HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-05-06, Page 2i parade in Varna on the custom being to the home 'church of istrict Deputy of the liows, who is Wm. Taylor, Glenn filo regor of Erdcefield led the parade to and from the church with pipe music. Special music .0 ;the service was oyided by Pete Postill. who ing two. solos. .Jhe Oddfeilows is a fraternity which gives much assistance to their members if there is any need, and is involved in a great deal of charitable work in the community. They lend eeod, e and'Ms. memory y of Us. dieton. Mrs, y made all emeut• display of yellow Pa in various IocatiOns,, ►round our town were the gift of the Royal Canadian Legion to murk its 50th anniversary this year. +++ While on the subject of greenery, a reminder of the Horticultural Society's auction of plants.and garden equipment this Friday, May 7 in Clinton Town Half at 7:15 p.m. + + + Perhaps we are en- croaching a little on Hensen news, but while listening to CFPL Open Line the other morning - we heard that the Sports Club in Hensafl had made a donation of $975.75 to the Bunny Bundle campaign. There must have been other local projects for this annual popular cause - word of them hasn't reached our news desk yet - let's hear something. +++ Winner of the Clinton Canadian Legion Bingo last April 29 was Mrs. `Bert Boyes, Clinton. +++ M'r. and Mrs. Lindsay Burrows and Mr. and Mrs. William Cudmore, Clinton attended the funeral. May of Mrs. Norman Olson, ' ort Rowan. The late Mrs Olson was the former Abb usty of Clinton, daughte of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Husty. 201 Liscar Ave., illsonburg. + + + rs. M. Young of Blake reet, Goderich, has returned home after spending three' weeks in Clinton Public Hospital. +++ +++ The ,annual . angers' Guide -Brownie Cookie wilt bb held this Saturday,, May 8 starting at a.mt Welcome your young caller and support this worthy cause,. please. A farewell and a welcome for the News -Record office last week. We are sorry to see Mrs. Joanne Ramaker leave - her place on the staff in charge of subscriptions and classified advertising will be taken by Mrs. Freda McLeod of Clinton. In honour of Joanne, the ladies of Goderich Signal -Star and the News -Record staffs +++ The last LOBA card party of the season was held April 27. in the Orange Hall. Those attending reported a good time. The prizes, went to the following: ladies' high, Mrs. Wiltse; gents'high, Mr. Percy Gibbings. ladies' low Miss Ruth Shaddlck, gents' tow Mr. Jack Errington; Ione hands, Mrs. Pearl Cum- mings- Draws for sugar were won by Mrs. Pearl Cummings and Mrs. Jack Errington. Summer Begins NOW! Hire A Student Goderich Huron Pork 524-2744 228-6651 +++ Ever had a piece of Presbyterian pie? Many people did last Tuesday evening in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall when the Made lein Auxiliary hosted a pie soal and bake sale. The colorful hue of the sunset just at .30 were reflected in th decorations along the spr g theme. The evening w: opened by the minister t e Rev. Ted Nelson and g sts were welcomed at the *oor by Mrs. Florence N son and Mrs. Wynne omuth, president. A special attraction was the organ selections by Mr. Hap Swatridge, well known radio and TV personality of Wingham. Mr. Swatridge, brother of Mrs. Homuth, brought his own Lowry organ for the evening's en- tertainment. -�- -0,4tle l 1p ter' 1 'sf 51c goltioN Is shown wt the tl lin last Satui 's 'tinier gardeners' Flower Flower Show, Mike Wliliscraft, Tommy WBitscraft and Henrietta Schneider. junior Gardeners hold first spring show _. The Clinton Junior Gar- deners held a very successful spring flowering bulb show last Saturday, their first such show ever. Mike Williscraft had the highest number of points, followed by his brother Tommy in second spot. Next came Henrietta Schneider, Craig and Glen BowkeY and Alex Ivey, Barb Forbes and Brian Cooper , Michael Pullen and Barbara Hutchings, Geraldine McGee, and Laurie Peckitt and David Pullen. In the cake draw. the ,cake donated by Brenda and Mrs. Riehl was won by Mrs. M. Durst, and door prizes were won by Mrs. B. Williscraft • Mrs. Brock Olde. Susan Jefferson, Mary Helen Ciynick Marie Jefferson. and Mrs. Forbes. Police Report Thieves managed to get away with a total of $250 after they broke into Haugh Tire and Scrutoe's early Wed- nesday morning. 'April 28. Clinton police are still in- vestigating the theft. On April 15 an accident occurred on Princess Street and a driveway, close to Gibbings street. Kenneth J. Menheere of Seaforth was turning into a driveway on Princess street when he was struck on the right side by a vehicle driven by Robert W. -Wood, London. Damages to the Menheere vehicle were $400, while damages to the Wood vehicle wa s estimated at $600. 'Chief Lloyd Westlake has, also issued a Warning to the public "The Town Police are using a new radar device. This hand held digital radar allows a policeman to get away from his vehicle and has a 3.500 foot range." he said. Holy Communion was observed last Sunday in St. James Church. After Church, everyone went to the Church Hall, for a pot luck lunch, followed by a Board of Management meeting with Rev. Wm. Bennett in the chair. The Rector read a letter from Bishog Ragg re con- firmation and the treasurer, Edward Wise, presented his report. John Deeves spoke on the meeting of the Great Chapter at %Vingham and a discussion on memorial gifts took place. A reminder, the ACW will meet at Marion Smith's home, May 13, Please bring plants for the sale and ar- ticles for the bale for the North. The 40 voice Albanaires are coming May 16 to St. James Church Middleton. They have played and sung in gnany churches, concert halls and cathedrals. The folk service is designed not for the young, but for the young in heart. The Albanaire's director is Cannon Geoffrey Dibbs, who was Rector of the Queen's Parish in York. England before moving to Canada in 1966. So come on everyone, let's give them a good turn out. I'm sure everyone young and old will enjoy them. • we want you to call for CC�VSU.,FI� IN(CkM4TIOIVO 'BARBECUE COOKING Cooking on a Gas barbecue is fast, easy and efficient. Simply light the Gas burner and in minutes the bar- becue is ready for use. A Gas barbecue will give constant as well as instant heat. The "thermal" flavour of barbecued food does not come from Using charcoal. The distinct flavour can be attributed to the smoke which is created as the juices drip ante the hot briquettes. This means thiat when cooking on AGas barbecue the special barbecue Balfour is not Lost. For increased enjoyment of your Gas barbecue phone the CONSUMER SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE at Union Gas for the 'Bbiirbecue Cooking" booklet. Rica Areas free -calling to London 4350$ For all °: areas (Toil. Free) Ole 11100,210.4114 You wilt be able to pur- ehase records from them after the service. Watch for signs around town telling about the Albanaires. Rev. Bennett will be absent from church next week, so he will be able to go to London to baptize his newest grandson at the morning service at Bishop Cronyn Memorial Church. Community notes John Deeves has been elected to the executive to the Great Chapter of the South Saugeen. John will also leave Sunday to spend three days at the Synod in the electing of a second Suffragan Bishop. I myself was happy to meet George and Ann Wise, for- merly of the 11th. now of Orillia, at a dance and they did mention they enjoyed their Clinton paper and reading the Middleton News. We are sorry to hear Joe Storey is in hospital in Goderich, but may be in the Clinton Hospital by paper time. We wish him well. Sandra. Dennis, and little Cindy Kelly were home from Woodstock Sunday as guests with Ed and Lois Wise. We at Middleton Church are pleased to hear Mrs. Rowden is home again feeling better. 6 llrt' +��rutches. 'etch idr hom ane of their greatest Acerns is in the field of eye research. Educational and research bursaries are provided. and money for machinery and pe.rsonael for eye research. Their projects are very deserving of your support. Community Notes There was a good at- tedance. of Varna ladies at the R bekahIs dessert euchre in Clinton on Wednesday, April 28th. Mrs. Allan Hayter held a birthday party on Friday for Kim, who was seven years old on Sunday. There were 15 children present, so they had a real good:time. Ceniennial band news By Seamus Doherty May lith is the date when you can use your Maytirne Musictime tickets. I'm assuming that you have had the foresight to purchase one in advance because this is going to be an evening to remember. The program which we have arranged for you has taken many hours of preparation and the artists which we are presenting to you are not only performers, but more important, dedicated totheir particular types of music. Therefore, they are more capable of giving you the best variety show ever to hit the town of Clinton. Recently, I had occasion to be emcee at a variety concert in Goderich and some of the comments after the show were most rewarding, but one gentleman summed the whole evening up by reminding us of our dependancy on in- stantaneity. Television is instantaneity and has tran- sformed us from ap- preciative. imaginative, creative and fun -loving people to "blah!" and often obese self-induced recluses. •,o i ; 1111201WERS w oeg _••••,1•---et'V ••••• Mother's Day is May 9... Order Early! Hanging Ropes and Pots Cut Bouquets Arrangernents %ite With a wide variety of Tropical plants Flowering Tants C. Cook Florist 61 Wogs St. S.sth Miss' 482.7012 #11110 t1` t" occa ion," Itirnom With a beautiful ► Thouiltfol By FROM TO St" Other Gift Sugg+ shone..*. Candies TOILETRY GIFTS By Chanel. Love, and Houbigant Our sports are fed to us through the television media. our patterns of eating and dietary controls are dictated , to us subconsciously through the ' `square -box " . If you think I'm way "off base" ask any of your children for a memorized T.V. schedule for any given day. They'll give. you quite a full day of viewing. Entertainment has fallen foul of this scourge too. No more do we appreciate the talents of our neighbour unless they identify with our favourite T V star. We don't even realize the talent within our own family because it might interfere with the climax of our T V show if we turn the sound down just to listen to our own children. Let me entreat you to turn down the sound of the "houl of instantaneity" and answer the request of your children. - DAD! MOM! come see what we have arranged for you at the High School on Tuesday night May 11 at 8 o'clock. And like the gentleman in Goderich, you will enjoy yourself "more than you have since you bought that confounded T V..' �.C".5���,f��..1�:�!+�.1��L��,A�%W.k�+�!f:��C�:?.R lw,w"l�.C��•:C��.�.�Jl.«" s s` Macrame Supplies Needlepoint Yarns SAYELLE o. 79c FIBERS • 52 WEST ST. GODERICH �:7's�Y�tai'����'��t�cuPsY��►�'i►*Vr'�a1fiiiiVrilT`.i`diYa`c�3'ikri,Ynria77'a'`ta7"a ! 4.1 ti 404 SICK S CUCUMBER CONTRACT AVAILABLE G. KRAMERS, DUBLIN PHONE 3 4 5- 2700 OR CLINTON 4$ 2-76 59 tat T' E MOTHER'S DAY AVOURIT ... 6� a farniij affair That s why Orr7'ardy s !'gated a1 exgwstte cofiek t ¢ G b'r' F" aonOy R,k-,qs They ve been designed to bet you express your deepest feelings for those speoao people an specoai acea54o41s The Ormond), Pa:roily RYc'q rs the odea;' gift ter !ll_^,ther syr Vin^ a^dr;lpFt'k . tto treasures the -eratoraes ;,f ehr d er and grandchctdeen She can t be w tt' them ah the t"me hu qui€i r; ar gtk'e firer 3 beaut)tu+ ru."'rt'q •with the barths4„,:-T of each hold ',ha! t4707t' 1 .� `" gtci;t F PrV' ,'tPP 40, Go At the tc.43 o 1' ERR H Nt 6 524- 2924 5LL4JBU PHILIPS COFFEE MAKER + Brews in e minutes + Automatic keep -warm tray Ona 12" ADMIRAL PORTABLE TV + too percent Solid State + Swivel Base + Ideal for the Kitchen. room. or patio REGULAR S139.95 SPECIAL 10%a REDUCTION ON ALL • SMALL APPLIANCES • PERSONAL CARE ITEMS • PORTABLE RADIOS .• DIGITAL CLOCK RADIOS • BEAUTIFULLY FRAMED 011. PAINTINGS - scenes and still life (Just added to our stock) 10 Harron St. CLINTON We service what