HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-04-15, Page 39404 stai„io
This attractivecompan1otpIantIng features sem1dwadAnzrIcarI madsjnereaazicia
mixture of as ht the foreground.
Shape -Pup your hedges
Hedges can be lieautiful -
especially when they're thlek and
green right to the ground as the
result of regUlar trimming,
woof the most COMITIOrt hedge
plants., privet and ewt make
excellent hedges beeaute they
can be renewed very easily, says -
ILA. Fleming, a horticulturist
with the Ontario ministry of
agriculture and food.
"Privet hedges can be trimmed
batik severely In late winter or
early spring, and within one
season they will return to a sleek,
condition. The yew is
o the few evergreens that
will also withstand severe
Pruitt and recover easily," he
Scale needs control ow
Lllac, apple, juniper and a directions, .it cant, vide
large number of other trees and cellentcontrol of scale.
shrubs can be infested4vith a pest -
known as "scale," an Insect that
suckslhe sap of the host, causing
twigs and whole branches to
wither and die. But scale can be
brought under control, if your
spray timing is correct.
"Scale insects spend most of
their life cycle under a hard
scale, which makes their control
difficult with ordinary garden
pesticides. For a very few days in
May. ,the crawlers emerge from
under the scale, when they can be
controlled with malathion
sprays. But since the crawler
stage lasts only a few days. it can
be missed elisily." says an ex-
tension horticulturist with the
Ontario ministry of agriculture
and food. D.B. McNeill.
According to Mr. McNeill the
most effective control for scale is
a dormant oil spray that should
be atmlied -in the spring before
the buds break. This is a special
oil available at any garden
supply store. When applied ac-
cording to the manufacturer's
It pays to
Because of the limited amount
of soil in the pots of househplants.
the level of plant nutrients can
soon be depleted. For stronger,
larger plants that will flower
better and last longer, it's im-
portant to fertilize houseplants
regularly, states ministry of
agriculture and food hor-
ticulturist, R.F. Gomme.
"Fertilizers are available in
many forms." he says.. "Those
such as 5-10-15 and` super-
phosphate can be applied when
the soil' is heft mixed for pot-
ting. For regular feeding, there
are several kinds available.
either as complete plant food or
as liquid concentrates."
Whatever type is used. Mr.
Gomme recommends that indoor
gardeners read and follow the
manufacturer's directions
carefully. A common fault is to
add too strong a fertilizer which
may injure plants. Many of the
tradoealne fertilizer forms can
be diluted with water. The hor-
ticulturistalso recommends that
,plants be given regular feedings
about every two weeks, rather'
than large applications oc-
ex -
Rejuvenating a privet hedge is
a drastic procedure. Hedge
plants should be cut hard back to
12 tO 15 inches, from the ground in
the spring before growth starts.
Side branches of the plants
should also. be cut back
proportionately at this time.
The horticulturist says that
new growth will soon appear,
producing a thicker, vigorous and
more manageable hedge, Proper
watering and fertilization may
also help the development of new
Irained b esiestial.,
At' &upply oL water is
at111 timesvine
the growing pIant
• cool nd ,
Unt rot
ded 1
is a, " in diameter, the 41"
Y smail plants of and to keep
win ;OhDahlias for mist for Opti
flawev borders, or we
ne specialzsts, growing
the moreexotic forins which
require extra care in feeding,
staking, spraying and disbud.
Fertile tali...POMP. ;taking 1.**
must 40(.1‘ is peat done when the
cuttings. or tuber s are Plant
Far exhibition klecn, side shocits
are removed as the plant grows,
leaving just .one stern. When the
Dahlias are usually planted itra flower buds begin to. form, alt but
bright, sunny location as rooted one are removed.
cuttings or as tuberous roots , For cut ,110Were or garden
from which the new young plant colOr, pinching the tip from new
velePS. Planting should begin sterna in the saFing will cause
-only after danger of frost is branching and multiple stems to
passed. The soil Should , be form, each of which will produce
prepared deeply, manure or floWera.
organic matter incorporated as Further information on Dahlias
well as a liberal application of a L. can be obtained by writing to the
good general purpose garden Information Branch of the
fertilizer such as a 540-15 or a 10- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
10-10. and Food. Parliament Buildings,
Dahlias are heavy feeders and Toronto. Ask for publication No.
rapid growers so a rich. friable. 43, Dahlias.
Propagation by cuttings
The houseplant fancier can
propagate many varieties of
geranium, coleus and ,ivy
whenever suitable growths are
available. , • ,
To propagate houseplants by
cuttings, use side shoots or tips of
branches three to six inches long.
Remove the tower leaves from
the cuttings to facilitate planting.
Trim the base of each cutting so
the cut is clean and not ragged.
"Cuttings of plants that root
rapidly. such as Wandering Jew
and Coleus, may be set in a glass
of water," says Ontario ministry
of agriculture and food- hor-
ticulturist, D.M. Sangster.
''Howevermost cuttings
produce better roots in clean,
sharp sand or in a meditun such
as perlite." Keep the medium
molit, but not saturated, and do
notreuse a medium unless it has
been sterilized.
To create a moist atmosphere
around cuttings and.. preyent
them from wilting, cover with 4
glass jar or plastic. Iternove the
covering grudaally 1Otte the
cuttings begin to root.
Shade cuttings from the sun,
but make sure they have plenty of
indirect light. When roots are one
to two inches long, transfer the
young plants to small pots nearly
filled with a suitable potting soil.
George Wraith haL the equipment
for better reiktits
eicium LOADERS
2 Mi. East of Goderich Hirt.
44 p.m.