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Clinton News-Record, 1976-04-22, Page 24
...Y. ,414. Now Thrilu My uct tD73zonaa )ac,y7cfcg • vriZziglitav, GU? 643c3 SpAr,za SUtO EZ.7,1-47000 ouE3tDczarl. etacn eacav Patlea 11(3.2.0 0 vtcr,z3 en co veoe.Z3 ICto PQ 0 Cz:7-34, C2ot Q74:-.73 Cz„,"43 ic:1=7E07 ec....,-?,a73 to C=D 0 Cat= ilc:1; C=3 vez.) CU@ Unati, eacr..1 L. 3 CaGgi7 GZ-2:203 CONCRETE' MVIE FoT 'tO3'2V tato r.%e CO guden enn.aZgiuy StC. 3 C7 COCOMIZO Ozo ourr Mace OAM) LZE Pontant CLtzt anS wasted sou& cranratally po7,27- tEened act mined. Mf:12 ggaZ Masonry ccut vitt fiLlemasecil katne content c.-.7x,Sted ba n% zk<anel.. PC7 aaj OUR USWAI &CA 1,9,9 Goillloa euo USUAa, CASH & caRaw PkWICE W3.85 o ea,238 cm ey COVOM hczultilufly o pTittasM. LTV:12M o ffmtsh es22d to restiza dfips and sags_ ElDrgg©ID ST by de 411 OUR mu/um% &c r,nRif 5099 V..41C5Va pZCO az3 tterfca CfEe33 Co7 D311.7=-7.:4 tr.45:;:tt3aff:3Cast.:7'..E=COC:t3. OUBLE 6 -LAZED SAVES FUEL C2820. tra,,4-14Tact:...-4-.efo 6140 PL -7.3 Gtt.7,3. 19 ENERGY SAViNG SIZES AV /6\ ILABLE Lois* doubla vilndtseibs tuwilefe Oraiiatblia fbur.stmod:".t slitting 8016?' Vass toanet, have whrde ps) 'rang:gild zitttolockiag moeting WI% and eada are mintaireatfTe:frenatto . int klo for ony eloanring No pleintin t-ewSsed beteieera the glas3 Ca°,3 411 whit* wirtyn ECONOMY WIN_Jw COATAGt ASHLESS SUMAS toMPLETALY *st tMitura .4 0 writtlt10 OPMAXE Foy okitAGE, COIN Olt 01111firf filituutNGs Mrinro fete turo-e V1,1 lark*. 4140 4113 0 4 Those 'are quahtly brushes z,,tned to tzst CortacT citl pu-cf,to to tab CZ3T r Eloc.-3 ©dv 2.21,3$; 300HOU.? ©5:Ual7 " HOU3 Oogg II caw, & cAaw 4 O 1,.1 u-orly 0,ogg -1,17,vviv Lightuoight atumtnum. quarlav EROD.23 gh;e years ©V dopendade servoc9. Tumcs-taas: 5-Ero 199 Lacsal 64t. 79? Lacsal Ouv ClOt,^3 eluzo oue. ott3ci3rf EipAno gob Guou. Cighttuoight antonsion r,7ith 1 -V2 -Vat vun33 'OM 041TO [labial/ and comlon. Automatic stco0 toncien soloty Csch. pOcatic cal caps Juga ii@ht tbu. OTOURS-hUFRO choTc3. 213° GINEDN.3a©L\\I Lace30 3QOQQ