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Clinton News-Record, 1976-04-22, Page 25
rap it6.0 v3-011 LunadaS system is dOC-c[rft-)ed in our easy to road "Hera to.Apptly- Bezt•ttkot ciOES UP QUICKLY WT ti A HAMMER° MARS AN OR ['MARI? SAW czaa Jettperaf:y trCati3Z,7,,M3 .1-af,c,o. e'xo tioz.,7 tc:-).L‘o en Do. AVA - EutstznIfy to 2$ TO-Cf0 VC:11a ARO test ei ef,.) --- yen can do 2 c2.) yeumcg. AnyeAo0:32 And tho Luneet systala seen pdys gCT6C.Ecesuso yen 02110 CP t2r,_,Dag7 CC3t3 cjoU ent'io fuel (Lurzetdstdtng =mos vital tended -en eau teetter- crld yeu save ye1Ir3cS1 6.122=3 CPS gs.r_.7ana tacfnt sc,^icaQ CliCT1,12C32,7 years. YOU CAN BO DU WOURSELID 23 SOFFIT taVargtkrt3 ngaq t113.3 LUNE:MttA V'sou.tM b Coo, yen d.z.),Vti elven t o 3Everg compe‘,nont (penoLta!nt ritaur4 C0ill.22 't2$3 tr7.1,tn IFICTCSta geTCTITCT." On czap f2tCTO, CT OP-C11-tirt0;t1n: etC-N.-3„ yeur qutatI vverti ends up taz:ztng preletertal. HORIZONTAL — 9"1112° LUNACLAD SUMO — MAO WHITE ;(39 Ct GUT L/SUCI Cc22h ezrry prtze to 72.77 end covers BUKDIG appron. GS sq. I. Cu? ucuzl CCC g T a2.-2.11 vJtteflo C3 10 40 tqa 0'5 en a2:3ZT 0130; tc7 vcntcAci cut Lt2t COC el 10 75 Er..n Lcon Tcuccd to 0.COQ Ague 10"3112"0- tzna FASCIA Cu? Et.ad C.&C GI 4 49 Mr t-Auflo 0t"..CCt3 rCt.LZCZI 4.C3. CCT G" Vac= fre.-Al 5 24 Ca0.772 eath Q©0 c.70 CTO 1 0. taltgata VERTKAL — 9°1 2° WHACLAD REAM— NAM MITE 62pprusu.6oi cosh s048 and Eaon. 8 coCvEeTTrys 03 sq. in. Save 35% On Shutters Yes, yen soup 36 00 the mantapctutrer's toot proce, and these shutters are M.M.20 oft Ponderous Po Matt, wseltd tar( • rres. They mime stes rzaingtng ire11 z2f3" by 23W' up to 03%" -tang., They're reedy to t,notl. urnci Spring 3 tear3E2C3 ra this, our big iIi er ct rave/ ecwreLootod Po2oto Matto Cyaese-33 Lac 'PvC cetac-meaveo PaMEP.,E5 oc,3 VGIULOt17. OCTZIGM OCI =MFG OC.D7 UsenDOC.30. SALE 26"n8 Feet 347 21.7V 23''n 1 0 Feet 4.33 3.IJ9 23"n 1 2 Feet 525 13.20 PtIDEC281ac.56 Couvuocraod PoROOB V02.11.0t'3. Galt:Cj CM MPE. 23'"Ite Feet 5.40 13.gg 23"It 1 0 Feet 6.00. agg 2 Feet 5.32 agg Gaon MoUC3 Arlo enza;e2od €3 al Mal `0Cae 1211x2CP SINGLE CAR OAR to 'enf.:J• t212.t7ctial tut t,-.;nal,r2 Me stlte EfzEl ;7. tril.s,azt23 one-EatccecucIZza.-,1 610°3 OM?. 210-Eb ena5ri4 c7t.:742,3, RISF-X 2tztn3 Cur u'..21C 8C ance es2 02 3M17A ®J0-1 1103.C9 E go? ELLIM - 12icar SINGLE CAR GARA9E 47:zbz-d3z.1 cf) ttTto gzoterc,3 ftrzz3 am erd::itciv •5:37230 PLUS LutcC iij cold czcoscatag datTC7 CGIng0 Ct:t07 cdt-tdzA.77 Cul utiriCIAC 1,401 05 5ni7i 22.M.03 'Dx24° DOU vt:::11,703 c0ag-to-c7c1,41 a•rozz:oA MI=03. t".7K.71 i=:1J Ctzl.TROc71da70D.70 C0V:0 c31Z.:3 103 ct'D dim? cnO I12,73 co C";421 07703 c v,..:co 6 o Wu?' 61,-crrc=1 ez,r7trzt,-..1©_80 0 UT DELUXE LE CAR'GARAGE • If Your Preset t Garage NepdsA New Qvcrhead Door 000 HEREPS Ps MAT Euva Save' ON A ONE PIECE 9`) W° Berry Steel Door HaMt 0 calapie fa7 qr2a13,V d CD3 C-0g!t,,.0. tab at.) the ct2c--e,-..ciigrs D,q7dyine., en7 tct.:23 c2rs,t 8,1 pace 07VQggEnnnEEM • WW.M31=gg ILILILLMULLM EILILL'ILLEILLLL CLIEEEEEEECE LLILLILLL,LILL.LL4 LE. LLILELEID ILLLLLLILLUAA LLLLLLLLL Ju . LIB