HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-05-13, Page 2� hall
•... 1, held at the town i `
the Friday, . May 7,
nt�it df�envere� Richard ��� J
nam e in o'ase tioneerh S tet
rner of the piece of fur- the honours. It
tura read Henri wishes to express 'Cha s,.
those who worked ow
examples described to him Anil
By Wilma Om similarcele of
4 h he had received,a great deal..,flack
Roman meetinCatholic -separate of the school from ratepayer about F,G. days.
y.+� ,p
in Dublin Monday night, criticism Mr. '�.f�p W(ith three,othe� represented
a,$ levelled by the school principals cipals at Stratfordalong
be Chert trustees to las
orie of the beard members -for his critical and. he did.no . system, dictated
g the principals in the y
marks at the previous board riieetin
t professional develop
evelo ment days for said he thou t wanted to, be spokesmen
chers. for the lace . "Lord knows they
..., toward Shantz of Stratford read a Mr. Shantz to said,
cif they concentrated
letter he had. received front Leo Turner, have enough of our schools - we have
principal of Holy Name of Mary School on the running
at St. Marys, reporting that the Prin- yet to attain perfection there."
he resignation of
cipal's Association, of which he is The board accepted
corresponding secretary, takes ex- Mrs. Amy Dskocy. a a of ane 3 teacher t Our
caption tom remark made by him at the Lady of Mount
last board meeting when he said he does The sports council of the boardm they a
not find prgfessional, activity days for presentation, outlining the program
teachers `'too worthwhile".are carrying out this year and what they
Mr. Turner said in his letter. "We feel
H continued (continued from page)
ize board me
Cabinet Maker, to os
�tct}�, „ . ,
VietoIia St• iiit n• Mr, the success of this event and
it anyone , to members who donated the
��t -Weide to be auctla�neel.
in a vicinity would have thanis -plants, Wlixlntcspeaking of all
information regarding,
person. 1t so, would they devoted agriculturalists the
please call 482.9135. Thank (allowing quotationndFloyd
R. Miller comes
"An optimistic gardener is
Mrs« Mervyn ,B:atkkin, ac- one who believes
copanied by.her daughter, whatever goes
Mrs. Clayton groves, come up.
travelled by Air Canada to
Sault Ste. Marie, last week to The Sarah Hale Chapter of
attend the funeral of the the Clintonwas 1. .D E in May
former's brother, Bernard meeting
Miller, which was held on AgricultureMrs. o rd anroom
Tuesday May 4th in that city. presiding.
Regent, iding. The speaker for
Mr. and Mrs. Fred e theDavidson, mho toldwas
s. of Jane her
nings, operators of Radiant
Life. Centre, Albert Street, family's achievements and
Clinton, have returned from a her work at the St. Alphonsus
visit to Windsor where they School in India.
attended the sixth annual Tickets are still available
Christian Booksellers Con- for the Chapter's grocery
vention of the Canadian wit � used to purchase lift
Chapter. .
In addition to attending the for Huronview. The f luckJune
workshops and seminars. the meeting will be a p
help of Canadian authors, picnic at the cottage of Mr.
Jeanette Lockerbie and and Mrs. Orland Johnston.
Maxine Hancock was ap- dayfor your writer
preciated. Other authors A happy
present were Stuart Briscoe. this week which could easily
Catherine Marshall and John have been otherwise. one call
g with' Heather
BQttnle estbxf�o�...�►t �� 2, Clinton,ltttlagr
Rutledge of RRu 2, Clinton, (not shown) were awarded the
highest honors of 4-H at the Achievement Day held in
Clinton last Saturday. Both were given Advanced Honors
'Certificates for completing 18 projects over the last
several years. Mrs, Joe Gibson of LR 2, Seaforth
also presented with a five -yea
(News -Record photo)
Klan says
Farmers threatened
by Bill C-83
that professional activity days arnthe VanastraLi° WIC• • •
definite asset to our system and 1
children in our charge. a ,
"Statements such as the one above, speeches by members of the head table,
received their
when printed in the press (Stratford the following gentlemen
rr president
Beacon Herald. April 28) are counter- charter Bonte - Gelok, vice-president;
productive and cast very poor light upon Henry
our system. We request, therefore, that Jim Burgess, secretary; Barry Black.
your statement be substantiated or treasurer; Karl Boersmaj Rene Brochu,
formally retracted at the next meeting Bernard Bryan, Roger Burchill, David
of the board." Dalzell, David Densmore. Ran Gonie,
Ina written response to the board/Mr. Joe Haskett, Murray Hohner. Art Hoy,
Shantz repeated his statement, "I will Alden King, Richard LeDavid
Kent Murray,
re-emphasize the fact that I still do not Marshall, Don McLean,
support P.D. days." He gave as one of Will Schneider; nd HaroldnWhitlockprow ded the
the reasons a recent example that he The group
knew of one of the teachers from Mr- music 1 owin for
the presentations- Corsages
Turner's school who had gone to London g
on the afternoon of the last P.D. day on left over from the evening were donated .
April 30. Mr. Shantz said he had many
to Huronview.
By R.S. Genovese search for and seize firearms
F,A,R,O• and ammunition upon
• The Peace and Security "reasonable grounds" of
legislation in the form of danger.
Government Bill C-83 now e) A license to own a
Bement will, if firearm, ammunition, or
propose. two next year• Ma ..
presentation Were: Tarry
Seaforth; Jim Stefner`, Win..>s..
Patricia Anderson and
check, both of Stratford and
peal, St. Marys. e
The board approved a request of . v«
Aloysius Nolan of Sacred Heart Pari
Wingham, to hold a summer school of
religion fromJuly 19 - 23 at SacredHeart,
School in the town. His request for a,
grant of $200 to subsidize the bus costs to:
transport the children will be studied.
The board granted the request of
Roger Labelle' of the Stratfd ord
Recreation group ta►use ��e� 7S�There is
Willow Street property
no school on the property, The next
board meeting will be held on Tuesday,
May 25.
Working on a p before t+ar
Drescher. passed, signal the beginning parts thereof will now be
Music was enjoyed by such received in their office, the
new and renowenedve artists as police notified me at work of the end for the legitimate required. The signatures of
LilyKnowles, Evie. Sharman that smoke was coming from firearms -owner in Canada• two guarantors from an
erials, The the roof of our house. As I This bill represents 38 pages unspecified "class of per -
of the Imp the receiver, with highly- sons" - to be periodically
andiers, Rowane Hutton hung up to water, of disgusting.
Bothers. knees turning I obnoxious legal bilgewater changed - will also be
an +++ found the editor, Jim Fit- which has been purposely required. A "fee" will be
Just back after a six-week zgerald, already standing at designed . to reduce firearms charged, the amount of which
availability to Canadians by a can be periodically raised by
holiday on the continent are the office door Ever ready ride drive policy of discouragement -- to regulation. A license, if
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Clifford of me home. doom
Matilda Street. Clinton. Two Albert Street on tato wheels of be accomplished by issued, will --only be vaned forbureaucratic roadblocks, five years.
weeks were spent with their a Volvo scanner- then around the on one wheel? le al harassment, and ar1) The applicant may be
son and his wife, Ron and radar g
bitrary regulations to be required to provide "further
Barb, stationed with the exhilaratingrcto say the least.
Canadian Armed Forces in On reaching our one hundred brought in after the bill is information and docurhen-
Whileyear old house, and after a passed. An outstanding talion" as deemed
West Deutchesland. f ature built into Bill C-83 "reasonable" in determining
there, they enjoyed side tours to be al thorough search, - all seemed inn s
including one to Switzerland. to be alright. means that. in essence, the his "fitness" — perhaps
the point of this Government will vote itself fingerprints and a mug short.
The remainder Englandof the holiday However, is prove that A- mien and
a agent
was spent in and little story the power now - to make the also add any further con -
Wales. In London, Reg en- people do care - the police, the laws later.
d a reunion with his editor and especially our very Of special interest to far- ditions to the license which he
o e > mess, a partial list of Bill C- deems desirable re pith he
brother. Frank, whom he had kind and alert neighbour, 13's provisions includes the transportation of firll'ns
not Seen for 47 years. More Mrs. May Gibson, across the
teld Road. fallowing: am m u n'i t i o n.
visits were made with �Bayf-
a) Firearms and am Theoretically, this can be
relatives around Bristol Wales,eanother brings
uota quotation, so rce munition have both been re- used to curtail all other
then on to Aberdare,defined to include corn- legitimate uses of long guns
Mr . home of Hazel's siswho okYou can pick your friends
ponents, and a license will be between hunting seasons:
Mrs. Robert'Green,
' ited in three years but only God can make your required to - possess either. Farmers are urged to
a><s This carries a two-year immediately inform their
ago. neighbours." respective Members of
. penalty for violation. P
b) Centre -fired rifles with a Parliament of their total
barrel -length of 181/2" or less opposition to Bill C-83.
will have to be registered. Farmers are also warned not
c) Improper storage of to accept soothing
firearms and -or ammunition reassurances from any
can result in five years im- politician who may say that
prisonment. A judge may also the bill will not significantly
prohibit ownership for any affe4t them - for it most
length of time. "Improper certainly will. If desired,
storage" is not defined in the additional information -can be
bill, and rules relating thereto obtained from Firearms &
will. be added later ... to be - Responsible Ownership, Inc.
changed from time to ant, StationD.Ottatva KIP SW6 0,
d) Without a
police May enter any home to
Gary Jewitt; right, of the Clinton Kinsmen Club was
judged to be the best speaker at the Zone B Kinsmen
finals at Herrman recently, and was presented with a
banner from Mike Hoyle of Listowel, deputy governor.
Gary now goes onto the district finals next weekend.
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