HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-04-22, Page 22rt BBINS Country t e Clinton entire, a` turday at 8 p.m l uron Cel tial A cultul al, ciety. ickets available 1` a hecto r or at. tar Electric, Clin- 'n. Clinton -1647,18 AUCTION and bake sale W'ed. may 12th, 7:15 p.m. f ntario Street United Church Ham Auctioneer Richard Lobb. Donationswanted. Call 482-'9437, 9414 'or 9330. Sponsors COMA Mates Morning• Unit of U.C.W. All proceeds for organ fund. Plan toattend.-17,18 THE JtNIOE Conservation Club will,. meet at the Club halite at I.:0O P.M. sharp on April 25, 1976. Please bring new members. --17 ST. PAUL'S Anglican Go- Getter's Spring rummage sale on May I,1976 at 1 p.m. Good used clothing and aartum s pther articles. If aaanyon wi hes toput articles e please leave at ..A HURON ' .County Fa tt t lan>l Ing Protect invitesyou to *pend• Birth iControl Clinic every TbOrSdaY from. 6* . p,m. 9 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley ant. Clinton, Counselling . medical services provided. For inforrnatiol call 482- 3416.-*-16e.o.w. -HU ION County- -He lth Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit Office, -Clinton. on Friday, April 30, 1976 from 9; - 11:30 a.m. for:' Health surveillance, anaemia screening, immunization, bearing screening, fluoride brushingaf children's teeth•. to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years, vision testing.. -17 THE SALVATIO1' Army Clothing . Depot is having a furUiture and odds and ends sale April 8 -30th. Any household items you may wish to dispose of phone 482- 9266 or 524.9341,• for pick-up. --15,16,17x CLINTON' Horticultural • ° Society presents a bus trip to Hamilton, Wed. June 9, 1976 leaving Murphy's at 7:45 a.m. sharp. Visit Dundtirn Castle, Royal Botanical Gardens, Hess Village, then go shop- ping. Bring your own lunch and beverage. Supper stop at the, Ponderosa, Kitchener. Fare of $8.50 includes ad- mission to Castle and af- ternoon tea at the Hess House dining hall. Leave money at Groves & Son Electric. 482- 9414.--17ar SPRING Thank Offering Joint meeting of Wesley - Willis and Ontario Street United churches at Ontario Street church, Sunday April 25. 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Miss Lavonne Ballagh, Wingham. Special music by the Higk1 School Choir. --17 CLINTON Wheeler & Dealer are hosting South Western Ontario Square Dance Association in Clinton High School on Sat. Apr. 24. Anyone wishing to see Modern Square & Round dancing at its best are welcome to attend. No chg. for non dancers. Dancing 7 - 11 p.m. -17 l wNI Sao Guy Ranger;; ookie ie c ►n in Very soon. Date o l ad vairweekb paper. This line 4rganiPati n could use yoursuppc,,, EUC and brldge party, Bayfiel Trinity Church Parish all, Friday, April 23, 197E at 8 p.m. Lunch and prizes. Admission 7 c Everyone welcome, sored by Ladies' Guild. --17 ANNUAL Bean Supper in St. Andrews United Church. Bayfield; Saturday. April 24, 1976 from 5'p..m. Sponsored and served by the men of the church. Admission - Adults $2., children under 12; $1.-17 t duos • outdoor children's . ,.,.. ..... ;:.�. 414,40 .,, .. ... ... , mass it St. �afgsephPs� separate M*. s was. heW l40t Thursday preceding a pot luck lunch for parents and NtudPrnts, coniTeRlaratillg1110- Last Supper.(News-...coon! photo) Donations or Consignments Wanted DESSERT Euchre & Bake sale in the )OOP Lodge Hall Princess St. E. Wed. Apr. 28, 1976 at 4:30 p.m. Admission $1+.. and everyone welcome. --17 The April meeting of the Summerhill Ladies Club was BINGO- at the Vaz astra Centre, Monday Apr. 26, 1976. Fifteen regular 810 games. Three share the wealth. Jackpot $300 regardless of calls. Doorprizes and other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years and over-12tfnar NEW BINGO - Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p.m- April 22,1976. Admission $1: fifteen regular games, $10 each. Three share -the -wealth games. One jackpot for $230 in 57 calls. Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won: 2tfn BINGO - April 27, 1976 Huron Fish and Game Club 8:30 p.m. Jackpot 860 in 60 calls. Six door prizes.-lartf CLINTON Horticultural Society auction of Plants & Garrden. Equipment Friday May 7, 1976 Clinton Town Hall at 7 :15 p.m. For dig up and pick up service of donations call 482-9437 on May 6.-17,1$ar FOR Devoid Skmpskell AND Elute Cortef SATURDAY,, MAY 1 DANCING 9 PM - 1 AM - AT THE held at 'Margaret Good's home. The roll call was an- swered by an exchange of recipes. Final plans were made for the dessert euchre. The May meeting will be held at Barbara Lovett's home in the evening. The roll call will be an exchange of plants and slips. Edith W aright, Mairgaret Ball and Marianne Colclough will be responsible for lunch and program. Theraffle was won by Jessie Jones. For program. Margaret Wright had a "sewing" word contest won by Marianne Colclough.. Following•this, she told about her trip to Hawaii. Sue Vodden asked Cathy Gibbings to give her prize winning speech titled "Cocky the Rooster". The meetjng closed by singing "God Save the Queen," and Grace, and lunch was served. Indult vow tantasY FRN, APRIL 23, 976 "a DY BEST FRIEND IS 1. 2' TALL" Combining music. drama and dance . at CENTRAL HiJRON SECONDARY SCHOOL 7 p.m,, Producedto Huron country Playhouse- - Family Pride Children 11.00 15.00 Advance tickets available Adults 11.50 from Morning. Gtoiries. at Clinton. News -Record or at Smiths Pro Hardware BOX 199 SEa BRTh ONTARIO 515 527-0050 ,O TARIO LIONSg LIONS?NUMBER- 1239997 ALL ST = R " OU P6 NEERS OF EsCORTEEp MOT COALM r LRS "OUR BUSINESS 15 GOING PLACES" LIMITED Next To Com mua"riry Pork CUNTON -- ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPENSII:00 P.M. SHOW ATI:30 P.M. Climes Logien Hail SAT. APRIL 24 Florida •Special 14 day Florida Off Season Special April 24, May 8, 22 Twin Basis Per Person + S5 per couple + Lunch + Early Bird Surprise 9p.m.- 10 p.m. Ontario St. United Church Hall Auctioneer: Richard Lobb Sponsors: Coffee -Mates - Morning Unit U.C.W. Voir Support would be Appreciated For information call Jane Groves: 412-9414 Deep Fried Chicken With Mushroom Sauce Creamy. Whipped Potatoes Buttered Green Peas Choice of Desserts The Above includes Soup or Juice, Roll, Salad, Tea or coffee. We Feature Daily Specials ALL FOR' .$365 • OUR SUMMER, HOURS Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - 11 p.m. Friday = 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday - 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sunday - 9 a.m. ' 11 p.m. NORTHERN ONTARIO S day. POLAR BEAR TOUR (41OOSONEE) Departs July 5. 12. 20. 27. Aug 2 9. 17 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-78H GODERICH MR CONDITIONED Now Playing till Sat. Apr. 24 i p.m. weekdays 7:30 8 9:35 Fri. & Sat. recommended as Adult Entertainment. Tam Bir. Pcr Pawn 7 dar LAKE SUPERIOR TOL'R Dcpan. July 19, Sept 20 Twin Bast Per Person 5 day AIACKUNAC ISLAND & AGAWA AN.) ON TOI R Departs July 19. 26 Aug 16. Sept 7, 13.20.27: Oct 4 Twin Basis Per Pawn $189 $225 . HIGHWAYS & BYWAYS 5 day PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH TREAT Departs June 7.21. July 5, 26 Aug 2. Sept 13. 17. Oct 4. 11 Twin Basis Per Pcratn • ?dal, KE.NT1'CK1 (.RAND OLE OPRV Depart. !aI.n1. 24. June 21. July �. 122, 26. Aug 9. 23. Sept 11, Oct - 25 Tarn Bast Per Person VAVAY AYAILTAC Huron Centennial School Brucefield WED. APRIL 28 & THURS. APRIL' 2 9 8:00 P.M. TICKETS: t 11.00 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON HWY. NO: 4 AT VANASTRA RD. PHONE 482-9896 Friday Apr. 23 and Saturday Apr. 24 -' Treat yourself and your friends ... • for your convenience our Hot Buffet is served THURS., & 110. 12 noon 2 p.m. Casual Dress The true star of Itis Kinttxont The American Oivmpt% ski contender whose trait tai•I took everything but her lite And who round the % ourar e to live through the iciVe ot one wry special man -THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' 7 day WILLIAMMSBURG & WASHINGTON Departs Nos 10. June 14, July 19 Aug_ 16. Sept 26, 2'. Oct -1 Twin Banti Per Person 5 day SMOKE% MOUNTAINS & TENNESSEE Depart Sept' _0.2'. Ott 4. 1R. 25179 Twin Basis Per Person THE OTHfffi Mtn 111 T Hi 4htit's T asd. \..nom. \t Aloft , N. N 4404E °' .. 1 •. M nna.+.. n47 M 41. (IRINA s a. t)..► DSA • 51.1 MP. • �t0tiTc-4:0•atst • \'\ .*************4r******** KIDDIES MATINEE •SAT.1:30 SUN. 2p.m. "ALICE IN NEW WONDERLAND" **************** Ir*** Sun. Apr. 25 to Tues. 'Apr. 27 i p.m. "NEXT STOP GREENWICH VILLAGE" AD It ANC' ESTRIC71 0 ro .,,serol le *.ASI a' .i+, ca►► ON•ta Dine by Candlelight SUNDA Y SMORGASI'ORD Spm to8pdm SUSiNESSMEN'SLUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Visit . the KEG ROOM`, + Colour TV • Relaxing atmosphere ***************** *fir** STARTS i p.m. WED. APR.2$ - 00 SAT. ONLY SHOW AT, 8 P.M. ONLY Double Fun Feature *******-*****'********* We4., Apr. 21 to Sat.. May 1 QUEBEC AND THE EASTERN SEABOARD I6day (,ASPE & %IARITIMES IALL CANADIAN ROL TE) Departs June 12. 26 Jul% 10 24 Aug 21. Sept 4 1., 1 is Quo• Per PcrK�n Sday Ql ERIC &'s4(,1 FSA) RI1LR CR1 ISE Dcp ns June t+. f ah 4. '&c 1 1: Sept 12 T u in Base, Per Pasts 9da3 \I1.% E NU- AND &('%P1 (01) Departs June 1•2. 26 Jul% 10.:4 Aug '. 21. Sept 4 1' Tssin Bats Per Pcr•.ui I3 day Al1ARfME & NOR TiIERS NEIL E\4LA.Nn Depart. Jure 6. 13 20. 2':)uh 4 I i. IS. 25. Aug I. $. 15 22. 29 Sept 5. 12, 19. Tattt Ba.is Per Perw*tt I9 day NEU FO1 NUI A\0 rot's Depans June 14 2S July 12. 1i. Aug. 4. 21 Sept 6.. 20 Twin Basis Per Person HEADING .WEST 22 day CANADIAN WEST AO ENTI'RES Departs June 11. 19. 25. 1'..'9 July 1. 1. 10. 17. 24. 31 Aug 7. 14, 21.25, Sept. -L Twin Basi. Pct Person 21 day CALIFORNIA 6 TiHE GOLDEN WEST its April 10. May 1.22. Jul). Atilt 7. Sept 25. Oct. 16 595' Twin Basis Pc; Person R pet" arld Slit. from ft to t1 POPULAR DISC t1 MUSIC and DANCING * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * Licensed under L C B 0 HATFIELD RD GODERICH HOW TO flOOK ` Before making a reserva- tion. we strongly recommend that you es- amine the package bung Offered *id COM* pace the value. 0b not be muted by incom- piete brochures and cheap rates. The per- son vitt° knows the trayet tiratket and travel �at ue is �tr REGISTERED TRAVEL AGE wt. y on ardgi t and book your holiday tlurhigh him. It will cost you no mem. r,.,i . , � w .. , ,. w .sir „t•�,; � u., ,o , i r � .F.. i , �