HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-04-22, Page 15email Women's Inatitute picIci new date o *Ida M. itis tfie April Meeting, of lite Wststa's institute Reid it the Logien Hall on Wednesday, April 14 at $ p.m, friths • tate president. Hilda Payee in the chair. Roil call was arnmeered b!► 24 people paying their dues ler the caring year. A -letter from the Historical Society was rad, giving dales of forthcoming meetings at [snds.boro on April 19 and at Varna on May 1$ andtam- desist( that as Historical contest will - be held at local Pairs again this year. Jessie IricAUister reported nes the'.Soitk Huron District hoard 'meeting held in Nassau en April S. The district annual frill be held at Creates on May 30 with registration at !:M a.m. and members are to 'hake. a pet -luck lunch and to he responsible for courtesy marks. • • Institute Week is May 30 to 4 when visits,- to the rland Lee Home are sally encouraged.-- -The all Rally will be at Dash - on October 4, its twenty- year. Janice Bisback that a planned bus will probably be to the ra district. Mrs. Roylance Westcott, t President, installed new slate of officers as s: past president, Mrs. 1 Payne; president. Mrs. it Pepper; vice-president, . Peter Bisback; district ector, Mrs. James Ulster; secretary, Mrs. art Koehler; assistant cretary, Mrs. Robert treasurer.. Mrs. ohs Skea; assistant urer. Mrs. R.M. Harris; h directors. Mrs. John ea, Mrs; Elizabeth Riley. rs. Pearl Koehlor; public tions, Mrs. Carl Payne. rs. John Corbett; history tors, Mrs. R.M. Peck. rs. Robert Simpson; solutions. Mrs. Wm. 'ntnell; press reporter. . Carl Payne; pianist. . Tom Sherritt Mrs. Cecil pper; auditors Mrs. enson Stoneman. Mrs. rt Heil; card convenor, rs. Gladys Coleman. Committee convenors are.: agriculture and Canadian MndMstries,., Mrs. Elisabeth R iley1 Mrs. Newnan Pepper: and world affairs. Mrs. John Co(bett, Mrs. Carl Payne; educational and cultural activities. Mrs. R.M. Harris, Mrs. Peter fisback; family and consumer affairs. Mrs. Walker Carlile. Mrs. Pearl Koehler. Susie Purdy read a "When the buds begin to bloom" by George Mathew Adams. and Janice Bisback sang. "Breathe on mLbreatit of God" accompanied by Joyce Pepper. The meeting closed with "0, Canada" and a tasty • lunch was served by hostesses Myrtle Sherritt and Afunie Reid and their com- mittee. Need House Repairs? There's an OHRP portunity for you at the end of -a rain- bow! Ontario Home Renewal Program is the new way of helping people with modest incomes to repair the family home they own and live in. T he Village of Hensall will help you find out if you are eligible and will explain how OHRP fills your needs, as OHRP will provide up to 37,500 for improving the structure. plumbing. heating. wiring and sanitation of your needs. You may not have to pay back part of your OHRP assistance. Your income, your family size and length of time you continue living in your home will help deter- mine how much of your loan is repayable. If you would like to know more about this plan, you can get all sorts of help and in- formation from your clerk - treasurer for the Village of Hensel'. Robert J. Heil. Seniors The Three . Links. senior Citizens Club. met on Tuesday evening. April 13 for an evening of euchre. Eight tables were in play. Winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. WO Elisabeth Riley; men's high. Mr. Percy Campbell; ladies' low. Mfrs. Inez $cEwes: men's low. Air. Carl Payne; kwte hands, Mrs. Ruby Bell. Lunch was enjoyed after the end of play. Dwelt !Voles Mausday Thursday Communion Service was held at Hensel! United Church with Rev. Don Beck in charge. and with Mrs. John Turkheint at the organ. The Meditation subject wet "He took a towel". This act of Jesus signified the act of slavery or complete com- mittal to the will of God in all - that was to come. The Communion Service followed the message. The Sunrise Service at the Hensel! United Church was in charge of the Youth Group who conducted a very in- spiring message to begin the day. Leader for the service was Paul Waring. A solo. "Lord of the Dance" was sung . by Gail Tiavers and Joan Alexander gave an uplifting meditation on love. the beginning and end of our witness for Christ and the foundation of His message on earth. John Blackwell assisted at the organ. Following the service. over 100 people gathered in the Fellowship Hall for bacon and egg breakfast, served by the Youth group and helpers. The Easter Sunday Service at Hensall United Church was conducted by Rev. Don Beck. He gave the final sermon of his series, "What is a virtue? `Faith" Faith in the Resurrection is the foun- dation for hope and love that is the witness of a Christian. Easter is a glorious, exciting time. Mrs. John Turkheim and the choir sang the an- them. "Hallelujah! King of Kings" The junior choir sang "Alleiu" with soloist Scott Jesney and Brenda Pepper at the piano. Next Sunday will be Agriculture Sunday. A bowling party for Unit 2 is being arranged for Saturday evening -meet at the church at 7:30 hired. 0 p.m. SMaes may be Petssessls Mfrs. Albert . Shirray has returned from a visit to Florida which included an interesting trip to New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hyde of • Brampton and, Miss Margaret Hyde of London visited with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde for Easter. Mr. and Mrs: Orval Smith and Helen. Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Smith, Mrs. Inez McEwen and Mr. Bruce Walker, all of Hensall. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith on Sunday. Mrs. Inez McEwen at- tended the Broderick- °S(urdevant wedding in Grand Bend United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore and family of London and Mr. and Mrs. Felix Boogemans and family of Burlington visited with Mrs. Pearl Passmore over the weekend. Mr. Richard McCullough of Birr visited with his grand- mother. Mrs. Robert Mid- • ricer! 'dletun on Sunday. ..Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Johnston of Brucefiekt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalrri Mrs.. 'Elizabeth Volland and Mrs. Daisy Ivey during the faster holiday. Mr. • Johnston has just returned from two month visit to Tucson from rrtsere he visited places in Mexico. Other visitors were.Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Taylor of Varna. Mr. and- Mrs. Desmond Ivey. of Sarnia. who- were ac- companied by their grandson Christopher from Maryland; Miss Dawn Brass, Montreal; Mrs. Margaret Coombs. Clinton; Mrs. Audrey Haugh. Exeter: Mrs. Barbara Scott, toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finley, Exeter. Town visitors who called were Mrs. Terry Haugh and baby: Mrs. Winnie Skea, Mrs. Bona Clark. Star Jesney, Danny Bozzato, Ereck Robinson. Jeff Sangster and Jamie Reid. Mr. and Mrs. John Skea had a pleasant Easter visit with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mason of Huron Park. Charles Mickle spent the weekend with his mother. Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins' and or next year Witnesses to meet In a world filled with fear and insecurity, many people are finding the message of Jehovah's Witnesses logical and encouraging. Knocking on doors may be offensive to some, but an increasing number of sincere persons are glad to have the op- portunity to openly discuss the Bible. says a news release. At local Kingdom Halls. each one of Jehovah's Wit- nesses receives training and assistance to develop his ability and effectiveness as a teacher of the Bible, God's Word of truth. However. not only at • congregation meetings is such training given. but also at assemblies like the one to be held at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Norval April 24 and 25. Men. women and children from this area will be eagerly watching and listening as instructors show how .'the good news of the kingdom' can be shared with each member of the com- munity. The assembly is open to the public and on Sunday will be highlighted by an address by K. McCann, District Supervisor, titled "Are You Doing What God Requires of You?" The program will also include u baptism service, during which complete water immersion of candidates will be performed in the Hall's pool built for this purpose. CLINTON NEW$1ECORD..THURSOAY. AP*1L.22,1073—*A*E '11 Supply consisted mainly oaf hliby Sarah spent Sunday and Monday with her. Hems* Sales Boni heifers and steers; • IFTWAPrA0001kSTORESTOgES PISCES EFFECTIVE iRt T.UES •Aprd127 76 demand was active and prices were up. Fat cattle: heifers *41.50 - *47.7S; steer;, $42.5S-$441.75; Feeder cattle. heifers S3i- i42.50; steers. i411-341. Pigs: weanlings. 333-350; chunks *S2 -iii. • reolor'ss. are samoreend to empress their animism M 'Whore to • the ellitsr. however. sash evasions de net reassurlir represent Ile animism el the 1lesend, psewiesyeet cosy be wed w Misr rM . b M idler M vita wises if cos ice veritas w MARKET Foe loos iirbsO Caw ,pi., . We Ave a "spry TONAL and AL MN•.ra. mess mom r..:. Irene era, a sr. se 1 • we` w t 4 Roll 11.0 Scott Solt 4 Pretty TOILET (ISSUE 8-94 Knechtels Natural CHEESE Random we.phts Colby Morbls limb 1.38. too sue. 1110111“110111101111. - IRO 1 E F 000 S 1440141irtor solssos.w- H1l1111w.r Ooston Ole FISH & CHIPS 20 es 79 sevens POT PIES Setif. Osmium . Turbos, .os 3/1.00 sun Squ/ese ORANGE JUICE 12 os 3/1.00 Western lemon JELLY ROLLS 69' westens Apple or Raids PIES . 69' Ammsompoomik Kroft BARBQ SAUCE • 69, t�os boat. - J Schno.ders Voc Swsoked COTTAGE ROLL 1.6916 Schs..ders. CORNED BEEF los 79` pkg. • Stokely KIDNEY BEANS ....3/1.OQ • Sc hne.d er s MINI SIZZLERS 1►b 1.19 Schneiders Country Maple COOKED HAM 6 e 99` 9 Nestles Chocolate QUICK wdRa DOG OR CAT FOOD 'sus 6/1.00 1 lb 891 LYSOL SPRAY co.; whole KERNEL CORN Rebut Hood FLOUR licks wine SAUERKRAUT Sestet Tub T.I. LYSOL CLEANER Kroft MIRACLE WHIP Lysol TOILET BOWL CLEANER tJos 1.67 'los 3/1.00 (1.79 536 99' lens 69` 83 ` to., 3/1.00 591 101b Carnival Mandor.n ORANGES Cornlvel TOMATO JUICE 12 os 41 os disr ems swoon • ♦ Clover leaf PINK SALMON 84; 71 los 1.n PEW O It 1;)r48)1111 Con Fowcy Controlled Atmosphere MarINTOSH APPLES '�•' d59`3tbs Sunk's, Novel ORANGES tt3s -Inc dos V.n. R.P.ned TOMA TOES 33b. Cello 1 b RADISHES 39` Co-ordinated Sportswear Match or Mix Your Sportswear PAGE ONE CLINGFIT 411.