HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-8-19, Page 1, DICKSON BArrieter • cito,: of Sitprome Court, Notary Public nveyancer, OomPlitaiionEr, &v. Moupy to Loan. 0 ilicnin kiloek,Epter, M 14.0FADDEN , Barrister, Solicitor, ,Boeveyancer, FacErnal, Ofllee stamwell'aBlocklflall's old office.) - • DENTAL. 0 CARTWRIGHT, L, D. S., Ras opened dental rooms over O'NEIL'S DANK, where lie will be lelitiewein prepared to extraetteethwithout pain. Alloperations performed with ease and skill. Gold fillings a speciality, Office hours '3 a.m.: to 5 p m, Unfi.uci es trou'euivre. Tim= Con. TT KINSMAN DIP NTIST '1J D S EXt ' Ots Tooth without italur bv, eying vitalized Ah, or by nal ig tile New Local A.Inestlic- tic m the gums; imams Gold Fill gs and all other dental work the best possible. BOOMS Upstairs in anxwiam's Bnocit, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Out. MEDICAL , M.D., ‘,..) • Officeat hisresidence 'Exeter. w. BROWNING M. D.,I1. . p. s,GvaditateVieterialYuiversity.Oince audiresidence,DoirinionLaborator v, Exe tor ro. J. A.ROLLINS, MO. P. S JLF 0. °Moe, Mau St .Exoter,Ont Residefl ce houserecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. FIRS. YNDMAN AND HOOPfR-, .ICyndman, Coroner for the County of Huron, dm. &c, Dr. Hoop et, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Licentiate in Midivifory,Edinbureb (Scotland) Post -graduate Student of the University of Vienna (Austiia) and of tho illoorfield Eye Hospital, London (England) &C., &c. Special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. Office, Main-str eat, Exeter. T1R. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, n few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, and. the pres- ervation of vision; diseases of the Ear, irn- paired. hearing, and, discharges from the ear ; diseases of he Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of luipai•ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XIII., NO. 52. ENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- • tioneer for Hay, S tephen, and McGilli- rr ay:To wushipa; Sa.lesconductcd at moderate -at es. Office -At Post -office, Crediton, Ont. TORN 'GILL, Auctioneer fer the E./ Townships of Stepb en, Hay and Ilsborwi and the Village of .Exeter. All sales Pclr°32113tleirs attended, and satisfaction. guarantee • a arranged atthi _.....ce. ........ .......,_______ VETERINARY. -t - MENNET 14., itt ENNENT, Y e eri. - . _JL nary Su4'goons, Graduates of the ontario Veterinary ! . College, Toren - .01110 to,ha.vo op , ened an office :forth& tree, 'Merit of an Domestic Animals, on Mninstreet _..,, Exeter. Calls from a dis ._-.'- ..r-'"','" ----• tames) prorartiy attended to:- -.Medicine for Horses CattleAc alwayson hand: EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1886: TO LOAN. NIPORTAN T NOTICES • THE GREAT ENGLISH. RESORIPTION Asuccessfulmedicinetestedover 80 years in thousands of cases. Preruptly cures Arervoo 1?).o.9. tration, ffeakneaa of Rr tan, Spi- nal Cerd, and GenerativeOrgans of either sex, Braise tone and ag ills caused bY oretion orover-exertion. Six packagesis guaran- teed to effect a eurewhenall other medicinesfail. One package $1, six packages 65, by mail. Sold bydruggists. Write .for Pamphlet. Address Etumx 01E15110AL CO, DETROIT, MOIL FOP sale by J. W. Browning, Exeter, and all druggists. ONIIIY TO LOAN ON REAL ES , tate forth° Huron & ErieLoan Say- ingseociety., Low rates ofinteresi. Apply to John Spackatan ,Exeter IVI HOE RULE ONE1 1-10.110AN AT 6 AND 61- pereentacoorcling toteins . Private Funds. Apply to B. V .ELLIOT , Augu.st15 , '85 Solicitor. Exeter , ---MAY l3E G001), 1111T- nsetatarict's LANGTRY AN PARISIAN BANGS. Fer excells any ever before shown in Exeter. Is you wish to got any Hair Goods call on Ike 3. Dearing, at the Central 13rtrber Shop, where he manufactures Hair Work so natural that You Would Not Know It from the Original Hair. Such as the Langtry and Parisian Hanes, Saratoga Waves,. and the Genuine Water Wave, Switehes,Toopies,Curls ,Puffs and Wigs. Before going elsewhere, give him a call, at his - TONSORIAL PARLORS, ONE DOOR nORTEC OF WE CENTRAL EIOTEL. New Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW Wou.d respectfully inform the inhabitants of the surrounding townships that he has op- ened aN ew Pump Factory in ; 3.SOUTHGOTT'S OLD -STAND, MAIN -ST., EXETER, OPP. POST -OFFICE. Where he will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ' .Wens and Cisterns. contracted for at reason- able prices, and. work executed with despatch. SATISFACTION GU A.RANTFED. JOHN SWALLOW. 13. LI10:711.4INCE'S S8s, pectacles Eye -glasses TREASURER'S SALE I. -P L.ANDS FOR T.A..1.-ES. County of HuronY virtue of. a warrant, bearing date the sixteenth day of August, } B to wit. 1886, under the hand of the Warden of the County of Huron .and havine the Beal of the seed corporation therete atteched, directed to me and com- manding me to levy upon the following lands for the errears of taxes due thereon to- gether with the costs, I hereby give notice thae unless the said taxes and. costs be soon- er paid I hall proceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge the same, at the Court House, in the town of Goderich, on Tuesday the thir- tieth day of November, in the you of our Lord. 1886, commencing at eleven o'clock M Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the abbve lenses. They are the only ones recommended by the President awl Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and ale the Ion:ling oculists -of the - ago. They have a world-wide reputatiOn 'for Tenses that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give., Beware of imitations, as they are in the market. B. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked I3.L., with- out -which none are genuine, -and pebbles are stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceiVed byany goods stamped Pebble -glass -or by any . iarity name. -DR. BROWNING, SOLE AGENT CENTRAL * ONE1 TO*LOAN AT 6 AND 6} Loaning companies represented. • percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best DRuc stroll R • BArriStOr, Exeter, INSUILINCE THE ,„-WATERTAKr MUTUAL -IL FIRE INSURANCE Co. Pistabilened in 1863. ijEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT.. This comT.anv iias been over 'Eighteen the forenoon. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. Lot or, part of lot Con. or Street Acres Patti. or.nnpatd. Taxes Cots Total J4:flier Wairees .es SON IP unteener s tbz), Vrstertettali al) Items of Autereete, • There L great rejoicing there over the re. suit, as tide oecuree to Stratford gil the above works west of Toronto, The bonze bytes,/ cerr`.0.1 e:t Stratford, Friday for the Oland Tritiale locomotive teorka and oar sheps by 30 majority, only votes being polled against the byla w. A few days ago Mr. eellau McLean of East Williams, end his lion John, boufad eleven acres of fall wheat in eight {lours. When !Mocked up it was foend there were in the neighborhood of 4,000 sheaves. bona& jamas Atkinsen, Drenthe, was brought before Mr. FL Parker, County Magistrate (if her earnest Chrietien fortitude exlabled her Oxford at Woedstoe,k on Wednesday chiieged to bear up SO W0.1 in, her euffeeing. She by Inspector IVIcKey with violating the Seott was a Merril-1er, and an untiring worker of Aet. He was flood $50 and costs, the Evangelical eliureli here, a dear wife Mr. William Drought, of the Queen's and dutiful mother, highly respected.. and Hotel, Abet Craig, met with a painful aeon beloved by all who knew her, A few hours dent the other day by striking 6ne before her death elle calmly repreved her ankles against the tines of a pitoInfork laying friends for mourning over their loss, as she on his bare floor, one of which ,piereed the knew she was going to Heaven where she ankle, He Innis about on crutches now, would be better takeu care of than all mortals • School section No. 10, Blanthard, has at , could do, and that if they changed their lag done Limey with the unsightly old build - hearts, by the help of God, they too would ing welch has served eo Icing as a place in meet her in Heaven, where ao pain or sor- which to teach the yomig idea how to shoot,, row reigns. She passed away to her long and in Ha place there stands a handsome .4 home in the arms of Jesus, about 10 a. in., commodious brick building, ornamented with Thursday, leaving one little girl and a a beautiful hell. - broken hearted husband, to mourn over her Mr. 7osph A. xiaa; jr., of Goderich, and last remains- The bereaved father and Miss Christina IVIoDougell also of Goder'cli were married et tett:testi s Gbu&ch ropm o, Wednesday, of last week, by Rev $ Father Bremee. The bridesmaids were Mies Josie HenSall. MeDougall, sister of the ; bride, and Miss Tessie Kidd, sister of the groom, who was A mo -o Beenps,---Picnies are now the order of attended by hie brother, Usuia A. Kidd, of the day end have been during the last Ont, , and the bride's brother, John week or so. -The fanners are getting their me. W. W. Hutchins, the well-known. pro, .0 Dougall, of Detroit. • grain nicely saved and report the yield icl9uwetaa :tero"rilaant, writes to the farmers as foi. as above the average. --Mr. G. McEwen and Mr. B. Thompson are each improving peets forCanadianthediiannfarYar° mbearrstehissPailcipr eason,mos. y the appeerances of their new houses by advice -is to market the odes early and be having them tastily paintecl.-Mrs J. prepared to accept lower prices than las.t Bonthron and daughter of London have season, in fact for colored barley very low been visiting relatives and friends in Rod- prices will no doubt have to be accepted, as gerville and Hensall.-Mr. Macarthur the largeVincreeeed acreage in Canada this Grand Bend for the past eveek returned season aud thefine crops of the West large, will keep market well supplied. and family who have been camping at the home on. Monday. -Mr, Sam'l White of •According the Voters' Lists issued bythe Seaforth was in the village on Monday • Clerk this year there are 817 persons entitle& that being Seaforth's to vote, au ItleKillop at both municipal Elem. J. Gorby of Hay has recently returned tions, and Elections to the Legislative As-. fromenear Ottawa where he had been vis- mBeTnbileYip;a14ellecwtiloUs8roellelyil,tilillalead t4o1 tvv°hto6 aaret iting, at his fathers. -Mr. A. S. Case and qualified to vote ,only at elections to the wife who have been up the lakes for the Legislative Assembly There are 522 quail- ' 1- turned home last week. -The Rev. D. M. land owners' sons; 31 fePast. week or two on a pleasure trip re- fied to serve as juror. The lisvtoctoeiirtaiiinue,0 a 16 male Ramsey of Londesboro will preach in the wage earners. - An annoying accident occurred one day Presbyterian. church Rodgerville on Sab- bath next -The Rev S. R. Thomson. B, lately on the farm of Mr. M. NI. Pearn, 131an. shard. It appears that he was watering his team at a well in the field in winch he hail just commenceci work with his new binder, when something shutter' the animals and they sprang forward, taking a •circuitous route through the grain, which soon brought them in contact with a rail fence, where they swerved. to one side breaking the tongue, some castings, and olherwise ebaking up the machine. Mr. Pearn, however, luckily got it repaired without the trouble of sending to London for n'enachinist. A. few days ago as Mrs. Albert Cantelon and Mrs. Steep •were approaching Clinton, they met with a deeidedly unpleasant RC- OI.C1011t,th -mall it was fortenately= accompanied by no serious results. They were driving liesUrely along the Hayfield road,and, had got quite close to the railway bridge before they noticed the approach of the evening tiain. As soon as the horse saw it corning, it wheel- ed aroundquickly, cramped the buggy short, • and threw the ooeupante oat. Mrs. Steep, a who held a baby in her arms, had her arm severely sFrainedebut beiond this-ne injuries. • we; e received. Hurrahfor a railway! If Hayfield is de- sirous of getting a railroad, now is the time for her to exert herself a little. London is golden opportunity will have passed, the C. Hurcan Hayfield presents every facility. in having a conamoclious• and easily accessible we shall be left again to pillow ourselves "in see.net ever railway, and would grant almo,s.t an unlimited amount of money, and the C. P. R. is anxious to obtain a port on Lake harbor, which with a little dredging and fir- ing up, would. be superior to any other on field people do not bestir themselves the P. le. will 41ave selected some other port and this side of the lake. Of ,course if the Bay - the deep Sabbath of self-content." Every newspaper in the land is pest;eeed with requests for free notices of POMO. son; or another, the worst offenders being places that get up Caledonian games and other like demonstrations. Notices of these are . sent to papers with the request that they be iu. sorted free otcharge, and in a ,good many Grand Bend, hy Messrs. T. and Mol- instances; the newspapers have good naturedly lard'; Boston, C. H. Wilson, F. Cleans, W. complied. It -would be a wise act if all news- apers were to cloae dotvn on this species !of free advertising. A newspaper is a bushaese enterprise, the same '4ita•-aSe4or anything else of a similar nature,' -'ate, not .affordsto work for nothing, any enoreNa ihiechaut can afford to buy goods and til jive them away. Newspapers are very philanthropic in their disposition, andlike 'evOrk ter the good of fellows M. ether towns -bat we like, it a good deal better at tangents a line, ad- vertising measuzement. The dry goods store of Messrs. Lein Co.; of St. 1V1arys‘, 1113,f3 entered by ,burglars, a' few evenings ago, aud elothing to the value of $100 .stolen: There were four in all. Two of, the thieves have been captur.ed and Placed in Stratford jail, the remaing two being still at lerge, A St. Marys paper says :-"The man who wore a ne suit el clothes at any time within two or three days after the bur- - glary did so 'at his own, risk. -A resident of Blaushard wasmaking hie way hemeward one evening attired in a complete outfit and, when in the vieit ity of Ale tutvre'S corners he wee ehallenged by a:couple of men who yell. ed"Stop thief," and took after 'hixa. Not daughter haveour heartfelt sympathy m Behalf tatq. half of 4 N. E, D. 50 Patd. $9,50 $1.25 $11.25 their mei affliction S. half of W. half of 10 N. E. D. 50 " 4.93 1.12 6.0 VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, IN ASFIFIELD. 10 . Colborne-st, East i 7 London Road East i 1 William-st. East i 44 Wellington•st. East e 45 do e 46 do i 47 do e 39 Lydenhain•st. East -e- 40 do Is . 3.27. 1.08' unpatented 3;05 1.08 f . 3.-05 1.08 " 3.37 1.08 .. 3.37 1.08 4. 3,37 1,08 .. 3.137 1.08 Patented , 19 1.00 .. 10' 1.00 TOWNSHIP OF COLBOURNE. C Bridge End Place 59 do ATILLAGE OF HAYFIELD. 39 40 385 386 East part of 5 r. 270; 71: .2} Range N, Susan-st. 44 CC CC VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. VILLAGE OF WROXETER. 3 Main -at. South 1/5 " 6 Queen-st. North North half of 8 Centre-st. East 1/10 5 Gibson-st. do 4 27 Halls Survey 1 North part of 39 do County Treasurer's Office, 1 • Goilerich, August 16th, 1S86f 9.41 1.25 7.27' 1.20 1.23 1.23 44 44 3.20 1.40 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.08 L03 3.71 .1.09 5 I 4.35 4.13 4.13 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 1.19 1.19 10.66 8.47 2.26 2.26 1.45 1.45 4.28 2.43 4.80 • 13.17 1.33 14.50 D. pastor of the Presbyterian church is 4.6.) 1.12 5.77 enjoying a four weeks vacation. We trust 9.45 1.25 10.73 the restand change vrill prove beneficial 14.742 1•37 16.09 to him. -Mr. S. Jackson and family, who 14.72 1.37 16.09 have been spending the past two weeks at 7.08 1.18 8.26 Hayfield have returned home. -Master W. 6.0 1.16 7.56 Dent and Miss Dent of •Mitchell are visiting friends in the village. -The brick- work of the new Presbyteeian Church was finished on Saturday last and slaters will naw soon be at work the wood part of the professional certificate. -At the recent roof being all fiMshed 'except the cornice. Departmental examinations the following -A Union Sa,bbath School picnic to some is the record of Granton school :-T. A. point along the lake shore and comprising Staidey pa,sseci. for both 3rd and 2nd class the Hensall South Methodist, Church of certificates: T. J. Wilson and E. Perry ( England ancl Presbyterian schools, is at WM. HOLMES Treasurer, Co.! Of Huron • ROUND THE COUNTRY: By Our Own Correspondents, Elimville. Harvest is almost over. Again the children. jog off to school. •Mr Thomas Wilson, of London, paid, the villg.ge laet week. tifr. SiiiltlfhaS raised the roof; of store ndeich!adds to its appearance. Coula not a sbase ball match be arranged between the married and single men" of this neighborhood ? Will some one please try. Rev. W. FL Gime and wife and Rev. J. W. 'Holmes, visit the Niagara Falls ancl Grimsby Camp. Rev. E. Medd will take Mr. Ganes appointeclnext Sunday, Greenway. - Quick' work. • Who can beat it? Mr. Jas.. McWilson.threshed 550 bushels of wheat' for'Mr. A. Glendenning last Thurs• day•iMeev•en hours. Hgitest- Home dinner. Get ready foi it. 'Hoe on. Methodist Church is arrang• • in f 11th annual harvest home din- g ner to laithelcl third week in September. A gorgedne time is expected. MP, Reel,. Wilson lost a valuable cow last -WOW She was found dead in the pastureO - The trustees of School No 14 have or- . deresleste number of new seats for their itd. increasing school. A. full stock of all kinds of yearn in successful operation iu Western On- 'Dye-st-affs anci package tario audcontinues to insure againstloss or Dyes, constantly on and. Win are,s ondition .owd ers the bp in the inark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at ti.13..e Central Drug Store Exeter C. ..E.JITTZ. damage UN Eire,Buildings,Mercua.ndiselklan- ufactories,and all otherdeseriptions oflinsur- „ able property. Intending insurers have the, option of insuring on the Premium Note or . Cash System. , ' During the past ten years thiS Company . has issued 67,096 Policies. covering property to the amount of $40,872,038 ; and paid in loss- es alone 3709,752,00 AssetS, 8176,10zo0, consisting of Cash n auk, GovetumeztDepoeit,andthe ltnitSS- 4)3Sed Premium Notes on hand and in force. J, W WA.t.,nnx M D. Preside* t. C. es. Texaon, seeretery.' J. B. EOGIIES,TEISDOCtOr. CHAS. SNELL, AgOnt for Exeter andvici„nitv. " THE Intorcolonialllailway OF CA1sTA.DA The Royal Mall, Passenger and ./rreight Route between Canada and Great Prito.irPand direct route between the West and all points on the Lewer St. Lawrence and Bale des Cha- leur, also . Arunswick- Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, NeNfroundland, Bermuda, and damakc a. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleepiag andDity Cara run on through Express 855110 5, Passeegersfoe Great Britain or file cense nent by leaving Toronte at 8.30 m. Thnrs- day will join oritward mail Steamer blflohi- tax' m. Saturday., • superior Elevator Warehmets sr d Dock ac- commodation at Halifax for ship ,,..ent of grain and generelmerchandise. • Veers of experience have proved the / N TER, - COLONIAL in conneetIon vitt steamship Hues to and from Loudon, Liverpool and Glasgow to Halifex, to be the quieliest height route. between Cadada, and Great Britain, Information ite to Passenget emit Freight rates cen be line on application to ROBERT le.lvrOODID, WeeternPreight &PtiaSertger Agent 03P essin House Block, "York St. 7.'01'0/It° D. rotetINGER, chief Superintendent. BuilwaY 0 to N.B., NolY 13.1881. -----------'---* Solidi° cane postage AGAls,;,,g/k,t24).1., IIT„Sample box of goods that will put you in the way of making 154,043 money at once, than anything else in Ametiea. Dothsexes of all ages can live at home tine Work in entire time, or all the time. Capital botvoquirud, We wilt start you, Itnnieneo pay ewe for those who start a b 01.100. STINSON &GO ,POnl an Maiue S 1-1- cERy TEAS TEAS! TEAS TRY AlY JATAN TEAS NATURAL LEAF, MAY PICKING. First Arrival over the Canada Pacific Rail- road from Japan, direct.. PURE, SWEET, DELICIOUS, only 50 cis. " I still give 5 lbs. Bright Sugar for 2eicts. with every.. Pound of Tea at 50 eents. SUGARS! SUGARS SUG.A.RS1 Bright,,l6lbs • ColYee, 15 ; Granulated; 13 1 eon $1.00, OA 11. --cleat, AND si:t - GRANCLATIID SUGAR FOIL ; run SEILVIN(1 14 LES. FOR, 81 00 DASD. umoNs, MINERAL WAT.ERS, TO- . BACCOS, ;CIGARS, &O. . Sugar, :Cured Haw, sBreakfast Paean (Celebrated Crown Brand), I3olognit. _ . Remember sa ret Tz-tr .;; the address eoes-e- • -eeetel Ise Cush Orono, Drew's Block, South tore McGillivray. The barn on the farm .of Mr' T. B. Woodhull, in Mc Gillivray, near Parkhill, was burned with all its contents, Wed- neaday the 4th inst. Therplace is rented by Mr. Joseph Plumley. who resides on it. His children were playing in the barn, and are siapposed to have accidently start- ed the fire withinatches. Mrs. Plumley ' noticed the fire and bravely combatted the flames, at one time had almost succeed- ed in extinguishing them, but while -away for another pail of water, the fire gamed new force, and got beyond control. It was with diffieulty that the house, 20:rods distant was saved, and a fence 4.0 rods from the barn, caught fire from it. By the fire, Mr. Plumley lost about 150 bush- els of unthreshed heat. His horses were in the barn harnessed, when the fire started. and were got out only in time to save them ;` Mr. Woodhull lost the value j of the barn. There wes no ineurarice on I either barn or contents. ford class. By the revision of the pap- present being agitated and we hope will era at Toronto four of the five who wrote I shortly be arranged to take place. -Mr. forsirigh School entrance were successful, ' AfcLeari of Goderich and Messrs` Shilling- nainely :-Ernest Dunlop, !Elva •Culbert, zehriateen Middleton and 'Bella Park. EinearDernloP 'iven the Association' clifee Ionia. This is the third time in succession that our school has won the diploma. During the lastyear and a half, this dehool [has passed thirteen for High School en- trance, four for third class certificates in,c1 one for second. class. Zurich. RETuRNED.--Mr. Frank Cressweller, pr' cipal of Zurich school, who has been visiting of the cheap excursion rates to London to his parents during the holidays e-esurnech attend the demonstration there, held in. law and Biellantyne of this neighborhood have during the past week shipped. away ire nunther of car loads of fine- cattte.e-se0n, Monday of this week Mr. W. Bucharte,n of Hay had six acres of fall wheat, scott variety, threshed, which yielded fair and plump 273 bushels being a yield of 451\ bushels per acre,and that as we have said good and fair measure, and gram well cleaned. -Our civic holiday was observed on Wednesday of last week on which oc- casion a number of the members of Hen- in- sail Lodge of I. 0. 0. F. took advantage his &titles Monday mornine. lir. C. was connect ibn with the seid Order. A large a.ceompanied by his' wife ana family. number also left here for Grand Bend and BRIEFS. --Miss Schaefer mcceede Miss other points along the lake shore; the day Furgeson, to the junior department.- being tine,an enjoyable time was spent by Messrs. Piene and Steal and their wives, ali, from Chicago, are visiting Mrs. H. L. Piene, '',7 of the Commercial House. --Miss Wells is ' Fiest quarterly meeting of Grand Bend Circuit was held at Corbett last Monday -eat 2 p.m. Rev. J. Deacon, presiding. Members present, --Mr. Wm. Young, recordiug stew- ard. Each appointment was represented. -visiting friends in this neighborhood. Band competitMn which is to take place show day. A number of 1st class amateur bands expected. A splendid large show bill has been put out where particulars can' be seeilN14mEA COMPETITIO-DO not forget the Gra,rtd SED. -The increase of business has necessitated an extension to Mr. Her- man Wells' furniture warehouse. When M. Wells gets his new warehouse in order he will be able to compete with any shop west of Toronto. Give him a call, he also guarantees the best of satisfaction • in the saddle and harness business. e SAD MISTAICE.-The wife of Mr. Peter Koehler, of the Goshen line, i! mile north of this place, took a close of carbolic acid, in mistake for medicin'e, on Monday night. The lady was at the point of death when a physician arrived, who with considerable, labor succeeded in alleviating the pain, and for the most part preventing pangs of death. At the time of writing, the esteemedjacly, is gra( ua y recovering. -11 . BODY FOVND.-One of the bodies of the victims of the Crusier was washed ashoreeet-Istelte-viewe-last--weelt, found by Mr. Henry Cook, who placed him in the hands of the Coroner Dr. sci,uafT:d 2 , of Hayfield. A jury was snmmoriecl of some of our townsmen, the corpse was examined and a Verdict of accidental deowning„ given. The body identified as that of Mr. Vidal, of Watford, the name being engraved on his ,v41tch. ,jt is quite evident that the other two Olsceriete in about the same p Cosee 'AS!, ViSILten.-A mope; those; left ,Granton. here bAhe in the Saengefest at Berlin, Ont. ,wae Mr. Hy. Folland, of the Bronson 13itineei.-Our sehool re-openecle4 on line, whoMet with what might have been a Monday with Mr. Jonee and Mies West- fatal ageident, When the excursion train man as ' teachers. -Granton Methodist was vytehM,ee' few miles 'of Stratford Mr, Church was i•e-opened on Sunday last, rellandlOat blew off. He was StRndin,g the platferrn, and jutnped off after it, tInelia Rev. !Mr. Hall preached three times !-t,o largo congregations,. The interior of the church has undergone a complete trans- formation. -Rev. Mr. Stephenson arid' wife are spending their holidays at the Grimsby, Camp Gi•ounds.- Mr. A. Weir fl.A head .master of Eesex. Centre Hig,11 ,T. Wilson; Bethel, Wm. I-Iorner • Corbett, W. Nichols, jaines Young; Cal'very, W. Bean, J. Wellistie, Geo. Mitchell; Salem John Durrelief.,"Ilorrison, W. Young; Pleasant; ',Mr.' ifeidgins. The financial re - Pert was beSeeSity year since the union. Every officialereefieber appeared anxious for the celiac toProsper; 'temporal and spiritual. Mr. W. Wilson brought up,a matter that had; he Steid, endiged. his Mind for some years; read the ! following resolu- tion' ie--MOVAley W. J. !Wilson, seconded by !Ge.e.Mbeetliett; that whereas there -es 'a felt nee'CidNiiiore clirecteentereourse and thorough co Operetion lietWeen the different sections of the Chilistian Chitral., it 'beim= more elect inore felt *and expreesed., And , Whereae there are numbers who Ohne them- selves as 1 elong' g to the Cl rietian Chur while it is apparent to many they are a sort f undertew, and in the dimlight •of sec- tional jealeueies and narrowMg prejudiege they iineY have king Ionised upon one another as ,,enerilieS'. These who are opposed to Christianity are greatly united ; why then shouldnot its friends be united.- ,Reselved that this quartedY official Board recom- wisbieg to be errested even on suspicion he m&id that, an Evangelical, Alliance asso- took to his heels and aIsmto the fields and eiationbe forrned t� be ooMposed Of the lead a lively obese. His parimere followed ministers ancbeflicial membere of!the differ- eno; an hope of coming up with him wag Mit churches between 'Grand, ,Bend and gene , Parkhill. Resolv,ed that Rev., Joseph Dea- RESRYTERY OF 1131RON. -A special meet - con, Rev. ! Anderson,' S William! TOung, ing of the Presbytery of Huron was held in and thtemover and ,se0,0i4O'r'.* IV appointed ,the presbyte, len church, in Egmondville, o A ,00llffilittee, arrlirode a meet- "1....4esclay, the 10th inst. The besidess of the lug (..,f all intereated wInehewas cetried meeting was to consider the resignation of MaanbrieuslY• 'W,i1SonWns aPPointed toy, NI. Denby, which ;Vfli teodereel , at a as representative td thiatiefell meeting to foimer meeting, and make provision for the ing to get it and get on the last coach as it be held 'n't:Brigclen!in few ek caournPlin>iYis0sifotn°00rs'vafcr'0"1'ne''.Y. 813A..eft,etoshseloattplg 114(91 went along but the train had gone &boa ' several parts or the charge, viz., %rtyfiold 3 miles before the Engine driver was made acquainted with the fact that a man was . Mr, Win !Oliver,"of St, Marys, who receive. I'd, ad- congregatfou and , di, Berne, and overboerd. The teain was backed up to ed. ininries to his sPille by 53,l;;,,53 jump. Ntr,Titehlr.01Pa'n statemeet, the PreslIterY where Mr. *F. was, and on examination ing from a hammock, is not expetted to ever la)in(cretadrcriciedtotod6aleicbeeprattt'thewirle6letignitevi.:1):1 of ovifound that with the exception Of it dialocat- iveover the nee of dkis body below the ehoul- dors. This is a particulasly end efem as lir. Oliver is only a youne !lean. holding it posi- tion in a l'elephone Office in Chicago, wheveisa WAS rapidly raiSin,, to poeitions 01 trust. Whetever he was blown he WAS high- iy esteemed or tos business end social qnslitheo Last Saturday Meld 51 co,iple of men wbo lied been bottraing at 'Mr. John Jeffersoe's, Ailse Craig, stole into his motel and took bis School is spending a, few days in the ed ahoulder•apd a few scratches on his face, lage,--Rev. Mr, Rogers of Ailsa • Craig nothing more was the inatter, Mr. rollandr , also spent a day or two here tine week. received medical tecatment at Stretford, • ' ' ' and had so far recovered when he reached -Mr. Neil Mc Milian one day cut with one of the Elliot binders, 7 acres Henit11, that he was able to walk the lest of wheat in 41- hours. -----A, few dayp ago as 61 the waY immet a ,distanec of We hope he is somewhat the wiser after last Week • • ta c aig h s y net cap. o < 11) 1 14, ' driving on Madm-St.1 the horse ec,une not try the same trick agairi ""' ' frightened by a passing engine and ran e, 4,11PTUAltY.-It is Our painful duty this I away throwing, out both of the ladies. week to chronicle the neath d Mts. Bat- peek A-beeic, wateh And sotto clothing, and Moderator convenes A cominitteta consisting Fortunately they, escaped with slight ill- tler, beleved wife of Mr W, 13, tattl' er 'of thou decanmed 'they' Also calque off cloth- bf Rev‘ r.1\1-nagrike4 br MeiCilloP• Bev! A- p• ie juries.-M8..S. joneS the new principal the '1,3, Aoii line, two miles east of here. Mg belonging' tee boarders. Fortheately MeDohilid• of S,eafOrth, and the elders of the of our school WaS' eucceesful in passing the Althou Y Mrs, Battler suffered excreciating there happened to be" very little mouey in the 6hu clio,to protide supply for the'141Pli dor mow., exemieeeien for A first,. class nett- 1)0 ' er two svecks illness, nothing Mit purse, . , ing the veceincy.' ' Debby. At the same time the Preebytery exprosed its setisfactioa with tht work clone by Mr. Denby in the field for the thirteen ars of bis pa,stotate, and idso the hope that it. door of usefuliness Will SOOn 1,13 ()paned toe ! him in the Master's Vinery d, Rev. S. Aelle- Soti of Kinpen, wee appointed to desalt() tha puleit vacant on Sabbath. 15111 luet. Rev. 3, McCoy, of Egreondville, was eepointed Modern tor of tessien pro tempore. The ; 4!