HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-8-19, Page 4QTICI .,1, oasQ when his, name is ee lnected with ia$rl • arzythin8 with, which Canada has to do. Bawl l,rc,, ;0,n the 7th unit.; the wif We have a. large number of outstanding Ile is a terror to his. eppoaleliits 1 his great Hawkey, of Perichfl o aeeennts scattered in difkei ant quarters, powers ASA debator his e l ; b ,X i, f Ocith,. thedrowit whiolh, it aid would-ahnourit to sevQral m' y V"41 the 5!I 1 p 1 questions, l 1'it a le ra'reiltal 1Sxltou;�.aia� Stu July lrurldred dallltrs arard assist "las. great e, , 4y o£ shn(aulal, eon. 1J, lkloGai#irtxay, of , ,..ly, what) e o] reeve right, alas ntemti u `�l1er,~ "°'11' guoa# runny subsor1bers, a lop; , 1t G aslri. , a >,a,,lat, his contempt for � .taloa. ppn the E?til, inst., the wife in rears' and : othe Mabee and petty. slanders of his ';elle- 9Parry, _1ffa, of a daughter. time make prompt etteme r as hope theyvbeXk mics, and his wowdorful cepecityforwork, ?'141)ro,S:--,-In 1,noicersp itll, on the S pt p been arhrhde iiia, an o po clie. wife- of 111x, fi9m, good tris. season, pl nenb to be dreaded, l er, anon, of is therefore quite reasanabie that Iris op, CQulesEa,� Irl ,siadolph, ou_ D11 104 i n 'EXRER PlAlES, poner tuxnitto shoo die, feel Manyla z Sed at Ills . c' the wife of ,..Iii. Ooursoy, ,,,>F°4 so have been the BA:x.4m—k'riday, tstli rapt., ilia Is published every'I'liur§day utorning,at the theories advanced for his visit ; some to Andrew f3unkin, Usbgrnei of a so TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE the effect thaat he will enter the Cabinet ns Sir John s enooessor', while ethers Oahu, 11IAR1#ILIO. Main-streot,.nea1'lyopposite Futon's Awe o eel lits arrival as a sure sign that the e •� St r - - O , J 1 xy le4 t A — -- . S v RTs ti%ox, 4t the manes, Kip a e,p7aetei, u.t•ureters lviltte soli, Pro- tions wouktl take place tine hall, The real the «8th ult,, bit, John L Swans object of his Visit as not an alarming one, l to o mi$F3 L ' and why the Reform press should pose on ton, 4 $ _ outea I{ilea, of Floe it, is mysterious, j$ir Charles Tupper i "� y � Pl .IDD. D fe of Jos. t? Sall, e of ,I, A• th last., a tiaugh- oaa for sonletnne held iL lian-professiozlal 2nd' h fust„ class A, certificate left on Tuesday,4to attend n, I the Toronto Normal. -71rf yrvest operatialze wife o f .lhlave .been inueb. impeded by the recent heavy rains. 1,31gic rS Mr, 4, , Pon o was abrea cl lest weals Miss hl, 13611, of gxeter ie 'at present visiting friends at the Resoliill farm, —'-The public school re -opened on. Monday, —lRfr, WA,Beatty conducts the ser vice the Presbyterian eherelh during the absence. of the pastor, ----Mr. Cyrus �1•, Callander wile 1LATk76. OF AevEn$tsh2QSl: fN irst insertion, per line ,..:,, ,, ,14 cents. Enc su e u its e,jtinsertion h er ' 4lin _., o ,.:3 ata p cents. To instire 1 T lie er len a lis G dv r e ti amen , s to should. an g be sent in not later than Wednesday morning at present out of polities. He is better employed as our representative ill London, BosnnBextQER.—In Exeter, ou the 17 OurIOR PBINTINCc I?1f11'AkiTl!TI7Zll`lsone looking after the interests of our vastly Jennie Louisa, daughter of Abraha f 11fary Rosenberger,senbergec, aged 4 months the largest and best equipped. in the Oounty important country. However, should his ` aentlpu, f Huron. All work entrusted to us will rece v pranhl'services . be Galled, the Reform leaders days. gi t tt '— 1 n —.Cti ' plc It , r mplaoll s aheose factory was o1> I friday morning last totally destroyed by file, together with its contents, some one die - of u hundred elleese,) The building was die- ui f Chn" covered to be on Are about 1„30 a, in., by one of ollr villagers, who while passing noticed i i d snoi cemanating from the engine. room. The alarm was quickly raised and th iust„ willing hands were scion at work, but their. m and efforts were unavailing, as the fiances rapid - and 7 ly spread and they were forced to stand back and view the work of destruction. Three 1 day at I fire extinguishers were used, hut proved' to be unequal to the occasion. How the fire originated, is somewhat of a mystery, as there had been no fire in the engine for ten hours previous. The factory was insured for $1,000 and the cheese for the sante amount. The probabilities are that it will not be rebuilt as neither the butter nor cheese business has been a success. As in the case of a former fire, a good many of our villagers slept serenely on in blissful ignorance of the exciting scenes through which their fellow citizens were passing and knew nothing of the affair till they got astir next morning when they were filled with wonder and surprise. Decisions ec' n' .�'' c 1'Ct n •� i, Ne�'. A b NOW $• papers, Any person who takes a paperregularly from he post-oihce, whether direoted in his name or another's, or whether he has subscribed or not rs,responsible for payment. 2 If a.person orders his paper dtsooutinued he must pay all airears or the publisher may continue to send it until the payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether .the paper is taken from the office or not. 3 In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be instituted in the place where the paper is pub. fished, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of wiles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to 'Ake newspapers or periodicals from the post - office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for is primly, facie evidence of intentional fraud. k I�ie 'xe/er Eirnes. THUSRDAY, AUt+UST 19th, 1.886. EDITORIAL NOTE'S. Speaking of the Ontario Franchise Act, the Expositor says;—"It is a piece of very perfect legislation which will stand the closest criticism." The Judges through- out the country do not think so, however. A. Reform contemporary contends that the Riel issue will not paramount in On- tario at the next election. By dropping it on Quebeaehe party may get rid of it here. But it is absurd to say that Mr. Blake can ask Quebec to condemn the execution and Ontario to remain mule regarding it. The Essex Conservatives have nomin- ated their candidates for the Commons and the Local. Mr. Patterson is re -nom- inated for the North Riding and Mr. Lewis Wigle for the South for the Com- mons. Forthe Legislaturethenominations are Mr. Sol. White in the North and Mr. Coste in the South. Opposed by such a quartette Reform will have a miserable experience, With the end of this month the time closes in which volunteers who served in the North-West and are entitled to land can locate the salve or appoint a substitute to do so, but they will still be entitled to receive $80 in scrip. So far about 900 land warrants have been issued and over 3,500 volunteers have taken scrip. It is curious to note that nearly 1,000 men who have served during the rebellion, and are therefore entitled to scrip, have made no application as yet. Certain people who are always doubting the ability of Canada to carry out any given project laugh heartily at Sir John Mac - Donald's statement that some of the wheat of the North-West will find an outlet to the sea through British Columbia and pass via Cape Horn to England. It is a long distance round ; but the same route is adopted by the Americans. During the year just closed 237 grain vessels bound for England left San Francisco, and their freight earnings reached. $4,123,091. It comes out that a number of the Re- form members of Parliament in the session of 1885 canvassed in favor of the increase of the inclemnitythatyear, owing to thegreat length of the session, to $2,000. The Gov- ernment would only go $1,500. When the vote for $1,500 was proposed, some of the statesmen who wanted the $2,000 were quite indifferent about it, and one gentle- man said it was a shame to •waste the public resources in that way. He, for his part, would give his $500 to the cause of agriculture in his county. And he went off and gave the agricultuarl societies $100. He don't live far from here, The visit to Ontario of three prominent Northwestern Indians is likely to have a good effect in imbuing the minds of the aborigines with a wholesome respect ;for the power of the white man, which may act as a restraining influence should diffi- culties between the Indians and settlers again arise. Most Indian outbreaks are due to the ignorance of the savages as to the numbers and resources of the whites, which they are apt to judge by the scat- tered. outposts of civilization which they may have visited. They seldom have any idea of the immense numerical super- iority of their foes. The Indians are not so lacking in intelligence. The question now agitating the minds of our citizens is are we or are we not, going to have it town hall ? And the answer to this will be given on Monday next by a vote of the property owners, and leaseholders of at least twenty -years tenure, being cast at the polls Tho by- law asking for $8,000 to purchase land and erect a suitable Wilding, has been published and, doubtless is thoroughly un- derstood by the voters. The site selected' id Mr;:; Jas. N Howard's property, lippo- site Drew's Hall, the particulars with reference to agreement &o., niay be found in our advertising coltirnns. The question now rests with the intelligentproperty- owners ro ert o'tvners whether or not they feelpdis posed . p to vote $8.060 for this purpose, our tax this year being 13: cents in the dollar. The otlioial explanation of Sir Tupper's return to Canada, as : furnished by , the Canadian Gazette, is that his object is to confer with the Demulen government 011 the snbjecb of the establishment of the -Aft., Baker, of the],"Ethdon, Godeiic h town. Colonial exhibition ae a ermanetit insti ship had this y ,a • . 60 acnes of fell, wheat, , li . Ly this , t. a r ... tutioli. The Reform press are greatly which it is eetrerpated will yield at least ,., ... .... , y , . ail. exercised over hie' Visit, tis i$ el a e''mi/11Q Ata.; -41 7f 00'vt; DO i}t;plltlle to lite' Rem y. would have every reason to be uneasy they would recommend. nd him to retain the position he now so successfully occupies— or at all events not to enter Canadian politics. Nevertheless, notwithstanding, that his services are of importance as High Conuuisioiier, it might so happen that circumstances may convince Sir Charles that he can be of more service to his coun- try as'a Canadian ll1inister. Ontario's Crops. A mammy of the report of the Bureau of Industries for August shows the acreage and estimated product of crops for the season as folio Ns: Acres. Fall whoat....886,402 SpringWheat. 577,465 Barley 735,478 Oats 1,621 901 Rye ..67,779 Peas...... .,.703,936 Per Bushels. Acre. 18,057 794 20,4 9,527'783 16.5 19.695,830 26.8 58.231,517 35,9 1,146871 16,9 16,452,265 23.4 The average wages of farm bands for the Proviuce is $158 with board and $2.51 with- out board per year, and $17,06 with board, and $26.64 without board per month of the seeding and harvesting season. These fig- fields are scare, but those {vho{{'rite ures are slightly lower than last years, The I 00 LD "to Stinson & Co., Portland, Mame, rate of wages of domestic servants is $1.52 about work will ich troy free, do11and information per week ; last year's rate was $1.51. home, that will pay them from $5 to $25 per clay.Borne ore have earned over $50 in a day. NEWS NOTES. Either eex, young or old. Capital not requir- oence fere absolutelu are ysuref lhose a snug whostartfort tune. Allis new. A BARGAIN. --The undersigned Ballot a one-fifth of an acre of land on Albert -St.., near the Waning factory, village of Exeter, the lot is well fenced, com- fortable house and barns, excellent well of good water, with pump. If desired, half the purchase money can remain on interest for a time. Enquire at this office or on the p rem- ises, Albert -St. CHRISTINA DE S SEEDER. Exeter, July 20th, 1886, The funeral will take place to. 1 o'clock p. In. METHODIST DlsxliioT MEaris —The fol. lowing district meetings in the west have been arranged :—St. Marys—St. Marys, Wednesday, August 25th, at 10 a. m. Lou- don—Louden West, Thursday, Auguts 25th, at 10 a. m. The following persons from St.: Marys passed for certificates :— Second-class—J. Baird,. 0 Bradley' J. Brown, J. Switzer, M. Loram,K. McLaughlin, S. Wren, A. Watson, M. Patterson, E. Wray, T, Stanley. Third-class—F, Delmage, I. Moore, D. Munro, H. Wren, M. Wilson, A. Lindsay, T, Wilsnu, E. Perry, 11. Gill, A; Achesou, L. Clemons, A. Cameron, 0. Kirk, L. Langford, S. Deltnago, L. Hall, R. Mc. Robert. Alma Ladles' College, ST. THOMAS ONTARIO. 158 Professors and Teachers. Attendance last year 150. Unexcelled advantages iu Lit- erature, Languages, Music, Fine Arts and Commercial Science, IRE -OPENS SEP C. 9312. For 60 -pp, Announcement, address Princip a1 AUSTIN, B. D. Of an Interesting Character. It is estimated that over 500 persons have been wounded in the Belfast riots. New Parliament buildings are to be erected in Toronto, and tenders are asked for the erection of the same. London is to have an extension of the West Ontario Pacific Railway from Wood- stock. The contract is to be let at once in order that the roadway can be got in readi- nese by the end of the present year•. Bay- field is talking about having it extended to that village. Worcester, Mass, Aug. 12.—Hanlan rowed three milee, with a turn, on lake Quinsige. mond to -day in 19 minutes and 23 seconds, beating all his previous. Hanlan rowed over the old regatta corse one and a half miles and return in a new shell just made for him. The water was in a perfect condition, there being hardly a ripple. Hanlan maiutained a 32 stroke throughout. He is to take another trial on Friday to see if he can lower the record 'still. 1914 was the best previous record for this distance. The Ontario Gazette Saturday containea notice of the following appointments : John Hail Priestly, of Ailsa Craig, to be police mag- istrate for the north riding of Middlesex, without salary ; Alexander Taylor, of Fergus, to be police magistrate for the East Riding of Wellington ; James McLeod of London East, to be police magistrate for the east riding of Middlesex without salary ; Alexander Mc- Dougall, of Wallaceburg, to be Poliee Magis- trate for the county of Kent, without salary ; John Douglas, of Parkdaie, barrister, Wel- lington Ault, of Barrie, solicitor, and Joseph Gibbons Cadham, of Niagara Falls South, to be notaries pubtic,for the Province of Ontario. OF INTEREST TO 11IAGISTRATEs.—The fol. lowing amendment to the Act respecting sum- mary proceeding before justices and other magistrates, will be read with satisfaction by those who have beenaannoyed with writs cer- trocari, etc„ whenever an opportnnity was given : "No conviction or order trade by any justice of the peace and no warrent for en- forcing the same, shall be held invalid for any irregularity, informality or insufficiency therein ; Provided, that the court or judge before which or whom the question Is raised is, upon perusal of the dispositionssatisfied than an offence of the nature described in the conviction order or warrant, has peen com- mitted over which such justice has jurisdic• tion, and that the punishment imposed is not in excess of that which might have been lawfully imposed for the said offence; and any statement which, under this Act or other- wise, would be sufficent if contained in a conviction, shall also be sufficient if contained in an information, summons, order or war- rant." The MonetaryTi,nes:-We aro told that at £2 per head ocean freight and $2 per head carriage by rail from Toronto to the seaboard, it costs fully $20 per head to get an ox from this point In Ontario to market in Liverpool. This being the case, with English prices as they are to -day, no animals which cost over four cents per pound live weight can be look- ed for to earn ,a profit by exporting. And indeed there is no rush to buy export cattle in this market. Liverpool prices for prime Canadian steers were in April, 12c per pound ($4.80 to the £ stg.) They advanced to 13j}c in May, to 14}e on 7th June, and receded with slight flur teati ons to 12c July ` 34th last, In April of 1885, beginning at 12}c they remained at 14c and 15c in May and June, declining to 127e at end of July! &TTAWA, Aug. 14. -The following is the statetnent of revenue and expenditure of the Dominion for the month of July. Revenue Customs ., ,$1,703,974 Exeiee ....... 351,754 Public works, including r ti[ways:.. 239,933 Postof Ice . 170,603 Miscellaneous , , , . 36,789 Total.., $2,503,053 Expenditure;,.. , , . , , . 2,946,220 5'or July, 1885, the revenue was as follower CttStbMe , , ....... • . .46,587,706' Excise ... .... , , . , . 308,346 Pottofice , ' ltz,5oz Public works, including rai1R•ays. , r, X411224 Miscellaneous , 32r 914 Tota] . , •, . 0,332,691 The total expenditure for the Seine month being $2,099,301. It will therefore be Fleet that at compared with July, 16$6, there has been aii increase of $170,362 in'reyenue, and of846 1 in $ ,9 9expenditure. FARM FOR SALE. Thcon- taining acres, offers for 20, North Boule Hs ndary Stephen. There are 5 acres in brush, remain- der cleared. peiinor-brna ablodwells.&slndichard of fruit bearing trees, Situated within 40 rods of a I'ost Office. For terms apply to JOHN FE N WICE, (2 mos) larepta P. D. AGENTS °WANTED.=—Steady Employment to good men, None need - be idle. Previous experience not essential. We pay either salary or commission, 100omart men wanted at Canadian Groton onco e anvass for tsey Stock. The Fonte sam - hill Nurseries. Largest in Canada ; over 400 acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class references and want to work, No room for lazy men, but can employ any num • ber of energetic men who want work. Address STONE & WELLINGTON, • NunsEnrifmt, - Toronto, Ont CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR AND Agricultural Exposition, '886 TORONTO SEPTEMBER STH TO 18TH. An immense Programme of NEW AND GREAT ATTRACTIONS is prepared for this Exhibition. Cheap Pares and Excursions on all 11,'s Copies of Prize List and Entry Forms sent to any one on application, by post card or other- wise, to the Secretary at Toronto. Entries close Saturday August 28th. H. J. HILL, JNO. J. WITHROW, Manager and Sec'y. President, TosoNTo. NOTICE. To the Property -holders of the Village of Exeter The Council of the Village of Exeter, in sc. cordance with instructions ata public meeting have tarsen stepsito secure what they;deem;the most eligible, cheap and available location for such site for Town Hall. Such site, so secured should by-law carry, is lots or part lots 1, 2, 3, &e„ oast side of Maih-st between J. Bawden's nr andT.Mace's ,any unber of feet from 75 ,to 152 ft, by 165 ft in depth, at the rate of ten dol- lars per ft„ for first 100 ft frontage, au,l twelve dollars per ft. frontage for each fon±.t over 10u ft., should more be required by Council, By Order of Council. M. EACEETT, Clem, NATURE'S ARELIABLE REMEDY V G Icor Slck Sta CURE FOR To idLlvoemr,ch, Buten, sta Headache,CONSTIPATION ' oEiveness, Tarrant's Effervescent R I ANr Seltzer Aperient, It is certain in its ef- fects, It is gentlei its ts action. Ztiaalatable to the taste. It can be ®lam, relied 'upon to cure, and ��A� E�/4 it euros uy assistiup, cat �R I ��o�, by o rtrsging nature. Do �tw es not take violent purga- tiyee yourselves, or al -- S-- -tdache low yourehiltlroritotake , then, always nee this CD elegant pbarmaeon tical n.1 ePGPe1a been for more then forty years a public favorite. Sold by druggists everywhere. Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters's Lists, Voters' tist, 1880, .Municipality of the TOtp11, slti2, of I1&N County of 7•iuMoa. q1,?�OTICE 1s I sstiii Y (}Cl?IIN that I bays' 1,V transmitted or delivered to mentioned in the i'hi•1' r, the tions f 1< an .ti'ourthSectiousof ',rhe Voters' List Agit," tho copies required by the said section to be transmitted or delivered e Hat that Made pursu'tnt to sa'a Act, of all sons ap leaving by the last revised Asettee- ren, t delict t„eeaid mug ictttrafityto be entitled to vote litho sai.cl bInsicltiality at 1Jleotb , fori4lenrbers of aho Legfalative, Ase°nibl, and at Municipal Eleetirtfe, and that eaid list was ilrstrpoeted up atro y oil'ree, 5n_lob 9, eon, 0I3 ay, Frier i DAY 08' AUGTS'T,1881, and romaine thee° for inspection, LleCtore re called upon 35eyamiue the eaid list, and if:oily omisslone or ether errors itree found therein, to 'take im- medi,1te proceeding,- to have ':veld el•rof•a cot' teetefi according to 1Lty, Dated thfs Gth davof Aaius 1 ii g Sri .... sAblt?I,,L ' 8 "'. Glu :GX li'14 sGl cl; aCltu ka:tyt Mr. Coats, the energetic town clerk of Clin- ton, though a grit, was sufficiently interested in Mr, Robt. Porter, theoounted out Conserv- ative candidate of the last Parliamentary election iu West Huron, to 'ferret out his present whereabouts iu order to send him copies of the voters' lists of the town, iu ac- cordance with the statutory requirements After considerable correspondence Mr. Coates received answers from Mr. Porter's old friends, in the neighborhood in Huron whole he for- merly resided, that that gentleman's address is Elmvale, Simcoe oounty. A fellow by the name of A. Strachan pro- fessing to sell nursery stook for some May Bros.of Rochester, beatthe R Oyalhotel._ Mitchell, out of ten day's boa' d recently, �°` HARD�iTA R E AT.. .GAINS EVERY DAY. DRY -GOODS, 1� OOD S )- OASHMEBESJ SILKS & SATINS, PRINTS eco PRINTS, .r MUST' BE CLEARED OUT TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL STOOK. EVERYBODY COME ! IT PAYS TO GO TO RA.NTON BROS. MACKINAC. The Moat Delightful SUMMER TOUR Palaee Steamers. Low Rater, Your Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day.Betvresn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains Still Particulars. Mailed Free. Detroit & Cleveland. Steam Nay. C0. C. D. WHITCOMB, GEN, PAss. ACT.. DETROIT. MICH. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE,HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACIjE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising froiie� disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, r BOWELSnpp OR BLOOD, T. IPIILLIURN & OJV., PropriTOROMT'. ;TORN BRAW1T, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand, FUNERALS ER ALS FURNISHED AND ON - DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. t'GIVE ME A CALL ADVERTISERS can learn t%r~ xaGt cost of any}� oos� .,: eel line of r aclvertr sin i American ` a erw 1�: '= r >. �e�sr� paper Y ad (.lreo Rowell Co, d tve'Nis a er"' :l &kr r'i P P t a+ rig )Streau i0, price St., NbvV Yorfk. g#nd 149toa, tvt i90-11 a Psth ph1dt, AT THE "OLD ESTABLISHED" To be Sold. at Rock Bottom Prices, Wholesale and Retail: Car Load of Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes ; car load of German window Glass, Star, Diamond Star, Double :Thick; ; Car load of Binder Twine now on hand, Flax, Mike & Pure Manilla, cheap for. cash ; Car load Water .Lime, Calcine Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick and Clay ; Five ear loads of Iron ,and Steel, two and. four barb, Buckthorn and Ribbon WIres• 25 car loads Blacksmiths', Chestnut, Stone and Soft Coal (Order Binder_ Twine and Fall supply Coal early.) HARVEST TOOLS.—Spades, Forks, Rakes, ;Mowers S." Hay Forks, Ropes, Pullres, Machine Oils (all kinds.) aPers, Binders, Scythes IN BUILDERS' HARDWARE. —Rim, Mortise and Dead Looks, Hinges, Hand Saws, Sash Weights, •a full line. IN CARRIAGE GOODS.—Patent Wheels, Conboy Tops, Bent Stuff, T •' nmings and Dash Leathers, Muslin, Drills, Ducks, Oil Cloth, Buckram, Springs, axles,iroles, &c. IN PAINTS. ---Elephant and James' Lead, Raw and Boiled English Oils, 'Ready-made 'Paints, IN ILLeSUPPLIES, ,5sbestus.,oJutteseand Hemp PaOak ckings Leather and -Rubber Beltings, Rubber Hose. Files, Gauge Glasses, Pipe and Fittings, Angle and Globe;,Valves. Above goods, having been bought at manufacturer's prices, will be sold cheap, JAS. PICKARD. • PARIS GREEN IS DEATH to T}IE POTATO BUG : TO 13E,, SURE :---- /BUT PURE PARIS GR ERNS I8 SURE DEATH TO THE BUG, AND DOES NOT INJURE THE PLANT PURE PARIS GREEN! SOLD AT so )7,%.*Tiros DRUG ■ EXETER FOR 30 DAYS A Great Clearing Sal At DISSETT BROS& As we are going to enlarge b our pienises to acoornmcdate our rapidly increasing busi Hess, we will offer AT COST the following lines Ines , Scythes, Scythe Snaths, ' Spades, 1 2 & 4 Barbed wire, Steel Barley�.,. Steel Forks, c, Buckthorn l~eneing, Hay Forks, O c) Plain vre,ManureForks, boys Forks) Tarred Felt t Pa er Hoer Shovels of all kinds, Plain, Felt Paper. ' - .r1.1, Ila 7�Irac7.er T�u� • °; Also' a full stock of ' rte. Genela.l Bltlldn . r3s, d.warre � Of ' .;,, . r . i � ... 1'+ f Oi1S1S YYI�; Nails, Leeks, Binges, Glass, Putty, "White Lead • Ita,`vv an . i d Boiled Oil: En .1* h rnu1 entlne &�, p y St0'Ves<, and �. r d..�'1 war fall stock,at our usuall 1 1 n . y fin glees, tA, ants for tile:, Monti � ,. g DSS .,... stall Shin le , ,.. Roofm a, 11 , g' ht . d1u (� . . . g g , • l�.ble Vin, 1�ea r.. 0 of p. 1n�'� suitable for dwellln s and outbuildings g S , .where thele; is a, ,quarter �• pitch Or: oV'er.- ESpecialty.. ttV'C.T1r(5li . Alii . a S � eckll,lt 'ii�lxll �1•n'd �e� , , , . y • . g �' NO, � ,yi� e bha,t we are advertising facts `arid �,S 1,A'M, { t t 0. e 0 o ar ht de n0 en UT 4.3 Tl TS) sin wh ale, t$,_- qui ant the t qct ( the vot, alae and elec JJ sq on lame broh was men beat ever, ditto and Tien destz A. event Clar1 and Quee cultu the b and t the b throw had b ed stn Grana whole other Wh Rand, MoGil ningtc accide. mow, fork it tyith b butan standi the pc: Upon force, t danger life wa, bowels Mr,. the agr 1 ofthe I past, r Thursd Ontaric Blyth;: express, 1' he has had not have re has be, The far. their he single o, During werefarl treal thi the Non will to Canal 1 Mrs. had who her nose cancer 1 ed to try and este eared' he Lighti chimney tore a do in the cel Young; the world san Atill A. ;sore eyes, Soroflrlus healthy a The ore partment, yield of tr: :bushels tc A veal' and the,e a"pread 'were sore, no enrol bottlespe, Miss \.iftin