry Boom," ran on interestingly. There "all. t he contest premie es Vladimir, a Russian prince It is remarked that the sidewalks, )tis dere-et. T es to be inter- N y and a view of a Russian Church erect. • ,coma feted, arc altogether too high, an eating, asp avers aro a we the crossways are FL our The 'reasrtxer s sale o s o elude Nicholas Gogol, a liussnan anti,tor; si de frequently drive over them. in another e°111.1711: 'Che list this isho 'Tuttle :Mrs. Lookadie liegetenko a to those w a ears eats Oh South Boutndary want pp h h )3 1 ri female anti the Rev Dr The residents to know whatjis being done with the money i and mid grimmer nlinst K t b dly needed throughout n'memory of . source of annoyance 1 lands f r taxes saint. The portraits of this number in- to I £ a year is small comparewith other p p } d that 1 Il 11 practiced sten, ed i and years, Bu garian m o surgeon ; Encs it will be seen that Exeter le not men Sunderland, who married the President. allotted for Boundary purposes; several boned, All lands here are toe new vill a e, 'Cedar the Village Cerlar iilock would answer neglect --by no payintg taxes, valuable to There are numerous abed articled; poems rations making tip a Vearly, the t bright and interesting number of this favorite is I ainount of inicol octet axe .the purpose, instead of stone. AT-- LOW i'RIOzS, Ladies' Jersey Jackets, :1.50 Men's Fine Dress Shirts, 60c. Extra Heavy Shirting, 12 -c. per yard, 6 good. Lawn Handkerchiefs for. 25c. yds. Grey Cotton for $1.00 28 6 lbs. Best Baking Soda for 25c. -SUGAR 'VERY CHEAP-- -- 7 V We leave Old' Bankrupt Stocks in the Shade every time, by ow prices for new goods, at - I I + ; CO'S irkton HIGHEST PRICE for BUTTER ct EGGS SPBING 0UTFI , L I Would do well by calling and examining our large and varied stock. Suitings in Worsted, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Our Pantings are Simply Inilnonse. Ties, Scarfs,Shirts Collars Cuffs, In Hats, T> , Braces and Socks we have a fine, Display. the lead for Style and Durability. We have jus We take 5 , received the finest lot of Shoes -both in Ladies' d Gents' Wear --that we ever offered, at an 'sGive us prices that. will surprise © you. Cx v prt,P a call. e and will give the 4ighe alae a 2 produce you mayo ?, ' ti a We Will t :Y :f . ,, price. _ A call solicited q .y+ , wpp 1. Ci'A ithi'C